Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2547 Encounter

Chapter 2547 Encounter
When they just left the door.At this time, many people rushed over. These people wore all kinds of clothes, and it seemed that they were not kind.

Chen Heng signaled people to stop, and he slowly walked to the front, "Who are you?"

At this time he was very vigilant.

One of the leaders said, "We are the Eighth Route Army, where did the gunshots come from?"

"Eighth Route Army?" Chen Heng frowned, "Hehe, who did I think! Get out of the way, they are all anti-Japanese armed forces, I don't want to start a fight with my own people!"

The Eighth Route Army that came was Da Guang, and he rushed over with a company.

"What? You are also an anti-Japanese force? Excuse me, which department do you belong to?" Daguang asked.

"I'm the Ninth Route Army. I came here to produce rape and eliminate evil. I just cleaned up a landlord and took some food. What? Have you heard of the Nine Route Army?" Chen Hengcai was not afraid of them.

What about the Eighth Route Army?

"Nine Route Army? How could the Nine Route Army be here?" However, Da Guang said yes, but he also murmured in his heart, could they really be the Nine Route Army?

But the Ninth Route Army...

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way!" Chen Heng shouted loudly.

Just when Daguang wanted them to leave, Shen Tiezhu saw the right moment and ran over quickly, "Master Jun, they robbed my food, they are bandits!"

Chen Heng was really angry when Shen Tiezhu came and said, "What are you talking about, dog?"

Shen Tiezhu suddenly got behind Daguang, not to mention anything else, Daguang has a gun behind him, and so many people behind him have guns, if there is a fight, maybe he can get back his own food!

What a nasty bully!
"Wait, if you don't understand what you said, it seems that this food cannot be taken away!" Da Guang said coldly.

"Hehe, it's up to you?" Chen Heng was hit with a stick, but it didn't affect his skill.

"What? Gestures?" Daguang's skill is unquestionable, he is not afraid to fight anyone.

"Come on!" After finishing speaking, Chen Heng swung his fist. The fist was so powerful that it hit Da Guang's chest with a biting cold wind!

"Ah!" Da Guang shouted angrily, and instead of avoiding it, he took Chen Heng's fist with his chest.

The fist hit Da Guang's body, and the two forces canceled out in a strange way.

Chen Heng understood at once, he had encountered a problem, no, it was a stunned young man, then, the next fight would be really interesting.

Chen Heng is confident that he can beat Da Guang, and Da Guang is also confident that he can beat Chen Heng.

Just fight, they are really not afraid of anyone!
Instead, Ma Xiaokun and the others were worried.

Ma Xiaokun and others immediately took out pistols from their bodies and confronted them.

"Xiao Kun, don't be impulsive, I will fight this person first!" Chen Heng said.

At this time, he also knew that it was difficult to deal with a hard stubble.

"Yeah, don't do anything, I'm going to make a decision on this person!" Da Guang also said.

Both sides put down their weapons, and then stared at each other covetously.

"At this time, there are more and more people onlookers. They don't know who these two sides are, but is it important who is who? This town has not even had a decent fight for many years. This time, they They all looked at this fight as a bystander, and more importantly, a judge, like a juggler!

This time, Daguang jumped up unreservedly and kicked over. The force of this kick exhausted all his strength. Chen Heng didn't dare to hesitate, nor did he dare to use his body to catch the kick easily. With one move, he dodged sideways, and then jumped up from the ground, sweeping everything with one leg as if opening up the world!
Daguang raised his arms, and grabbed Chen Heng's legs abruptly.

"Is there any more? I think you are nothing more than that!" Da Guang sneered, full of disdain.

"Hehe, good, very good! However, you are limited to this!" Chen Heng understood that this Daguang was a brute force, and it might be difficult to beat him in terms of strength. If you can't win, then you can find it somewhere else. Before Chen Heng went up the mountain to become a bandit, he learned some boxing techniques from his master. Although these boxing techniques are varied, they focus on one technique, and this technique is to Attack where your strength is weak!

Daguang is powerful and his defense is unambiguous, so where is his weakness?

There is no doubt that the foundation lies in the two legs. Whenever he receives Chen Heng's fists and kicks, Da Guang's legs will bend, as if his legs are deeply embedded in the soil.

It can be said that Daguang has practiced this basic skill for many years, and it is easy to grasp!

Thinking of this, Chen Heng immediately resorted to a set of "Butterfly Creation!" created by his master.

The so-called Butterfly Creation was suddenly enlightened by his master when he saw the lightness of Butterfly. With four or two strokes of a thousand jin's strength, he could offset the opponent's powerful strength!

Butterfly creation, the most fundamental, lies in the coordination between the two arms.

Sure enough, Daguang frowned when the Butterfly Creation came out. He had never seen such a boxing technique. He knew a thing or two about the monkey boxing, mantis boxing, and even various ways of robbery that are widely spread in the world. However, the outline of this boxing technique in front of him has no idea!

The fists of the two people intersected together, and even the bones made a "creaking" sound.

"I didn't expect you to know such boxing skills, it really opened my eyes!" Da Guang said while accepting the move.

"Hehe, what I didn't expect is yet to come!" Chen Heng said coldly.

"In this case, then I want to see how your boxing skills are!" Da Guang became interested, as if he was sparring with the other party.

When Daguang hit Chen Heng with all his strength, he could always easily defuse him. On the contrary, when his light fist hit him, his internal organs felt a little trembling.

This boxing method is not ordinary.

Daguang subconsciously felt that he couldn't beat this person, but he would not let him go easily, "Yes, you are very powerful, but even if I die, I have to figure out what's going on. !"

"Then go die!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, Butterfly Chuang showed his strongest side.

I saw Chen Heng spread his arms, like two huge wingspans, and the strong wind blew towards him violently, and Chen Heng was swaying over in this strong wind, making Da Guang unable to open his eyes.

All of a sudden, a palm hit Da Guang's chest heavily, "Pfft..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Daguang's mouth.

The soldiers quickly caught Da Guang, and pointed their guns at Chen Heng.

Daguang hurriedly stopped, "What are you doing? Let it go!"

"I am willing to admit defeat!" Daguang said very straightforwardly.

"It's good to know, but I don't have time to chat with you, so let's go!" After saying that, Chen Heng took his people and left.

"Dare to ask Your Excellency, what is the name of your boxing technique just now?" Da Guang asked quickly.

"Butterfly Chuang!" Chen Heng dropped three words, sat in the carriage and left.

Butterfly creation?
Da Guang thought about these three words, he seemed to have heard of these three words somewhere, but he quickly realized them.

He was punched in the chest by Chen Heng, and he vomited a mouthful of blood just now, but nothing happened now.

Shen Tiezhu was stunned, he never expected that Chen Heng's power was so powerful.Daguang turned his head and looked at Shen Tiezhu, "Master, I would like to ask, who is Shen Tiezhu here?"

Shen Tiezhu looked at Daguang, and then slowly said, "I...I am..."

"You are?" Da Guang was taken aback, and then said to the person behind him, "Go, send someone to follow that person just now, and see where their residence is?"

"Yes!" Saying that, a soldier followed.

"I don't know, what does Master Jun want from me?" Shen Tiezhu looked at Da Guang and asked.

In fact, Shen Tiezhu's name is very big, who doesn't know it in this tens of miles around?

The biggest landlord here is Shen Tiezhu.

Of course, what can Daguang come here for?Isn't it also "borrowing food"?

When Daguang opened his mouth, Shen Tiezhu seemed to have received a critical blow of [-] points. In one day, he could receive these three guys!
Didn't Shen Tiezhu burn incense to any god last night?
Not to mention anything else, just talking about this one in front of him seems to be much friendlier. Besides, so many of Da Guang and the others have guns, no matter how confused Shen Tiezhu is, he won't fight against someone with a gun!

When he arrived at his house, he said directly, "Master Jun, you also know that the Wa people are here today. If it is food, the group just now asked for food. If you want more food, there is really not much left!"

"How much is there? Let's take as much as we want!"

How could this sentence come from Da Guang's mouth?
He smacked his mouth, "Master Jun, I mean, can we save some?"

"Save some? Of course you have to save some!" After Da Guang finished speaking, Shen Tiezhu immediately asked the old housekeeper to get the food.

Daguang was not polite, "Let my soldiers carry it!"

As he said that, a dozen people behind him entered his granary together!

After getting the food, Chen Heng returned to Jiangjiatun, washed his hair with hot water, and the villagers simply wrapped him in cloth strips.

Lin Jianhua's condition seemed to be much better, and he always wanted to stand up and take a walk.

"The boss!" Chen Heng looked at him and said.

"Speak up if you have anything to say!" Seeing what Chen Heng said, Lin Jianhua asked first.

"Master, that's it. When we came from Heishui Town, we met some people!" Chen Heng said slowly

"Meet someone? Who is it?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"These people claim to be the Eighth Route Army! Is the Eighth Route Army the same as our Ninth Route Army? Are they all fighting devils?" After Chen Heng finished speaking, Lin Jianhua frowned, "This Eighth Route Army is not the same!"

"Different?" Chen Heng hurriedly asked, "Master, could it be that the Eighth Route Army is..."

"Their philosophy is different from other troops. This is also the result of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The full name is the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army. The leaders of the Eighth Route Army are different from others. They believe in another set. The doctrine is different. The result is different. Although I have not seen it, I have seen many newspapers, all of which reported on the Eighth Route Army. Although they did not fight a frontal battlefield, they also achieved great results in guerrilla warfare in the areas occupied by the devils. Few wins!" Lin Jianhua was somewhat clear about this.

"To deal with such troops, we can't provoke them. Tell everyone that they are all friendly troops. If we encounter devils in the future, let's fight together!" Lin Jianhua said.

"I even fought against an officer of the Eighth Route Army today, and I won!" Chen Heng said.

"Fight?" Lin Jianhua never thought of it.

"However, neither of us has malicious intentions, it's just a misunderstanding!" Chen Heng said.

"Misunderstanding or misunderstanding is already the case, I have a chance to explain it clearly to them!" After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua asked Chen Heng to help him up, "Although we are the Ninth Route Army in name, we don't have any documents, we are counterfeit , You know this, if we really meet the Eighth Route Army again and treat each other with courtesy, we will not offend each other!"

"I know!" Chen Heng said.

"Do you know why the Eighth Route Army appeared here?" Lin Jianhua asked again.

"I don't know. For so many years, even other units of the national army have not appeared. How did the Eighth Route Army appear so well? I will check this matter after I am done!" Chen Heng said.

"Well, check it out!" Lin Jianhua walked a few steps, and was very happy when he found that he could really walk, "Let me just say, my body is fine!"

"One more thing!" Chen Heng said again, "We saw the devils, and they also took food from Shen Tiezhu!"

"Devil? Are all the devils here?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Big boss, think about it, this devil has a lot of people now, the stick army, the puppet army, and their devils have all gathered together, so they are also in short supply of food now, come to think of it, these food is also an urgent need, I think, is there any way we can grab the food back from the devils!" Chen Heng asked.

"If you can fight, you can fight. If you can't fight, don't force it. We have many people, but we don't have enough equipment and ammunition. If a devil comes to our door, we can fight." Lin Jianhua said.

"Well, I got it, then I'll let Xiaokun and Junjie do things!" Supporting Lin Jianhua to sit on the bed, Chen Heng left.

In Lin Jianhua's heart, he kept thinking about when Yang Fei would come!
If he came, he would have a backbone in his heart. However, this matter did not seem too optimistic. Yang Fei might have died at the hands of the devil.

Thinking of this, Lin Jianhua felt inexplicable pain in his heart.

"Yang Fei, brother Yang, where are you?"

He lay down, and he didn't know how to go next, step by step, from a bandit to a regular army, this matter, he never thought about it, especially those recruits, student children, where they can go after they are brought out ?But don't lose your life because of the war!

Every time he thought of these student soldiers, Lin Jianhua felt as if there was a kind of evil in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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