Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2548 The latest situation

Chapter 2548 The latest situation

The smoke from the farmhouse is peaceful.

Daguang looked at Shen Wanxi, and Shen Wanxi was smoking a cigarette, "Daguang, why haven't the people you sent come back yet, have they been discovered? Hmm?"

"Commander Shen, I don't know about this, but I just want to see what happened to the Nine Route Army they mentioned!" Da Guang said, "I've been thinking in my heart, watching Their outfits don't look like regular soldiers, but bandits!"

"You said that your kung fu should be considered powerful, and you met someone who is even stronger than you? In this regard, do you know what the other person is?" Shen Wanxi asked, as the soot fell from the cigarette and fell to the ground, his body was smashed to pieces .

"I don't know, but I always feel like I've seen it before, but I can't be sure!" Da Guang said, "If Coach Ji is still alive, maybe I can try to fight that guy, but now that I think about it, it's not at all Impossible!"

"It's a pity, last time in the breakout, Coach Ji's special forces encountered a strong resistance, hey!" Said Ji Taichang, their expressions were a little sad.

"Let's not talk about that!" Da Guang sat down and got a cup of tea. "By the way, I heard that the brigade headquarters is coming soon. We have few people, so the responsibility to protect the brigade headquarters is very heavy!"

"Yes, I think the brigade headquarters should be placed in a safe place. From the map, there is a village called Jiangjiatun. This village is surrounded by water on three sides. It is a good place. Daguang, you bring people , go and have a look first!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Well, okay, leave this matter to me, since Jiangjiatun is suitable, I'm looking at the surrounding environment!" After speaking, Daguang stood up and was about to leave.

At this time, the soldier who was sent out came back, and he immediately said, "Battle Commander, I'm back!"

Daguang hurried over, "How is it? Follow those people, what's the matter?"

The soldier began to say, "Battle Commander, Regiment Commander, I followed them all the way to Jiangjiatun. Not to mention, there are many people stationed in Jiangjiatun!"

"Oh? It seems that they are really the Nine Route Army?" Da Guang frowned.

But on second thought, stationed in Jiangjiatun?

"What is the Ninth Route Army?" the soldier said, "Commander, to tell you the truth, I went to observe for a while. If I guess correctly, they are probably our Eighth Route Army!"

"What?" Shen Wanxi immediately stood up from the chair, "The Eighth Route Army? Do you know which department it is from?"

"Listen to me!" said the soldier, "After I went there, I found that a large part of the people inside looked like students, they were practicing the most basic things, but there were still some who looked like bandits! "


Upon hearing this, Shen Wanxi became even more unclear, "Students and bandits? What's going on here?"

"Regimental Commander!" Da Guang said, "Don't worry, the person who challenged me today was dressed as a bandit. However, they say it's the Ninth Route Army, so we don't have to ask too much!"

Then, the soldier continued, "The student soldiers inside helped the common people chop firewood and boil water. It was a joy to get along with the local common people. I thought we had reached our own base!"

"So, the Ninth Route Army is really real!" Da Guang rubbed his chin, "Since it's good for the common people, it's still a team that fights devils. Commander, I think we can try to get in touch with each other!"

"Yes, you can try to get in touch!" After speaking, Shen Wanxi said, "I think this matter should be handed over to Li Mobai. He can do it well!"

"Leader, let Li Mobai and I go!" Da Guang volunteered, and Shen Wanxi had to agree.

For newcomers, one more friend is better than one more enemy, this is their method.

"Since there is a garrison in Jiangjiatun, we have to find another way to find a suitable place for the brigade!" Shen Wanxi said to himself.



The university shrouded the entire Beihai in a white world. Yang Fei and Han Qing were walking on the road. Ever since he met Shen Wanxi last time, Yang Fei's mood began to get excited.

It's not that Han Qing didn't know that Yang Fei might know him, but it's hard to explain Yang Fei's narrow escape.

Just fool around like this, since they are beating devils anyway, it should be the same for those who know it or not.

"Sir, I think you need to think about one thing now," Han Qing said.

"I know what you're going to say, but I'm very upset now!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, you have found an old friend, but you can't see each other. You should really want to know what the Eighth Route Army has experienced in the past year. However, you will always know about it. You don't have to keep worrying about it. Let's find Lin Jianhua first. Wait for someone to talk about it!" Han Qing tried to comfort him.

"The county was taken down by the devils. I don't know if Lin Jianhua broke through. It's okay if he breaks through. If he doesn't break out, it's not good!" Yang Fei simply sat down, on the back of a small hill, he said He took a breath, then rubbed his hands together.

"Lin Jianhua has his own auspiciousness, and he should be fine. Besides, Chen Heng still has [-] student soldiers with him. No matter what happens, the whole army will not be wiped out. We only need to find any one of them now, and we will know The answer!" After Han Qing said this, suddenly, he heard several gunshots.

The intermittent gunshots sounded particularly piercing now.

"What's going on?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know, I think, I should have encountered an enemy!" As he said, Han Qing jumped up and went straight to the top of the hill. After looking at it for a while, he jumped down, "Sir, there are a few devils ahead Let's go, let's go and see!"

"Let's go, kill the devils if there are any, this is our responsibility!" Said, Yang Fei and Han Qing walked towards the place where the gunfire sounded.

Seen from a distance, a small group of devils were chasing and fighting fiercely, and the one running in front was a group of the Eighth Route Army.

Behind the Eighth Route Army, there are still more than a dozen soldiers in the rear.

Obviously, the Eighth Route Army should be running out of ammunition, and the devils seemed to know this, and began to attack frantically.

"Han Qing, it seems that these devils are going to die in our hands today!" Yang Feiyue was eager to try.

"Of course, sir, you wait here, I'll come as soon as I go!" Han Qing was about to leave after finishing speaking.

"How is it possible, let's go together, to deal with devils, you have a way, and I have a way!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took the lead in running.

"Sir, wait for me!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing did not show weakness and ran over directly.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army was obviously exhausted. Wang Wei, who was walking in the front, was wrapped in a thick scarf.

His complexion was obviously not very good, pale and weak, as if he had been ill for a long time.

"Old Li! Old Li!" Wang Wei, who was being supported, shouted to Li Jiguang beside him.

"Political commissar, tell me!" Li Jiguang said, watching the battle behind him.

"Lao Li, leave me alone, I'm just an oil bottle. Now, you hurry up and find Shen Wanxi and the others, and you'll be saved. The soldiers should have run out of ammunition. If this continues, we won't be able to leave. I'm already sick. It's serious, don't fall behind because of me!" At this moment, Wang Wei couldn't move a single step.

Li Jiguang hurried over, "Political commissar, it's not good for you to say that!" After finishing speaking, he let the two soldiers around Wang Wei leave, and then directly carried Wang Wei on his back, "No one is missing! Beihai, we just need to get through This long winter will be saved next year!"

"Lao Li, put me down!" Wang Wei struggled to free himself, but he obviously didn't have much strength left.

"Don't say this in front of me, how many years, how many years have I been with you, besides we are comrades, I also think that we are all brothers! Never give up in front of devils. Said to give up! It really embarrasses me!" Li Jiguang roared.

Stepping on this road, two feet were deeply sunk into a layer of snow that was thirty or forty centimeters deep.

The road is difficult to walk, but every time he takes a step, Li Jiguang feels in his heart that there is an extra guarantee.

"Hehe!" Wang Wei's eyes filled with tears, he gritted his teeth, "Okay, I promise you, I will die in our base!"

I don't know if Shen Wanxi has developed the base area, it's only been a few days, maybe Shen Wanxi doesn't have the energy to develop it so quickly, right?

"You can't die, political commissar, you want to die before the devils are wiped out, you can do it!" Li Jiguang shouted.

At this time, a soldier ran over, "Brigade Commander! Brigadier Commander, the soldiers in charge of blocking the attack are out of bullets!"

"If there is no bullet, let them stop it. Now, listen to my order!" After speaking, Li Jiguang looked at the soldier, "You are responsible for sending the political commissar to a safe place!" As he said, he lifted Wang Wei from his back. Put it down, and then took out the pistol from your waist, "I'll be responsible for stopping the devils! Remember, make sure all the brigade headquarters are safe!"

After speaking, Li Jiguang walked behind him. 】

Li Jiguang has no idea how many devils are behind.

At worst, death is the only way to keep Wang Wei and the others safe.

"Old Li! You bastard! Put me down, and I will shoot too!" Wang Wei struggled to get rid of the soldier's back.

Li Jiguang didn't agree to him at all, but just walked behind him.

Many people in the brigade have already sacrificed, but those who sacrificed are all inferior and heroic.

The front of the rifle is fully equipped with a bayonet.

Hand-to-hand combat is very good. It has been a long time since Li Jiguang started hand-to-hand combat with devils. This battle, if we don't fight to the end, we will never give up!


When the soldiers saw Li Jiguang coming, they were all a little excited.

"Soldiers, leave the safety of the brigade headquarters to us. We are the last line of defense. We don't know how many devils are there now. However, it is indeed the tradition of our Eighth Route Army to sacrifice our lives for the final victory. I will fight with everyone!" Li Jiguang made the final preparations.

"it is good!"

With the addition of Li Jiguang, the soldiers were enthusiastic.

No matter who is here, Li Jiguang will never give up, it is not his own instinct to give up.

Laying in ambush, waiting for the last unexpected close combat with the devils.

However, while waiting, two shadows suddenly appeared around him.

These two shadows went directly to the ghosts in front. No one knew how fast the shadows were, but Li Jiguang was stunned to see the ghosts fall one by one.

The soldiers were also stunned.

"Brigadier... this..."

Li Jiguang looked at that figure... but he fell into deep thoughts.

Yang Fei?

Thinking of this, Li Jiguang couldn't bear to get a little excited.

"Yang Fei already..."

No, Li Jiguang looked at it, and he confirmed that one of the figures was definitely Yang Fei. Could it be that Yang Fei's ghost couldn't forget to protect the safety of the brigade at this time?

Thinking of this, Li Jiguang couldn't bear it anymore, raised his hand gun, and fired at a devil, "Comrades, come with me, let's destroy the devil together!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang rushed towards the devil past!
The soldiers screamed, brave as wolves, and shuttled through this cold winter.

"Kill! Kill!"

Yang Fei and Han Qing didn't pay any attention to the Eighth Route Army who ran over. Yang Fei naturally understood that the Eighth Route Army would never watch the two of them kill devils. .

The only weapon in Yang Fei's hand was a sharpened branch. At this time, the branch was already covered with thick blood, which pierced into the devil's body, and he would be seriously injured if he died.

Soon, with the cooperation of the Eighth Route Army, thirty or forty devils all fell down.

Yang Fei smiled, looked at Han Qing and said, "This devil is vulnerable, he is not my opponent!"

"Sir, of course, these devils are sending us supplies!" Said, Han Qing went to pack two guns.Then I touched some food on the devil.

At this time, Li Jiguang walked up to Yang Fei slowly, and he shouted tremblingly, "Yang... Fei..."

Yang Fei was taken aback, this voice...

He turned his head slowly, and it turned out to be Li Jiguang. He suppressed his crushing emotions, "You... hello!"

"You are really Yang Fei!" After saying that, Li Jiguang burst into tears, "Dog, are you still alive?"

Han Qing hurriedly shouted, "What are you talking about? You are the one who died!"

Yang Fei smiled, "I don't know who you are, but it seems that you know me!"

"I know, of course I know you, you are my soldier, one of my regiment commanders, your name is Yang Fei, isn't it?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you really admitted the wrong person!" Yang Fei smiled, looked at the devil on the ground, Yang Fei pointed and said, "I will leave the rest of the collection to you, I took two guns, and Some food!"

With that said, Yang Fei turned around and left.

"Yang Fei! You..." Li Jiguang didn't know why Yang Fei refused to recognize him. Could it be that Yang Fei was angry and asked him to go to logistics?

He watched Yang Fei leave slowly, and felt in his heart that they were like two worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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