Chapter 2549 Back
The soldiers cleaned up all the guns that could not be taken away. Li Jiguang asked the soldiers to take out all the bullets, as well as the thick cotton clothes worn by the devils, and the food they carried with them. These things, they must take away.

Li Jiguang knew that he didn't put much effort into this battle. Yang Fei and that Han Qing basically finished the battle. If it wasn't for them, perhaps, many soldiers would have to be sacrificed.

After clearing up the battlefield, Li Jiguang quickly found Wang Wei.

Seeing that Li Jiguang returned safely, the stone in Wang Wei's heart also slowly fell.

He carried Wang Wei on his back, and then put a devil's padded jacket on Wang Wei's body.

"So fast? It seems that you, the brigade commander, are different!" Wang Weiqiang pretended to smile.

However, Li Jiguang's expression was a little different, "Old Li? What's wrong with you?"

Li Jiguang woke up from his own thoughts, "Commissar, tell me, are there really two people who look alike in this world?"

"Yes, twins!" Wang Wei said without thinking.

"It's not that I remember, Yang Fei didn't say that he has twin brothers?" Li Jiguang murmured to himself.

"What Yang Fei?" Wang Wei also became a little excited.

"Okay, let's go and let me talk to you!"


Jiangjiatun, Ma Xiaokun happily ran over, "Commander, Commander!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Jianhua asked quickly.

"Guess who's back?" Ma Xiaokun's excitement gave Lin Jianhua a thought.

"You mean, Yang Fei... Brother Yang?"

Lin Jianhua asked happily.

"Yes, I'm back, I'm back!" After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, he supported Lin Jianhua and walked out. Just as he lifted the curtain, he saw Yang Fei and Han Qing approaching. Lin Jianhua hurried over, even though he hadn't recovered. !
He was still running, and when he saw Yang Fei, he hugged Yang Fei tremblingly, "Brother Yang, where have you been?"

With a bit of resentment, Lin Jianhua didn't let go for a long time.

"Haha, where can I go? At the beginning, I was taken away by that Honda guy. I suffered a lot. Fortunately, Han Qing went early, otherwise, I don't know how to get back!" Yang Fei said.

The two hurried into the room, and Ma Xiaokun quickly poured tea. He looked at Yang Fei with some embarrassment, and didn't know what to say. He just stood behind Lin Jianhua and listened to them.

"I took a look just now. This place is nice, surrounded by water on three sides, but it's winter now, and the river is completely frozen. When the river opens in spring next year, this is the best base." Yang Fei said.

"It's good that you come!" Lin Jianhua said.

The two of them chatted for a long time, until it was really dark, and they quickly called someone to have dinner together.

After dinner, Chen Heng rushed back from outside. When he heard that Yang Fei was here, he hurried over to look for him.

The moment the two looked at each other, Chen Heng came over, "Brother Yang!"

"Brother Chen, you have been tired these days!" Yang Fei said.

"Not tired! Not tired, how can you be tired?" Chen Heng said, then sat down, drank a few sips of water, and then listened to Yang Fei talk about something.

Jiangjiatun has never been so lively. Yang Fei's arrival made everyone seem to have a backbone.

Especially Lin Jianhua, he felt that Yang Fei was the real one who could lead everyone to fight devils together.

Speaking of this, Yang Fei said, "We claim to be the Ninth Route Army, but we don't have any proof of the Ninth Route Army, and we said it ourselves. I think, why don't we reorganize our personnel?"

Lin Jianhua saw Yang Fei like this, "Tell me, how do we adapt it?"

"First is the problem of personnel. We have a small number of people, and there are only about [-] people. An army is too famous. Otherwise, we will reorganize it into a regiment. You will be the regiment leader and let Chen Heng be the deputy commander!" Yang said. Fei said.

"What about you? Brother Yang, without you, we don't know what to do!" Lin Jianhua said.

"It doesn't matter to me, I will be a staff member!" Yang Fei said.

"No, it can't be like this. How about you being the head of the regiment?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"No, no, of course you are the commander. If possible, I think it would be great for me to be a battalion commander!" Yang Fei said.

"battalion commander?"

These establishments are all based on the establishment of the national army. It is indeed a bit embarrassing for Yang Fei to be the battalion commander, but Yang Fei said so, and Lin Jianhua didn't know what to do. Chen Heng shook his head and said, "Brother Yang, this Deputy regiment commander, I'm not the one, you come and I'll be the battalion commander, how about it?"

Everyone looked at Yang Fei, but Yang Fei still shook his head, "To tell you the truth, I have never had any rules when I beat devils. I just saw it and I wanted to attack. With so many brothers, there must be a person with high morals and prestige to take care of them. These students Bing, of course Xiao Kun will be the leader. For the former brothers, Chen Heng will be the leader. Brother Lin, you will be the coordinator. This is the most suitable person! Of course I will stay with us and fight devils with everyone !"

Lin Jianhua didn't say anything, but Yang Fei had to be assigned a job if he stayed here, and he didn't want to be the head and deputy head of the group, so what did he want to do?
Perhaps seeing what Lin Jianhua was thinking, Yang Fei said, "If possible, I will be a war supervisor!"

"A war supervisor?" Lin Jianhua didn't know what this war supervisor did.However, since Yang Fei brought it up, he could only agree, "Okay, as long as you stay, everything will be fine!"

"Well, that's it. Our staffing is set now. As for the battalion commander, Brother Lin, you decide this!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, I already have an idea in my mind. Three hundred people should be divided into three battalions. Let Wang Zhifei be in charge of the first battalion. He is one of the few remaining of us old people, and he is extremely brave. Now, Xiao Kun will be in charge of the second battalion, and Zhao Junjie will be in charge of the third battalion, what do you think?"

Lin Jianhua expressed his thoughts, Chen Heng and Yang Fei also nodded, "Okay, I think there is no problem!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua looked at Chen Heng, "That's it, go and order, and tell everyone why we adapted it!
"Okay, Captain, I'm going now!"

For the new title, Lin Jianhua didn't think there was anything wrong with it. What kind of army commander and what kind of regiment commander?

His eyes kept looking at Yang Fei, as long as he was there, maybe the sky wouldn't fall down.

In the next few days, Yang Fei and Han Qing have something to do, because although Jiangjiatun has a relatively good terrain, it is also far away from the county town. In this winter, there are many patients. Gas poisoning can be found everywhere.

As Han Qing learned some medical skills, Yang Fei naturally couldn't let him go. According to his method, those mild patients would have recovered from their illnesses long ago.Because of Han Qing, the villagers in the nearby villages heard about Jiangjiatun's miracle doctor, and if they got sick again, they came to him.

Han Qing was a little tired these days, and basically didn't have time to sleep until after ten o'clock in the evening.

"Sir, I think, I want to collect money from them, I can't just do it for nothing!" Han Qing complained.

"Collect money? What kind of money do you charge? You live and eat here for nothing, and you still charge money? Did they charge you money?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"No, sir, I'm not joking. How could I collect money from the villagers? They don't have any money either!" Han Qing said.

"That is, when they came, didn't they bring you some things? I have seen them. There are bacon, sauerkraut, and eggs. These things, the common people are reluctant to eat. If they are slightly sick, they don't eat them at all." If I don’t look for a doctor, I will only look for you if I am seriously ill, don’t you think so?” Yang Fei asked.

"That's right, but I didn't collect those things either!" Han Qing pouted.

"Okay, let's rest quickly, this oil lamp can't be lit all the time!" Said, Yang Fei blew out the oil lamp in one breath.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

As soon as Han Qing lay down, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Han, a villager came to you and said that his wife is about to give birth, so you have to go there quickly!" The one who spoke was Zhao Junjie, who was on duty today.

"Let me deliver the baby? Isn't there a few midwives in the village?" Han Qing asked.

"Yeah, but now I heard that the pregnant woman bleeds a lot and her breath is weak, go and have a look! Those midwives are not doctors after all!" Zhao Junjie shouted outside.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up!" Yang Fei shouted.

Han Qing got out of bed, put on his shoes, and hurried out.

This matter was urgent, and Yang Fei had to get up to check the situation.

Followed Zhao Junjie to a villager's vacation.

A man ran over, "Doctor Han, you must save my wife and the child in my belly, I kowtow to you!"

With that said, the man knelt down and kowtowed to Han Qing.

"Get up quickly, I can't take care of you now, where is he?" Han Qing asked quickly.

"Here, here!" The man led Han Qing to the door of the room.

Han Qing went in directly.

In this somewhat closed village, a male midwife would definitely be gossiped about, but no one cares about the current crisis situation.

Han Qing has also done special research on midwifery. As long as it can save lives, Han Qing will never give up.

Yang Fei was waiting at the door, and Zhao Junjie was also waiting, "Guardian Yang, tell me..."

"It's okay, trust Han Qing, his medical skills are superb!" Yang Fei said.

The man paced back and forth by the door, his forehead was sweating profusely, one could imagine how nervous he was.

The university is still drifting away, as if it misses this land and is reluctant to leave.

Yang Fei lit a cigarette and waited at the door. Zhao Junjie also wanted to hear if Han Qing had any errands.

At this time, a midwife came out, "Who is Zhao Junjie? Doctor Han told you to find some plant ash!" After saying that, the midwife hurried in again.

The room was very warm, and the kang was well heated.

Zhao Junjie hurriedly left to look for plant ashes. The man wanted to ask about his wife's condition, but was turned away.

"Don't worry, come to think of it, he wants plant ash, your wife's bleeding has stopped!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, yes!" The man was still trembling a little.

The woman who gave birth is just walking through the ghost gate. If she is lucky, she will come back. If she is unlucky, she will be taken away by the bull's head and horse face.

After Han Qing found the plant ash and knocked on the door, the midwife went in with the things.

In this way, after another half an hour, I heard a "wow".

The baby is born!

Only then did Yang Fei feel relieved, and Zhao Junjie said happily, "It's born, it's born!"

"It seems that mother and child are safe!" Just after Yang Fei finished speaking, a midwife came out of the room and poked her head out, "Don't worry, mother and child are safe, there is one person in charge!"

The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and tears flowed out all at once.

After a while.

Finally saw Han Qing come out.

Yang Fei looked at him, "Okay, your kid is a miracle doctor!"

"It's not a miracle doctor, it's just that I stopped the woman's bleeding first, and then I performed a caesarean section on the woman, so that the child was taken out!" Han Qing said.

"Stomach section?" Yang Fei looked at him in surprise, "Yes, section section, it's impossible for this woman to sit up in this period of time, at least ten days to heal the wound well, then I'll go and remove the thread !"

"Is this all right? Take a knife in the stomach and then sew it up?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

He had never heard that the child had been cut from the inside.

However, don't blame him, after all, he knows too much about medicine.But for Han Qing, this is nothing new. In ancient China, there was already a precedent for caesarean section.

Even in the West, there were records of caesarean section at that time, which is nothing.

When they got home, Han Qing washed his hands and face, and the moment he got into bed, he really felt a lot more relaxed.

"Han Qing, who did you study medicine with? Mr. Zhi?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, Mr. Zhi taught me too!" Han Qing said.

"You are so good at kung fu, and you are also good at medicine. Mr. Zhi taught you so much?" Yang Fei asked curiously.

"At that time, Mr. Zhi asked me if I wanted to learn medicine or keep fit? I said, I want to learn both!" Han Qing said.

Thinking of this, Yang Fei asked strangely, "Why? Why can't I? Huh?"

"Sir, you can just do your job with peace of mind, what are you doing learning so much?" Han Qing fell asleep as soon as he turned around.

"No, learn more, it will definitely come in handy!" Yang Fei said, "Besides, this is an opportunity to show your face!"

He wanted to wait for a response, but Han Qing's snoring came from over there.

"This kid, he fell asleep so early!" Turning around, Yang Fei also fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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