Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2550 Good News

Chapter 2550 Good News

The next day, the news of Han Qing's caesarean section spread throughout Jiangjiatun. The man from last night came over early with ten eggs.

As soon as Han Qing went out, the man went over and knelt down, "Thank you, Dr. Han, for helping me and saving my daughter-in-law and son!"

"Hahaha!" Han Qing smiled, "Hurry up, doctor, isn't he just curing diseases and saving lives? Why are you talking so much? Get up, get up!"

When the man got up, ten eggs were about to be put in, but Han Qing stopped him, "What are you doing?"

"Eggs...I'll give you..."

Before the man finished speaking, Han Qing said, "Leave quickly, your daughter-in-law is weak now, and it's time to replenish her body. This egg is for your daughter-in-law to eat. If you really want to give me eggs, wait until next year. How about it?"

The man was very moved. He had a few eggs in his hand, and he was very careful, for fear of being broken by himself.

"Okay, go back quickly and take care of your wife and children. These days, try not to ventilate the house and keep the temperature!" Han Qing explained.

"Okay, got it!" With that said, the man left.

This is what it feels like to do good deeds. Han Qing went to the yard with his hands behind his back, and then he heard the noise outside. When he went out to have a look, there was a long queue again.

When they saw Han Qing, they all called Doctor Han loudly.

This made Han Qing worry badly, how could this be possible, there are so many people every day.

But there was no other way, Yang Fei was also in the crowd, helping everyone line up, and when he saw Han Qing, he immediately went over, "Can you go to the doctor now?"

Han Qing has to agree if he disagrees!

Today's patients are rather strange. Those who are infertile and who want to live forever are all in the crowd.

Han Qing felt that today's patients just wanted to come out and come out.

Occupying this inexhaustible resource, Han Qing can only drive away these people who want to make trouble.

Those who really want to see a doctor are his real clients.

With his hands behind his back, Yang Fei looked at Han Qing with satisfaction. In this way, it seemed that it was only natural for them to live in Jiangjiatun.


Wang Wei's condition worsened, his lips became chapped, and he couldn't even drink water.

The high fever persisted, and the old method of finding a room and covering him with a thick cotton coat didn't work.

Li Jiguang, who was in a hurry, was helpless.

However, a piece of good news came next.

A soldier ran over, "Brigade Commander, good news, we found Commander Shen and the others!"

"Found it? Where is it?" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"Now, Commander Shen has sent someone to pick us up! At that time, someone should take care of the political commissar's illness!" The soldier said happily.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Shen Wanxi brought people over in person. In order to chase the devils and successfully rescue the captured soldiers, Shen Wanxi's regiment and Li Jiguang's brigade were separated.

However, being able to see it today is also full of emotions.

But seeing Wang Wei's appearance, Shen Wanxi felt 1000 million sad in his heart.

"Brigade Commander, let's go to our base first!" Shen Wanxi said.

Following Shen Wanxi to the newly developed base area, Wang Wei, who was bumpy all the way, was already delirious, and even couldn't keep his eyes open.

Shen Wanxi immediately called for Da Guang, "Hurry up and find a doctor, if there is a doctor, please come over and see the political commissar!"

Daguang hurriedly left.

After inquiring in the village, I learned that there are no doctors here. If you want to find a doctor, you have to go to the county seat.

However, the next piece of good news came, saying that there was a miracle doctor in nearby Jiangjiatun who treated many people without charging fees. This news made Daguang very excited, and immediately sent someone to invite Jiangjiatun the doctor.

However, two hours later, the soldier came and said that there were a lot of people queuing up to see the doctor, and the doctor couldn't spare time!
Li Jiguang found out about this, and he immediately got angry, "How can someone come here to see a doctor and save someone? Hurry up and find someone to carry a stretcher. Let's go find it ourselves!"

In this way, Shen Wanxi personally led a squad of soldiers to Jiangjiatun.

When he was two miles away from Jiangjiatun, he was stopped by someone.

Ma Xiaokun stopped them, "Who are you?"

Li Jiguang hurriedly said, "We are the Eighth Route Army! I want to see the genius doctor Han in your village to see our political commissar. He is very sick!"

Ma Xiaokun glanced at Wang Wei and frowned, "Are you the Eighth Route Army?"

"Yes, we are the Eighth Route Army!" Li Jiguang said quickly.

"You can go in if you want, put down your weapons and go in!" For the safety of the village, Ma Xiaokun had to do so.

"What?" Da Guang immediately pulled out his pistol angrily when he heard this.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, Ma Xiaokun and the nearby student soldiers immediately drew out their guns and confronted each other.

Shen Wanxi hurriedly said, "Little brother, I know you belong to the Ninth Route Army, and we are also a unit that fights devils. Please do me a favor, we have to go in quickly, otherwise, if something happens to our political commissar..."

"Okay, stop talking! Put the gun down, and when you leave, take the gun away again! Please forgive me!" Ma Xiaokun said persistently.

"Presumptuous!" Da Guang's fiery temper immediately yelled, "Discard me. You are not qualified yet!"

"Stop making trouble!" Li Jiguang said quickly, "Give the gun to others, don't bring any weapons!" Saying this, Li Jiguang first handed over his own gun.

What's going on now is not as important as seeing a doctor for Wang Wei.

There was no way, everyone put down their things, and then carried Wang Wei to the village.

A student soldier next to him asked, "Battalion Commander, what exactly is the Eighth Route Army?"

"I don't know, but since they are fighting devils, their guns are all here, and they can't make any splashes if they think about it. Hurry up, stand guard, and don't let any suspicious person go!" After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, he asked people to Stay at the intersection.

When I carried Wang Wei to the village, I found that there were really many people queuing up.

They were at the end of the queue, and Daguang frowned, "How long does this have to be in line?" After saying that, Daguang took a few steps forward, and then started to cut in line!
"What are you doing? Who doesn't see a doctor, who are you?"

"That's right, why are you jumping in line?"

"Can soldiers jump in the queue?"

The crowd responded fiercely, and Li Jiguang hurriedly shouted, "Da Guang, come back!"

Shen Wanxi also felt that it was not good to jump in the queue, but now they had a very sick patient, so he could only go forward, and when he got to the front, he saw Han Qing, "Doctor, doctor, would you like to see our political commissar?" ? He's already in a coma, with a persistent high fever!"

Han Qing frowned, "Line up first, there are so many people, you have to come one by one!"

At this time, Yang Fei walked over, Shen Wanxi saw Yang Fei, and even ran over, "Yang Fei, Yang Fei, the political commissar is seriously ill, can you..."

Yang Fei looked at the stretcher at the back, and then said to Han Qing, "Han Qing, go and have a look quickly, don't cause trouble here!"

Han Qing could only stand up, then walked to the end, reached the stretcher, opened Wang Wei's eyelids with his hand, and then opened Wang Wei's mouth with his hand. , come to my room!"

After speaking, several soldiers took Wang Wei to the room.

When Li Jiguang saw Yang Fei again, he was very excited, "Yang Fei, you really don't know me anymore?"

Yang Fei glanced at him, "Didn't you say that you are the Eighth Route Army, today is the second time we meet! You owe me two favors for saving your political commissar!"

"Okay! The favor I owe you, I will definitely pay you back when the time comes, Yang Fei...Why do you look so similar to my former regiment leader?" Li Jiguang said.

When Da Guang saw Yang Fei, the corners of his eyes began to twitch. He didn't know what was going on, so he ran over and looked at Yang Fei up and down, "You are! You are Yang Fei!" Guang grabbed Yang Fei's arm at once, and rolled up his sleeves along his arm.

Of course, Yang Fei had to stop such rough behavior, "What are you doing!" He said, grabbing Daguang's arm with one hand, kicking with one foot, and Daguang fell to the ground.

"Captain, it's mine, Daguang, Daguang!" Daguang got up from the ground.

"Da Guang? I don't know you!" Yang Fei said.

"Impossible. Our leader has a mole on his left arm. If you don't believe me, roll up your sleeves and let me see. If you don't have one, then you are not our leader. If you have one, you can't escape it. Why do you Don’t recognize us?” Da Guang finished speaking and came back.

"Okay, if you see a doctor, just wait, if you don't see a doctor, take someone away! You are now on the territory of our Nine Route Army, and it's not your turn to be presumptuous!" Yang Fei said, turned around and left .

Da Guang still wanted to chase after him, but Li Jiugang grabbed Da Guang's arm, "Okay, don't worry! He may not be your regiment leader Yang Fei, he is just a Yang Fei who looks very similar to your regiment leader!"

"No!" Da Guang shook his head, "I can feel that he is the leader I'm looking for! He didn't sacrifice himself, he didn't become a martyr, he's still alive!"

Li Jiguang didn't even know what to say.

Yang Fei went to the house and saw that Han Qing had already taken off Wang Wei's clothes.

Then he lit a pot of charcoal and leaned against the brazier.

"Han Qing, what are you doing?" Yang Fei asked.

"His body is severely cold, there is almost no food in his stomach, and his digestive system is already on the verge of collapse. Now, let me force the cold out of his body first. Sir, help me bring the brazier to the bed!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing used Put warm hands on Wang Wei's chest, warm for a while, and then start to roast on the brazier again!

Yang Fei could only stand by, "No matter what, you must cure his illness!"

"Sir, I know, this person is very important to you, right?" Han Qing understood everything.

"Well, it's very important!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't worry, I'll give him a needle in a while, sir, get out!"

Han Qing said.

Yang Fei nodded and went out, closing the door.

Seeing Yang Fei coming out, Shen Wanxi immediately asked, "Yang Fei, how is the political commissar?"

Yang Fei said coldly, "It's still being treated, but you can rest assured!"

"That's good!"

Shen Wanxi said.

Da Guang looked at Yang Fei from the side, and felt very uncomfortable. It stands to reason that he could deny anyone, but he couldn't deny him. After all, Da Guang was always by his side.

He thought, even so, if the thin monkey Liu Ji met him, he would think the same.

It's a pity that Shouhou and Liu Cheng have become captives of the devil, and they are waiting to be rescued!

Yang Fei's indifference not only made Daguang feel embarrassed by Han Xin, but also Li Jiguang. He felt a little guilty in his heart, if it wasn't because of him, would it be...

Thinking so much, Li Jiguang could only mourn alone.

Yang Fei walked up to the people in line, and told everyone to disperse, saying that he would come back tomorrow, and it would be inconvenient for Doctor Han today.

Everyone can only disperse and wait for the arrival of the next day.

After waiting here for a long time, Li Jiguang waited at the door, smoking one cigarette after another, Shen Wanxi was also in pain, Yang Fei didn't know what was going on, but he also understood, maybe this Yang Fei was not the same as before. The current Yang Fei, even the former Yang Fei, perhaps, what he has experienced for so long, everyone has no way of knowing.

From morning treatment to afternoon, Han Qing didn't drink a drop of water, and his body was covered with silver needles. Yang Fei looked at him, "Drink water?"

"No!" Han Qing said.

I have never seen Han Qing be so serious, maybe he doesn't know the person who has been following him too much.

Fighting devils, even if he saw his brothers who fought together before, he still can't recognize each other now. For Yang Fei, this is a kind of torment. Maybe in the near future, they will understand and understand Yang Fei.

It's just that it's not suitable now, because the former Yang Fei has already sacrificed.Has become a martyr.

Han Qing didn't finish his treatment until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Then covered Wang Wei with a thick quilt, and then asked someone to make some soup.Currently Wang Wei is not able to eat, only liquid food.

After such a long time, Wang Wei's fever had subsided a little, so Li Jiguang asked Shen Wanxi to take someone back quickly to take care of him here, thinking he could come by himself.

However, Shen Wanxi disagreed, "Brigade Commander, you go back, I will take care of the political commissar, no, Daguang can take care of it!"

Thinking about it, there is no way to rescue the captives, and it is not appropriate that Li Jiguang is not there, so we can only leave Daguang again.

The night came quickly, and Yang Fei asked someone to bring some food to Daguang. After eating, Daguang looked at Wang Wei, who was still in a coma.

When he went out, he saw Chen Heng.

Chen Heng stared at him, "Is it you?"

"Is that you?" Daguang also asked.

"I didn't expect to see you here!" Chen Heng was furious, as if he had met an enemy.

However, Da Guang was not like this. Last time, Li Mobai brought people over and said that they were about the Eighth Route Army, but Lin Jianhua was not interested. Although they were all troops fighting devils, they still did their own thing.

However, Li Mobai said, "I hope everyone will not hurt their peace, because the purpose is the same!"

(End of this chapter)

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