Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2551 Saga, do me a favor

Chapter 2551 Saga, do me a favor
Sato is very happy at the mine. With his ability, Honda has solved the problem of so many grains. Under his lobbying, many people have started to send grain here on their own initiative. Sato is of course very happy in this regard. .

However, there are also things that make him unhappy.

I received information that the Eighth Route Army had come to Beihai!
This is not a trivial matter, let alone be careless. Before, the Eighth Route Army had never been here, and even if it did come here, he would take it all at once. Fortunately, the Eighth Route Army has come here on its own initiative!

In Beihai, the most important thing is the gold mine. Now that the gold mine has been mined normally, and it is continuously sent to the country of Japan, the motivation for development has long been good.

Because of Honda's ability, Sato appointed Honda as the squadron leader, who was specifically responsible for suppressing bandits and other things.Today, just let Honda handle this matter.

According to the clues, the Eighth Route Army should be in the east of Beihai. He asked Honda to come, and then said directly, "Mr. Honda, a group of Eighth Route Army has come to Beihai recently. Have you heard of it?"

"I heard!" Honda said directly. "I just wanted to discuss with you whether it is necessary to destroy this group of Eighth Route Army!"

"Of course, you bring a squadron and go to destroy them now. On the border of Beihai, I will not allow the Eighth Route Army to be seen. You must know that the Eighth Route Army is developing very fast. Their influence in North China and Northwest China has already developed. It's big enough, if you come here again, you might make something wrong!" Said Sato.

"Okay, Sato-kun, I'll take someone to investigate right now, don't worry, I'll give you a safe rear!" Said, Honda stood up and left.

To be honest, since Honda killed Yang Fei last time, a stone in his heart has fallen. He still has hope for Honda against the Eighth Route Army.Surrounding Anping County, Heishui Town and several other towns have become his strong defensive lines. In addition, Honda has also organized a large number of security forces, and these troops can also display their capabilities during battles.

According to Honda's request, the security team began to investigate each village one by one, in order to find the location of the Eighth Route Army and wipe it out in one fell swoop.

Of course, Honda still thought in his heart that Yang Fei did not die in front of her eyes, and if he found Yang Fei by the way, this time, he would not show mercy.

In this way, the vigorous work of "suppressing bandits" began, and Honda was confident and capable enough to believe that the Eighth Route Army's arrival in Beihai was to send him to death, just to add meritorious service to him.

Saga, who has practiced for a long time, finally woke up this time. As a samurai who endured in the Wa Kingdom, this time, he finally practiced the kung fu of surreptitiousness, and at midnight, it was time for him to go out.

As the door opened, Saga opened his eyes, and when he saw Honda, he smiled, "Honda-kun, have you come to visit after so long?"

"Mr. Saga, I have been here many times. Every time you are practicing, I can't disturb you. Look outside the door. How many people have I sent to guard you?" Honda said.

"Thank you Honda-kun!" Saga said politely.

"Don't be polite to me. Last time, I almost killed Yang Fei with my own hands, but that guy fell into a ditch. When I passed by, he was suffocated by an inexplicable stench. I know, as a Ninja, you can help me find Yang Fei and even kill him, can't you?" Honda said his thoughts directly.

This kind of request, even if he doesn't say it, Saga will solve it. Last time, he fought with Yang Fei and almost fell into his hands. This time, he must fight Yang Fei again. This time, He will never be soft-hearted.

"Of course!" Saga said, "Leave this to me!"

"Okay, since Mr. Saga agrees, come, let's have a glass of wine!" As he said, Honda waved his hand, and two soldiers came over, and handed them two glasses of wine.

There was a touch, and they downed it in one gulp.

Saga smiled, turned around and disappeared.


After Wang Wei rested in Jiangjiatun for two days, his breathing became much more even, his fever subsided, and his stomach improved, all thanks to Han Qing.

Facing his great benefactor, Wang Wei could only say thank you to Han Qing.

Han Qing also said politely, "Don't thank me, I wouldn't try my best to save you if it wasn't my husband!"

Da Guang's complexion was not very good. He knew that Han Qing's so-called Mr. was referring to Yang Fei, and Yang Fei didn't recognize them now, so he felt very sad.

"Your family sir?" Wang Wei was a little strange.

At this time, Yang Fei came in, and when Wang Wei saw Yang Fei, he smiled, "Yang Fei?"

"Are you awake?" Yang Fei said coldly, "If you wake up, let him take you away!"

Daguang stood up and packed his things.

Wang Wei was a little strange, "Yang Fei, I'm here for you, don't you..." Speaking of this, Wang Wei frowned, "Aren't you..."

"Political commissar, I packed up, let's go!" Da Guang said directly.

"Da Guang, he is Yang Fei..." Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, you have been in a coma for several days, it's time to go!" Daguang said again.

Wang Wei didn't know what happened between them, but the person in front of him was Yang Fei, which was accurate.

Wang Wei shook his head helplessly, put on thick clothes, and left.

At this time, Zhao Junjie ran over immediately, "Mr. Yang Du, Captain Lin is looking for you!"

"Well, okay, I'll go there right away!" After saying that, Yang Fei went out.

Wang Wei and Da Guang went out, and then asked strangely, "Guard Yang? Yang Fei is..."

"Okay, political commissar, he belongs to the Ninth Route Army now, not our Eighth Route Army. Besides, this Yang Fei is different from the previous Yang Fei!" Da Guang said sadly.

"Different?" Wang Wei really didn't understand.

"That's right, it's different. Yang Fei used to be the Eighth Route Army, the god of war that everyone thinks, but now Yang Fei is the war supervisor of the Ninth Route Army, and the strategic instructor of the Ninth Route Army!" Da Guang said coldly. Said.

"Yang Fei belongs to the Nine Route Army?"

Wang Wei still couldn't turn this corner, but he didn't dare to think too much, so he and Da Guang hurried back to their base.

The current situation is changing in an instant. In the blink of an eye, maybe this world is another scene.

This time, Lin Jianhua looked for Yang Fei, and Yang Fei could also feel that something big should have happened this time.

Sure enough, when Lin Jianhua was found, Chen Heng, Ma Xiaokun and others were there.

After Yang Fei sat down, Lin Jianhua started talking.

"Received the information, the devils have now arranged some security personnel to search villages one by one. As expected, they should find us soon. Once they find us, they can only fight to the death." Lin Jianhua said.

"Leader, do you just believe that this devil is looking for us?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Xiaokun, anyway, the strength to fight the devils in Beihai now is our Nine Route Army, plus the Eighth Route Army that fights against the devils. If the devils are not looking for us, they are looking for the Eighth Route Army. I think we should still You have to prepare early. The security guards of the local devils." Lin Jianhua said.

"Head, there shouldn't be many security guards for the Devils. They are all countrymen and some local hooligans. They don't have much fighting power themselves. Otherwise, we secretly sent someone to do them, and then we also guarded against them coming. How is our village?" Zhao Junjie also said.

"I just don't know how many security guards this devil has!" Lin Jianhua thought carefully.

"No matter how many people there are, I believe they will collapse at the first touch." Zhao Junjie is still somewhat confident.

"Head, I think what Zhao Junjie and Commander Zhao said is correct!" Yang Fei stood up and said at this moment.

"Haha!" Lin Jianhua was waiting for Yang Fei to speak. "Tell me!"

"First of all, the devil's security guards didn't know where we were. Then, we killed them secretly, and then our location couldn't be revealed. This war should be fought elsewhere!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, yes, in this case, then Zhao Junjie, you take your people to make sure you find the devil's security personnel accurately, and give them a fatal blow!" After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua looked at Chen Heng, "Deputy head, it's still you Lead the team!"

Chen Heng nodded, "Okay, then Zhao Junjie and I will go!"

After thinking about it, Lin Jianhua still decided, "Forget it, Yang Du, go, deputy commander, you take Xiaokun to do a good job of defending around Jiangjiatun!"

"Okay! I will discuss this matter with Xiao Kun!" Chen Heng said.

At this time, the sky was a little cloudy. Suddenly, there was a burst of university coming, and the spies sent by Zhao Junjie hadn't returned yet, and then Yang Fei looked at Zhao Junjie and asked, "Battle Commander Zhao, tell me, if you really met the devil's Security guard, what are you planning to do?"

"How to do it?" Zhao Junjie looked at Yang Fei, "Of course I killed him!"

"I know I killed him, how did I kill him?" Yang Fei asked again.

In fact, Yang Fei understood that if he really met the devil's security personnel, he really couldn't shoot. He was afraid that there were other guards nearby, so he could only use assassination.This move can not only kill the devil accurately, but also deceive people!

Zhao Junjie swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Mr. Yang, then tell me, how should we kill?"

"The method is simple, that is, to assassinate. You have to understand how many security personnel the devil has trained. If there are a large number of security personnel, how can they beat them? What do you think?" Yang Fei looked at Zhao Junjie and asked road.

"Well, yes, but this assassination is not easy!" Zhao Junjie said, "It requires high kung fu, and each of our people is very high kung fu. What if something really goes wrong?"

"Hey, don't worry, there are me and your brother Han, isn't it easy to kill the security guards in a few cabinets? So, my request to you is, try not to shoot, don't shoot at all, our main purpose is Kill the devil, if conditions permit, take away the devil's gun, there are still many of us who can't use this gun!"

Yang Fei looked at him and said.

Zhao Junjie smiled, "Okay, then I will listen to your commander Yang."

"Okay, since the two of us have made an agreement, this matter is settled!"

Just after saying this, a soldier came, "We found the security guards, and they are now in Qiaojiabao, three miles away."

"Qiaojiabao, well, I see," Zhao Junjie looked at Yang Fei after finishing speaking.

"Let's go, Qiaojiabao, let's fight the devils in Qiaojiabao!" After speaking, Yang Fei and Zhao Junjie led the people towards Qiaojiabao.


The Eighth Route Army also received the news. Li Jiguang held his chin, "Obviously, this devil is looking for us this time, two or three times. We fought against the devil two or three times. Every time we saw that we were about to fail, Always able to win, this time is no exception, it seems that the devil has ulterior motives!"

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, isn't it just some devil's security guard? I'm going to take someone to fight the devil!" Da Guang said.

"It's not that I don't trust you. This time, I plan to let Li Mobai go. After all, Li Mobai has strong combat experience. This time, we must do it to deal with the devil's security personnel. We must eliminate the devil from the outside line, so that Guarantee the safety of our base area, Li Mobai, do you understand?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, I understand. I'm always worried that the devil's security guards are just a cover. They hunted around the village just to find us. With just a few security guards, it is impossible for us to be our opponents. After this , there must be troops of devils!"

Li Mobai analyzed.

"Yes, you are right. The devil is still in the dark. We are now in the light. In order to fight the devil, we must first kill the devil's security guards, and then we can find out where the devil is, right?" Li Jiguang Said.

"Well, okay, Brigadier, tell me, do you need to talk to Yang Fei and the others about this?" Shen Wanxi asked beside him.

"No need, I think they should have known about this a long time ago. If he is really Yang Fei, he must have already set off. Li Mobai, this time, I am optimistic about you. You must understand that our base area is short of food. If you can stick to it, let it shine, it's not shameful!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, I understand what you mean, you can leave this matter to me!" Li Mobai said.

"Okay, now there is one more thing. Shen Wanxi, you and Hu Dahai must work hard to build our base area. We were forced to do nothing when we were beaten all the way to Beihai by the devils. However, since there have been people living in Beihai for generations , It shows that these difficult conditions can be overcome, you strengthen the defense of the base area, and then focus on cooperating with the local villagers. Don't forget the rules of the Eighth Route Army!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, we will leave this matter to us. Besides, I think, should our base be moved to Huomentun?" Shen Wanxi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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