Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2553 The thing about the 8th Route Army

Chapter 2553 The Eighth Route Army
"Yes!" Han Qing said.

Shrapnel was flying all over the sky, and Li Mobai felt his head go numb at this moment. He has been in war for so long, and he has never been so passive. It seems that he is now surrounded by devils, and the slope behind him has been intercepted by these security forces. It's really impossible to go down, but it's impossible to go up.

If this continues, the [-] or so of them will probably die on this nameless hillside!

He held a grenade tightly in my hand, thinking, when these people come over, I will die with them!
Anyway, no matter what, he will not surrender, or do other things, even if he dies, he will bite them to death.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army suffered heavy casualties, and more than a dozen soldiers had already fallen.

"I'm sorry, comrades, I didn't bring you home safely!" Li Mobai gritted his teeth.

However, at this moment, Li Mobai suddenly heard a burst of gunfire.

Gunshots came from down the hill, but the bullets didn't reach the hillside, but instead hit the security forces at the foot of the hill.

Looking at it again, it turned out to be some members of the Nine Route Army just now. Although the number was small, this also gave them a lot of support to a certain extent!
"Comrades, rush down the mountain. There are brothers from the Nine Route Army at the foot of the mountain. Go!" Li Mobai roared, and ran down the mountain.

The bullets behind him whized and hit his feet, and the bullet marks that hit the past immediately punched Xue Xue into black holes one by one.

While running, looking for cover, the security forces up and down were already tired of facing the front and rear pincers, and they collapsed early.

It's just that the reporting troops behind them don't care about other people's life or death at all, they are pressing every step of the way, just like wanting to catch Li Mobai.

At this time, in front of Li Mobai's eyes, a black shadow suddenly flashed. At first, he thought it was a snow dizzy, but when he turned his head, he saw that black shadow fighting with the people who reported to the army!
Li Mobai frowned, turned around and ran up the mountain again, he couldn't let someone put him in a dangerous place, but he ran for his life.

When he was running up the mountain, he heard Yang Fei's voice, "What are you doing here? Run quickly! Do you think the two of us can beat so many people?"

"Buy some time for the brothers, I'll be with you!" Li Mobai took out his pistol and fired at the security guards with a "bang bang bang".

After fighting for a while, he saw that their soldiers had withdrawn from the mountain, so he said, "Brother, let's withdraw together, our people have already escaped!"

Yang Fei said, "Okay, you hurry up and go first, I'll be the last!"

"I'll be the queen, you go!" Li Mobai roared.

Yang Fei shook his head, "This stubborn Li Mobai!" After thinking about it, he came to Li Mobai, slipped him with one hand and threw him down the mountain.

"Ah!" Li Mobai shouted loudly, his body rolled down rapidly.

The firepower was too fierce, and the bullets hit their sides, and plumes of heat came out of their frozen bodies at this moment.

When he saw Li Mobai rolling down the hill, Yang Fei turned around and ran away.

When he got to the bottom of the mountain, Li Mobai quickly got up and looked at the mountain, "There are still people on the mountain, please wait!"

He looked anxiously at the mountain, "Why don't you roll down like me?"

Standing behind Li Mobai, Yang Fei shook his head and smiled awkwardly.

This is a trivial matter. For Yang Fei and Han Qing, it was a matter of little effort. Li Mobai and others have been waiting at the foot of the mountain, but Yang Fei has already told people to leave.

After all, this is not a place to be alone.

When they went back, it was already late, and the sunset at this time was at 58:[-] in the afternoon!
When Yang Fei went back, Lin Jianhua was relieved to see that Yang Fei and others were safe and sound.

"Good job, but it's impossible for this devil's security force to be so small. It is estimated that they are still searching the village. Next, we have to hurry up!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Captain, what you said is right, I think so too, next, leave this matter to me and Comrade Yang!" Zhao Junjie said happily.

"What? How well did you cooperate with Dudu Yang?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Not only is it good? You don't know that when the Eighth Route Army was rescued today, the speed of Yang Du's soldiers going up the mountain, I'll go, that's too fast!" Thinking about it now, Zhao Junjie is still full of excitement.

"Okay, from now on, you can cooperate with Dudu Yang!" Lin Jianhua said.

Wait until everyone is gone.

Lin Jianhua left Yang Fei alone.

"Eighth Route Army? You saved the Eighth Route Army?" Lin Jianhua looked at him and asked.

Yang Fei was very calm, "After all, we are all fighting devils. If we save them, they will help us when we are in danger. If we save them, they will be able to share our pressure. Such a good thing , I wish many people would compete with us!"

"That's right, yes, it's too dangerous. Today, I heard that there are more than 100 people in the devil's security force. You, a dozen or twenty people, are going to fight with them. I'm afraid it's a bit too difficult. Enough is enough!" Lin Jianhua was still worried about what would happen to Yang Fei.

"Haha, don't worry, I can know whether I can beat it. If I can't beat it, I will definitely not embarrass myself. However, I think that I am doing this right. The reason is what I told you just now. Yes! What do you think?" Yang Fei asked again.

"You did the right thing. By the way, two days ago, when you were not here, the Eighth Route Army sent a man named Li Mobai to talk to us about the cooperative defense!" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Oh? Co-defense operation?" Yang Fei looked at him.

"To put it bluntly, when encountering a war, the two families go together!" Lin Jianhua said, "However, regarding the Eighth Route Army's garrison, it is too far away from us. If something happens, I'm afraid it will be too late to react!" Lin Jianhua shook his head. .

"Did you tell them about your difficulties?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes. However, Li Mobai and his Eighth Route Army proposed a plan. This plan is to station in Huomentun, a village next door to us. This place is across a river from us. However, that village is not as good as ours. If they stationed In Huomentun, we can withdraw our defensive forces on the eastern front, and then transfer them to the north or west side. For the Eighth Route Army, this is also the best plan!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "So. You agreed?"

Lin Jianhua shook his head, "It's not easy for me to agree to this matter myself, I have to discuss it with everyone. After all, this is the first time I have dealt with the Eighth Route Army. Whether it is trustworthy or not is still a question!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua looked at Yang Fei, "Brother Yang, do you think we need to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army?"

"This thing, I believe you have made your own judgment, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and choosing the advantages is the same principle." Yang Fei said.

"So you agree?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"This is a good thing, it can only be said to be a good thing, but for us, this is indeed a good thing, but for the Eighth Route Army, this is a very good thing. After all, the Eighth Route Army is now facing many problems. Problems, for example, they are now short of food, scarce personnel, for example, they are also short of ammunition, these are fatal in battle! So, we agree to be stationed in Huo Mentun. For them, You can let go and do more things, both of us benefit, of course, we agree, there is nothing to hesitate!"

Yang Fei's analysis was really in place, Lin Jianhua nodded, "Okay, since I agree, let's go to the Eighth Route Army sometime?"

However, Yang Fei shook his head, "I agree, but we can't agree in vain!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"The meaning is obvious. The concession we made is the biggest. The Eighth Route Army is also a regular army. Our personnel training has not undergone systematic training. I think that since we are assisting in defense, then we will ask them to help them train soldiers. , divided into three batches, and then all of them will be given to our systematic teaching side, and, I request, our commanders and fighters must learn from the Eighth Route Army, their combat experience must be richer than ours, so it is evened!" Yang Fei said It's obvious.

Lin Jianhua also nodded, "If you don't talk about it, I almost forgot that although Mr. Chen Heng is in charge of our student soldiers, he has no combat experience in fighting devils. After the unified training of the Eighth Route Army , Our combat level will definitely be raised by a big level, yes, yes!" Lin Jianhua nodded, "Yes, it should be done like this!"

"Well, so, comparing the two, I still think it's the most cost-effective way to do this. After all, it doesn't matter if you fight devils!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then... leave this to you?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Okay, I'll go over to exchange ideas with the Eighth Route Army in the morning tomorrow!" Yang Fei said.

The dust has settled on this matter, and Yang Fei's idea is nothing more than very suitable.

He can clearly distinguish what to do now and what not to do. When the weak forces merge, they will be able to exert a huge advantage.

Early the next morning, Yang Fei called Chen Heng and Han Qing, and they went to the Eighth Route Army station together.

Snowflakes are still flying, and the sky full of snowflakes can't stop people from making progress.

When Yang Fei arrived at the garrison of the Eighth Route Army, the entire brigade was erupting.

After all, there are not a few people who have seen Yang Fei. Everyone is rumoring that Yang Fei is really still alive. Everyone is watching and asking him.

Yang Fei answered calmly.

Shen Wanxi hurried over, "Yang Fei, are you here?"

Yang Fei nodded, "I think it's time for us to exchange ideas!"

The two parties arrived in a dark room. Li Jiguang, Wang Wei, Li Mobai, Shen Wanxi and others were all sitting at the conference table.

Li Jiguang didn't expect that Yang Fei would come in person, and then asked, "Yang Fei, I really didn't expect you to come!"

"Brigade Commander Li, we are here this time to convey the words of our regiment leader!" Yang Fei was the first to enter the topic.

"Well, yes," Li Jiguang was already mentally prepared, and this kind of preparation meant being rejected by the other party.

Wang Wei frowned. He knew that the current garrison of the Eighth Route Army must be resolved as soon as possible. If Yang Fei and the others disagreed, they could only do so. However, a series of problems would also arise.

"Yang Fei, tell me, we can accept any result. However, we are both armed forces fighting devils. I hope we can communicate in other aspects!" Wang Wei said.

"Political Commissar Wang, I believe that both of us are negotiating today with a very fair attitude!" Yang Fei said, and then continued, "Our team leader agrees that your residence can be in Huo Mentun, Huo Mentun. The location of Mentun has mountains to the east and a river to the west, so the geographical location is not bad, if your Eighth Route Army can be stationed there, I believe we can help defend it!"

Yang Fei's words made everyone happy.

Especially Shen Wanxi, he had long wanted to move his residence to Huo Mentun. Once Yang Fei and the others agreed, this matter could be implemented.

"Yang Fei, your team leader is very open, so that both parties can put their limited strength on the most important link." Shen Wanxi said.

"Of course, we still have conditions!" Yang Fei's words made Shen Wanxi's smiling face stop immediately, and he frowned, "Conditions?""

Of course, the worst-case scenario is still harsh, and then they have to give up.

"No matter what the conditions are, whether we can bear them or not, let's talk first. If the conditions are very harsh, we're afraid..." Li Jiguang shook his head.

The more they saw the dawn of victory, the more depressed the atmosphere became.

"Yang Fei, I believe that as long as we build mutual trust, we can fight against Japan together! What do you think?" Wang Wei also didn't want to see their vision shattered.

"That's right!" Yang Fei said, "What our regiment commander means is that all commanders and fighters of our Ninth Route Army will enter your Eighth Route Army garrison to study, and your instructors will teach them some systematic knowledge. In addition, our soldiers will be divided into three groups. Batch enter here and learn your tactics!"

As soon as Yang Fei's words came out, Li Jiguang agreed first, "I have no objection!"

Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai frowned, thinking to themselves, what exactly is the Nine Route Army going to do?This is going to be stationed here, could it be possible, if this is to monitor them?
No matter how you think about it, Li Jiguang's agreement still makes everyone feel a little hasty.

Wang Wei thought for a while and nodded, "Since the brigade commander agrees, so do I. This is a good thing!"

But Shen Wanxi disagreed, "No, I don't agree! Your troops are here with us, what is this?"

"Just now, you also said that if we trust each other, we will not be afraid of anything, what? Do you not trust us?" Chen Heng asked.

Shen Wanxi was speechless.

"It doesn't matter, I know what you Ninth Route Army want to learn, we can teach you!" Li Jiguang said.

(End of this chapter)

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