Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Negotiation after Chapter 2554

Negotiation after Chapter 2554

Li Jiguang said that this is feasible. After all, it is all for the strength of the soldiers and to increase their combat skills.

However, Shen Wanxi always felt that this was a strange thing. It was for no reason. Yang Fei said yes, and asked people to train his troops. What's the matter, they are also the Ninth Route Army. It stands to reason that they are also regular troops. Let the Eighth Route Army train them?
Unless, their troops have ghosts!

When Yang Fei was about to speak, Shen Wanxi immediately stopped him, "Yang Fei, wait, although I don't know why you don't recognize us, we absolutely cannot agree to what you just said."

"Oh?" Yang Fei looked at him in surprise. "What's the matter?"

"Yang Fei, tell me, isn't it obvious that you sent troops to our garrison? What do you think about us? We are all open-minded people, so talk! What exactly do you want to do?" Shen Wanxi asked bluntly, Yang Fei's face didn't change much.

Li Jiguang, on the other hand, fully believed in Yang Fei in his heart, it was impossible for him to think that Yang Fei would harm him.

So did Wang Wei, he and Shen Wanxi were thinking of the other side.

What Shen Wanxi thought was that if Yang Fei's troops wanted to be stationed here, they should use the guiding ideology of the Eighth Route Army to teach them. Fighting devils is not just based on enthusiasm, but also a guiding ideology and a clear goal!
This goal is not simply to beat the devils, but to use the brain to fight the devils.

I saw Yang Fei standing up slowly, with his hands behind his back, unable to resist, since he came to the Eighth Route Army's garrison, he couldn't be underestimated.

"To be honest, our Ninth Route Army has almost lost its casualties, and there are not many Lianjiazi who can be pulled out. When we meet a group of students who have a passion for repaying the country, we will accept them. We will take them out of Anping County. They were beaten down, but later, due to various reasons, they were unable to hold the county seat, and finally, they had no choice but to station in Jiangjiatun." After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at Shen Wanxi, "These child soldiers are just practicing with our deputy head. Basic skills, but this is far from enough, I think you Eighth Route Army seems to have experience in this field, so I ask you to help, and then, you are stationed in the village next to us to play a huge role! I think , which is beneficial to both parties.”

"Yang Fei, your purpose is really so simple. I'm afraid that you stationed your troops here, and then we have to guard against them! Whether you are really fighting devils, we still don't know for the time being, so, we It's still best to draw a clear line now!" Shen Wanxi said.

Yang Fei smiled, "Then I understand what you mean!" After speaking, Yang Fei turned around and left.

"Yang Fei, wait!"

Wang Wei stood up, "Don't rush to leave this matter, or you can wait for half an hour, we will hold a democratic meeting, I believe that this is a matter that is beneficial to everyone, and it shouldn't be so obscene."

"Okay, then I'll board for half an hour!" Yang Fei said.


In the conference room, Shen Wanxi still expressed his worries. This was not only what he thought, but also because he had to think this way for the sake of the overall situation. The number of the brigade they are now is not enough for 300 people. One-on-one, Yang Fei will eat them all in the end.

They cannot take risks.

Da Guang didn't know what to say, although he was a little angry that Yang Fei pretended not to know him, but he still trusted Yang Fei in his heart.

Wang Wei smiled, "All of you here are cadres above the battalion level. Everyone should have a clear understanding!"

He looked at Li Jiguang, "To tell you the truth, I agree with the brigade commander, that is, to agree to Yang Fei's request. Although regimental commander Shen has different opinions, have you ever thought about it? Did Lu Jun really do something unknown? I believe not. As far as I know, Yang Fei fought with Shen Wanxi and Commander Shen a few days ago. Although he did not rescue our comrades, he did his best. Later, Yang Fei saved the brigade commander, and later, he also rescued Li Mobai and the regiment commander Li, so your worries are unnecessary!"

What Wang Wei said is justified, "If Yang Fei really wants to eat our troops, he doesn't have to come and eat us himself, let the devils slowly devour us, and then, with his last blow, we will definitely be defeated, the weak , we must think of uniting with the weak and becoming another strong, only in this way can we win the victory.”

Li Jiguang nodded, "I think the political commissar is right. Yang Fei is not that kind of person. A person with full self-confidence and a sense of honor will never do dirty things!"

Li Mobai also agreed, "Yeah, I think we can't agree to this matter at all, not to mention anything else, once the devils attack our line of defense, Yang Fei and their garrison here will also join the battle sequence. It's the best of both worlds!"

Shen Wanxi saw that everyone agreed, and he was even a little angry, "Ah? What do you all think? Although their purpose is not so dirty, let's take a step back and talk about the food problem of our army. If their people come, our food will be Don’t we have to give some of them to eat? It is said to be divided into three batches, but a group of people is [-] people. How long does it take for these [-] people to train? How much food is needed for two meals a day? These are big problems! "

This sentence made everyone nod their heads. Yes, he was right. If this is the case, he is indeed facing a huge challenge.

"This is indeed a problem, but when we encounter a problem, we have to think of a solution. After all, everyone agreed to agree to Yang Fei's troops coming here for training, and then we have to consider the issue of food!" Wang Wei said.

"If this matter is not resolved well, political commissar, I don't think many things will be resolved well, what do you think?" Shen Wanxi looked at him and asked.

Li Mobai looked at them, and then said silently, "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, the main purpose of this matter is that Yang Fei wants our commanders to train their soldiers. Since they come, they may eat our food, so ...Why don't our commanders go to their station to teach them in person, then...they solve the food problem for our commanders, what do you think is the use of this matter?"

Undoubtedly, what Li Mobai said is indeed too correct. The food problem should not become an obstacle to their contact. Isn't this completely resolved?
Li Jiguang nodded, "Yes, since we are afraid that others will eat our food, we should be more generous. When the commanders and fighters go to teach, they should bring their own food and don't eat other people's food! This is also a matter of our discipline!"

It is, and it is a perfect solution.

The democratic conference is like this. It can solve all the things that feel difficult to solve. This is the energy that bursts out of the democratic conference.

After thinking about it carefully, Shen Wanxi felt that this was feasible.

After half an hour, Li Jiguang and the others met Yang Fei as scheduled.

Yang Fei looked at them, "How is it? Have you discussed it?"

Wang Wei slowly left his seat and walked up to Yang Fei, "Yang Fei, first of all, thank you very much for saving me last time. I, Wang Wei, sincerely want to be friends with you. Let's be honest. He suffered heavy losses during the battle with the devils, and moved all the way from North China to Beihai. He was severely injured during the period, and the most important point is that the food problem of our brigade headquarters is really difficult to solve. Let us tell you the truth, and hope you do not mind!"

Yang Fei looked at Wang Wei, "I know what you mean. Like us, we all face a common enemy, which cannot be disputed."

"That's right, that's why it is only when the weak unite with the weak that they can unleash their huge potential. Your proposal just now is very good. Our commanders and fighters will train your fighters, and everyone will make progress together. Only in this way can we calmly face To the devils. After a democratic meeting, we came to such a conclusion, you can see if it works!" Wang Wei said.

"No matter what you say, it's fine. If you can do it, we accept it. If you can't do it, we don't force it." Yang Fei said.

"Okay, since we all have a common goal, then we have to accept this. We have come to the conclusion that we sent our commanders to your garrison to train your soldiers personally. What do you think..." Wang Wei Said.

"Yes!" Yang Fei said without thinking, "It's just right!"

"Good!" Li Jiguang was also very happy.

"At first, we thought that when our soldiers came to your station for training, we would bring food for them to solve by themselves. In this way, we also saved a lot of unnecessary trouble. Thank you for your understanding!" Yang Fei was happy Said.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Wanxi was really slapped across the face.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling ashamed to judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

But, after all, this kind of matter is considered to be resolved, not only Yang Fei, but also many people think that this matter is handled well.

Li Jiguang and others could only pretend to laugh.

After Yang Fei and the others came out, Chen Heng immediately asked, "Mr. Yang, this matter... I was thinking to see if their Eighth Route Army really wanted to fight the devils, so I agreed with you to send troops to live here." Their camp, now, let them come to us!"

"Deputy regiment commander, don't think too much about it. This matter will develop here. The Eighth Route Army just came here, and it is true that there is not much food. I have already heard their embarrassment. It is such a convenient thing. We have to agree, besides, this is also a good thing, our people happened to learn the tactics of the Eighth Route Army at the fastest speed, since their combat experience is richer than ours, we can learn it for free, this is a matter of benefiting others and ourselves Son!" Yang Fei said.

"That's what I said, but I always feel that we have suffered a big loss!" Chen Heng shook his head and said.

"Well, yes!" Yang Fei smiled.

in the conference room.

Everyone was silent, and Shen Wanxi didn't say a word. Although everyone didn't speak, everyone knew in their hearts that Shen Wanxi had already been pointed at.

Li Jiguang understood everyone's meaning, and said quickly, "Okay, this matter is perfectly settled, pass on my order, let Zha to pack up, and now we will move to Huomentun!"



An undercurrent seems to be coming slowly in the cold winter of Beihai. Many villages in the east of Beihai have now established a lot of checkpoints. These checkpoints are heavily guarded, and there will be a checkpoint every kilometer.

The Japanese in these checkpoints are all armed with live ammunition and are divided into three squads, each of which takes turns to be on duty.This is another important round of deployment after the devils exploited gold mines.

Sato already understood that on the one hand, the Eighth Route Army and the others must be severely cracked down on, and on the other hand, the work of transporting gold mines cannot be delayed.

After hesitating, something will happen.

A road extends directly eastward from the mine on the west side of the North Sea to the seaside, where devils' freighters are parked.

This road, like a scar, has been stitched with dozens of stitches.

Due to the large number of checkpoints on this road, the two units of the Eighth Route Army and the Ninth Route Army have been reduced to the minimum range.

One day, an old man in a monk's robe was walking on the road, his university was floating, and he looked like a wanderer returning home from a distance, but when he looked closely, the white-browed monk's bones were thin and weak, and he looked as if he had a serious illness.

"Ah!" Saga sneezed and wiped his nose with his hands.

In the past few days, he has been looking for Yang Fei's whereabouts all the time, and he has to count on him for the revenge he has formed.

As a Japanese warrior, he understands that a warrior cannot be cowardly, and he must die by the enemy's sword.

Except for Saga, the Eighth Route Army who secretly wanted to open a gap in this traffic route found him.

Hu Dahai had been away from the Eighth Route Army for some time, and their purpose was to find enough food, even if they went up the mountain to hunt some hares and wild boars.

However, the road was suddenly blocked by devils, and it was really not easy for them to go from the north to the south!

A soldier was in ambush, "Leader, look!"

Hu Dahai looked over, and saw a monk slowly approaching, walking tremblingly.

"Here is a monk, it seems that he is seriously ill!" Hu Dahai said.

"Shall we help him?" asked one of the fighters.

"When he gets close, we will go there!" Hu Dahai said.

"Okay!" Just like that, they kept waiting, waiting for the old monk to approach slowly.

After waiting for a while, Na Saga came before their eyes. Hu Dahai led a few people and quickly attacked. When he arrived in front of Na Saga, Saga was startled, looked at them, looked up and down, and suddenly realized in his heart that they It should be the Eighth Route Army!

"Master, you came here alone, did you encounter devils?" Hu Dahai asked.

Saga also saw the opportunity and said, "No, it's snowing so much, can the devil come out?"

Thinking about it, Hu Dahai asked everyone to come out, and everyone patted the snowflakes on their bodies. Hu Dahai asked, "Master, I think you are sick. I will take you to find a doctor!"

(End of this chapter)

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