Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2561 We Can Afford to Lose

Chapter 2561 We Can Afford to Lose

This kind of strength is rarely seen in Daguang, but Daguang's kung fu is not boastful. Apart from losing to Chen Heng last time, he has never met an opponent.

Coincidentally, today the shame of last time was also washed away.

I saw Daguang stabbing steadily, with both hands in a defensive posture, the man's fist hit, Yang Fei caught it with both hands, the great force met Daguang's fist, and he was able to solve it easily!

In fact, Daguang seldom uses this kind of four-two-handed trick. He is used to conquering opponents with strength!
When the man understood, he sneered, "Twice, but next time, you have to be careful!" After finishing speaking, the man quickly punched, alternately left and right, making Daguang's eyes a little bit Overwhelmed.

"This guy can punch so fast. It can be seen that he has a different master's background, but you must not underestimate him!" Da Guang muttered in his heart!
However, he had to catch the opponent's fist. Daguang simply stood on tiptoe and rose into the air. Since you use your fist, I will use your feet. I saw that Daguang's left foot and right foot also appeared one after another, and the speed of appearance was not inferior. to that man.With fists and feet touching each other, in everyone's eyes, what a fight it was.

The man was also stunned, this guy's speed is so fast, but the transformation ability of his fist is still very fast, I saw that the man dodged sideways, stretched out his left leg, then raised it high, and kicked In the belly of the outline!

Da Guang fell heavily to the ground, clutching his stomach and looking at the man.

"Good!" Lin Zhonghu shouted.

Daguang quickly got up.

"Is it okay? If not, just surrender!" the man asked.

"It's okay, I'd better ask Lao Tzu's fist!" After finishing speaking, Da Guang squatted down and looked at the man in front of him, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

The man smiled, "You don't have a few brushes, how dare you come and act wild in front of our head!"

However, just after he finished saying this, Daguang flew over. After coming, Daguang put his fists together, and the man quickly raised his hands to resist. At this time, Yang Fei turned his hands down and hugged the The man's waist, "Ah!" shouted, lifted the man high, his body fell back, and the man's head hit the ground!
Everyone was stunned, the most handy move was also the one he was best at, this time, Da Guang didn't plan to give the opponent any chance to breathe.

Daguang fell to the ground, and the man was even worse, his whole head was smashed on the ground.

"Okay!" At this time, it was Shen Wanxi's turn to be happy.

Daguang got up from the ground, while the man was rolling on the ground, no wonder, who can bear this hug?
Yang Fei glared at the man on the ground, clenched his fists, and was about to hit him.

However, at this time, only a gunshot was heard, "Boom!"

The bullet hit Daguang's feet, and Daguang dodged subconsciously!
Lin Zhonghu smiled, "I'm sorry, it went off fire!"

Just after saying this, the man on the ground, at some point, spun on the ground and kicked Daguang's leg, and then Daguang fell heavily on the ground. On his body, his two arms were tightly wrapped around Daguang's neck!
"you lose!"

"You are despicable!" Yang Fei's eyes were bloodshot all of a sudden.

His entire face was flushed red, and two blue veins from his neck to the roots of his ears were swollen.

"You said, you lost!" the man shouted!

"Lose you... mother... fart!" Da Guang gritted his teeth tightly, but now it is difficult for him to even breathe.

"Hahahaha!" Lin Zhonghu laughed loudly, "Hey, young man, it's a good thing to be aggressive, but admitting defeat doesn't necessarily mean losing, just take advantage of others!"

The big light on the ground now lacks oxygen in the head, and there are dots in front of the eyes.

Li Jiguang saw it and said quickly, "Let go, we lost!"

"Losing?" Lin Zhonghu smiled happily when he heard Li Jiguang say this, "Okay, let's go down, don't kill people!"

The man took his arms away and got up to leave.

Lin Zhonghu got off his horse, "Haha, since you admit defeat, then follow the agreement and bring all your weapons and ammunition here!"

Shen Wanxi ran over and helped Daguang up from the ground, "Are you all right?"

Li Jiguang sighed, and then said, "Since we lost, then give them all the guns and ammunition!"

"Brigade Commander, it can't be done. If we give it to them, what should we do if we encounter devils?" Shen Wanxi asked, supporting Da Guang.

"Since you lost the contest, you must abide by the agreement!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, enough man! I, Lin Zhonghu, really treat you with new eyes!"

Lin Zhonghu gave Li Jiguang a thumbs up.

However, how could Shen Wanxi agree, he pulled Li Jiguang behind him, drew out his pistol and pointed it at Lin Zhonghu, "Do you have the ability to compete in martial arts, and do you have the ability to compare with whose marksmanship is faster?"

As soon as his words came out, many soldiers behind him pointed their guns at the bandits!

"Hahaha!" Lin Zhonghu smiled, "Young man, don't be arrogant, look at our people, and then look at you, have you ever won us over?"

"If you can't beat you, then let's see if I kill you!" With that said, Shen Wanxi was about to shoot!

A shot went off.

resounds through the valley.

The wind suddenly stopped.

It seems that I also want to see what is going on!
I saw that Shen Wanxi had a bullet in the hand holding the gun, his hand was trembling, and his head began to sweat.

Who fired the shot?

I only heard Lin Zhonghu's laughter, "Stop the ink, I told you, you can't get out!" Shen Wanxi's hand still couldn't lift the pistol in the end, and the pistol fell to the ground.

Li Jiguang quickly tore off his clothes, tore a piece of cloth and wrapped it around Shen Wanxi's hands.

"Hurry up!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Give them the gun!" Li Jiguang said.

Warriors have to.More than [-] bandits went over and took all the guns from the soldiers.

Lin Zhonghu looked at the captured guns, "These guns are all from the devils. Come to think of it, most of your guns belong to the captured devils. Well, next, you just go and capture the devils." Lin Zhonghu smiled.

"Brigade Commander, what a shame, what a shame!" Shen Wanxi looked at Li Jiguang and lowered his head helplessly.

"What's the shame, aren't we just poor and white? We can afford to lose! We can afford to lose!" Li Jiguang patted Shen Wanxi on the back to comfort him.

The soldiers were like frosted eggplants one by one, and this time it was no different from the annihilation of the entire army!
The only difference is, they are all still alive!

There are no guns. For the Eighth Route Army, this is a more serious matter than such bad weather.

Those bandits took the things, turned their horses and left, leaving behind their laughter!

Shen Wanxi couldn't swallow this breath, but Li Jiguang seemed very calm.Shen Wanxi quickly asked, "Brigade Commander, we don't have guns, this..."

"Commander Shen, there are some things, you should know, this gun is lost, we can fight the devil and get it back, if the life is gone, how can the devil fight? Don't worry, give us a few months, the gun will come back Already!" Li Jiguang patted Shen Wanxi on the shoulder.

Wang Wei also looked at him with a smile, "What the Brigadier said is not wrong, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood. Old Shen, you should understand this truth!"

Shen Wanxi naturally understood, but he still felt a little useless about this matter.

Yang Fei's side was relatively smooth. When the follow-up troops arrived at Xiaowangdian, Ma Xiaokun and his troops were already heading towards the path of Yanling.

In a blink of an eye, it was getting dark, and they dug a snow pit on Yanling, and then took a short rest.

Take a break and recharge your spirits!

Lin Jianhua found Yang Fei and said, "Brother Yang, we are already in this place now. We should be safe if we cross Yanling. The devils have suffered this loss. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with them. They may come to chase us. At that time, what countermeasures do you have?"

Yang Fei said calmly, "Head, don't worry, if the devils dare to come, we dare to fight. If they really come, leave it to me!"

Yang Fei is confident that he can deal with the devils!
In fact, in his heart, devils dare not come to this place.

Yanling past, it is a desolate area, as long as you go in, don't say anything else, just the endless snow field, you can get lost, the devils will not come, and they will not fight, but they will come in and then go out. so easy.

Seeing that Yang Fei was so calm, Lin Jianhua couldn't say anything, so he nestled in the snow cave and went to rest.

At this time, a shadow suddenly appeared, and Yang Fei said, "Han Qing, are you here?"

Han Qing found Yang Fei and sat down, "Sir, I'm here!"

"I asked you to inquire about it, how is it going?" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, I really found out!" Han Qing said, "The Eighth Route Army was disarmed by the bandits in Heishuizhai. They don't have a single bullet or a gun. There are about a hundred people, at most only 30 or so. Guns. These guns escaped unharmed when the frontline troops went out.”

"Disarmed by the bandits?" Yang Fei was stunned, "How many bandits are there?"

"There are about a hundred bandits, all of whom are riding horses. It seems that there are a lot of bandits in this group. It's best not to provoke them!" Han Qing said.

"The Eighth Route Army has been disarmed, how can they bear it?" Yang Fei asked.

"I wondered too. It stands to reason that it is a man who fights with the bandits to the death, but the Eighth Route Army didn't fire a single shot. I heard that the Eighth Route Army made a bet with the bandit. That Da Guang fought with one of the bandits, and he lost. , So, they took the initiative to hand over their guns!" Han Qing said.

"Worse than Daguang? Then this Black Water Village really shouldn't be underestimated!" Yang Fei muttered to himself.

"Sir, if we go over the mountain tomorrow, we should be able to meet the Eighth Route Army. At that time, we will ask them about the specific situation!" Han Qing said.

At this time, Lin Jianhua came in, "Brother Han, you just heard you say disarm outside, what disarm? What's wrong?"

Lin Jianhua hurried in.

When Han Qing repeated his information, Lin Jianhua opened his mouth wide.

"What did you say? Black Water Village?"

"Yes, it's Black Water Village!" Han Qing said.

"In the Black Water Village, can you find out about a man named Lin Zhonghu?" Lin Jianhua asked quickly.

"Not to mention, the leader is really called Lin Zhonghu, why? Do you know him?" Han Qing looked at Lin Jianhua's expression, and he was somewhat flustered.

"You're right! I do know him!" Lin Jianhua smiled, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. After so long, I finally found out his name again!"

At this time, not only Han Qing was surprised, but Yang Fei was also surprised, "Head, so you really know each other?"

"I know, Lin Zhonghu is my brother!" Lin Jianhua said, "Tomorrow, let's go together tomorrow, I will meet him! Didn't you say that you have handed over the weapons of the Eight Route Army? I will let him return it!"

"That's great, it's really good to fight devils without guns!" Yang Fei nodded, "I'll go with you tomorrow! If you can meet the Eighth Route Army, call their brigade commander , the three of us will go, will it appear that there are too many people?"

"It doesn't matter, even if all of us go, it won't look too crowded! Lin Zhonghu will give me this name, and then the Eighth Route Army will owe us another favor!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Well, since we are fighting devils together, if we do this, the Eighth Route Army will gain our favor, and we will be able to increase mutual trust!" Yang Fei also said.

"Okay, then wait for tomorrow! Lin Zhonghu, I haven't seen him for a long time! I can't wait to meet him now!" Lin Jianhua was a little excited.

As night came, the cold wind whizzed past, and the trees that had already shed their leaves were shaking their thin torsos at this time. This thin and thin torso looked even more desolate in the cold winter.

The night was like water, and the moon was covered by clouds that came from nowhere, leaving half of it, but this half was leaking light.

The snow cave was not baptized by the cold wind. Yang Fei smoked a cigarette and looked at the day, "It's going to snow again, but it doesn't matter, I haven't seen snow for a few days!"

Early the next morning, when the soldiers woke up, it was indeed snowing heavily. When Yang Fei reached the outside of the snow pit, he pushed away the snowflakes blocking the entrance of the cave with his hands, and then came out. Han Qing ran away at this time. Come over, "Sir!"

"Han Qing, what's wrong?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader Lin came to me just now and asked me if I was okay. I'll come and see you!" Han Qing said.

"It seems that Captain Lin hasn't seen his brother for a long time, go and tell Captain Lin that I can leave anytime!" Yang Fei said.


After explaining Chen Heng's precautions, Lin Jianhua led the soldiers down Yanling. The snow on the snow was thick, and the marching speed slowed down again. The horses had been groomed all night, and now they looked refreshed.

Lin Jianhua found Yang Fei and Han Qing, "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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