Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2562 All Brothers

Chapter 2562 All Brothers
In the vast snowfield, three figures walked alone between the sky and the earth, descended from Yanling, and then walked eastward. After walking for three hours, the three of them met the Eighth Route Army.

After briefly explaining his intentions, Li Jiguang looked at them!

"What? Brigadier Li, you don't believe us?" Han Qing asked.

"No, how dare I not believe you, I just feel that I have met a nobleman! If we can get our weapons and equipment from Heishuizhai, our Eighth Route Army owes you another favor, and this favor can only I can pay it back slowly in the future!" Li Jiguang said.

"Fellowship is a small matter. The important thing is that we are now an army to fight devils. We cannot collapse. Once we collapse, devils will be happy!" Lin Jianhua said, "So, we are now a front. Since we are A front, then, it is understandable for us to help each other!"

"Okay, Captain Lin is generous, I, Mr. Li, have nothing to repay you! I can only wait for the opportunity, and I will pay a visit in person!" Lin Jianhua said.

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua just took Shen Wanxi and left alone. Before leaving, he handed over everything to Wang Wei.

From the starting point, go all the way to the northeast. This is a road that no one has ever walked. On the snow, there are only the footprints of a few of them. They are not lonely, but they seem generous and passionate.

When they arrived at the grove again, the bumpy marks in the grove strengthened Yang Fei's thoughts, "The place where you were ambushed is in this grove, Brigadier Li, you should have been stared at for a long time!"

"I am ashamed to say this. We have no news at all. We were caught off guard!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, it's not that Lin Zhonghu is playing tricks. We don't need to hand over our weapons. It's fine if they obediently call out, but if they don't hand them over, we have to find a way to take their Black Water Village at any time!" Shen Wanxi said .

"Nonsense!" Li Jiguang said, "Head Shen, don't talk about this matter anymore, we are willing to gamble and admit defeat!"

"Brigadier... this..."

Before Shen Wanxi could finish speaking, Li Jiguang raised a hand, "Okay, stop talking!"

"As long as we follow this horse's hoof, we will definitely be able to find the Black Water Village, and we will also be able to find the Tiger in the Forest!" Yang Fei said.

"Let's hurry!"

According to the marks of the horseshoes, they went all the way to the northeast.

After walking for more than an hour, it really fell on a big frozen river. This big river came from the west and then went east.

"This should be the Black Water River!" Li Jiguang said.

"Head, didn't you say that you and Lin Zhonghu are old acquaintances, why? You have never been here before?" Yang Fei asked.

"Back then, we were all brothers in a cottage. Didn't we get kidnapped by the devil? I discussed with him. If there is a chance to go out and start a new team, he will be called Heishuizhai, and I will be called Bairitian! This is what we negotiated together!" Lin Jianhua said.

"So that's the case, I didn't expect that your brother would pull up a team of so many people so quickly!" Yang Fei said with emotion.

Lin Jianhua just smiled.

This road is difficult to walk, until they once doubted life.

However, the hard work paid off, until they were surrounded by more than 20 people, and then pointed their guns at them.

"Who are you?"

It seems that they found the right place.

Lin Jianhua looked at a young man, "Go, tell you guys that his elder brother is here!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask who are you? What are you doing in our Black Water Village?" the little boy shouted.

"You don't know me, but your family members know me. You have to call me big brother when you see me. You are not qualified to ask my name. If you want to know, then tell your family members and come to him every day!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Bai Ritian?" Xiao Luo looked at him suspiciously, "Okay, you wait, put down your weapon, it's best not to come here!" After saying that, Xiao Luo ran away.

When Xiao Luo told Lin Zhonghu about Bai Ritian's visit, Lin Zhonghu frowned first, "What? Bai Ritian?"

How could he not know what Bai Ritian was referring to, but he asked again, "How many people are here?"

"Five people, two of them met yesterday, they are the two people whose guns we seized!" Xiao Luo said.

"Okay! I also know, please invite them in quickly!" Lin Zhonghu said.

However, just after he finished speaking, he hurriedly said, "Forget it, I'll go out and pick it up myself!"

When Lin Jianhua came, Lin Zhonghu had to go to see him. They hadn't seen each other for a long time.

For Lin Zhonghu, Lin Jianhua was of course happy to have come, but what he couldn't figure out was, why did Lin Jianhua stay with the two soldiers yesterday?
In the final analysis, Lin Zhonghu was a little guilty at this time, he was afraid that the flood would rush into the Dragon King Temple, and he would lose face by then.

When he arrived at the place, Lin Zhonghu took a look among the five people, and found Lin Jianhua accurately. Sure enough, Lin Jianhua was still the same Lin Jianhua, and his appearance had not changed at all.

"Brother!" Lin Zhonghu shouted loudly!
Then he kept running.

Lin Jianhua turned his head and saw Lin Zhonghu, "Brother!"

The arms of the two people held each other tightly, "You haven't changed!"

"You haven't changed!"

After the two of them finished talking, Lin Zhonghu said, "Brother, let's go, sit in the village for a while!"

A few people went to the Black Water Village, and at the Juyi Pavilion, Lin Zhonghu asked someone to add two charcoal basins.

It was warm inside the room.

Lin Zhonghu asked Lin Jianhua to sit in the head of the family, but Lin Jianhua refused, "You are now the head of Heishuizhai. I can't take this position!"

"Brother, you are my elder brother, you should sit here!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, we were taken away by the devils, and then we each took people away. Now, you have achieved such an achievement, I am very happy! This is the result of your hard work, how can I occupy the magpie's nest?" Lin Jianhua shook his head. .

"Since the eldest brother doesn't sit, I can't sit either!" Lin Zhonghu sat next to Lin Jianhua as he spoke.

Several people watched their conversation, and Shen Wanxi showed disdain at this moment, thinking to himself, "It turns out that the so-called Captain Lin of the Ninth Route Army was also a bandit, no wonder!"

It's just that he doesn't make a sound now.

"Brother, I am very happy that you can come today! At the beginning, you gave most of the brothers to me for my safety, but you only took away a few people. I will never forget this kindness!" After finishing speaking , Lin Zhonghu asked someone to bring in the wine.

Hearing this, Yang Fei felt a little guilty about what he said just now, why did your brother develop so well? Doesn't the implication mean that Lin Jianhua's development is not as good as him?

As for the slap in the face, Yang Fei could only take it to heart. How could Lin Jianhua's righteousness be understood by Xiaoxiao's generation?
Of course, Yang Fei is not the younger generation, but, judging from Lin Jianhua's performance, he is indeed great.

After serving the wine bowl, Lin Zhonghu drank it down first.

Lin Jianhua also drank it in one gulp.

"Brother, are these brothers your friends?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"That's right!" Lin Jianhua said, "They are indeed my friends!"

As soon as he finished saying this, Lin Zhonghu stood up, took the wine bowl and walked to Li Jiguang's side, "You are my elder brother's friend, of course, and also my Lin Zhonghu's friend. I apologize to you for what happened yesterday. Wait a minute, I haven't touched the gun yesterday, so I'll find someone to deliver it!"

Li Jiguang didn't expect that Lin Zhonghu would be so forthright. If it weren't for what he is like today, he would really think of Lin Zhonghu as a gangster.

I saw that Lin Zhonghu drank it all in one gulp, and Li Jiguang smiled, "I haven't had a drink for a long time. Today, I'm also happy!" After finishing speaking, he also finished his drink.

Lin Jianhua hadn't said anything about it yet, and the matter had already been resolved. It is conceivable that Lin Zhonghu is also a man of temperament!

After a while, I heard some noisy voices outside. Lin Zhonghu went out to take a look, and then came in, "Brother, all your weapons and equipment are outside, I am so sorry! How could the flood wash into the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family I don’t know the family anymore. I’ll punish myself with a bowl of wine!” After speaking, Lin Zhonghu drank another bowl of wine boldly.

"What's the matter with Lin Zhaizhu, this bowl of wine, let's settle our suspicions. If I can be useful in the future, it's up to you!" Li Jiguang said.

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu came to Lin Jianhua again, "Brother, since you have come to the stockade, the stockade will be the owner again from now on! Please also be the head of our family, and bring the brothers to work together!"

Lin Jianhua shook his head, "Brother, there are some things you may not know. I am the regiment commander of the Ninth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and now I am fighting devils. I can't do it, you have to come!"

"What?" Lin Zhonghu was a little surprised. In such a short period of time, Lin Jianhua became a member of the official family, and Lin Zhonghu was a little at a loss when he was with his bandits.

"Brother, now that the country is facing a catastrophe, a man should serve the country. I'm in danger. I'm here today. I'll save you later. We're going to the Jinfeng Mountain area now. If there's anything, you can find me there." !” Lin Jianhua said.

"Brother, whatever you do, I'll do whatever you want. If you beat devils, I'm not bad. Brother, if you don't dislike my status as a bandit, all my hundred-odd brothers will follow you!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"No!" Lin Jianhua shook his head, "Brother, it's not that I look down on you as a bandit, but that we still have something to do now. If you are a bandit, just kill a few devils by the way. When you treat ordinary people, please don't kill innocent people indiscriminately." That's good!" Lin Jianhua said.


"It's nothing to worry about, brother, I'll go fight the devils, you're here, just take the brothers, once I can't get along with the brother, anyway, we still have a place to stay, this is my selfishness Please understand!" Lin Jianhua is right, he has to think about their troops, if the Ninth Route Army encounters any difficulties, maybe these bandit brothers will be able to help them in the end!
"Since the elder brother said so, I have to listen to the younger brother!" Lin Zhonghu was actually a little disappointed.

"Brother, it's getting late, I want to go back early, otherwise, it will be dark when I go back!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Brother, let's stay for one night. In the evening, I will let the brothers eat and drink well. It's not too late to leave tomorrow. Besides, you and my brothers and I haven't had a good chat for a long time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, let's Have a good chat!" Lin Zhonghu wanted to persuade him to stay.

However, Lin Jianhua shook his head, "Brother, I don't dare to stay longer. The soldiers of a regiment are all heading towards Jinfeng Mountain. I am afraid that if they go too far, we will not be able to catch up. With our speed, we can catch up." They, I think, are at night!"

Lin Zhonghu sighed, "Hey!"

"Brother, the future is long, I'm leaving!"

After speaking, Lin Jianhua stood up, Li Jiguang, Yang Fei and others all stood up.

"Brother, wait a moment!" After Lin Zhonghu finished speaking, he walked out. After Xu Shi ordered a few times, he came in again and came to Li Jiguang, "Brother, I have someone prepare two carriages. After a while, those weapons and ammunition can be placed Pull away in the carriage!" After finishing speaking, he came to Lin Jianhua again, "Brother, besides, I have prepared three horses for you, you can ride them away, so that you can find your team as soon as possible!"

"Brother, you have a heart!" Lin Jianhua patted him on the shoulder.

Lin Zhonghu took his brother and sent Lin Jianhua and others to the forest before returning.

Seeing them leave, a young man asked, "Master, we won't offend the officials, will we?"

Lin Zhonghu shook his head, "No! My elder brother is not such a person! Besides, if we can't get along anymore, we can still find him. He is my benefactor. Without him, I could only starve to death on the street. My life is his life, my today depends on his cultivation!"

"Master, brothers follow you, wherever you go, we will follow you!"

"Let's go back! After you go down, tell a few brothers to take turns to inquire about Jinfengshan's situation. If there is anything, please tell me immediately. Although he is an official and I am a bandit, I will not allow the devil to hurt me. Brother!" After speaking, Lin Zhonghu turned around and left.

The little boy responded and left.

The meeting is short, less than an hour. However, for two people who haven't seen each other for a long time, this hour is too short. This aspect will also make them cherish more and understand the present situation better. All of them are people who are destined for themselves.

It was snowing heavily, giving Beihai enough face. On the snowy field, a few roe deer ran past. Unlike the white academy, their fur was grayish brown.They watched everything here vigilantly. The snow field with few gunshots now looked so peaceful and harmonious!

(End of this chapter)

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