Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2563 I have a good idea

Chapter 2563 I have a good idea
With Lin Zhonghu's horses, the speed of returning to the army was much faster.

After Li Jiguang and the others went back, they distributed those weapons, no more, no less.

Da Guang looked at these weapons, and then at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, I really want them back!"

"That's right, thanks to Captain Lin of the Ninth Route Army this time, without him, maybe we wouldn't be able to come out!" Li Jiguang said.

"Then Captain Lin of the Ninth Route Army is so powerful? Even the people in Heishuizhai give such a face value?" Da Guang asked.

"What face! Then Lin Jianhua used to be a bandit!" Shen Wanxi sneered at this.

Li Jiguang on the side got a little angry, "Head Shen, he just asked for something back from us. I'm afraid you are not a gentleman who made trouble when you fell into trouble!"

"Brigade Commander, from my point of view, this Lin Jianhua may have escaped with Lin Zhonghu. If this happens, we owe them another favor!" Shen Wanxi said.

"How can you say that?" Although Wang Wei didn't go, he was unwilling to believe Shen Wanxi's deduction, "Commander Shen, our Eighth Route Army is upright, and we are not afraid of other people's calculations, but we can't wrong such a good man. If you say so, there is no need for him, Lin Jianhua, to give us the guns. There are more than 300 of them, and if they get these guns, they can just arm their personnel! I also feel a little bad for you to speak of others without evidence!"

"Political commissar, you didn't see it. After we went with Lin Jianhua and the others, Lin Zhonghu heard that Lin Jianhua said we knew each other, so he asked people to take out all the guns. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?"

Shen Wanxi didn't believe it!

"Enough!" Li Jiguang was visibly angry, "Head Shen, don't talk about this matter. We discussed it before the transfer, and this cooperation has to continue. Do you think that just a few of us can make our Soldiers rescued? I’m afraid it won’t be that easy? If you don’t cooperate with others, it’s enough for us to drink a pot!”


Shen Wanxi wanted to say something else, but Li Jiguang interrupted him, "Don't say too much about sabotaging cooperation. Since we are cooperating, we must trust each other unconditionally. If you are so suspicious, I am afraid that no one will want to cooperate with you in the future." Let's cooperate!"

"Yes!" That's all Shen Wanxi could say!
"By the way, brigade commander, Hu Dahai's people wrote to say that there is no obstacle ahead, so we can go there with confidence!" Wang Wei said.

"Okay, in this case, let the soldiers put their guns on the car, which can save some effort!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay!" After speaking, Wang Wei went to give orders.


The transfer of the Nine Route Army reached Sato's ears!

He asked suspiciously, "Nine Route Army? Is that the Nine Route Army that we broke into the county?"

"Yes, Sato-kun, if they come back from the ashes, I'm afraid it will be bad for us!" Honda said.

"Honda Jun, I heard that Saga is back? Still injured?" Sato asked.

"Yes, he was injured. He came back and told me that he found the Eighth Route Army and the Ninth Route Army. The Eighth Route Army was stationed in Jiangjiatun, and the Ninth Route Army was stationed in Huomentun. When I ordered people to go there, I found that they had already moved!" Honda said.

"The speed of their transfer is fast enough. According to their trajectory, where do you think they might go now?" Honda asked.

"Jinmen Village has our security regiment and a gold troop. The Nine Route Army first attacked the sentry point on the transportation road, then attacked Jinmen Village, and from Jinmen Village to Xiaowangzhuang. From this point of view, they are very likely He went to Yanling from Xiaowangzhuang!" Honda guessed.

"Yes, you think the same as I do!" Honda said, "With so many of them marching, they certainly won't be able to walk through Yanling. However, the north of Yanling is desolate and full of bandits. Blind bear, hehe, the Ninth Route Army has walked into a dead end by itself!"

"I think so too, but I think it's better to send troops to chase them just in case!" Honda said.

"It's unnecessary, Honda Army, they can't get out, there is no food inside, and the environment is too bad! Let alone them in this climate, our Japanese soldiers may not be able to get out. The Ninth Route Army lacks It is even more impossible to come out with short clothes and food!" Honda said confidently.

"Hi!" Honda said.

"Yanling is the natural barrier of the North Sea. It is impossible to cross the mountains from Xiaowangzhuang. They are already dead. Let's just take care of our gold production now!" Honda said.



Beihai Province.

It is always in an inconspicuous place on the map. There is a Yanling Ridge stretching from east to west. The Yanling Ridge soars into the sky and divides the North Sea into two parts, the north and the south. The south side has abundant rain, and there are some places where rice can be grown, although it is only a one-season rice. However, it is enough for the people of the North Sea to harvest. In the north, the climate is dry. Although it snowed in the sky, there will be no more rain from the second year. There are only some pastures here, and some herdsmen don't know where to graze. .

Yang Fei looked at the endless snow field, and the north wind was tearing at this fragile place.

There was snow in the sky, and the snowflakes were blowing up on the ground again. The snowflakes all over the sky, confused the eyes, and several war horses couldn't open their eyes and knelt down on all fours to avoid the severe cold.

Lin Jianhua found Yang Fei, "Brother Yang, the conditions here are too bad, can we get out from here?"

"Of course!" Yang Fei was very optimistic.

"Brother Yang, there are still five hundred miles to reach Jinfeng Mountain from here. According to our current marching speed, it may take more than a month to get there!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Head, I also thought that we would pass through Yanling, but this is not realistic. Firstly, the Yanling Mountains are too high and there are many steep slopes. Coming here, this Yanling is not endless. Fault!" Yang Fei said.

"I know this, but I hope we can reach Jinfeng Mountain alive!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Leader, let everyone take a break. The wind is so strong that even the horses dare not go forward. Let the soldiers have a good rest!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean too!" After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua went to give orders!

Han Qing saw Lin Jianhua leaving, and then came to Yang Fei, "Sir, we are going this way, but it is too slow!"

"I know this, but what else can the soldiers do besides the first time?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Sir, speaking of this, I have a good idea. I wonder if you want to hear it?" Han Qing asked.

"Do you have a good idea?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"I have an idea. As for whether it is good or not, you still need to decide!" Han Qing said. ,
"Since there is a way, just tell me, how would I know if you don't tell me!" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

Han Qing sat down, and Yang Fei also sat down, "Sir, it's like this, in Beihai, winter enters every October, and spring doesn't begin until April of the following year! The winter here lasts for half a year. The snow in the North Sea can even reach one meter, and it can even reach 1.5 meters to two meters at higher places. We stepped on it and didn't notice it, but the snow is thick!"

"I know this. If you have any other way, just say it. Why are you making so many detours?" Yang Fei asked.

"Knowing this, I think it's easy!" After speaking, Han Qing found Zhao Junjie and took a shovel from him.

"What are you doing with this thing?" Yang Fei asked.

"The only thing blocking our march now is the strong wind and the cold. As long as we overcome these two points, I believe we will be able to succeed!" Han Qing said.

"I also know this, you kid, don't hide it, it makes me very uncomfortable!" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"I remember you told me that the Eighth Route Army used tunnel warfare to fight devils, and we..." Before Han Qing could finish speaking, Yang Fei had an epiphany.

"You mean, we also adopt this method, and then dig a snow pit, drill a hole, and then walk underneath, so as to avoid the cold and windy weather!" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, sir, you said everything I thought!" Han Qing said.

"Is this possible?" Yang Fei asked.

"Whether it is feasible or not, we have to try, otherwise, when will we be able to reach Jinfeng Mountain, it will be much better than waiting here!" Han Qing said.

"Okay, then take a squad of soldiers to dig it out first, and if it works, then do as you say!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then bring Zhao Junjie's people over, let's try!"

As soon as the news came out, hundreds of people immediately became interested. Not to mention, with this idea, among these students, they were all highly supportive.

Lin Jianhua slapped his thigh when he heard this, "Good idea!

It is indeed a good idea, although digging a tunnel is a bit time-consuming, but fortunately, the snow is not solid, so it is not difficult to dig.

I found a place and first dug a snow hole with a radius of one meter, and then began to dig all the way to the west.

In order to find the exact direction, the leading Yizhi excavation team dug another snow pit 100 meters away from the snow pit, and then continued to dig westward.

After the first tunnel was dug, Yang Fei went down to try it himself. Although the snow trail was a bit low, there was really no wind down there. Not to mention, it wasn't too cold without wind!
It was undoubtedly a success!
Yang Fei called Lin Jianhua down, and Lin Jianhua tried it too, sure enough.

He laughed loudly, "The sky will not stop me, I will defy the sky! Whoever said that the desolate north of Yanling can't pass, I think we can not only pass, but also arrive early!"

"That's right, if the snow track really passes, we will arrive early!" Yang Fei said.

"Since this is the case, let the soldiers quickly dig through the snowy road. This way, people will not be aware of it!" Lin Jianhua explained.

Yang Fei personally took a shovel and dug with the soldiers. He sweated and felt very warm.

According to Lin Jianhua's calculation, it takes about half an hour to dig 100 meters. It takes a lot of effort to walk the 100 meters above. In order to dig this tunnel in the shortest time, Lin Jianhua personally directed and divided the soldiers into ten groups. However, there were not enough shovels, so some soldiers dug with their hands, and some soldiers also used bayonets to explore the way. A few people dug pits, and a few people shoveled snow.

Man conquers nature, isn't that what you are talking about?

The strong wind whizzed past, and the cold wind blew the snow, rolling up those weak snowflakes, like a kidnapped crowd, the whistling sound was accompanied by shouts, cursing, and unwillingness.

If you are tired, just sleep in this snowy road, and sleep comfortably.

Yang Fei lit a cigarette, looked at the changes here, and smiled, "Han Qing, you've done a great job this time!"

"Where, this is what you said yourself, sir!" Han Qing smiled, digging a hole in the snow.

"If we continue digging like this, I think it will take ten days at most, and we will be able to pass through. At that time, we will go to Jinfeng Mountain. The area around Jinfeng Mountain will be much better than this side, and there will be more people there. At that time, we will develop base areas. Our goal!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, no matter what, I'll just do what you do!" Han Qing said.

"Okay, it's divided into these tunnels, the speed should be very fast, we'll keep digging forward, and eventually we'll meet up with other fighters. This time, we're sure to win!" Yang Fei was very confident.

In one day, Yang Fei did the math, and a small team dug almost [-] meters!This is not a small amount, ten groups, that is [-] meters!Before this, how dare they imagine that this day can go so far?
Such an algorithm may not be scientific, but there is always a distance of [-] meters to [-] meters!

Lin Jianhua couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear at this time, "Brother Yang, this method is really good. It's getting late now, and the soldiers are resting on this snowy track. Tomorrow will be another day, about ten days. We can definitely reach Jinfeng Mountain, and we will get there before the Eighth Route Army! At that time, you have to find a good place as our base!" Lin Jianhua said.

"This is natural, leader, don't worry, I have found many good places, and this time it will work!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother Yang, take a look at what this is?" Lin Jianhua said, taking out a kettle from his arms.

"Water?" Yang Fei asked.

Lin Jianhua shook his head, "Come on, smell it!" After he finished speaking, he opened the lid of the kettle, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out.

"Wine?" Yang Fei asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it was given to me by Lin Zhonghu when we came out. The current conditions, let alone wine, are not enough food!" Yang Fei said.

With that said, Lin Jianhua gave the jug to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei narrowed his mouth a little, then handed it to Lin Jianhua.

Lin Jianhua also took a sip, "If you can drink wine, this life is enough! Come on, have another sip!" As he said, Lin Jianhua threw the jug to Yang Fei again.

Yang Fei shook his head, "Keep it, one sip every day, I think it's enough!"

"Haha, okay, I listen to you, then stay!" After speaking, he put away the flagon.

(End of this chapter)

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