Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2564 Killing him is good for us

Chapter 2564 Killing him is good for us

Who said that there are not many people who are dedicated to the end, at least, Yang Fei and his more than 300 people are dedicated to the end.

The snow track was exactly what Lin Jianhua had imagined. Ten days later, Ma Xiaokun's forward troops received news that they had arrived at a place called Fupingwa.

Yang Fei hurriedly took out the map and looked it up, and then burst out laughing when he found this place.

Lin Jianhua quickly took the map.

"Haha, we've arrived at Jinfeng Mountain!" Lin Jianhua looked at the map, his hands trembling a little!
"Looking at the undulating mountains ahead, it looks like a phoenix!" Yang Fei said to Lin Jianhua.

"When the phoenix is ​​reborn, it is about to burn. This nirvana is very similar to ourselves!" Lin Jianhua hugged Yang Fei happily.

"Leader. I looked on the map and found that Xiaoshuipo village can be developed into our base area. The terrain of Xiaoshuipo here is very good. It is located on a small high ground. Moreover, there is a river at the entrance of the village, and the village is surrounded on three sides. Gaoshan, the location advantage here is unique!" Yang Fei said.

"How far is it from Xiaoshuipo Village?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"There are still ten miles to go. However, we want to get there, but it will take a lot of effort, because we have to pass the devil's three checkpoints!" Yang Fei said.

"Three checkpoints?" Lin Jianhua became suspicious, "What? These three checkpoints are not good for him?"

"That's not true. We're new here! We're not familiar with the place. If this devil is alarmed, if the devil sends troops over, we'll have no choice but to run away. I think it's best for us to find a way to get around and not alarm them!" Yang Fei said.

"A detour? Can it be detoured? How long will it take to detour?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"I think, one month, we have passed!" Yang Fei said.

"One month?" Lin Jianhua shook his head, "No, one month is too long, the soldiers need to correct, they need to eat, the soldiers have been out of food for two days, we have arrived here today, we must pass!"

"Then..." Yang Fei was a little embarrassed, "How about leaving this matter to me, Han Qing and I will go, team leader, you wait for my good news!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei took Han Qing with him. gone!

In fact, the small matter of passing a few checkpoints is not a big deal in the eyes of Yang Fei and Han Qing. An enemy like Han Qing is the nemesis of devils.

However, he also had to make it clear to Lin Jianhua, not to alarm the devils!
This is a hard condition!
When we arrived at the devil's sentry point, there were only three devils. Since they were in a remote place, the three devils only needed to report the situation every day.

Not to mention anything else, I saw Han Qing with a knife pinned to his waist, and quickly arrived at the devil's post, raised the knife and dropped it in one go, and the three devils became ghosts under the knife.

Within a long time, the three checkpoints were taken by Yang Fei and Han Qing.

Nothing happened.

However, after the last sentinel, the phone rang suddenly!

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Sir, call!"

Yang Fei went over, "Shut up, I want to know what the devil's phone number means!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the messages on the three devils, and then picked up the phone!

"Ono-kun, why don't you answer the phone, what's the situation there, is everything normal!"

"Report sir, everything is normal!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir? Ono-kun, you must have missed my voice!" The person on the phone asked with a smile.

"I really didn't hear it, did you?" Yang Fei asked.

"I'm Dongyun!" Dongyun said.

"Oh, Dong Yun-jun, I didn't recognize your voice, damn it," Yang Fei said.

"Okay, to make a long story short, tomorrow afternoon, a batch of supplies will be delivered to your post, and you should be ready to receive them!" Dong Yun said.

"Ha Yi! I understand!" Yang Fei said.

When the other party hung up the phone, Han Qing hurriedly asked, "Sir, what happened?"

"It's nothing, but they will send a batch of supplies tomorrow. We can't miss these supplies!" Yang Fei said.

"What do you mean?" Han Qing asked.

"Han Qing, tell the team leader now, let them take people to Xiaoshuipo Village as soon as possible. When the time comes, you, me, and Chen Heng will stay at this stronghold and wait to receive tomorrow's supplies!" Yang Fei Said.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing left.

Yang Fei tore off the clothes of the three devils, then dug a hole and buried the three in it.

When Lin Jianhua and the others came over, Yang Fei said a few words, and then let Lin Jianhua take the others away.

Only Yang Fei and Han Qing and Chen Heng remained in the stronghold.

The reason why the two of them were left behind was that Yang Fei felt that it was very possible that Ono and Dongyun were good friends, and if Dongyun found out some flaws, the three of them could solve it together.

Sure enough, in the afternoon of the next day, Yang Fei heard shouts from outside.

"Ono-kun, are you there?"

Yang Fei went out and saw a ghost sitting on a carriage covered with a thick cloth.

"Oh, Lord Dongyun!" Yang Fei went over to say hello.

"Xiao Yejun..." Dong Yun looked at Yang Fei and looked him up and down, Yang Fei's heart skipped a beat, "No, the other party must have recognized him!"

Before Yang Fei could think about it, Dong Yun laughed, "Mr. Xiao Ye, I didn't expect that we haven't seen each other for a while, but you have lost a lot of weight!"

"That's right, this post has run out of food a long time ago, if you're hungry, you can only eat dirt!" Yang Fei half-jokingly said.

"Haha. Alright, this time, these supplies are brought to you, enough food for the three of you for a month, hurry up and take them back!" Dong Yun said.


After finishing speaking, Han Qing went over to pull the carriage and walked to the sentry point.

"Jun Dongyun, come in and warm up for a while!" Yang Fei said.

"I don't need it when it's warm, I have to go back." After Dong Yun finished speaking, he arrived at the sentry point, and Han Qing moved the supplies out of the carriage, then sat in the carriage and left.

After he left, Chen Heng said, "Mr. Yang, I think this devil is not simple!"

"You mean this Dongyun recognized me?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's very possible that he looked at you wrongly. This guy seems to be going to rescue soldiers. Wait a while, I'll kill him!" Chen Heng hurried out after finishing speaking, and ran after the carriage!

Han Qing also said, "Chen Heng is undoubtedly right! Sir, killing him will be good for us all!"

Yang Fei felt the same way at this time!
However, after a while, Chen Heng came back. He looked at Yang Fei and said, "Mr. Yang, I couldn't find him after I went out. Where did this Dongyun go?"

"Can't find it? It stands to reason that he can't go far?" Yang Fei asked suspiciously.

"I also find it strange that he disappeared as soon as I went out. I searched for a while, but I still haven't found him!" Chen Heng said, "This place is not suitable for staying for long, Comrade Yang Du, we have to leave quickly!"

"Let's go?" Yang Fei looked at the supplies. To be honest, the three of them couldn't take them back at all. Besides, these things were the most important food for his army!

"Sir, let's go?" Han Qing said the same.

"It's not impossible to go, you have to think of a way, then Dongyun put these things here and took the car away, these grains are very important to our army!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, we can't think about these things now. Once the army of devils comes over, we won't be able to escape at all!" Han Qing said quickly.

"That's right, Commander Yang, I think we'd better evacuate here first, and come back when the wind blows away!" Chen Heng said.

"Then... just hide these grains, these grains were also scavenged by the little devils from the common people, I am not willing to take these grains!" Said, Yang Fei and the three of them carried the grains together to a Behind the house, a snow pit was dug and buried.

However, when they were about to leave, Yang Fei suddenly felt, no, the devil is here!

That's right, Dongyun actually felt something was wrong on the phone, and Ono's tone didn't look like himself, so he brought someone over here. To prove this, he alone The man came here to see if it was what he thought. When he came here, it was indeed so. Yang Fei and the other three were unfamiliar faces. Although they had no intersection with Ono, how could he not know Ono?
He led a small team, about 30 people, and these 30 devils were ambushing around here. When Chen Heng went to look for him, he had already hidden. How could Chen Heng find it?

At this time, he has already surrounded the place with people, not to mention anything else here, just talking about these 30 devils, it is not too difficult for Yang Fei, the difficulty is, how did they deal with these people?

That Dongyun is not a vegetarian, as a high-achieving student who graduated from a regular military academy, how could he have any negligence?

More than 30 people surrounded a small stronghold, and Yang Fei and others immediately hid.

"Oops!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he took out his pistol.

"These devils came really fast, faster than we thought!" Han Qing said.

"No matter how many people there are, we have to kill them!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, have you thought about a countermeasure?" Han Qing asked.

"Based on the skills of the three of us, killing these little devils shouldn't be a problem!" Yang Fei said.

"Mr. Yang Du, I don't think devils are so simple!" Chen Heng said, "Look, there should be a small team of these people, but we can see only a dozen people, and the remaining dozen Personally, I'm sure they're in ambush, and when we show up, we're going to be shot!"

"Yes, that's right!" Han Qing said. "If we raid them, it's okay, now we want to break out, under the eyes of others, it's not easy!"

"No matter what, let's try, we can't let the devil touch it, if we touch it, we have nowhere to escape!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, a broken Chinese came from outside the stronghold, "Listen, people inside, you have been surrounded by our Great Japanese Empire, if you want to survive, put down your weapons and surrender quickly! If you are similar, we will help you!"

It was Dong Yun who spoke.

During these years of war, Dong Yun has already learned to speak Chinese. Regarding the Japanese dialect that Yang Fei spoke just now, Dong Yun also wondered how the other party could speak so fluently. His accent sounded like authentic Kanto dialect, but on second thought , These people are very good, they must be arrested and interrogated!

"Little devil, listen up, come and catch us if you have the ability, but if you don't, you should go back quickly, but you only have 10 minutes to think about it!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he loaded the bullet in the pistol.

For these beasts, there is nothing to hold back, just do it directly, if it is not for the terrain, they will go up and wipe out these little devils right now.

"It's ridiculous, if nothing unexpected, you should be the Eighth Route Army, right? Unexpectedly, you actually crossed the big snowfield, and you can pass or come here!" Dong Yun said.

"There are so many things you can't think of! How about you make me some tea and I'll tell you the details!" Chen Heng shouted.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will give you 10 minutes to think about it, no, 3 minutes, you are very cunning, only 3 minutes, after 3 minutes, my guns can't save my eyes!" Dong Yun shouted loudly.

"Hahaha, okay, since you have the guts, then come!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, "Mr. Yang, I'm afraid that the devil has completely cut off all the things we have to go out with." way!"

"You guys wait here, I'll meet them when I go out!" Yang Fei was about to go out after speaking.

Han Qing grabbed him, "If you go, sir, I will go, you stay here obediently!" After Han Qing finished speaking, he just raised his hand and shouted, "I surrender!"

There was a trace of disdain on Dong Yun's face. That's right, when faced with the choice between life and death, few people would choose to die. Since there is a way out of life, why choose to die?

Yang Fei frowned, quietly watching outside.

"Okay, very good, come here, don't move!" Dong Yun said.

Han Qing raised his hand, "Okay, okay!"

After finishing speaking, Han Qing came to Dong Yun, and the two devils came to search Han Qing's body. When there was no other threat, Dong Yun looked at him, "You are very knowledgeable about current affairs. If you can let the other two people Surrender, you will make great achievements! You should consider whether to do this!"

"Of course I would!" Han Qing said directly, "Actually, you are wrong, we are not the Eighth Route Army, we are bandits!"

"Bandits?" Dong Yun wondered, "Bandits, no wonder! I wondered how the Eighth Route Army could come here so quickly, let alone half a month, if not half a month, they would never have such a chance to come out!"

"Sir, what you said is, how about I say something to them?" Han Qing asked.

"Of course it's good!" After Dong Yun finished speaking, he gave Han Qing a trumpet.

Han Qing finally smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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