Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2565 Dongyun

Chapter 2565 Dongyun
"Then go on, don't waste time!" Dong Yun said.

Han Qing picked up the loudspeaker, "Listen to the people inside, those who know the current affairs are heroes, you should understand that fighting against the imperial army will not end well, and there are only seventeen imperial troops that can be seen here!" Han Qing Said, then looked at Dong Yun, "Sir, how many people are there who can't see?"

"Thirteen are snipers from the empire!" Dong Yun said.

Han Qing picked up the horn again, "In addition, there are thirteen snipers you can't see! If you are sensible, come out!" Han Qing shouted loudly.

Chen Heng smiled slightly, "I didn't expect this Han Qing to be so shameless, but I like it!"

"Haha, in this way, we will know, go out? It's impossible! Once we go out, the sniper might already be in place!" Yang Fei said.

"Mr. Yang, what about our next itinerary?" Chen Heng asked.

"Next, the devil should find out that something is wrong, and Han Qing will be back soon!" Yang Fei said.

"Guardian Yang, are you fighting?" Chen Heng asked.

"Fight, you have to try anyway!" Yang Fei said.

Sure enough, at this time, Yang Fei and the others did not respond, Han Qing took the initiative to say to Dong Yun, "Sir, they dare not come out, just wait, I will find them out!" I also believed it, but he said, "You two, follow him and arrest An Xie's murderer!"

The two devils followed Han Qing to the stronghold, "I told you, don't pretend to be dead, come out, come out quickly!"

Han Qing shouted loudly.

Yang Fei who heard the sound whistled outside.

Han Qing knew that Yang Fei was giving himself a secret signal!
Then he came to a small intersection, "you two wait here!"

"However, the officer ordered me to follow you carefully!"

"There's no need to be so troublesome!" Han Qing said. "I'm going to get the person out directly, you just wait here!"

With that said, Han Qing ran away.

The two devils looked at each other, "He ran away?"

"Yeah, he said to arrest people!"

"We were fooled!" The two devils realized that it was too late, Yang Fei had already thrown two bamboo sticks at them in the dark, and the bamboo sticks stabbed at his throat.

Seeing the blood sealing their throats, the two devils fell down instantly.

Seeing Yang Fei, Han Qing immediately said, "Sir, did you hear what you said just now? There are still [-] devil snipers around here, we can't get out!"

"If we can't get out, we have to find a way. I think we can work hard on Dong Yun!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, I'm afraid that Dongyun has already suspected me!" Han Qing said.

"Don't worry, as long as we can get close to Dongyun, we may go out!" Chen Heng said, "Let's go and have a look together!"

They go out and the two put their hands up, "I surrender!"

Originally, Dong Yun was already suspicious, but seeing that Han Qing really convinced someone, he was also happy in his heart, "Very good!"

However, when Chen Heng approached Dongyun, he pulled Dongyun over, and a dagger came out, directly pressing against Dongyun's neck!
"If you want to survive, be honest!"Chen Heng said coldly.

"What do you want to do? Even if you kill me, you won't be able to get out!" Dong Yun shouted.

"It's still good to take you as a backup when you die!" Chen Heng said.

"Hehe, let's take a look!"

After Dongyun finished speaking, a few devils ran over behind him and pointed their guns at Chen Heng.

"Put down your weapon and spare you!"

The devil yelled.

"Say, let them leave, let's go out, and guarantee your life!" Chen Heng shouted.

"Then let's see if you have the ability!" Dong Yun said.

Just after saying this, a ghost came behind Chen Heng at some point, and smashed Chen Heng's back with the butt of his gun!

Han Qing only noticed at this time, and hit the devil's chest directly with his backhand, and the devil fell to the ground and died after spitting blood from his mouth.

While Chen Heng was enduring the pain from his back, he was negligent. This Dong Yun was also a master. His calmness was not something that could be shown, but that he possessed such conditions himself!
I saw that Dong Yun stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbed Chen Heng's wrist, and then hit Chen Heng's arm with a palm, and the dagger fell to the ground with a "bang".

Seeing this, Chen Heng didn't dare to be careless, and threw both hands towards Dongyun's neck!

Chen Heng's two hands collided, and his bones creaked.

Dong Yun took a few steps back, and then drew out the samurai sword on his body.

"Play with me with knives, you're still young! Look at the knives!" Dong Yun roared, and then slashed at Chen Heng!

With a bitter chill, the devil's saber split a hole in the cold air!
"Ah!" Dong Yun roared, and slashed down with his knife. Chen Heng dodged sideways, and quickly stepped back a few steps!
There is no doubt that Dong Yun can be regarded as half a samurai!

It's rare for this half warrior to fight Chen Heng like this!

However, Chen Heng didn't believe in this evil!
He showed his moves, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he attacked quickly!
This boxing method is also very powerful when played, one is chilly, and the other is full of flames!

Chen Heng is also a master who has been instructed by an expert, otherwise, he would not have gained a little fame in the bandit circle. I saw Cheng Heng slapped him with both palms!

Dong Yun kicked the scabbard at Chen Heng vigorously!

With one hand, Chen Heng broke the oncoming scabbard, and then with both hands, he smashed towards Dong Yun's chest with the force of a thousand pounds!

Seeing that the situation is not good, Dongyun can't face it head-on!I can only retreat quickly!

Taking a few steps back, Dongyun seemed to have seen Chen Heng's flaws, with contempt on the corner of his mouth, and then said, "So that's what it is, and you are nothing more than that!"

"This is not the case, it's not up to you, watch the punches!"

Chen Heng's boxing techniques are varied, sometimes as medium as Mount Tai, and sometimes as steady as a cow's hair.

However, that Dongyun was more open to tricks, without any fear at all.

After several rounds, neither side got any advantage.That Dongyun also started to look at Chen Heng with admiration!
"Have you had enough fun? Come back when you've had enough fun, I'm not up yet!" Han Qing shouted.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!" With that said, Chen Heng put away his moves, and then walked behind Han Qing.

Han Qing smiled, "You're having so much fun, today, I'm going to send them to heaven!"

"Then I'm going to see if you have this ability!" After Dong Yun finished speaking, he still didn't believe it. He left and Han Qing came.

I have never seen such a thick face!

Chen Heng left, looked at Dong Yun with a smile, "You are not my opponent!"

"Is it your opponent? It's better to prove it with your actions instead of just saying it with your mouth!" After finishing speaking, Dongyun didn't have time to prepare for Han Qing, so he punched him directly. Feet, steady and steady, slowly came to Han Qing.

Han Qing looked at the opponent's boxing, and felt a little bit of fear. This guy, when he came over, was watertight, and even he, an old hand, was afraid sometimes, which shows that Dongyun really has some strength.

But then, it just proved that Dongyun has some strength, and it's not 01:30 behind Han Qing's kung fu.

It was only later that Han Qing realized that the reason why Dong Yun came here was because he was fighting Chen Heng just now. If this was the case, Chen Heng would definitely not have a chance to make a move!

However, it was Han Qing who met this time, and Han Qing might have given Dong Yun another chance there!
I saw Han Qing jumping up, then turned over and turned his head down, and pressed down heavily with his palm facing down!
Dong Yun looked up and went to catch it with both hands, but all of a sudden, half of his body fell into the snow pit.

Seeing that the situation was not in his favor, Dongyun quickly shrank his whole body downward.

When Han Qing saw it, Dong Yun's body disappeared immediately.

He looked left and right, alert to the surroundings.


Dongyun jumped up from the snow all of a sudden, the surrounding snowflakes exploded, and a wave of energy tore towards Han Qing!

This energy forced Han Qing back again and again!

"I'll spare your life! Get out of here!" Dong Yun shouted.

"Get out if you want? Today, I will not kill you, and my surname is not Han!" Han Qing took advantage of the situation and approached Dong Yun.

That Dongyun repeats his old tricks!The body got into the snow pit and disappeared!
The Japanese soldiers around looked left and right, and immediately raised their guns, pointing their black muzzles at Han Qing.

"You can't beat me, so let's do it! Tell you, I won't let you do it!" Said, Yang Fei ran over quickly!


A gunshot rang out in the distance.

The originally quiet valley was blasted loudly.

Han Qing knew that it was a sniper who fired, so he immediately rushed forward!

"Da da da……"

The devil's bullets shot at him, Han Qing rolled on the ground a few times, then frowned, "You guys are very good, but I'm not a vegetarian!"

In a blink of an eye, Han Qing disappeared.

When the three of them got together, Yang Fei said, "I figured it out, that Dong Yun is a Japanese Ninja, unexpectedly, I saw Ninja now!"

"Ninjas are so powerful?" Yang Fei asked.

"This ninja knows how to escape from the ground. I didn't expect Dong Yun to learn how to escape from the ground at such a young age!" Han Qing said slowly.

"Does that mean you never beat him?" Yang Fei asked.

"I think I can beat him, but he keeps hiding, which makes me at a loss, and the devil's sniper rifle is aimed at me, so I don't dare to be presumptuous anymore!" Han Qing said.

"It seems that today is not easy!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, don't worry, I can always beat him!" Han Qing said confidently.

"But I haven't fought yet!" Yang Fei said.

Just when Yang Fei was sighing, there was a charge horn in the distance!

The charge is long and stays in the valley for a long time.

"Come on~!"

Han Qing listened to the voice, "This..."

"Don't think about it, this must be the eighth way!" Yang Fei said.

"Eighth Road? Eighth Road is here so soon?" Han Qing asked.

"How could it not be here so soon?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he quietly stood up and looked in the direction of the charge, "We must be saved, the Eighth Route Army is fully mobilized, and even Li Jiguang participated!"

"Actually, we don't need them..."

"Okay, as long as he can get out, don't worry about his other troubles!" Yang Fei said.

After the charge horn sounded, the soldiers followed the flag bearer and charged over.

Those devils saw that there was nothing to do, even Dong Yun thought, "Don't worry about this matter, you have to take your time. How can they deal with so many Eighth Route Army with more than 30 devils?"

Wait until the devils withdraw!

Yang Fei and the others just came out!
For the savior, Chen Heng and Han Qing didn't take it seriously, but Yang Fei had to go there, after all, they saved the three of them!

It doesn't mean that Ang Fei opened his mouth, Li Jiguang asked, "Are you okay?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "I'm fine, it's just that if you come here with such fanfare, you've been discovered by devils!"

"Let's find out if you find them. If you can't see them, I have to save you!" Li Jiguang said.

"That's right, I will continue this favor, but it should be too difficult to say thank you from my mouth!" Yang Fei said.

"I never thought you would say thank you!" Li Jiguang asked himself to come down the steps.

"Let's go, I'll show you something!" As he said, Yang Fei took Li Jiguang and others to the grain they hid.

"Dig it out and have a look!"

Li Jiguang just waved his hand, and a few soldiers behind him went over, dug up the snow, and dug up some grain!
"I thank you for these grains! But, you owe us a favor from the Eighth Route Army, you won't forget, right?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course I remember, you Ninth Route Army is our great benefactor! Of course you have to remember!" Li Jiguang said, and then looked at the grain, "If I guessed correctly, you should be guarding this batch of grain, right? Since What you sacrificed your life for, our Eighth Route Army has never taken anyone's favorite."

"You misunderstood, these things are not from our Eighth Route Army, they are sent by devils!" Yang Fei said.

"No matter what you do, it's yours if you don't accept it, and it's yours if you don't accept it!" Yang Fei said.

"Haha, are you still buying and selling by force?" Li Jiguang said, "By the way, I want to ask, did you make a hole in the snowfield?" "Yes, it was us!" Yang Fei just intervened.

"That's really thankful. When we came, it was where you were standing. You hit this snow track. We broke down for more than ten days than expected! These ten days, we can be regarded as really catching up. Up!" Li Jiguang said.

"Yeah, the world has changed! But there are many things that will be inconvenient, you should understand!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, but don't worry, we will move quickly and leave no room for the devils." Wang Wei said at this time.

"Well, okay!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at the time, "There are too many of you, take the food away, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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