Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2566 Nameless

Chapter 2566 Nameless
Wang Wei and Li Jiguang didn't say much, and asked people to take the food with them and began to transfer it!
In the current situation, nothing is as important as food.

Relying on the large number of people, Li Jiguang and the others left very quickly.

What Yang Fei didn't expect was that Dong Yun was so powerful that even Han Qing was no match for him.

"If you don't get rid of Dongyun, we will have to drink a pot in the future. Han Qing, think of a way, is there any way to deal with him?" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, this is not easy!" Han Qing said directly.

"It's difficult? What's the problem?" Yang Fei asked.

"He's so powerful, I'm worried that I can't beat him!" Han Qing said truthfully.

Yang Fei glanced at him, "What? I asked you to solve this Dongyun, just to let you fight him with real swords and guns? Can't you use your brain?"

"Ah?" Obviously, Han Qing didn't know how to use tricks.

"All right, all right, let's go first, and then I'll talk to you again!" Yang Fei said.

Along the road traveled by the Nine Route Army, they quickly found the location of the troops.

small water slope.

There is a spring on the mountain in this place. During the rainy season, the spring emerges and turns into a gurgling stream, supplying the drinking water for the whole village.

One winter, thick ice formed around the spring, preventing the spring from escaping.

This place is really good, Yang Fei looked at this village, and his heart was very happy!This place will be the place where they made their fortunes, this place will become the frontier against the devils, everyone will take up weapons in their hands, and fight to the death with the devils.

Who can understand that every corner here belongs to the people of Huaxia, and every inch of land is the place Huaxia relies on for its own survival. There is no room for insults from others, and no room for others to take him seriously.

Lin Jianhua found Yang Fei, saw him in a daze, and asked, "Brother Yang, what are you doing here alone?"

Yang Fei pointed down the mountain, "Look, Captain!"

Lin Jianhua turned his head to look, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness. If Xiaoshuipo Village hadn't been smoldering with cooking smoke, who would have known that there was another village here?

Lin Jianhua didn't know what Yang Fei was going to say, but he understood that Yang Fei could be regarded as an emotional person at this time.

"This is the rivers and mountains of our motherland. This is where we live. Here is our home. The country is poor and weak. This is our incompetence and our responsibility!" Yang Fei said.

"You are right, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country!" Lin Jianhua and Yang Fei stood together.

"Head, I've decided!" Said, Yang Fei looked at him.

Lin Jianhua didn't know what he wanted to say, but he should be able to understand that Yang Fei must be talking about beating devils!

"Well, tell me!" Lin Jianhua looked at him.

"These days, I'm going out with Han Qing for a few days. Xiaoshuipo needs to develop well and let Ma Xiaokun lead people to fight more guerrilla battles with devils. What they lack now is combat experience!" Yang Fei said.

"Where are you going? Can you tell my mother?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Before we came, the Dongyun we met was very skilled. Han Qing and I must find a way to get rid of it, otherwise, it will be a big trouble!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, yes! But, is there any other way?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"I can only find and kill!" Yang Fei said.

"I think it's easy to kill him. Do you want to listen to my idea?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Oh? Leader Lin, what can you do?" Yang Fei asked.

"Thinking that Dongyun should know that the Eighth Route Army is coming, he must find the Eighth Route Army and destroy it. Why don't we push the boat along?" Lin Jianhua said.

"Follow the tide?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

"That's right, since that Dongyun wants to destroy us, let's release the news on purpose and arrange it in a good place, and then we surround them. In this way, I think it will be difficult for them to escape?" Lin Jianhua said.

Undoubtedly, Lin Jianhua's proposal was very accurate, Yang Fei nodded, "It's a good idea, but I don't know if this Dongyun will be fooled?"

"Whether you will be fooled or not, let's see how we act with him. At that time, we will ask the Eighth Route Army for help, and all of us will act for him. If you don't believe him, he will not be fooled! Then let the Eighth Route Army besiege, and we should cooperate internally and externally. In this way, Dongyun is doomed to escape!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Good idea, leader, you are really a wise general. However, if we do this, our risk is very high. Once the brothers have any troubles, we will be in trouble!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't talk about that, as long as you can kill the devil, I think this is a good way! I can see that your thoughts are always on that Dongyun!" Lin Jianhua said with a smile.

"That's right. I always feel that Dongyun is our big trouble. This person is even stronger than Saga. I really don't know why this Dongyun is just a small captain!" Yang Fei asked strangely.

"Fortunately, he is only a small captain, hahaha!" Lin Jianhua finished speaking, and then added, "We still have to discuss this matter with Li Jiguang, I think he will not disagree!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Well, I think so too! About this, head, why don't you talk about it?" Yang Fei asked.

"Okay, this is a good thing, and it's an important cooperation between us. Li Jiguang is a person who understands the general situation. He knows that we are doing the right thing!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Well, I believe him too, we will accept it!" Yang Fei said.

On the second day, Lin Jianhua found the location of the Eighth Route Army.

They were located in a small depression named Lanying Village.

Speaking of this village, Yang Fei also wanted to build a base here, but when he finally saw Xiaoshuipo, he felt that this was the last place.

However, Lanying Village does have an advantage, that is, the terrain is relatively low, and the wind and cold are not too severe. In addition, when the spring of next year begins, the land here is relatively fertile and can grow good food.In addition, the mountains around this village are relatively open. The villagers here have planted some fruit trees on the mountains, but the harvest of fruit trees is not very good.Therefore, the open mountains around here have become forests, and from the outside world, this place looks like a paradise.

Not far away, two shadows were walking on the vast snowy field, with their hands in their cuffs. Lin Jianhua looked at the road ahead. The bases of the two of them were actually not too far apart. One side of the mountain, the other side of the mountain, However, if you want to pass through, you have to walk for at least an hour.

After talking about this matter, Lin Jianhua also plans to talk about strengthening cooperation and letting the Eighth Route Army train them.

Lin Jianhua has arrived.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei rushed over to greet them, "Commander Lin, welcome!"

Lin Jianhua sat down with a smile, and asked Yang Fei to sit beside him.

"Wait a minute, I'll pour you water!" Wang Wei said, and went to get the teapot!
Seeing two people coming, Li Jiguang knew there must be something wrong, so he asked, "Captain Lin, do you have something wrong with me?"

Lin Jianhua smiled, "I can't hide it from you!"

"Head Lin, you're welcome. If you have anything to ask, you can do it. I, Li Jiguang, have absolutely nothing to say!" Li Jiguang said, patting his chest and abdomen.

"Okay, since you said that, I won't hide it anymore!" After speaking, Li Jiguang told Lin Jianhua their thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiguang immediately said, "This is a good thing, our two families should have cooperated like this a long time ago!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang greeted Wang Wei, "Political Commissar, did you hear what you just said? What's your opinion?"

Wang Wei came over, put some more tea in Lin Jianhua's cup, and then poured boiling water on it, "I think this is a good thing. The two of us have cooperated in name, but we have never fought together in a real sense." , since you proposed such a good thing, of course we agreed!"

"Yes!" Li Jiguang said, "It seems that Dongyun really has a few brushes, and I can't underestimate him, but where is this place hanging?"

Li Li Jiguang looked at Lin Jianhua and asked.

Lin Jianhua glanced at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said, "We are hanging on the Jinshui River in this place!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, Li Jiguang quickly took over the map and looked at it carefully.

When he finished reading, he was startled, "Jin Shuihe, this place seems to be a deadly place for devils!"

Lin Jianhua looked at him with some complacency, "Mr. Yang Du said that this place is convenient for ambushes!"

"Not only that!" Li Jiguang said, "I see this Jinshui River now, it's not just easy to ambush!"

"Oh? Brigadier Li, what did you see?" Yang Fei asked.

"Exactly!" Li Jiguang said, "This place seems to be a good place, but it is indeed in danger!"

"Oh?" Lin Jianhua asked strangely, "Tell me in detail?"

"Okay, look at the map above, Jinshui River, there is a flat plain to the south, mountains to the left and right, and mountains to the north, Jinshuihe Village, the middle of the village is also a mountain, suitable for ambush, but, have you ever thought about it, the devil wants to attack It is not impossible to come here, look carefully, although there are many forests in the mountains, there are also many intricate paths, once our people fail to guard any place, it will cause immeasurable failure!" Li Jiguang is not alarmist , His years of combat experience told him that this place has both advantages and disadvantages!
Yang Fei also nodded, "That's right, that's right, but I haven't found a more suitable place than Jinshuihe near here. Brigadier Li, why don't you give me some pointers?"

"It's easy to say! Wait for me to take a closer look!" As he spoke, Li Jiguang began to take a closer look at the map. It stands to reason that with his level, he can know where a good place is at a glance. However, after half an hour, His finger was still on Jinshuihe.


Li Jiguang was a little helpless, "It seems that only Jinshuihe is suitable!"

"Yeah, we have been looking at it for a long time, and this is the only place that is suitable for the nearby villages! Let alone this place, it is not impossible to guard it, but it requires a lot of manpower to do it!" Li Jiguang Said.

"We also understand this, but, in the final analysis, we don't have that many people to guard. There are more than 300 of us, and the normal fighters who go out will attract the devils!" Lin Jianhua said. "So far, we can only resort to dangerous tactics. There is no other way. So, this time, we are begging you to also send troops. Let's encircle the Jinshui River together. What do you think?"

"Commander Lin, haven't I already stated my position? We will definitely send troops. We are now grasshoppers on a rope, and we can't do without each other!" Li Jiguang said.

"Since you agree, that's the end of the matter. As for when the troops will be dispatched, we will notify you! Brigadier Li, this time, it's up to you!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Don't say such things, Captain Lin, we can have you here, and we have confidence in our hearts. Since we are all fighting devils together, we are a family, and a family does not speak of two different languages!" Li Jiguang held Lin Jianhua's hand Hand, "This time, you have to work hard!"

Lin Jianhua nodded.

If Yang Fei were to look for this guy, he might not be able to find him. This time, victory or defeat will be decided in one fell swoop!

When returning to Xiaoshuipo, Yang Fei carefully checked the route near the Jinshui River, trying to be foolproof.However, the number of personnel is really too small. There are so many intricate roads, and some even have only two or three soldiers stationed there. Chen Heng and Ma Xiaokun personally lead the people to guard the surrounding terrain.

Yang Fei let the wind out on purpose, saying that the troops of the Eighth Route Army had found it, and it was in Jinshui River!

The news quickly reached the devil's ears.

The resident devils handed over this task to Dongyun.

Speaking of Dongyun, this person is really unusual. He came from a poor background, a scholar of literature, and a ninja of martial arts. Therefore, in terms of military command, he has enough advantages, and in individual combat, he does not lose to any of them. people!

However, his background determined his way out. Since Dongyun had no relationship with him, he relied on himself to advance step by step, so the speed of promotion was really too slow. team leader!

However, Japan's political thinking is too heavy. As a young man, he was recruited into the army, thinking that he wanted to serve the country. However, Dongyun met a team that only recognized his relatives.For this young talent like him, the devil would not pay much attention to him!

When Dongyun heard that he had found the Eighth Route Bureau's station, he didn't panic, first he sent people to observe secretly, and then he entangled the team!
He also knew that the Jinshuihe place was too strange. If we just talked about the village, it must be flat. However, the surrounding mountains were indeed very complicated, and there were dozens of places leading from the mountains to the Jinshuihe.

He was worried that this might be a strategy of the Eighth Route Army to lure the enemy, and it was impossible to attack from the front, so he thought about entering from the mountains, which is not a bad idea!

(End of this chapter)

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