Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2567 Of course I'm going

Chapter 2567 Of course I'm going

In the final analysis, it was not wrong for Dongyun to think more about this kind of thing, but his thinking too much shocked Yang Fei and the others.

Dong Yun, who graduated from the Kanto Military Academy, began to speculate according to the map.

He pointed to the small roads, "If these places are really ambushes, we can't get out if we go in. The Eighth Route Army is cunning, but we really can't be fooled!"

However, Dong Yun, who just looked at the map, felt that this was far from enough. He had to go to the battlefield to check it himself!
As for which roads have people and some roads are loose, he must have a spectrum in his heart.

Jinshuihe, the name sounds really nice.

I heard from local elders that gold was also produced around the Jinshui River in the past, but later, after the gold was dug out, only this lonely small village was left. Most of the villagers were miners sent by the government at that time to dig for gold.

Lin Jianhua walked around the village, looking around, "No, once the devils are coming, seeing their strong vigilance, they will definitely come over cautiously. He immediately ordered all the defenders at the entrance of the village to retreat, and then, what should everyone do?" what!"

Therefore, the village appears calm and peaceful.

It had been sunny for a while, and now the weather was cloudy again.

Then the wind blew over.

Lin Jianhua was still walking up and down the small road in the village.

Yang Fei found him, "Head, why are you here, you leave here quickly, maybe, the devils are now watching, and suddenly attack, you are very likely to be in danger!" Yang Fei said.

"You don't need to worry about this. Only when I'm here will the devils believe that there is the Eighth Route Army. If I'm not here, the devils will definitely be suspicious. Comrade Yang Du, I'm here. It's my own decision. As for beating devils, I'm really serious. I leave everything to you, and everyone must listen to you!" Lin Jianhua seemed to be about to explain something.

"Head, what do you mean by that? Of course everyone listens to you, and I listen to you!" Yang Fei said, "This place is really dangerous, you are not suitable to stay here! If you really have trouble , brothers, what should we do!"

"Brother Yang, come here!" Lin Jianhua dragged Yang Fei to 100 years, "If something really happens to me, I will leave it to you!"

"Leave it to me?" Yang Fei never thought that he would lead these people.

"I believe that if something happens to me, you will definitely avenge me, and you must kill the person who killed me with your own hands! In this way, I can feel at ease under the nine springs!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Bah, bah, bah! Under the Nine Springs, head, don't be kidding, what's not dead, if we live well now, then we must be fine!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, I know, all right, Brother Yang, go and see the woodland, I think the defense there is a weak link!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Okay, then I'll go!" Yang Fei left after finishing speaking.

Lin Jianhua looked around, "You, hurry up and help, the folks don't have enough water now!"


Shen Wanxi looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, this is a risky move, why did you agree? Besides, this Yang Fei must want us to die, how many of us are there?"

"Presumptuous!" Li Jiguang looked at Shen Wanxi, "What you said just now is really chilling to hear! Our Eighth Route Army has always served the people, and we have always wanted the people to stand up and become masters. Today, you Look at you, I know you are thinking about our brigade, but we don't think about Yang Fei and the others, they are really going to die!"

"Head Shen, you are also a veteran cadre of our Eighth Route Army. Don't you see this clearly? If Yang Fei really has something wrong, I will never forgive myself!" Li Jiguang said, "It's okay that other people don't understand, you You have been friends with Yang Fei for many years, and you can still watch him die?"

Shen Wanxi stopped talking, he lowered his head, full of thoughts.

"I think the brigade commander is right. Commander Shen, since we are fighting the devils together, why should we do our best?" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, I also know, but I can't turn this corner. I always think that maximizing my own interests is the maximization of the interests of the collective. I thought, I was wrong!" Shen Wanxi said. ,

"It's good to realize your mistakes, but now I have to give you a task, which is to go to the field to investigate and see how many complicated paths there are in this mistake!"

"Yes!" Shen Wanxi readily agreed.

"Talk to the soldiers, the devils are expected to come out in the next few days, and the soldiers will be waiting for death. In addition, as the commander of this operation dream, Commander Shen, I hope you can command an extremely fierce battle. Try to kill the devil's Dongyun in one fell swoop." Wang Wei said.

"Yes!" Shen Wanxi said.

The weather was gloomy, and the snow began to fall in pieces.

Large petals of snow fell.

"Political commissar, I am a little worried about Commander Shen!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, Shen Wanxi is our veteran cadre, he has a sense of proportion, and I can trust him in front of big right and wrong!" Wang Wei said.

"Yes, you are right, I should trust him!" Li Jiguang said, "Now I think more and more that Yang Fei from the Ninth Route Army is the one who admits that we want to find Yang Fei. Whether you don’t admit it or not, let’s treat him as a guest!”

"Brigade Commander, are you still talking about the Jinshui River today? You haven't found any good places, how could they find them!" Wang Wei said.

"That's not necessarily the case, maybe the devil rushed over and waited for me to shoot!" Li Jiguang laughed loudly.

"That's right, why shouldn't you have such heavy psychological pressure? Yang Fei can naturally handle it with the Ninth Route Army. We just need to do a good job at the end of the tail. As for the others, I also Do you dare to say more," Wang Wei said.

"Well, good!" Li Jiguang said.

"Hmm!" Li Jiguang said.

"Where's Hu Dahai? Where's Li Mobai? I think they should put out as many troops as they can, and there are others who are in a daze and say they don't have any pressure, but he's under more pressure than anyone else!" Li Jiugang said.

"Hu Dahai is still in confinement, it's fine if he doesn't let him out, let him fully realize his own shortcomings, and then what should we do!" Wang Wei said.

"Let Hu Dahai come out, let him take his people, and mainly go to Jinhui River to see what's going on. Don't make any mistakes!" Li Jiguang said,
In winter, the Jinshui River has already turned into ice, and there is a thick snow on the ice. The strong wind blows over and blows away the thick snow.

The sky began to snow again, fluttering and has been looking after this place.

An old man was sitting at the door, lying on a recliner, smoking a pipe.Sitting next to him was Lin Jianhua.

"There have been no outsiders here for a long time. There are not many people in our village. There are only seven or eight households, and the population does not exceed 30. You have so many people coming in at once. Where do you live?" the old man asked.

"Mr. Jin, our soldiers have suffered a lot. I think the snow on the middle of the mountain is thick enough. Let the soldiers build some snow houses, and they can live there!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Snow houses are not a long-term solution. There are trees on this mountain. If you are willing, you can go to cut wood and build some wooden houses. It is very cold in the cold. Your body is very important!" said the old man Jin Standing up, "We are naturally happy that you soldiers can come, but you must also understand in your heart that the most important thing is the issue of food!"

Old man Jin's name is Jin Zhizhi, and he is the head of the village and the patriarch. The few families here have hardly left the village.

What Jin Zhizhi said is correct, the villagers' rations are not much, and these families are living with tight belts!
"Mr. Jin, don't worry about this. Our army still has some surplus food, which is enough for us to eat. We will not stay here for a long time, so I will trouble you!" Lin Jianhua said.

"No trouble!" Jin Zhizhi said.

After Lin Jianhua left Jin Zhizhi's house, he started to inspect the village again.Yang Fei led people to check the surrounding mountains.

Just when he reached the entrance of the village, he saw three or four people walking towards the village.

When they saw Lin Jianhua, they asked, "My fellow! Hello!"

Lin Jianhua looked at them and saw that they were wearing thick furs, thick hats on their heads, and their hands in their cuffs. "My fellow, we collect medicinal materials. May I ask, do we have medicinal materials in our village?"

"Are you in the medicine business?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Exactly, the mountain villages near our place have been around for a while, and we haven't met a medicinal material household. They came to our place. Dare I ask, do the villagers here have masters who collect medicinal herbs?"

Lin Jianhua said, "I don't know about this. We have only been here for two days. If you want to ask, I can take you to the village chief here!"

"Aren't you local?" the man asked.

"Yes, we are not local?" Lin Jianhua said directly.

"Okay, then take us to meet the village chief! I'll ask him for details!" After speaking, Lin Jianhua took them to Jin Zhizhi's house again.

Jin Zhizhi frowned when he saw those people, and heard Lin Jianhua tell them about their background.

Jin Zhizhi smiled, "You guys have worked really hard. It's snowing and you're still busy with business!"

A few medicine dealers said with a smile, "The world is chaotic, and this is the time to make a living!"

"People in our village hardly sell medicinal materials. One has a headache and brain fever. We boiled the medicine and drank it ourselves. If you want medicinal materials, come here tomorrow. I will let the villagers go to the mountains to collect more!" Jin Due to said.

"Not for sale?" The medicinal material dealer was obviously a little unhappy, "Why not for sale? Huh?"

"As I said just now, the folks don't collect many herbs. It's been a long winter. Who doesn't have a headache? That little amount of herbs is only enough for them to eat, and there isn't much left!"

What Jin Zhi said made those medicinal materials merchants a little disappointed, but they still did not give up, "Village Chief, we have a heartless request. A few of us want to go up the mountain. If we are lucky, we may be able to What kind of medicine did you come across!"

After Jin Zhizhi heard this, he was at a loss as to whether these people were medicine merchants or not?

"Are you going up the mountain?" Jin Zhizhi asked.

"Yeah, we want to walk up the mountain, and then pass through this mountain to reach the next village!" said the medicinal material merchant.

"It's not impossible, it's this mountain, the snow is too thick, and the mountain road is not easy to walk. If you want to reach the next village, I can show you a road. From here to the village entrance, turn right at the village entrance, and the road is flat. Moreover, the mountain faces southwest and northeast, and the wind still doesn't blow." Jin Zhizhi's capital, oh, oh, oh.

"Don't bother, there are other villages across this mountain!" The medicinal material dealer insisted on leaving.

Seeing this, Lin Jianhua felt strange in his heart, but there were indeed doubts about the identities of these medicinal material dealers.

"Mr. Jin, as far as I can see, since these medicine merchants want to go directly over the mountain, otherwise, I will bring a few people and escort them there, what do you think?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Well, it's a good idea!" Jin Zhizhi agreed.

Lin Jianhua looked at several people at this moment, and said, "Everyone, I'm really sorry, this mountain road is too difficult to walk, and our soldiers know a road that can lead directly to the next village. You go!"

"Ah?" The medicinal material dealer was surprised, but soon he recovered his sanity, "Okay, it's so good, thank you!"

After going out, Lin Jianhua called a few soldiers to escort them and went up the mountain.

After leaving, Lin Jianhua found Jin Zhizhi.

Jin Zhizhi took a puff of tobacco, "These people may not be medicine dealers!"

"I think so too, Mr. Jin, what do you see?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"If it is a real medicinal material merchant, it will definitely not come to purchase medicinal materials in the middle of winter. It should be at the end of summer or early autumn, when the medicinal materials happen to grow. If you want to do business, you should come at that time. They come in winter, I really don't know why!" Jin Zhizhi said, "Now that the mountain is covered by heavy snow, what kind of medicinal materials can there be? Even if there are, they are covered by heavy snow, and they also said they want to go up the mountain to see if there are any medicinal materials. I think they are items. Zhuang Wujian is aimed at Peigong!"

"It makes sense!" Lin Jianhua said, "I saw their appearance, the two people behind the medicinal material dealer were more alert to the surroundings, and their eyes were fixed on the door. You know, there are our soldiers outside the door." ! If I guess correctly, they should be sent by the devils!"

"Haha, yes, you guessed it right!" Jin Zhizhi said, "It seems that the devil knows you are here!"

"It seems so!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Maybe someday this devil will attack!" Jin Zhizhi said.

"Mr. Jin, I have caused you trouble!" Lin Jianhua was a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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