Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2568 Deployment of Dongyun

Chapter 2568 Deployment of Dongyun

"There is no trouble. This devil has been tyrannical for so long. Since you are fighting devils, you should show the spirit of soldiers. Our villagers have never seen the world. If you offend them in some places, please forgive me!" Jin Suo Zhi said.

"Where's the reason, coming here will cause us trouble!" Lin Jianhua said.


In the afternoon, Yang Fei found Lin Jianhua and said that he met some strangers on the mountain.

Lin Jianhua also told Yang Fei about the stranger coming to the village.

After all, the war is about to start, and strangers come to the village, who knows what they are doing, it is very likely that they are ghosts in disguise, who come to investigate the situation, we have to guard against them!
Yang Fei looked at him, "You mean, the devil finally found this place?"

"That's right! However, this is exactly what we have been thinking about day and night, but this time, I don't know if Dongyun is here!" Lin Jianhua said.

"I will send someone to check it out, but since the devil dares to come, we dare to deal with him!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother Yang, have everything been arranged on the mountain?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"It's been arranged!" Yang Fei said. "It's just that the number of people is really small. In some places, there are only one or two people. Once the devils get in, I'm afraid they won't be able to defend themselves!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can hear gunshots, we will know. Fighting devils still requires the cooperation of multiple parties!" Lin Jianhua said, "Remember, tell Li Jiguang of the Eighth Route Army in advance and let him arrange people to prepare for the encirclement!"

"Well, I see!"


At night, all the devils assigned by Dongyun came back.

"How is it? Does Jinshuihe now have the Eighth Route Army?" Dong Yun asked.

"Yes!" Akita said.

"Akita-kun, can you see everything clearly?" Dong Yun asked.

"Little Captain Dongyun, I saw with my own eyes that there is a team in Jinshui River. However, the clothes of this team are different. I think it is likely to be the Eighth Route Army. I saw these people carrying water for the local people. Punching firewood, these actions are in line with the characteristics of the Eighth Route Army!"

Akita said.

"That's right, I didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army would really dare to be there. By the way, Yamamoto-kun, how is the situation there?" Dong Yun looked at Yamamoto again.

Yamamoto said, "Captain Dongyun, I took people to the mountain near the Jinshui River, and found that there were indeed people stationed there. For this, I drew a picture!" Saying this, Yamamoto took out a piece of paper, Above is a garrison map of the Eighth Route Army he drew.

The sign on it is clear, and the number of Eighth Route Army soldiers on which road is clearly written.

"Very good!" Dong Yun stood up, "Yamamoto-kun, you really did a great job this time, but there are many mountain roads near the Jinshui River, are you sure you have gone through them all?"

Dongyun asked.

"Little Captain Dongyun, all of our people have gone through it once, but we found that there are a few roads that are not garrisoned by the Eighth Route Army. Come to think of it, they will not believe that we will take those roads!" Yun stepped forward, and then pointed to several roads on the map, "This road, three people from the Eighth Route Army are stationed later, this road, there are only two people from the Eighth Route Army, and this road, there is no shadow of the Eighth Route Army."

"That means, how can it be blatantly passed by, and the Eighth Route Army won't find out!" Dong Yun said.

"Yes, Team Leader Dongyun, we can pass through this ungarrisoned path and go straight into Jinshuihe Village. As for the chief of the Eighth Route Army, we can capture them alive!" Yamamoto said.

"Yes, no matter how bad the Eighth Route Army is, looking at the mark on you, there are almost 300 people. These 300 people cannot be dealt with by our small team!" Dongyun said, "Just in case, Yamamoto-kun , prepare to act tonight, you lead people, take the road of Shaguipo!"

"Shaguipo?" Yamamoto frowned, "Captain Dongyun, there are nearly [-] people from the Eighth Route Army in Shaguipo! We must fight to the death!"

"I know that your mission is very clear. Your people are going to hold back the Eighth Route Army that kills Guipo. In addition, Mr. Qiutian, you have to take people to cross Hengtangpo!" Dong Yun said.

"Squad leader Dongyun, I only have a dozen or so people. The Hengtang slope is flat. Although there is a forest, it is easy to fall into an ambush. I am worried..." Before Akita finished speaking, Dongyun said, "This This victory is related to whether we can wipe out the Eighth Route Army. The Eighth Route Army has been wreaking havoc in the hinterland of our occupied area. This time, our task is to take Jinshuihe Village in one fell swoop! Capture the commander of the Eighth Route Army alive!"

"Yes!" Akita and Yamamoto stood up and gave a military salute.

"I'll take people over this loose gold slope!" Dong Yun said.

"Captain Dongyun, although Sanjinpo is not garrisoned by the Eighth Route Army, Yamamoto-kun and I almost took our team away, so how did you get there?" Akita asked.

"I only need to take five people with me. You take all the rest. Remember, your mission is to stop the Eighth Route Army and prevent them from going to Jinshuihe Village for support. We must put all our eggs in one basket, Akita-kun, Yamamoto-kun ! This time it’s up to you!” Dong Yun bowed to them as he spoke.

"This is what we should do!" Yamamoto and Akita bowed to Dongyun at the same time.

"We don't have many people in this operation, but the Eighth Route Army is empty and doesn't have much ammunition, so it's a good thing for us. They can't fight us head-on!" Dong Yun said, "You guys You two, use all your abilities to persuade them to surrender, if they surrender, why not do it?"


When they all left, Dongyun sat on the chair alone. I don't know how many times he sat here.

Since he joined the army, he hasn't had a good night's sleep. In the past, his subordinates were all transferred to the south, where the climate is pleasant, and some of them have even become commanders. But he, for so long, has been in the cold north, in the North Sea. Have been for almost ten years!Captain?Hehe, Dongyun is not the kind of person who fights for power and profit. At that time, his idea was very simple, that is, to be loyal to the empire, but how could the emperor see his own loyalty?
Here, he has always been the target of suppression, the reason is very simple, he is very capable, and he also graduated from a regular military academy. At that time, the school assigned them to come to China. Because of their poor background, they were assigned here.

Perhaps this is fate, but for the Chinese people, no matter how bad the little devil's fate is, the harm they cause to everyone is equal!

He, who never smoked, lit a cigarette at this time.

Since when Dongyun was suppressed vigorously, no one knows, only that this poor boy is different from others, his chief doesn't understand, he understands, he can beat some powerful ninjas, like this People, shouldn't be squeezed?
This is the country of Wa!

After receiving the news from Yang Fei, the Guizi Dongyun team had already begun to assemble. In order to seize a favorable position, Li Jiguang immediately ordered that all members must support this battle!
Yang Fei has never been so nervous before, it can be seen how powerful the devils they are going to face must be!They are so powerful that they have to use so many people to fight against the devils!
Hu Dahai and his people arrived at the scheduled location early.

Everyone has entered the first level of fighting state. At this time, it is snowing heavily in the sky, and the soldiers are lying there, motionless, with only two eyes

"When will this little devil come? It's really interesting!" Shen Wanxi said.

"You better be told, kid. If the devil hears it, you will be the first to die! Do you believe me?" Hu Dahai said with a sneer.

"Hehe, kill me? Let's talk about it when the devil's hair grows!" Shen Wanxi disagreed!

"Okay, stay here honestly, we only have a hundred or so people now, such a small number of people is more than enough to fight that devil's team, don't worry! We will attack when we hear gunshots in a while!" Li Mobai said.

"Old Li, you haven't seen that Yang Fei, tell me, does Yang Fei recognize you?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Perhaps, he is really not the Yang Fei we know!" Li Mobai could only say so.

"In my opinion, this kid has lost his temper, and he doesn't want to be with us anymore, and he's wasted the good wine I gave him!" Hu Dahai added.

"Save you? Hu Dahai, it's been so many years, I've only drank the wine you invited once, and you remember it so clearly, let alone Yang Fei, I also look down on you!" Shen Wanxi said.

"What about you? You have invited me three times, and I promise you that once the little devil is completely beaten out, I, Hu Dahai, will invite you to drink every day until I drink you to death!" Hu Dahai said.

"Okay, I'm serious, Hu Dahai, don't live past that time!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Bah, bah, I live a long life. When I was born, my mother found a fortune teller for me!" Hu Dahai said, "I'm worried about you, I don't have this life to drink my wine!" Hu Dahai smiled .

"Okay, then let's make a bet to see who can live longer!" Shen Wanxi said.

"It's good to live happily. If you really become an immortal, everyone will be annoying!" Hu Dahai said.

"Haha, you can think about it, kid!" Shen Wanxi said.

Time passed quickly, and it was dark at just 04:30 in the afternoon.

Jinshuihe Village began to emit smoke from the kitchen, and the lights of several houses really did not show how good this village was, which could attract devils to patronize.

At this time, on the mountains around the Jinshui River, dozens of people gradually became active.

Dongyun ordered, "According to our agreement, Captain Akita, you go to your place. Captain Yamamoto, you go to your place. I will take five people with me, and we will leave! Remember, you must attract each other's firepower !"

"Ha Yi! I understand, Captain Dongyun, you must take care!" Yamamoto said.

"It's just dealing with a few Eighth Route Army, it's a piece of cake, I'll leave it to everyone here!" After saying that, Dong Yun led his people away.

Even though Dongyun's team only has a few dozen people, everyone has extraordinary skills, and in their team, they are also top-notch existences.

When Dongyun led his people to the foot of the mountain, they were waiting for the sound of artillery fire from Yamamoto and Akita. At that time, he led his people down. According to the information, most of the garrison in the village did not have guns, and they were armed with guns. The guns he was holding were all German-made short-range submachine guns. This kind of gun has a fast discharge and a large capacity, which is very suitable for this kind of sneak attack operation!

At eight o'clock in the evening, the gunshots rang out.It came from Hengtangpo.

The intensity of the battle was self-evident, and the intertwined firepower made the whole air scorching hot immediately.

At 08:30, the gunshots from Shaguipo also rang out, and the gunshots rang out in the forest, making the villagers in the village under the mountain feel terrible!
Hengtangpo, according to legend, used to be a big pond on the mountain. Later, due to climate reasons, the pond dried up, forming such a landform.

After fighting for a while, Yamamoto didn't dare to take a step forward, so he could only let people start shouting, "Listen to the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side, you have time to surrender now, it's best not to make unnecessary resistance, our Great Japan Imperial Army , but treat the captives kindly, provide you with good food and drink, as long as you promise not to be the Eighth Route Army again, we will let you go!"

After finishing speaking, the other party did not respond, and Yamamoto continued to shout, "I will give you half an hour to think about it. When the time is up, our large troops will sweep over here. At that time, it will be useless if you want to surrender. You can only become our swordsmen." The qualifications of ghosts! Think about it for yourself, what are you going to do, fight us, or lay dead here!"

"Little devil, stop talking, if you dare to come here, come here, we are not afraid of you!"

shouted a warrior inside.

"You have backbone, but you are worthless if you have backbone alone. If other people want to surrender, I will open a green channel for you!" Yamamoto said, "The countdown starts now! Half an hour, wait until half an hour Go! Think about it!"

"Don't say so many useless things, come and fight if you want to fight, why keep talking like a chatterbox!"

"Time will still be given to you, what if you really can't hold on any longer?" Yamamoto said.

After finishing speaking, Yamamoto asked his soldiers to squat down, "Rest for half an hour, reload the bullets, and hit the woods after a while!"


"Did you get the Molotov cocktail?" Yamamoto asked.

"It's here, do you want to use it?" a ghost soldier asked.

"Wait a while, if the opponent still doesn't surrender, then use incendiary bombs!" Yamamoto said.

On the other side, Qiu Tian from Shaguipo was not so lucky. Because he entered the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army ahead of time, he suffered a great loss, and then came out with people.However, despite the loss, they have been able to stick to it!

"Listen, the Eighth Route Army inside. We are the imperial army of the Great Japanese Empire. The imperial army treats you warriors preferentially. If you surrender, we will be prosperous together. If you fight to the death, then let your corpses be fed to wolves! What do you want? Think about it!" Akita tore off a piece of clothing and wrapped it around the leg that had just been scratched by the bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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