Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2569 Meeting on the Road

Chapter 2569 Meeting on the Road
It's not that Li Jiguang doesn't understand such a truth, it's just that they just lost their head, so they think about merging with others like this, which seems a little bit of danger, but this is also the last words of their late head Lin Jianhua.

Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi were mostly excited about this matter. Although they thought that the [-] or so people were not the opponents of their [-] or so people, the reason why there are more people is more powerful. It's not that I don't understand.

Li Mobai shook his head, but he didn't speak, some words, it's better not to say.

Wang Wei sighed, and then said, "Don't talk anymore, everyone. Our main problem now is to merge them, and not to let others gossip. Eighth Route Army soldiers are not afraid of crooked shadows. If there is anything, we will talk about it." What, regarding the Ninth Route Army, I personally think that it is not the time for us to discuss this with others, but we must make preparations for the merger!"

Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai looked at each other, and then said, "Political Commissar, this matter will happen sooner or later. Their Nine Route Army has no leader now. If they don't rush to join forces with us, what will they do next?"

"Yeah, I think what Shen Wanxi said this time is right. What we basically think about now is how to contact them subtly and assimilate them. From what I see, everything the Nine Route Army does has nothing to do with our Eighth Route Army. Difference!" Hu Dahai also said.

The silent Li Jiguang patted the table, everyone was quiet, they looked at Li Jiguang, waiting for him to say something.

However, when the words came to his lips, he seemed not ready to speak.

Wang Wei, the political commissar, looked at him, as if he understood something. He turned to look at the group leaders, "You all go back for now, let's go here first for this meeting!"

Hua Dahai and the others stood up and left.

Only Li Jiguang and Wang Wei were left in the room. Wang Wei knew in his heart that what Li Jiguang thought in his heart should be similar to his. They are all upright Eighth Route Army, dignified Chinese people, how can they do that kind of thing?
"Old Li!" Wang Wei said, "Old Li, are you thinking about the tricky part of this matter?"

Li Jiguang took out a cigarette and lit one, "Political Commissar, this matter is not so simple. I originally thought that everyone should think about how we should get along with the Ninth Route Army. As a result, this meeting It turned into how to annex others! This is not what I thought, this is definitely not what I thought! However, this matter was said by their late regiment leader Lin Jianhua himself, and many soldiers have heard it again. This is not a separate discussion. Easy!"

"Political commissar, you are right. Our Eighth Route Army has always convinced people with virtue. We can't force them on the Ninth Route Army. Although Lin Jianhua said that before his death, I think we should do whatever we want. What, don't mess with them because of this!" Li Jiguang took a puff of cigarette, exhaled the green smoke, and then said, "Let's decide this matter like this, I would rather Yang Fei and the others bring it up, and we don't want to talk about it again thing!"

"Yes, head, you are right. They just sacrificed the head of the group. It is inappropriate for us to raise such a thing rashly!" Li Jiguang said.

"Well, then according to the previous agreement, today, send Captain Li Mobai to Yang Fei to train their soldiers!" Li Jiguang said.

"Old Li, I personally think that Lin Jianhua has already passed the funeral, should we go and visit him?" Wang Wei asked tentatively.

"It's the etiquette, well, let's go there with Li Mobai in a while!" Li Jiguang said.

Snow is still falling outside the window, and Snowflakes seem to get impatient sometimes!Those who followed seemed to have forgotten the time. They got carried away and imposed all their grievances on this place in Beihai.

There is a thick layer of snow on the road again. The soldiers are wielding their magic swords and scrambling on the snow. A real fighter can become a real fighter no matter when he is strong!
I don’t know when a few red lanterns were added outside. Li Jiguang went out to see it, and he was happy in his heart. Red, on the pale earth, is always the color of hope, and it is particularly conspicuous in winter.

Wang Wei put a thick cotton coat on his back and walked towards Li Jiguang, "Lao Li, should we go?"

Li Jiguang nodded, "Let's go, it's time to go, where is Li Mobai?"

"Oh, he's waiting at the door, ready for a carriage!"

"Well, okay, by the way, what are these lanterns?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Oh, by the way, in a few days' time, it will be a traditional festival here. I heard that it is called the Spring Festival!" Wang Wei said.

"Looking at the Spring Festival?" This is the first time Li Jiguang has heard of such a festival!

"Yes, I heard that looking at the Spring Festival means that the New Year is coming!" Wang Wei said, "There are ethnic minorities here, and there are quite a few ethnic minorities!"

"Oh, that's right, this is Beihai!" Li Jiguang finally understood. ,

"Lao Li, let's go quickly. I don't think the snow will stop for a while. Here is a day, and there are very few sunny days!" Wang Wei said.

"Okay, let's go!" After saying that, the two of them headed towards the entrance of the village.

At the entrance of the village, Li Mobai was leading a horse, and the carriage stopped in front of a tree. Seeing Li Jiguang and Wang Wei coming, Li Mobai quickly put the horse into the carriage, and the three of them got into the carriage. Start moving!

Wang Wei's illness just happened. He put on his coat tightly, but Li Jiguang looked very energetic.

The scenery in front of you and the land in front of you are an indispensable part of the motherland. Here are the mountains and rivers that our ancestors worked so hard to build. They cannot be lost in their hands. Otherwise, they will be ridiculed by history and will make future generations Can't hold my head up.

"Da da da……"

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, Li Jiguang looked around and saw a few fast horses riding ahead, as if they were floating in the wind and snow.

When I saw it clearly, I saw it was Yang Fei and others!
Li Mobai hurriedly stopped the carriage.

Yang Fei rode over and saw Li Jiguang and stopped the horse quickly.

Yang Fei got off the horse, and Li Jiguang also got off the carriage!

"Yang Fei?" Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei strangely, he didn't know where Yang Fei was going.

"Oh, Brigadier Li!" Yang Fei cupped his hands, "We are going to your place, are you going?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Oh, we are going to your place too!" Li Jiguang said.

"To our place?" Yang Fei questioned.

Behind him, Ma Xiaokun, Zhao Junjie, Chen Heng, and the others looked embarrassed, and they really didn't feel friendly towards them in their hearts.

Their regiment leader had just died, and at this moment, Li Jiguang actually wanted to recruit them himself?
Thinking of this, Ma Xiaokun said coldly, "Hey, Brigadier Li is so impatient?"

When these words came out, Zhao Junjie naturally sneered, "That is to say, we are all other people's lunch!"

As the acting head of the regiment, Chen Heng couldn't say these words, so he grabbed Zhao Junjie's arm, "Battle Commander Zhao, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Junjie held his head up and said nothing more.

Yang Fei looked at Li Jiguang, and Li Jiguang's face was naturally a little embarrassed, "Brigade Commander Li, I don't know..."

"Combatant Yang, Commander Chen, according to our previous agreement..." Before Li Jiguang finished speaking, Zhao Junjie said first, "What am I talking about? Chinese food is Chinese food. Maybe it's not Chinese food, it is The meat on the chopping board!"

"Nonsense!" Chen Heng pulled Zhao Junjie aside, "Battle Commander Zhao, please listen to what Brigadier Li has to say!"

As soon as he came out, Li Jiguang laughed, "Head Chen, it's okay, it's cold outside, why don't you come to our station and sit for a while, let's talk about it!"

Ma Xiaokun immediately stopped him, "Don't!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, "Soldier Yang, I'm afraid it's because drunks are not interested in drinking, all the commanders and fighters of our Ninth Route Army are not stationed, just in case..."

"Okay, since Brigadier Li said so, why don't we believe him? Battalion Commander Ma, since you and Battalion Commander Zhao don't want to hear what he said, why don't you go back!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he turned to Ma Xiaokun winked.

After Ma Xiaokun understood, he said, "Okay, but let's talk about it first, if our regiment leader and Yang Du's soldiers make any mistakes, we will not let you go even if we are all dead!" Ma Xiaokun turned around and left. ,

Zhao Junjie was stunned for a moment when he heard this, "No, I have to stay and protect the team leader!"

"Protection? Do you need your protection?" After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, he took Zhao Junjie and took two steps back!
Yang Fei looked at Li Jiguang and said, "Brigadier Li, let's go, let's go to your residence and talk for a while, don't let the two dolls spoil your interest!"

"It's okay, it's okay, Battalion Commander Ma and Battalion Commander Zhao are both gentlemen, very good!" Li Jiguang said.

Several people headed towards the Eighth Route Army's garrison.

Zhao Junjie followed, but was pulled by Ma Xiaokun, "What are you going to do? Huh? Isn't this obvious? Head Chen wants us to stay. In case something happens, there are more than 300 people and our leaders. Let's all go, what if it doesn't work out?"

Only then did Zhao Junjie understand, "Let me tell you! So that's what happened!"


Facing the wind and snow, they arrived at the garrison of the Eighth Route Army.

When he arrived at the meeting room, Li Jiguang hurriedly asked someone to add two pots of charcoal fire, roasted his hands, then rubbed his hands together, looked at Yang Fei and said, "Mr. Yang, if you and Commander Chen can come, let our Eighth Route Army be shaggy." Shenghui, it's all over now, let's talk about anything!" Li Jiguang said.

There were two more pots of charcoal fire in the house, and the house gradually became warmer.

Wang Wei personally poured tea for them.

Yang Fei took a sip of water, "Brigade Commander Li, I don't know what you are going to our station for?"

The reason why Yang Fei asked this was to see what Li Jiguang and the others thought. Besides, Chen Heng didn't know much about the Eighth Route Army, so he wanted him to see what kind of army the Eighth Route Army was.

"Oh!" Li Jiguang took a sip of water, then put down his teacup, "Mr. Yang, Commander Chen, it's like this. According to our previous agreement, we plan to send Li Mobai and Commander Li to you to teach first. After all, our Eighth Route Army is now There are few people, and the remaining regiment leaders Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai can completely deal with such a small number of people. Before, I heard that regiment leader Lin said that he was interested in the combat experience of our Eighth Route Army, so this time, Li Mobai and Li Mobai's He also has rich combat experience, so it is more appropriate to send him there!"

Chen Heng looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander Li is worrying!"

"It's okay!" Li Jiguang said, "We heard that Captain Lin Jianhua Lin had a funeral yesterday. I wanted to go there to see him off, but I didn't catch up yesterday. Today, political commissar Wang Wei and I plan to go there. Let’s burn some incense for Commander Lin, and I’d like to extend my condolences to everyone!”

Yang Fei glanced at Chen Heng quietly. Chen Heng was expressionless, and he couldn't guess what was going on in his heart.

"Our Eighth Route Army's life is poor, with simple food and drink. After a while, we will stay with us for dinner. If you have anything to say, we can say it at the dinner table!" Li Jiguang said.

Wang Wei also said at this time, "Okay, that's a good idea, then I'll go and give instructions first!" After saying that, Wang Wei got up and left.

"Brigade Commander Li, you're welcome!" Chen Heng said.

"I want to be polite, but our conditions don't allow it!" Li Jiguang has experienced too much, how could he not know what Chen Heng did just now mean?
Yang Fei said at this time, "Brigade Commander Li, I want to ask, what do you think about what our Commander Lin said before his sacrifice?"

Li Jiguang took out a cigarette and passed one to Chen Heng and Yang Fei, "What did Captain Lin say before he died? I... don't know what you are referring to?"

Chen Heng sneered in his heart, and then said seriously, "It means that our Ninth Route Army joins your Eighth Route Army! It's about fighting devils together!"

Li Jiguang slapped his head, "Oh, that's it!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang smiled, "I didn't take this matter to heart at all!"

"Didn't take it to heart?" Chen Heng couldn't believe it. This was a coincidence, but a normal person would never forget such an agreement. Li Jiguang actually pretended to be confused with his understanding. What kind of gentleman is this? !
"If you don't tell me, I still forgot!" Li Jiguang said, "Just now, I only thought about Li Mobai, Captain Li, who went to your place, and what should I teach. I also know what Captain Chen said just now, and I can Tell you so!"

"Whether it's the Eighth Route Army or the Ninth Route Army, whether it's Head Lin or Head Chen, you are all great heroes in the fight against the Japanese. No matter what decision you make, as long as it is beneficial to the joint fight against the Japanese, our Eighth Route Army will firmly support it. , As for the merger, I think, now is not the time!"

Li Jiguang said.

(End of this chapter)

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