Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2571 Timely Rescue

Chapter 2571 Timely Rescue
Not to mention that Han Sanping has never seen such power, even Li Mobai saw it for the second time.

The first time, it was when Da Guang was fighting with the bandits in Heishuitan.

Just this time, these black shadows only saw black shadows, and their speed was extremely fast.At this time, a knife was shown on a black shadow, and it stabbed straight at Lin Jianhua!

Li Mobai didn't look good, Lin Jianhua was busy fighting with a person at this time, how could he be distracted, Li Mobai quickly took out his pistol, and shot at that person!
There was only a sound of "bang", the bullet went out and hit the dagger, the bullet and the dagger brushed off, wiping out a trace of sparks, and with a sound of "bang!", the dagger fell to the ground.

At this time, Hei Ying turned his head to look at Li Mobai, as if he had angered him. He came over quickly, Li Mobai frowned, and didn't dare to look at him. Li Mobai's own kung fu is just some simple boxing techniques. If he competes with a bayonet, he can still fight The opponent fought for a while, but now he and the devil are competing at two levels!

"Tear..." I only heard the voice of this word.

Li Mobai retreated quickly, and when he looked up again, he saw the black shadow rushing over!
He couldn't dodge at all.

Seeing that Li Mobai closed his eyes, he could think that he would pay a price for beating devils!

It's just that he hasn't beaten enough, it's just that he hasn't had sex with devils heartily yet!

However, it is enough, there are too many devils to kill in his life!

"Captain Li, I'm here!"

With this shout, Da Guang rushed in from outside the house at some point, pulled Li Mobai aside, and then slammed towards the shadow with his bare hands!
Soi Ying didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway, but he had already flew out at this time, and he was not ready to turn around at all!

This punch hit Soi Ying's chest firmly, Da Guang didn't fear, jumped up directly, and kicked that Soi Ying's body again!


The black shadow screamed and fell to the ground.

"Captain Lin, be careful!" Da Guang shouted, and rushed towards those black shadows!
Li Mobai was terrified, and hurriedly shouted to Han Sanping, "Where's Yang Fei? Hurry up and call Yang Fei!"

"Yes!" Han Sanping got up from the ground and went out quickly, "Go to the mountain and look for Yang Du!"

Da Guang and Lin Jianhua were facing the three black shadows at this time, they were fearless, "I never thought that the devil would use evil tricks!"

"Hehe, there are many things you don't know! Be careful, I'm coming!" A black shadow shouted and rushed over!

Da Guang rushed over directly and fought with the opponent abruptly. The two of them fought back and forth. With boxing skills and physical confrontation, who could win?Who will lose?No one knows!

Lin Jianhua yelled, "Little devil, I am happy today, sir, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua dodged around again and directly fought with the black shadow.

These three people and Daguang Lin Jianhua fought with each other, and when they fought, the room shook.

The people in the room couldn't tell who was the enemy and who was their own!Only the collision of the shadow house can be seen.

Seeing this, Li Jiguang said, "No way! Two people and three people fight, how can this be done?" Just as Li Jiguang was about to take off his clothes and fight the devil, a black shadow rushed in again.

The passing wind directly made Li Jiguang unsteady and fell to the ground.

The night wind blows in from the window, and the cold wind is whizzing, but whose head is not sweating profusely?

I saw that the dagger in this person's hand stabbed at Lin Jianhua!

Li Mobai shouted nervously, "Da Guang, be careful!"

Daguangyan saw it quickly, turned over and fought with the black shadow.

Unexpectedly, the black shadow did not go towards Daguang. On the contrary, like a person who had practiced jujitsu, the black shadow brushed Daguang's body and directly stabbed at Lin Jianhua behind him!

"Not good!" Da Guang subconsciously turned around and grabbed the shadow! "Captain Lin!"

While Lin Jianhua was fighting, he wasn't distracted, but when he heard someone calling him, he suddenly turned his head and saw a dagger stabbing towards him!

At this moment, the dagger was only one millimeter away from being inserted into Lin Jianhua's chest!

This denseness made Lin Jianhua's forehead sweat a little more, but he didn't dare to think about it, so he just avoided it!I saw Daguang holding onto the black shadow with both hands!

He took a big breath, "It seems that you are looking for me! Haha! Refreshing!"

The person who came was Dong Yun!

Seeing that his people were a little slow in performing the task, he couldn't help but want to finish it quickly!

"You are the chief of the Eighth Route Army!" Dong Yun asked.

"That's right, it's me!" Lin Jianhua shouted.

"Looks like it was my fault today! If I kill you, I can explain to my superiors!" After speaking, Dong Yun did not know what kind of evil power he had used, and escaped directly from Da Guang's hand, and then became Da Guang's boss. When Guang wanted to stop Dong Yun, a force rushed over and hit Da Guang directly!
"Ah!" Da Guang yelled, fighting back the pain!

"Captain Lin, be careful!" Da Guang shouted!
Lin Jianhua regained his strength, "Dongyun, you should be Dongyun!"

"Yes, I am!" After speaking, Dong Yun flew over, and he didn't see Dong Yun's face clearly until he got close.

He looked at Lin Jianhua with a ferocious face, "Today, I'm sorry!" After finishing speaking, his two hands moved towards Lin Jianhua!
Lin Jianhua frowned and tried to hide subconsciously, but he didn't dodge at all!

Two hands pinched Lin Jianhua's neck, "Tell them to stop, I promise you will die comfortably!"

"Death is death, and it's very comfortable and uncomfortable!" Lin Jianhua said with difficulty!
"In this case, what should we do?" Dong Yun asked with a smile, and then he looked back at everyone, "Have you all seen it? Your chief is now under my control. If you want to survive, you should hurry up." Put down the weapons in your hands, understand?"

"Don't listen...and listen to him!" Lin Jianhua simply shouted, "Kill him!"

Everyone watched Lin Jianhua being strangled by Dong Yun, and everyone didn't want to watch Lin Jianhua like this!
But who can do what?

"Let go of our regiment leader!" Han Sanping shouted loudly!

"Hehe, do you think it's possible?" Dong Yun asked.

At this time, the sound of guns and guns sounded again on the mountain, and the sound of guns and guns was endless.

Li Jiguang knew that it was their people who had already arrived on the mountain and started fighting with the devils!
But Dongyun didn't know, he thought, it must be that the people on the mountain got the letter, and the Eighth Route Army was going to come down to support, and their people hurriedly opened fire to delay the time!

He smiled, "Listen, no one can fight against me, the final result of fighting against me..."

Didn't wait for Dongyun to finish speaking!

At some point, a gust of wind suddenly blew in at the door!

The gust of wind was so fast that it swept people up!

When the wind came over, everyone saw that this was Yang Fei's figure!

Seeing Yang Fei approaching, Han Sanping felt more at ease!
"You dog, you actually bullied Dao'er! Today I will let you try Grandpa's boxing skills!" Yang Fei yelled loudly, and then his whole body hit Dong Yun's body heavily.

That Dongyun never expected that this person's speed was so fast, his whole body was pushed by Yang Fei's brute force and ran a few meters away, and then his fist hit him down!
A punch hit him in the chest, and Dong Yun sneered.

"I thought you were such a powerful samurai, but I didn't expect that, that's all!" Dong Yun finished and straightened his clothes, "Come on, let me let you know what a ninja is!"

After finishing speaking, Dong Yun raised his fist, which seemed to have turned into a giant fist with flames, which seemed to be able to swallow the power of the universe!

Yang Fei naturally knew that his strength was far inferior to Dong Yun's, but Lin Jianhua was in danger, how could he refuse to save Lin Jianhua!

His speed was so fast that he didn't even know it, but at this moment, Lin Jianhua was lying on the ground, covering his throat with his hands, and looked at Yang Fei with difficulty!

"Brother Yang, this man is powerful, and none of us are his opponents!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Die is dead, it's really worth dying with your big brother!" Yang Fei said.

"You guys are really brothers, but, can you bear my punch?" Dong Yun smiled slightly.

The fist seems to fall very slowly, but in fact the gravity is too strong and the impact is the strongest. Not to mention Yang Fei's body, even this thatched cottage may not be able to withstand it!
Like a comet hitting the earth, who can withstand a fist that will kill you or hurt you?
"Take the move!" After finishing speaking, Dong Yun's fist dragged a long tail of fire in the air, hitting Yang Fei!

Yang Fei looked at him with firm eyes, but he was very calm!


There was a loud shout outside the house!
Han Qing came in with his whole body, and everyone's bodies were a little unsteady!

Han Qing ran over, "Dong Yun, you're finally here, how about your fist?" After Han Qing finished speaking, he also threw his fist at Dong Yun!
Unlike Dongyun, Han Qing's fist was covered with frost, and when he raised it high and fell, he swung his thick icy tail behind him!Dong Yun didn't dare to fight, if he did, he didn't have enough strength to fight back Han Qing's fist!

He retracted suddenly, then dodged sideways, and went directly to Lin Jianhua's side again.

At this time, he flashed a dagger, and the dagger was pressed against Lin Jianhua's neck, "Have you made up your mind?"

Yang Fei and Han Qing looked at it, not only feeling nervous for a while.

"Let go of our leader!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Let go? Okay, let us out, and I'll let him go!" Dong Yun shouted.

"Okay, I'll let you out!" Yang Fei said.Then he looked at Han Sanping and the others, "Get out of the way, let him out!"

Although Han Sanping was a little dissatisfied, he had to listen to Yang Fei's words. They made way, and Dongyun and Lin Jianhua were about to go out!
When he arrived at the door, Dong Yun sneered, "Goodbye my dears!" After saying that, he turned around and was about to run away with Lin Jianhua!

However, who would have thought that Da Guang was standing behind him, and Chen Heng was standing next to Da Guang!

These two people are like two giant spirit gods, preventing him from leaving!

When Dong Yun came back to his senses, the two fists hit Dong Yun's face!

Dongyun wanted to hide, but where could he hide?
He was punched firmly in the face.

However, he didn't dare to neglect Lin Jianhua in Dongyun's hand, and the knife was still on his neck. "You are courting death!"

"Let go of our regiment leader!" Chen Heng shouted!
"Hehe, don't think about it!" Dong Yun shouted.

The few dark shadows in the house had gone somewhere for a long time.

There is only one Dongyun left, and he is also alone.

They didn't dare to do anything because they thought You Lin Jianhua was a hostage, but he was still punched by Chen Heng and Da Guang.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to release our leader!"

Chen Heng said.

"Only you..." Just after saying this, Dongyun suddenly felt a little weak.

His hands were so weak that he couldn't even hold the knife securely.

What's going on here?
His mind is in a trance!
He shook his head vigorously, trying to stay awake, but found it very difficult.

"Dong Yun, don't you know that you are drugged!" Chen Heng shouted.

"Drug?" Dong Yun didn't believe it at all. He had been studying martial arts for so many years and had been drugged. How could he not know? Besides, Chen Heng and the others had never been close to him. When would he be drugged again? ?

The more I think about it, the more wrong I am!
In the end, his body was still a little weak, and then he fell heavily to the ground!

Lin Jianhua was saved!

Everyone was very relieved to see Lin Jianhua doing well!
Yang Fei and others came to Lin Jianhua, "Head, are you alright?"

Lin Jianhua shook his head, "It's okay, I'm okay!"

Yang Fei carefully checked Lin Jianhua's body, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he felt at ease!
Chen Heng was even more excited, "Captain, you scared me to death! Can we not take risks in the future?"

"In order to achieve our goal, I am not taking a risk! This is good, we won! How is the situation on the mountain?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Soldiers from the Eighth Route Army surrounded the devil's team from behind. Now that the battle has come to an end, I think the battle will end soon!" Chen Heng said.

"Okay, that's good. This time, we have to let the devils have a taste of our strength! Very good, after we are done, tell the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army to clean up the battlefield with us. Divided!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Yes, I will give orders on this matter!" Chen Heng said.

At this time, Li Jiguang came over, "Captain Lin, it was too dangerous just now!"

When Lin Jianhua saw Li Jiguang, he smiled, "Brigade Commander Li, thank you for bringing your people to rescue me. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would have been killed by the devil!"

"You must not say that. If you want to say it, you have to say that you are lucky and have a great life! If you survive a catastrophe, you will have a good fortune. I think we can all see the devils withdraw from our country and win the final victory!" Li Jiguang said.

(End of this chapter)

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