Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2572 Lin Jianhua Sacrifice

Chapter 2572 Lin Jianhua Sacrifice

"You're right, I think we are the final winners!" Lin Jianhua said with a smile.

"Okay, if this is the case, I will go to the mountains to see our soldiers, and when I have a chance, I will definitely visit again!" Li Jiguang said.

"No hurry, I'm glad you can come, I still have a bottle of shochu hidden here, come, let's have a drink!" Lin Jianhua said.

"This..." Li Jiguang smiled, "Okay, since you are interested, let's discuss the follow-up matters while drinking!"

"Okay!" With that said, Lin Jianhua was about to go in!

However, at this time, Lin Jianhua suddenly felt as if his chest had been pierced by a bayonet. He was stunned, and Li Jiguang saw that his expression was wrong, "Commander Lin?"

All of a sudden, the corner of his mouth was bleeding. Yang Fei saw that it was not good, so he quickly looked back, only to find that Dong Yun had stabbed the dagger into Lin Jianhua's back!

"Damn it, I'll fuck your eighth generation ancestor!" Yelling, Yang Fei was about to fight!
However, Lin Jianhua tightly grabbed Yang Fei's hand!

Yang Fei looked at Lin Jianhua, Lin Jianhua's body slowly softened!

"Leader!" Han Sanping and Chen Heng all surrounded and watched.

Who has the heart to look at that Dongyun!
Dongyun turned around and ran away!
"Leader!" Chen Heng shouted!
Yang Fei held Lin Jianhua's hand, and he earned it vigorously, "Big Brother, Big Brother! Big Brother!"

Lin Jianhua smiled, "Very good, not bad! Brother Yang, you are the most courageous and leading person I have ever met. I am very glad that I can see you save me, but don't be too nervous!"

"Brother, what are you talking about, Han Qing is good at medicine, just wait a moment!" After speaking, Yang Fei turned to look at Han Qing, "Han Qing, hurry up, what are you doing in a daze?"

Han Qing hurried over, squatted down, and carefully inspected the wound. He saw that blood had flowed all over the ground, and his thick sheepskin jacket was soaked with blood.He checked Lin Jianhua's pulse!However, the pulse is already weak!
Seeing Han Qing's nervous expression, Lin Jianhua pushed Han Qing's hand away, "Brother Han, don't save him, it's too late!"

Yang Fei shouted anxiously, "Han Qing, how is it, how is it?"

"Sir, this and the dagger pierced the leader's heart. Look, there is no way to save the blood in this place!" Han Qing said.

"No way? Why no way? You are a doctor, you can cure their illnesses, and you have to save them too!" Yang Fei said with a choked voice.

"There is really no other way! The head of the group is bleeding profusely. There is no way to treat him when such a blood volume comes out!" Han Qing said.

At this time, Lin Jianhua grabbed his hand, "Brother Yang, it's alright! Don't...don't blame Brother Han!"

"Brother, don't worry, I will... I will find a way to save you!" Yang Fei's eyes were blurred by tears!

"Listen to me!" Hearing this word, everyone quietly, even if they wanted to cry, they had to hold back.

"The devil bullies me Huaxia. All the young people of my generation must unanimously defeat the little devil. I know whoever surrenders and does not fight, and I will not let him go!" Lin Jianhua looked at Yang Fei, he couldn't do it Well, this stall must be handed over to Yang Fei, but how can it be handed over to him?

At the beginning, I originally wanted him to be the deputy head, but he was wrong. What kind of official is this supervisor?No one knows.

It's not that Lin Jianhua doesn't like Chen Heng. Chen Heng is also capable. However, Chen Heng's ability is manifested as a general. To fight a war, you must have this handsome man who sits in the army tent!
Yang Fei did his part and wanted Yang Fei to be the head of the regiment. If he said this, he was afraid of causing dissatisfaction from others, so what should he do?
I saw that Lin Jianhua clapped his hands, "Whoever can kill Dongyun to avenge me, he will be the head of the regiment and bring the brothers to fight devils together!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jianhua pinched Yang Fei vigorously.Yang Fei naturally understood, Lin Jianhua worked hard, he understood, but Yang Fei didn't care whether he should be the team leader or not.

As long as Dongyun can be killed, who will be the head of the regiment?

It is different, in Lin Jianhua's heart it is different!
When Lin Jianhua finished speaking, he saw Li Jiguang next to him, "Brigade Commander Li, I'm sorry, I can't drink anymore!"

"Leader Lin, leader Lin, it's okay, I won't be here by then, the two of us will set up a table under the ground, and I'll make a table for you, let's drink enough!"

Li Jiguang said.

Lin Jianhua grabbed Li Jiguang's hand, "The Eighth Route Army has strict military discipline. Drink when you should drink, and don't drink when you shouldn't. I understand this! What I said just now is also applicable to the Eighth Route Army, Eighth Route Army killed Dongyun. , these brothers of mine are now following your Eighth Route Army! It’s just that... letting someone they know well take them with them will give them peace of mind!”

"Captain Lin, what are you talking about! I never thought of joining your army. I don't want to now, and I don't want to in the future. Do you understand?" Li Jiguang said.

"I don't have much time, and I also understand that... only by cooperation... can we beat the devils, the whole country is in a state of disunity, and there is no cohesion! You Eighth Route Army is doing very well... I also know... what I said just now It works!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fei and the others, "Listen... If the Eighth Route Army helps you avenge me, follow the Eighth Route Army, follow Brigadier Li!"

At this time, who dares to say no?
In the words, everyone has become tears.

When he looked down at Lin Jianhua again, Lin Jianhua's body was already icy cold!

Yang Fei hugged his body, went into the room, and put it on for him.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely catch Dongyun and avenge you!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Regiment commander, don't worry, our Ninth Route Army will not let you die in vain, we will help you catch him!"

Li Jiguang and others came in and took off their hats. They may have become a little numb to the matter of death, and he also knew that what Lin Jianhua said in the end, no matter whether it was true or not, made people feel comfortable!

However, he really never thought about joining forces with their Nine Route Army. If it is really possible, then let Yang Fei be the commander of the regiment!

"Take off your hat!" Li Jiguang said.

Behind him, all the members of the Eighth Route Army took off their hats, "Commander Lin has been fighting for many years, always at the front line, risking his life and forgetting to die, no one dares to say a bad thing, today, dying for the country is also our role model , everyone should learn!"


Daguang, Li Mobai, and the dozen or so Eighth Route Army soldiers shouted in unison!

The sky suddenly fell, and the already dark sky seemed to be falling down.It can't help but make people feel a little chilled.

When the news came out, no one knew it was true.

At least, everyone on the mountain doesn't know what happened up and down!
The entire Jinshuihe garrison surrounded the door. When they heard about the sacrifice of their regiment leader, they all came over and knelt on the ground!
One soldier thought of Lin Jianhua's kindness to him, and was the first to cry!
Immediately afterwards, the whole village was crying!

This is a sad story, and we can only express our feelings at this time by crying.

Although Lin Jianhua was the head of the regiment, although he did not make the team stronger, he did not cause any harm to the team either. Since he became the head of the regiment, Lin Jianhua has been sitting on pins and needles. In the battle against the Japanese, every step is a step forward. Yang Fei is like this, Lin Jianhua is like this, and so are countless fighters against Japanese benevolence!
Who said that the battlefield is cold storage, who said that war is ruthless?People's hearts are fleshy, and no one can say that they can fight alone without a team!

At this time, Yang Fei was kneeling beside Lin Jianhua's body, and his heart was already burning like paper!

The fire in my heart is burning more and more intense!

"No, I'm going to kill Dongyun myself!" Thinking of Lin Jianhua being secretly stabbed by him, how could Yang Fei not feel heartbroken!

At this time, Ma Xiaokun, Zhao Junjie and others led the troops down the mountain, holding the devil's weapons and ammunition in their hands, and Shen Wanxi and others arrived at the village!

Looking again, Shen Wanxi came back dragging a corpse!

In fact, when they were going down the mountain, Ma Xiaokun saw Dong Yun, and when they were about to shoot, Shen Wanxi stopped him, "What? Can you shoot?"

"If I don't fight, how do I know if I can get one?" Ma Xiaokun said.

"How about, let's make a bet. You fight first. If you win, I lose. If I win, you have to worship me as your teacher! How about it?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"If I win, you lose? Don't tease me, okay? If I win, you will worship me as your teacher! How about it?" Although Ma Xiaokun is young, he is not a fool. No one would know Shen Wanxi's conditions. yes!
"Okay, let's start. The distance in a straight line is about 530 meters. You can't hit it. In addition, there is a southerly wind. When the bullet goes out, it won't form a straight line. You can't hit it!" Shen Wanxi Talking there all the time.

Ma Xiaokun took aim and fired a "bang".

This shot went out, and that Dongyun was not affected at all!

Shen Wanxi smiled, "Boy, you are still far behind, shouldn't it be me?"

Ma Xiaokun was a little unconvinced, "It's so far away, you can't hit it!"

"It's not up to you to hit until you can't. Now, I'll let you see if I can hit it!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi stood up, put the butt of the gun against his shoulder, squinted one eye, and aimed at Dongyun in front of him!

Because Dongyun was drugged and couldn't walk steadily, it was not easy to escape from Yang Fei's hands.

"If you really hit it, I will really worship you as my teacher!" Ma Xiaokun said. ,

"Boy, look at it!"

There was only a "bang" that could not disappear for a long time in the empty valley.

I saw that Dongyun didn't move anymore!

"What a sharp gun!" Ma Xiaokun shouted excitedly!
"You managed to hit such a long distance!" Ma Xiaokun was so excited!
"Of course, don't forget what you just said!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay, okay, how could I forget it!" Ma Xiaokun said happily, "Master, master!"

"My boy, let's go!"

After calling someone, they came to Dongyun's side, Shen Wanxi looked at Dongyun, "This guy is really a devil!"

"Of course! They look familiar, but I don't know who they are!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Since you don't know, then take him and let's go back!" With that said, Shen Wanxi dragged Dongyun by one leg and walked towards the village!

When they arrived at the village, they were stunned!
I saw so many people kneeling down and crying!
Ma Xiaokun didn't know what happened, so he hurriedly ran inside!Passing through the crowd, when he reached the door, he saw Han Sanping, "Han Sanping, what's the matter?"

"Head...Head...he..." Han Sanping was sobbing.

"What?" Ma Xiaokun was stunned, and then came back to his senses. He rushed into the room at once, pushed away so many people, and reached the bedside, "Tuan..." Before he could speak, his eyes were already wet with tears.

"Ah!" Ma Xiaokun roared loudly.

"Leader!" Ma Xiaokun would never believe that the leader who gets along day and night, actually...

When Zhao Junjie saw Ma Xiaokun rushing in, he didn't hesitate at all. He rushed in and saw the head of the regiment, Lin Jianhua, lying on the bed, and suddenly knelt down on the ground with limp legs.

"Leader, leader!" Zhao Junjie knelt down to the bedside.

Lin Jianhua had been out of breath for a long time, and his body was slowly getting cold!
"Who did it, I'll kill him!" Zhao Junjie shouted loudly!

"Who did it?" Ma Xiaokun also asked loudly!
At this time, Ma Xiaokun looked back at Han Sanping, "Han Sanping, I asked you to protect the leader, what are you doing? You let the don't want to live!" Ma Xiaokun rushed over!
Han Qing grabbed Ma Xiaokun, "He was blamed, we were all there at the time!"

"Who? Who did it?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Dongyun!" Han Qing said.

At this moment, someone shouted outside the door, "Dong Yun was beaten to death!"

Hearing this voice, all the people in the room stood up and rushed out.

I saw that there was a corpse on Shen Wanxi's back. Was it Dong Yun or someone else?

Shen Wanxi was stunned, what are these people doing?Why do you keep looking at yourself!

He quickly threw the body on the ground, "What are you doing?"

"You killed him?" Yang Fei asked coldly. ,

"Do you have any questions?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"You really killed it?" Yang Fei asked again!
"Yes... or not?" Shen Wanxi was at a loss.He had never felt so many pairs of eyes staring at him.

At this time, Li Jiguang came out, "Head Shen, didn't you kill this man?"

Shen Wanxi was confused when asked, shouldn't this person be killed?

His mouth began to tremble. According to Li Jiguang's meaning, he shouldn't have killed this person, so he could only nod slowly, "Yes... no... I didn't kill him..."

Ma Xiaokun came out of the house, "Guardian Yang, he killed him. When he was on the mountain, he fired a single shot and killed him!"

After hearing this, Shen Wanxi was at a loss!
(End of this chapter)

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