Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2573 Where To Go

Chapter 2573 Where To Go
Li Jiguang turned his head, he also knew that Dongyun deserved to die, but they should not be killed by the Eighth Route Army, no matter what happens in the future, at least not now!

Yang Fei stopped talking and went back to the house!
Chen Heng glared at Shen Wanxi, and went back too!

Ma Xiaokun didn't understand why it was so important who killed the devil?

It was only later that he realized that this was Lin Jianhua's last words.

Ten days later, Yang Fei and others buried Lin Jianhua on Xiaoshuipo Mountain.

The place where it was buried overlooked the entire North Sea!

This is the land where he was born, where he grew up, and where he survived.

After Lin Jianhua sacrificed, Chen Heng found Yang Fei, "Guard Yang, then we..."

"The leader is gone, you are the leader, if you have anything to say, we can have a meeting, you are the biggest officer now!" Yang Fei said.

"Mr. Yang, I want to ask, are you willing to join the Eighth Route Army?" Chen Heng looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"It doesn't matter what I say! Let's have a meeting to decide!" Yang Fei said.

Chen Heng, Yang Fei, Ma Xiaokun, Wang Zhifei, and Zhao Junjie sat in the room and started a meeting!
Everyone is still immersed in the atmosphere of Lin Jianhua's sacrifice. This is the result they don't want to see!

Maybe this is a destiny in the dark, maybe it should be like this!

Everyone was silent, Chen Heng spoke, "Tell me, what should we do next?"

Ma Xiaokun glanced at Chen Heng, Zhao Junjie didn't know what to say!
Wang Zhifei is considered an old man, but he is Lin Jianhua's direct descendant, they walked all the way from the cottage!

"What did the leader say at that time?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"The head of the regiment said that whoever kills the devil will be the head of the regiment and lead everyone to go on!" Chen Heng said. Under the leadership of their Brigadier Li Jiguang, continue to fight devils!"

Wang Zhifei nodded, "Since the leader's decision, everyone just abide by it. If you join the Eighth Route Army, as long as you can fight devils, it will be the same wherever you go. In the past, our regiment was the king of heaven. Now, if we join others, we are still fighting devils." Father, I think it's okay!"

Wang Zhifei's meaning is very clear!
Zhao Junjie said, "We just joined their Eighth Route Army? At that time, we were not there, so we don't know what happened. If we knew, we would kill Dongyun with our own hands even if we didn't want to die. What happened to the Eighth Route Army? Will they treat us the same as Captain Lin?"

Zhao Junjie's worry is not unreasonable!

Ma Xiaokun was a little helpless, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't proved that the devil was killed by Shen Wanxi, maybe there would be no such thing! It's all my fault!"

"Xiaokun, don't think so much, this is a fact in itself! What we can do now is to fight devils wholeheartedly, and just don't embarrass Captain Lin!" Chen Heng said.

"I also think that since it is the intention of the head of the regiment, he should have thought more clearly. We can join the Eighth Route Army, but can we let the Eighth Route Army come to our place for a meeting to discuss together, how should we go about this matter? We can't just go to the Eighth Route Army in a daze, and we can't be someone else's casually!" Ma Xiaokun said.

Everyone had spoken, and Chen Heng looked at Yang Fei, "Mr. Yang, it's time to wait. We can't wait any longer. If we want to join the Eighth Route Army, we should negotiate with the other party. The other party has made it clear! I believe that Li Jiguang and Brigadier Li will not embarrass us!"

Yang Fei lit a cigarette, "I think it would be better to join the Eighth Route Army!"

Yang Fei's words made everyone look at each other, "Before you met the Eighth Route Army, how many anti-Japanese forces have you seen in Beihai? No, it's just our army. It's hard to see hope and the future. The rope is only strong if it is twisted together!"

"I believe that many people will not agree to our joining the Eighth Route Army. What is the Eighth Route Army? Everyone is unfamiliar! However, Li Jiguang's character, everyone should know that the fighting level of the Eighth Route Army in these few battles is obvious to all. If one day , The Eighth Route Army has better weapons and equipment, and it is not impossible for them to become the mainstream!" Yang Fei said, "The gap between us and the other party is really too big, Xiaokun, Junjie, the two of you fought with them that night, I feel how?"

Ma Xiaokun was a little embarrassed, "To be honest, they do have a way of fighting, and I can't learn this way very well!"

"That's right, the Eighth Route Army's wars are just like a work of art. They fight them skillfully, not recklessly!" Zhao Junjie also said.

"Well, do you think it's okay for us to join the Eighth Route Army?" Yang Fei asked.

"Okay, but we still have to discuss with the other party. After all, we are foreigners, and this foreign child has no milk. This is the same truth!" Zhao Junjie said. ,

"Okay, then let's reach a consensus first, that is, we can join the Eighth Route Army, but we must be clear about the rest, how to join, and the final leadership organization! What do you think?" Yang Fei asked.


Yang Fei looked at Chen Heng!

Chen Heng also nodded, "Mr. Yang said very well. I just couldn't think of these things. Let's vote with a show of hands! Of course, what I want to say before that is that it doesn't matter where you go, whatever you do is wrong." The devil-fighting team must not embarrass our old Ninth Route Army, and tell the soldiers after going down!"


"Then vote with a show of hands. If it passes, let Yang Du's soldiers go talk to the Eighth Route Army about it!" Chen Heng said.

Everyone raised their hands.

The unanimous vote passed, which means that there is only one last step left for them to join the Eighth Route Army.

The coming day is long, and I always feel that today passes very slowly.

In the Eighth Route Army camp.

Li Jiguang heard that Lin Jianhua had been buried, and they didn't make it to catch up, but they still had to hold a meeting, and the content of this meeting was naturally about the Nine Route Army!
All the cadres above the head of the regiment were there, and Li Jiguang said, "After thinking about it for the past few days, we are inferior to the Nine Route Army in terms of the number of personnel and the number of weapons. I am worried that they will not join us. Eighth Route Army!"

"Brigade Commander, we can't forget about meagerness. In the last battle, it wasn't us. With the child soldiers of the Ninth Route Army, they could beat the devils?" Hu Dahai said, "Our combat effectiveness is much stronger than theirs. There are too many of them, even if there are many of them, if our hundred or so people put on a show, they will definitely lose!"

"Yes, brigade commander, although there are many of them, they don't understand many things. Joining us may be the best way out for them!" Shen Wanxi also said.

This is the end of the matter.

Accompanied by Li Jiguang, the two of them visited the daily training of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army and inspected their internal affairs. , with Wotou, and Li Jiguang and Wang Wei's meals are the same, so I was surprised.

Which team can do this?
It's just that there is one more scrambled egg than the soldiers, but even Wang Wei and Li Jiguang didn't even take a bite of that scrambled egg!

"It's really strange!" Chen Heng sighed secretly.

Even if there were a lot of sighs, Chen Heng also understood that they did not understand a lot about the Eighth Route Army!

Before leaving, Li Jiguang called Li Mobai and asked him to go with Yang Fei and the others. According to the previous agreement, he must teach the experience of the Nine Route Army.

Li Mobai nodded, "Don't worry, Brigadier, I promise to complete the task!"

In the wind and snow, the few of them disappeared in the vast snowy sky. The snowy sky seemed to be unpredictable all the time. She was like a strict father, and sometimes like a sentimental mother. In all their journeys , all with companionship and joy.

Back to Xiaoshuipo.

Chen Heng called all the people over again, and talked about the Eighth Route Army's attitude towards the merger.

All of a sudden, Ma Xiaokun felt unbelievable, "How is this possible? Commander, are you joking! The Eighth Route Army really didn't think about merging us?"

"That's right, regiment commander, what exactly is the Eighth Route Army thinking? Tell me about it?" Zhao Junjie also said.

"What else can I think? Since they don't want to merge with us, as I said just now, I don't think it's true about those points. First, I'm wondering if there are too many people, but they are few. Second, it's not the right time. Anyway, let's just listen to what the Eighth Route Army says!" Chen Heng said.

"Regimental Commander, since the Eighth Route Army has never thought of merging us, you are also our regimental commander. Tell me, what should we do next?" Zhao Junjie asked.

"What to do, then how to do it. Since the Eighth Route Army has no intention of merging us now, let's do it ourselves now. Fight devils. Our original intention remains the same. Although it is said that Dongyun was killed by the Eighth Route Army, we will fight For the remaining devils, the more devils kill, the better, so that the old regiment leader Izumi knows!" Chen Heng himself said.

"That's right, we can only let Commander Lin rest in peace if we kill more devils!" Ma Xiaokun also said truthfully.

"In this way, we will have to wait for the devil!" Zhao Junjie said.

Wang Zhifei, who had been silent all this time, said at this time, "I don't know, everyone. After you left today, I found the devil's whereabouts. The devil seems to be moving towards us. However, it is obvious that they are coming here tentatively. Although we haven't been spotted yet, we have to be cautious, after all, this time the devil must be targeting us!"

"That's right, since devils are coming to your door, I, Ma Xiaokun, will never sit idly by. Come and kill one, come a pair, I will kill a pair!" Ma Xiaokun said proudly.

"In this case, let's divide the work in detail!" Chen Heng said, "Zhao Junjie, Battalion Commander Zhao, you take a company as a reconnaissance company to investigate the devil's movements. I will report, and then I will assign specific tasks!"


Zhao Junjie said immediately.

"Commander Wang Zhifei, take your people and stand by. As long as there is news of the devils, we will kill them!" Chen Heng said.

Listening to them talking, Yang Fei felt a little lonely in his heart. What's going on?Okay, what about the development base?With their current equipment, they can only fight small-scale guerrilla warfare. If they fight a battalion-level battle, they will definitely lose!

It didn't matter to Han Qing, anyway, it was right to protect Yang Fei wherever he went.

The weather at this time is still heavily snowed, and it seems that they have forgotten their original intention and goals. These goals were slowly covered by the heavy snow, and they knew that there was no trace of them!
Xu is, now everyone is full of confidence?Or maybe everyone is emotional?
When you see a devil, you will fight. If you can beat it, it's okay. If you can't beat it, so many lives will be lost!
Perhaps seeing that Yang Fei's mood was a bit wrong at this time, Ma Xiaokun immediately asked, "Guardian Yang, what are you thinking at this time?"

"Oh, I was thinking, it's too late for us to hide from the devils, why should we take the initiative to find them? As far as I know, we have less than [-] rounds of ammunition and less than [-] grenades. You don't have the ability to fight!" Yang Fei didn't say he was unhappy.

"Hi!" Zhao Junjie shook his head, "Mr. Yang, our morale is high now, and it's a good time to fight the devils. Although we don't have enough ammunition, this is not the reason or excuse for our failure. In my opinion, we Now we should put all our eggs in one basket and fight the devils, as long as we win, won't we have everything?"

"What if you fail?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked, "If you fail, you will lose everything! Battalion Commander Zhao, the fight is not about you and me, but about the lives of the three hundred soldiers in the regiment." Safe, we have to hide now, if we can fight, we can only fight small-scale guerrilla warfare!"

"Guerrilla?" Ma Xiaokun frowned. "Guerrilla warfare can't bring out our strength. Besides, we don't care about small fish and shrimp!" Ma Xiaokun's words stimulated Yang Fei's heart. What he didn't understand was why He just didn't understand, their current status?
Wang Zhifei nodded, "I agree with Officer Yang's words!"

Wang Zhifei looked at Yang Fei, "Guardian Yang can analyze the pros and cons of both the enemy and us. I think we should fight small-scale guerrilla warfare. In guerrilla warfare, we can store food for the spring, and then take the ammunition from the devils, and take out those who are not good for us." Things, do what is beneficial to us, taking risks is not the current ones, and taking risks should be at the last moment!"

"Battlemaster Wang, I think you are timid?" Zhao Junjie glanced at Wang Zhifei.

"I'm timid?" Wang Zhifei stood up suddenly, "When I was beating devils, you didn't know what you were doing, so you have no right to call me!"

"Don't talk about me, now, the morale of our Ninth Route Army is high, as long as we are willing to fight, we will succeed!" Zhao Junjie said firmly, and after finishing speaking, he still did not forget to look at Chen Heng. I think that Battalion Commander Wang Zhifei and Wang are not suitable for commanding and fighting now, so in my opinion, Battalion Commander Wang should guard here, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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