Chapter 2574
Listening to what they said, Chen Heng understood that it is not suitable to run Yang Fei away now. To the Ninth Route Army, he is like a soul. To Lin Jianhua, Yang Fei is the backbone, he is the soul of the whole regiment , As long as he is there, the soldiers will be very excited.

But, things can't be done this way, it's very unethical to do so, he has to think about how to do it.

"I think we still have to think about this matter carefully!" Chen Heng said, "Commander Yang is right. We can't fight recklessly now. Beihai is eventually occupied by devils, and our strength is too great after all." A little smaller!"

"Head, I don't think we need to think about it. We have about three hundred people. As long as the devils come, we three hundred good people will go together, and each of us can spit out the devils to death. In war, we have to give full play to our personnel advantages!" Ma Xiaokun said, and after finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, "Soldier Yang, I know that you are for the good of the whole regiment, but the whole regiment must have only one order now, whoever gives it Order, I think Captain Chen is more appropriate!"

This sentence made Wang Zhifei slap on the table angrily, "Ma Xiaokun, who gave you the courage, you are blatantly demanding the rights of the warden Yang!"

"I didn't say that, but if anyone dares to slander or insult us in front of the whole army, I believe that no one can forgive him. As for cherishing this opportunity, it depends on some people!" Ma Xiaokun raised his head .

"I think what Xiaokun said is good!" Zhao Junjie said. "Now, we must have only one order, which is whether we will fight or not!"

"You two ungrateful things, do you know how you became this soldier? If there were no Yang Du soldiers at that time, you would be lonely ghosts in the county now! And you, Zhao Junjie, do you remember yours? Dad? At that time, it wasn’t Duo Yang, your father’s house may have been ransacked! Now you are talking nonsense here, you are really white-eyed wolf!” Wang Zhifei said bluntly.

"Okay!" Chen Heng stood up, "I think Yang Du is right, don't forget, why we came to Jinfeng Mountain is because we saw our own lack of strength, and we wanted to fight guerrillas. The hinterland will turn them upside down!" Chen Cheng said, "Now is not the time for you not to be united!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Cheng looked at Yang Fei, "Guardian Yang, you don't remember the faults of a villain, the two dolls have nothing to say, they still need to practice!"

"Oh, it's okay!" Yang Fei said, "Leader Lin Jianhua has left, and I have nothing to worry about here!"

Upon hearing this, Han Qing immediately stood up, "Sir, let's go!"

The two stood up and were about to leave.

When Chen Heng saw the situation, he immediately said, "Mr. Yang, what are you doing? Huh?"

Yang Fei looked at Chen Heng, but there was no trace of nostalgia in Chen Heng's eyes. He did this out of face.

"Head Chen, I will leave this place to you from now on. I believe you will be able to lead everyone to the final victory!" Yang Fei went out after finishing speaking!
"and many more!"

Wang Zhifei stood up, "Mr. Yang, I will follow you!"

Wang Zhifei immediately followed him.

Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't believe that Wang Zhifei wanted to follow Yang Fei if he wanted to leave.

In Ma Xiaokun's eyes, what is strength?The strength is the number of people!More people is strength!

But he ignored an important question, the [-] million people in China were also beaten in by devils?
Sometimes, a large number of people is not strength, it even becomes a stumbling block to your ego, you have to fall heavily on the ground before you can feel the real strength, not superficial, but, the same heart, the same life!

They eventually left.

Wang Zhifei led a horse, and some old soldiers inside followed Wang Zhifei.

On the way, the university was floating, and he didn't know where they were going.

"Battalion Commander Wang, why are you following me?" Yang Fei asked. ,

"Mr. Yang, I think you are right!" Wang Zhifeihao said without affectation.

"Is this what you mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course it's the truth, but there are also the last words of the old regiment leader!" Wang Zhifei said.

"You mean Lin Jianhua?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Actually, Lin Jianhua Lin seems to have a premonition to say this. He said that if you want to really fight devils, you should follow Yang Fei. Yang Fei is a handsome man who sits firmly in the Chinese army tent. As for me, I have nothing but skills. , My thinking is not turning fast, in the days to come, you have to teach me a lot!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, a lot of things are nothing more than talking!" Yang Fei said, in fact, he began to think of Lin Jianhua's various things in his heart.He is the one who is willing to call you Brother Yang, and now, this person has returned west by the crane.There is only one feeling left!

Those who followed Wang Zhifei were probably these ten people. Most of these ten people have been with Lin Jianhua for many years!As for now, things are different, and everything is going to a good or a bad place.

As for where to go, Yang Fei didn't think about it, but he knew that they should be in this area of ​​Jinfeng Mountain, to be closer to them, at least to be able to help them.

I don't know how long they walked, but Yang Fei and the others didn't find a suitable place in Jinfeng Mountain, so they dug a snow house and lived for a while. It was Han Qing who used to inquire about the news, but now he is Wang Zhifei. Wang Zhifei is quite loyal, he understands him As for being able to be the battalion commander, it also depends on the fact that he is an old man in the cottage.

Han Qing arrived at Yang Fei's igloo, "Sir, go further west from here and you'll arrive at Xiaoqin Village. I'll go to Xiaoqin Village to buy something later!"

Yang Fei nodded, "Well, okay! By the way, let's see if there are any devils. Remember, you must tell me if there are any devils!"

"Got it!" Han Qing was about to leave after saying that.

At this time, Wang Zhifei came over and grabbed a rabbit in his hand. "Guardian Yang, look!"

Seeing that it was a rabbit, Yang Fei smiled, "It's very skillful, it's not easy to catch a rabbit here!"

"This rabbit is rather stupid. I saw it from a distance. I caught it in the past, but it didn't run away. Inspector Yang, wait a moment. I'll go to light the fire and roast it!" Wang Zhifei turned around and walked away. gone.

The crackling sound of firewood sounded, making the night more peaceful and brightening up the scene.

The flame is like a wonderful girl, in the dark night, it gives people some desire, this is the desire to win, this is the desire to live.

The old people who came out from the cottage were all strong and strong. They were used to seeing the ravages of this winter, and they were even more disapproving of the ruthlessness of the northwest wind.

Wang Zhifei threaded the rabbit on a tree branch and roasted it on the fire. After a while, the smell of the meat came out.

Smelling the scent, Yang Fei said with a smile, "Battalion Commander Wang, I didn't expect that you are not only good at fighting, but also good at barbecue!"

"Haha, Commander Yang, you don't know that we used to barbecue together like this in the village before. After this winter, it will be a different scene in spring!" Wang Zhifei turned over the barbecue and said .

"Well, yes, it will be much better when the Spring Festival begins." Yang Fei said.

"Head Lin was with us before, and you are the same as you. We all got together to barbecue. Last time, I heard that you saw Lin Zhonghu?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"Yes, I did see Lin Zhonghu!"

"That Lin Zhonghu was originally a young man rescued by regiment leader Lin. He just gave him a bite to eat and survived. Since then, Lin Zhonghu has been following the regiment leader. Don't look at Lin Zhonghu, who was thin and weak at the time, was a good fighter. You don't know how ruthless Lin Zhonghu used to be when he beat devils, so ruthless that you couldn't believe it. When he fought devils with bare hands, he could twist the devil's head off with two hands, and with one punch, he could knock the devil's head off. Poke a hole in the chest!" Wang Zhifei said with admiration when he thought of the past.

"Why is Lin Zhonghu so powerful?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course, later, the head of the regiment deliberately promoted him, and then became the second in charge of our cottage. Lin Zhonghu was not arrogant or rash, but even worked harder to kill devils!" Wang Zhifei grilled the meat and looked at Yang Fei, "Because at that time We killed the devils with jealousy, and the devils counterattacked and used a whole brigade to deal with us. Hehe, it is conceivable that we have so few people, how can we be the opponents of the devils, and finally decided to retreat all, in order to preserve the fire of our cottage , the head of the group decided to let Lin Zhonghu, the second head of the family, lead some people, and he also led some people to find a new place to build the cottage, as long as there is a solid foundation, the cottage will survive!"

"What happened next?" Yang Fei asked.

"Later, the head of the regiment gave most of the people to the second leader, and asked the second leader to go north. Then, he led a few people to the west. There were fewer devils in the north and more devils in the west. I think the leader must have wanted to attract The devil came to the west, and later, didn’t he meet you? Lin Zhonghu also gained a firm foothold in the north!” Wang Zhifei said.

"So, you and Lin Zhonghu are part of each other!" Yang Fei asked.

"It used to be, but then it's no longer the case. How can we say it now is a regular army, a regular army that beats devils, Lin Zhonghu is not, and is still a bandit!" Wang Zhifei said, "No matter what, as long as you fight devils, you are serving the country. What do you say?"

"Yes, you are right!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, so, the bitterness now is nothing at all. It is a brand new day to get through it. The head of the team used to tell us that after today, tomorrow will be better, and it is indeed better. But the regiment leader is gone, but it doesn’t matter, he’s gone, I’ll give him a good job and let him take a good look at it, the brothers are not cowards, they are also heroes who beat devils!” Wang Zhifei said, and after finishing speaking, he put The barbecue was brought to his side, and he pinched the barbecue with his hand. He felt that it was not cooked yet, so the oil was put on the fire.

More than a dozen people gathered around the bonfire, and the warmth spread to everyone.

"Don't worry, I, Yang Fei, don't have any other abilities. I'm unequivocal about beating devils, but what we have to do now is to develop slowly!" Yang Fei said.

"Mr. Yang, Chen Heng and Ma Xiaokun'er are simply inhumane. What do they mean? What do you mean by saying that? Isn't this just killing a donkey? They always know that everything they do will be paid for." !” Wang Zhifei said.

"Everyone has their own aspirations, you can't say that about them!" Yang Fei said.

"What kind of ambitions do people have? To be honest, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie are opportunists. After following us, they became battalion commanders, battalion commanders, and not platoon commanders. Are they competent? At the beginning, Chen Heng shouldn’t have been allowed to teach them, you should have taught them yourself, otherwise, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie wouldn’t follow Chen Heng’s lead.” Wang Zhifei was a little angry when he said that.

"Okay, there's no need to be angry about this matter. If you haven't experienced it, you have to experience it, don't you?" Yang Fei smiled, "Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie also want to beat devils, why? For the old Captain, avenge the old captain!"

"To put it nicely, how can you take revenge when your life is gone? Is this a matter of chanting a slogan? Demonstrations like they used to solve the problem?" Impossible, it's a child's play, If you have a gun in your hand, you have the capital to fight devils!" Wang Zhifei capitalized.

"That's the reason, but let's not talk about it anymore. We are happy when they are well. If they are not well, why don't we have to help? They are all brothers who sleep together, and no one will It's too extraordinarily thoughtful!" Yang Fei said. ,
"It's only you who can think about things so generously!" After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he brought over the barbecue, smelled it, pinched it with his hand, and said, "Mr. Yang Du, come and eat meat!"

Yang Fei took out a knife, then tore a piece of meat, and then gave the knife to Wang Zhifei, "Let the brothers eat some, eat some meat, and they will be strong!"

The strong wind blows over and blows on the flames, pressing the flames to the lowest position, and the snowflakes on them are pressed down, giving people a feeling of being unable to breathe.

Yang Fei ate the meat, and then went back to the igloo. He couldn't see anything, so he simply closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

In the northwest branch, there was a whirring sound, Wang Zhifei came over gently, and put a cup of hot water in front of Yang Fei, "Guardian Yang, drink some hot water! Warm up!"

"Thank you!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he picked up the water glass and took a sip. Sure enough, his body began to feel warm!

At this time, they are on a certain mountain, and no one can know the exact location. It doesn't matter what happened today, so let's look at tomorrow, tomorrow will definitely be a good start!
(End of this chapter)

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