Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2575 Full Attack

Chapter 2575 Full Attack
The next day, Han Qing came over, seeing that his expression was not right, Yang Fei quickly asked, "Han Qing, what's wrong?"

Han Qing glanced around, "Sir, I saw a devil!"

"Devil?" Yang Fei's expression changed suddenly, "Where is it?"

"The devils are now appearing to the east of where we are now, heading towards a place called Heishi Mountain! There are about five or sixty devils!" Han Qing said.

"Five or 60 people, why did they appear there?" Yang Fei questioned
He had this question in his heart, if it was not enough, he still asked Han Qing, Han Qing should know about this matter.

"Sir, as far as I know, the devil has not appeared there for the first time. I always have a feeling that this devil is here for Dongyun!" Han Qing looked at Yang Fei and said.

"You mean, to avenge Dongyun?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yeah, I've been to the devil camp nearby. It's strange that those devils didn't react when they found out that Dongyun was dead! It stands to reason that the devils at that time knew about it, so they should organize people to counterattack. This is an abnormal behavior I've always been very surprised, but these days there are devils coming again, I really don't understand what it means." Han Qing was also very helpless.

"Han Qing, no matter what's going on, since the devils are here, let's see if we can fight them. Don't worry about those things. If we can't fight them, we will withdraw. It's not shameful." Yang Fei said.

"I know sir, the devil has appeared, shall we go?" Han Qing asked.

He has no right to make decisions about this kind of thing!
"Go, of course, since the devil dares to appear, we dare to go there!" After speaking, Yang Fei hurriedly called Wang Zhifei to see what the devil's purpose was.

It took about an hour to walk from their location to Heishi Mountain. The place of Heishi Mountain is not high, and even a little flat. It is so flat that people think it is a plain on a plateau.

When they arrived, they saw Chen Heng and his people lying in ambush from afar!
Braving the wind and snow, Chen Heng carefully watched the devil's movements.

"Sir, look, that boy Chen Heng is ambushing at the top of the mountain!" Han Qing said.

"I saw it. It seems that Chen Heng wants to eat these five No. 60 people!" Yang Fei said.

"Yeah, this kid also got the news. I was thinking, if they don't come, let's take advantage of it. I didn't expect that the meat smell is not great, and the hungry dog ​​has arrived!" Han Qing shook his head contemptuously.

"Okay, let's see how they fight!" Yang Fei said.

Watching the devil get closer and closer.

Chen Heng immediately ordered, Ma Xiaokun charged from top to bottom, and Zhao Junjie directly surrounded them from behind.And he, Chen Heng, personally went into battle to fight the devils head-on!
There is nothing wrong with this kind of tactics, anyway, they are just beating devils, so beating is enough!
Sure enough, when the devil entered Heishi Mountain and entered Chen Heng's ambush circle, gunshots rang out all of a sudden, "Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da……"

The voices came and went, the devil didn't see well, and was ambushed, so he quickly found a cover to observe how many enemies there were.

However, as soon as he hid behind the cover point, two hundred people rushed down from the mountain. These one hundred people rushed down from top to bottom, with momentum like a rainbow, "Baga!" The devil captain shouted , and then hurriedly said, "Retreat quickly, there should be enemies nearby!"

However, it was already too late, when they were about to retreat, Zhao Junjie rushed over with his people, that was the way to retreat!A hundred people cut off their retreat again!
"Baga!" The devil captain shouted angrily!He drew out his command knife, "Fight with them, fire me!"

Although the number of devils is small!They even hid themselves and started shooting at Zhao Junjie's men!
Zhao Junjie, who had the advantage in numbers, would not pay attention to the devils with only five or sixty people at all. He rushed over, drew his pistol and shot at the devils with a "bang bang bang".

The devils also fought back crazily. They just wanted to tear open a hole and rush out. They had had enough here, and they wanted to go out. Only by going out would they have hope of living!
"Captain, there are too many people here, we seem to be struggling!"

"I know, but if you don't find a hole to tear it open now, there is no way to rush down this hillside. Only by rushing down can we survive!"

"Hayi!" Captain Guizi watched carefully, "Mortarman!"

He yelled, and five people ran over with shells. They hid behind a cover point, put shells on them, and the shells flew out. They were blasted open with a "boom"!
Zhao Junjie's people were stunned for a moment, what the hell is going on?
Before Zhao Junjie could react, several cannonballs came in a series of "boom boom boom", and the sound of the cannonballs lingered in the valley for a long time.

Because Zhao Junjie's people did not take such precautionary measures, no. 30 of them immediately fell down.

This is a casualty that has never been seen before. This is the first time they feel that a real war is not about one side chasing the other side, but calm down, stop, stare at each other, and then burst into fierceness!
Zhao Junjie was obviously stunned. His so-called battalion commander was at most a temporary post, and he didn't have the strength to command and fight at all!
Ma Xiaokun's people rushing down the mountain heard the sound of gunfire, and many of them stopped moving forward.

Even began to take the initiative to retreat.

Ma Xiaokun shouted, "There are only fifty devils ahead, kill them, there will be plenty of ammunition and food!"

However, this is not about ammunition and food, it is about life!

"Go, go!" Ma Xiaokun shouted loudly.

"Come on!" Ma Xiaokun frowned and looked at them.

At this time, Chen Heng ran over, and the people with him were murderous.

However, Chen Heng didn't care why Ma Xiaokun's men didn't go to fight, and rushed towards the devil with them!

The killing cry immediately reached the devil's ears.

The devil captain saw the situation, and immediately shouted, "Now, we are about to be surrounded, everyone bayonets, rush out!"

"Hayi!" All the devils put bayonets on their rifles, "Towards the hillside, let's charge together!"

"Go ahead!"

On the one hand, Chen Heng's people rushed towards the devil, and on the other hand, the devil charged towards Zhao Junjie, which really stunned Zhao Junjie!

He was frightened, he had never seen such a crazy move by this devil.But soon, Zhao Junjie realized that he had someone put a bayonet on the gun, "Fight with the devil!"

Zhao Junjie rushed over. He had a machete on his body, and this machete was given to him by a fellow villager.

Holding the machete, Zhao Junjie's fear of Han disappeared immediately. He understood that if he didn't fight the devil at this time, maybe he would die tragically by the devil's knife. He couldn't, and he didn't want to see this happen. .

Otherwise, the devil's bayonet skills are amazing?
They are a group of masters who are not afraid of death. Although they are thin and small, they are no different from killing people.

You can't understand what the little devil is yelling, and you can't understand it, but the voice is harsh, as if a magic spell was read to you.

When Chen Heng's men fought against the devils, Zhao Junjie already had around thirty casualties, which is a huge number.

Of the more than 100 people, more than 30 were injured by artillery, more than [-] were bayoneted, and more than a dozen were injured by gunshots in the confrontation just now. Now it means that Zhao Junjie now has only about [-] people.

But no matter what, he has to fight with the little devil, even if he is the last one. At this time, Zhao Junjie thought that if he sacrificed, only his father would be left in the family, but at that time, It should be spring flowers, right?

The murderous intent was strong, when thinking of this, Zhao Junjie suddenly grinned, and he shouted loudly, "Little devil, look at your grandpa and my sword skills!"

I don't know how the sword technique is, but Zhao Junjie's seeing has added resentment and more strength!
Chen Heng finally got in touch with the devils, and he attacked from both sides, making the devils lose sight of the other, and failure is inevitable!

Dozens of devils resisted for so long in front of them!

It was only when Chen Heng killed the last devil that he breathed a sigh of relief!

When everyone gathered, Chen Heng immediately said, "Clean the battlefield first, and take the things back!"

After saying that, Chen Heng left first.

Regarding this victory, Chen Heng knew it well, how could he not know what this victory meant to him?
This is only equivalent to a miserable victory, and they paid a high price!
Yang Fei, Han Qing and others who were watching from the side said at this time.

"Mr. Yang, this victory did not come easily!" Wang Zhifei said with a bit of contempt.

"Yeah, it's really not easy!" Yang Fei said.

"From this battle, we can see what's wrong with the current army! First, the military discipline is not strict, second, there is too little experience, and third, the bayonet skills are not good enough!" Wang Zhifei said three points directly.

"In my opinion, it's not just three o'clock!" Han Qing said, "Look at them, judging from their timid fighting just now, they don't look like soldiers fighting a war!"

"It's true that they have too few managers. In the past, we had too much time to show up, making them think that's just the way to beat devils!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, sir, before there were devils, you and I solved them. Now, it's their turn to really meet devils, let them try themselves!" Han Qing said.

"Let's go, let's go back, since this battle is over, there is no point in being here!" Wang Zhifei said.

With people, they left again.

In fact, what they are far from knowing is that these fifty devils are just a tentative outpost, and the greater crisis comes from behind these fifty devils.

As for who it is, it depends on when he appears!

Let's say that after the battle was over, Li Mobai returned to the Eighth Route Army garrison.

Of course, Li Mobai wanted to tell Li Jiguang and the others about the divorce.

When they learned that Yang Fei had left the ***, they felt a little disappointed, "What is going on with this ***?"

"This... I really don't know. I only know that they had a meeting after they went back. After the meeting, Yang Fei left. After leaving, he brought Wang Zhifei, Battalion Commander Wang, and a dozen other people! The rest of the gangsters have become recruits without Chen Heng!" Li Mobai said.

"So, *** Yang Fei is gone, do you know where he went?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I don't know about this!" Li Mobai said, "According to the agreement, I taught there for a week. Don't tell me this week. My treatment is different from before. Before, people still called me It’s better to just call me by my name now! This is not the point, the point is that many people don’t want to learn it, hehe, this **** is going to collapse sooner or later!”

"So?" Li Jiguang was thinking something in his heart, but he looked at Li Mobai again, "This bastard really doesn't dare to collapse!"

"Since Lin Jianhua is no longer here, the army has become like this, brigade commander, in my opinion, let's quickly accept them!" Li Mobai said.

"That's not the point!" Li Mobai said, "A woman without Yang Fei has no soul, and it's useless for us to ask for those recruits. We can only wait now until Yang Fei comes back!"

"Brigade Commander, Yang Fei is gone, maybe he won't come back. I think this shit is coming to an end now!" After saying this, he immediately said, "Brigade Commander, I heard today's gunshots No?" |
"I heard that, I sent someone to look for it, but in the end, it's over!" Li Jiguang said.

"Hi!" Li Mobai smiled, "Chen Heng took the initiative to fight the devils!"

"Oh? Really?" Li Jiguang finished asking, and then said, "You must have won, right?"

For those who take the initiative to attack, the probability of victory should be very high, and Li Jiguang understands this.

"It's a victory, but it's a miserable victory!" Li Mobai smiled, "This **** is fighting a war, it's really a problem!"

"Oh? Tell me more about it?" Li Jiguang and Wang Wei listened with curiosity!
"First of all, Chen Heng's commanding ability is too bad, secondly, his combat effectiveness is too bad, and thirdly, military discipline is too bad." Li Mobai said bluntly.

You know, Li Mobai's ability is not enough to say, and his comments to others must be pertinent. It is absolutely impossible to make Li Mobai's words useless.

"Leader Li, according to what you mean, there are many problems with this ****?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Of course, a tragic victory. Three hundred people beat fifty people. It turned out to be a tragic victory. Tell me, do they have many problems?" Li Mobai smiled, "Brigade Commander, Chen Heng, lead the troops He is good at fighting, but his commanding skills are really bad! He doesn't know what tactics to use to fight!"

"Not to mention Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie, the two babies have become battalion commanders, and they don't know anything at all!" Li Mobai said.

(End of this chapter)

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