Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2576 My fault

Chapter 2576 My fault

This kind of thing made Li Jiguang re-examine the ***. In the past, the *** was not so energetic. They gave others the feeling of being strong, tenacious, and indomitable!
"Brigade Commander, there is a forest on Heishi Mountain. It is easy to hide and ambush in the forest! I said here, you should know what I mean?" Li Mobai asked.

"You mean that when the devil arrives at Heishi Mountain, he must enter the woods, and then go through the woods to reach a certain place?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It's already obvious. Why did this devil go to Heishi Mountain alone? What's there in Heishi Mountain?" Li Mobai said, "Across Heishi Mountain, there is a village. I think they are likely to go back to that village. Any possibility , will exist, as long as you find a few good marksmanship, hide in the woods, and then ambush them, you will succeed. However, Chen Heng went down to fight from a high place where he could not reach the woods, so he had to have enough ammunition , but do they have them? Needless to say, the shots were fired when the distance was still far away. In addition, Ma Xiaokun's men rushed down from the mountain and stopped moving when they heard the sound of the guns. Tell me, so Is your military discipline capable of fighting?"

Li Mobai said this in one breath, implying that *** is having a lot of problems now.

"So, without the love of Lin Jianhua and Yang Fei, that energy is completely lost?" Li Jiguang asked.

"That's right!" Li Mobai said, "As far as I know, it was Yang Fei, Ma Xiaokun and others who had conflicts at the meeting! Then Zhao Junjie said something ugly again, so Yang Fei left!"

"Hey!" Wang Wei sighed, "I thought they would be able to develop themselves well when they go back, but I didn't expect it to become like this, and the disintegrated *** is destined to have no fighting power!"

"We must find Yang Fei. Yang Fei will go out with more than a dozen people. I'm afraid of any danger!" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, don't worry, what can happen to Yang Fei?" Li Mobai smiled. "I see, do you all regard him as the former Yang Fei?"

"Whether it's true or not? He looks like this and has a similar temper. I recognize him!" Wang Wei said.

"I have the same opinion as the political commissar. We must find Yang Fei. Although Jinfeng Mountain is a remote area, it is close to the devil's mine, and the number of devils will not be too small!" Li Jiguang said capital.

"Okay, I got it!" Li Mobai said, "Then I'll find someone to look for Yang Fei. If I can find it, that's great. If I can't find it... then I... will look for it again!"


small water slope.

Chen Heng sat there with a pale face.

Ma Xiaokun trembled a little, Zhao Junjie lowered his head and didn't speak as if he had cried a lot!

These few people were still very lively before this, how to fight devils, their confident appearance seems to have been forgotten by them!

Chen Heng knocked on the table a few times, and Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie shook!
One is that there was no fight with the devils at all, and the other is that there were more than 100 people, and seventy to eighty died!

Chen Heng doesn't want such a victory, and no one else wants it!

"Tell me, what's going on?" Chen Heng said coldly.

"I..." Ma Xiaokun trembled a little, "Leader, leader, I..."

"What about you?" Chen Heng looked at him and asked, "Tell me, what did you learn from this battle?"

"I..." Ma Xiaokun began to tremble. He didn't even dare to look at Chen Heng. To put it mildly, it's because they didn't fight. To put it mildly, it's the actions of deserters!
Chen Heng stared at him with wide eyes, "Ma Xiaokun, out of a hundred or so people, did not one rush to beat them? How many people died? See for yourself!"

"Captain, I don't know, no one rushed with me, they... it's all their fault!" Ma Xiaokun said tremblingly!
"Nonsense!" Chen Heng said angrily, "It's their fault. It's their fault that the soldiers don't fight? As their regiment leader, what do you eat?"

"Leader, calm down, I think they must have some difficulties!"

Before peacemaker Zhao Junjie finished speaking, Chen Heng pointed at him, "Shut up, I haven't asked you yet!"

Zhao Junjie didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Captain, it's my fault, but isn't this battle a victory?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"What is victory?" Zhao Junjie patted the table, "Victory means exchanging the lives of seven NO.80 people for the lives of NO.50 people? Hmm? Those are still students, those are student soldiers you recruited, If you say no, then there will be no more?"

These words hurt Ma Xiaokun's nerves, he lowered his head, "My fault!"

"Your fault! It's not your fault and whose fault is it?" Chen Heng angrily scolded.

"Who are you giving so many guns for? Who are you giving those foods?" Chen Heng asked, "Let's have some snacks, what Li Mobai taught you is to run away?"

No one dared to speak, Chen Heng looked at these two people, so unbelievable!

"And you, did the enemy's artillery fire scare you silly? Is the enemy's artillery fire so powerful?" Chen Heng pointed to Zhao Junjie, "So many people died in the artillery fire, don't you know how to let people hide?"

"Captain, the devil suddenly fired a cannon, and I didn't have time to give an order!" Zhao Junjie said.

"I see, you are frightened, and I see you are also scared!" Chen Heng said angrily, "This victory, don't worry about it! If Yang Fei finds out, he doesn't know how to laugh at you! Ma Xiaokun, Zhao Junjie, You two think about it carefully, there are more than 300 brothers, now there are only 200 left, and those [-] people are fresh lives!"

No one dared to talk too much, because talking too much meant getting scolded.

Chen Heng sat there, "Yang Fei is right, you need to use your brains in this war, and if you fail, you may lose your own life!"

The snow outside the window is still falling, and the bloody ground has long been covered by heavy snow, as if it is another new opportunity!
In this ancient and mysterious land, everyone wants to make contributions, but four words are easy to say, and it is really too difficult to sit up!
Chen Cheng was at the door, watching the heavy snow, the sky gradually darkened, this day passed so quickly, I hope that the morale can be restored quickly, I hope that the soldiers can grow up like a reborn!

Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie glanced at each other, they stood up and walked in front of Chen Heng, "Commander, we know we made a mistake, let's train the soldiers well now!"

"You don't have the qualifications!" Chen Heng said, "You can't even pass your own test, so what face do you have to give guidance to the soldiers? You go to the Eighth Route Army now and tell us who will be sent to train the soldiers next!"

Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie's faces were ashen. They only realized now that they were far from real commanders and soldiers. Their ability to become the battalion commanders of the Communist Party was entirely due to the people they brought. , if a war really broke out, I am afraid they would have died long ago.

At the beginning, there was Yang Fei and Chen Heng covering them. Now, Chen Heng is leading the whole army, and Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie are in charge of a battalion. Only now do they feel how difficult it is!
But when did this problem arise?Why only now?
They don't understand this question, let alone why they do this?

Listening to Chen Heng's meaning, that means that there will be no wars in the future, but how can they turn around if they don't fight?

If you want to turn around, it will be difficult if you don't fight, right?
"I'm talking to you, did you hear me?" Chen Heng said sternly.

"I heard, let's go now!" After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, he glanced at Zhao Junjie, who immediately stood up, "Okay, okay, let's go now!"

The two of them went out against the wind and snow!
What is warmth?What is cold?They all understand now at once?Why did it go smoothly in the past?Because someone is covering it!

This is a very simple truth, and this is what they must understand!
They haven't even graduated from college, and there are only 200 soldiers left. What are these 200 people thinking now?

Zhao Junjie was walking on the road, his shoes were covered by heavy snow, "Xiao Kun, let me ask you, why did you fail this time?"

"This devil should be too powerful!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"However, devils are the same. How could the devils we encountered before be eliminated so easily?" Zhao Junjie's question was exactly what they had to understand!

Ma Xiaokun was silent, but kept walking forward.

After walking for a while, Ma Xiaokun said, "Then what do you think?"

"I think our level is still limited!" Zhao Junjie said, "Think about it, Combatant Yang can kill so many devils by himself, and Commander Chen can also enter and exit three times among the devils by himself. What about the two of us?" ?” Zhao Junjie looked at Ma Xiaokun and asked, “Do you understand what I mean?”

"You mean, our level is really limited? Then we can't command the battle?" Ma Xiaokun asked. When he spoke, his tongue was trembling. If he said that, what does it mean?

"Yes, when the devils charged forward, I was a little stunned at first. In the past, it was only the devils who were scared. But in this battle, I was frightened. I admit that the artillery fire of the devils exploded right in front of me. The soldiers were alone. They all fell down! Xiaokun, tell me, is it the biggest mistake for us to let Yang Du go away?" Zhao Junjie's reflection was correct, and Ma Xiaokun couldn't say anything.

"It's very possible, but we've already done something wrong!" Ma Xiaokun said, "I just don't know where Commander Yang is now. If we can find him, can we get him back?"

"If we can find Combatant Yang Du, we will naturally invite him back, but the most fundamental thing is to improve our own level! This time I am at the Eighth Route Army, and I will study hard!" Zhao Junjie said.

"Okay, study hard and strive to improve ourselves as quickly as possible. I used to think that 300 people is a lot of troops, but now it seems that 300 people are really very few!" Ma Xiaokun said.

They walked for a long time and talked for a long time.

By the time they arrived at the Eighth Route Army's garrison, it was already dark.

Wang Wei came out to meet them in person and asked them what they came for.
Ma Xiaokun said, "Political Commissar Wang, this time we are here, it is also the intention of our regiment leader. May I ask who should be arranged to train us?"

Wang Wei nodded, "Okay, you two, come with me, and discuss this matter with our brigade commander!"

Following Wang Wei to the command room, Li Jiguang stopped the map and magnifying glass in his hand, "Oh! Battalion Commander Ma, Battalion Commander Zhao!"

"Brigade Commander Li, hello!" The two hurriedly greeted each other.

Wang Wei explained their reason for coming, and then Li Jiguang understood, "It's easy to say, didn't Li Mobai just come back? Let Hu Dahai or Shen Wanxi go now."

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei, "Political Commissar, please go and tell Shen Wanxi Hu Dahai to let them come!"

"Brigade Commander, I'm going right away!" After saying that, Wang Wei went out.

It was very cold, so Li Jiguang had someone pour two bowls of hot water for the two of them.

Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie are starting to feel a little embarrassed. Last time, they treated the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Now, Li Jiguang doesn't mention it at all, as if it didn't happen. Such a mind makes them Feel ashamed.

"Brigade Commander Li..." Ma Xiaokun looked at Li Jiguang. He wanted to apologize, but there had to be a step, and he would definitely spend a lot of time together in the future.

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Captain Ma, just tell me if you have anything to say, I feel uncomfortable seeing you holding back like this!"

"Okay, Brigadier Li, please speak quickly. I will not hide my burial. I apologize to you for what happened last time. The two of us are indifferent, but this cannot be a reason to scold others. We apologize. !” After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun stood up and bowed to Li Jiguang, who quickly said, “Alright Battalion Commander Ma, don’t apologize to me, I, Li Jiguang, have already forgotten what happened before!”

Hearing what Li Jiguang said, Ma Xiaokun didn't know how happy he was, but besides being happy, he was more ashamed. If he knew this earlier, why did he do it in the first place?
To be honest, he really regrets it now, but there is no medicine for regret.

When Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai came in and saw Ma Xiaokun, they glanced at each other, "Brigade Commander, what does this mean?"

"Oh, you are here, come here, let me tell you something, now I urgently need you to go there to help train and improve their combat effectiveness!" Li Jiguang said, "So, who of you wants to go?"

Both Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai stopped talking. Everyone knows that this matter is not a good thing at all. He Shen Wanxi went there last time. At that time, it was not bad, but since Li Mobai came and introduced the situation at that time , He immediately felt that this matter was unreliable, Yang Fei was no longer there, Lin Jianhua had also sacrificed, the gang had already fallen apart, and when they fell apart, they wanted to unite at all. This is a very big thing. Not just a way out that can be found in training!

(End of this chapter)

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