Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2577 1 to 1

Chapter 2577 One on One
They didn't speak, and Li Jiguang didn't know what they thought, so he simply asked, "Commander Shen, you can go!"

Shen Wanxi kept shaking his head, but he didn't say that he didn't want to go.

It was obvious that Shen Wanxi didn't say no. If he had to be allowed to go, then he had no choice but to complete the task. No matter what, he was a soldier, a soldier, and it was his duty to obey orders!

"Head Hu?" Li Jiguang asked.

"No, Brigadier, I'm not going!" Hu Dahai didn't look at Li Jiguang, and kept looking away from the corner of his eyes, as if he was very repulsed by such a thing.

Li Jiguang stood up and looked at them, "You two... what's the matter? Are you discussing something in private?"

Hu Dahai is not afraid of offending people. Although he is said to be confused in doing things, he is not confused about this matter. He understands it very well. Seeing Li Jiguang like this, he had to say, "Brigade Commander, it's not that we don't care about this matter." Willing to go, you also know what the current situation is like, Li Mobai has been training their fighters there for so long, and he kept rejecting us, you said, let’s go there now, isn’t it licking and giving Is it nice of people?"

"That's right, brigade commander, I think we should call it quits on this matter. Anyway, we are two teams, let's develop our own!" Shen Wanxi added.

"Nonsense!" Li Jiguang said a little angrily, "This matter is not up to the two of you to decide. It was decided at a meeting. If you say it's over, it's off? What status do you put all party members and comrades? Huh? "

The two stopped talking, but the faces of Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie obviously became unsightly again. The outside wind blew in and they shivered. To be honest, the weather is getting colder and colder now. They don't want to go out at all!

In this world, who wants to fight?Who doesn't want their wives and children to be hot on the kang?However, this world does not allow it. When you are comfortable, the devils will come. When the devils come, you still want your wife and children to be hot?Think beautifully!
On this matter, Li Jiguang was obviously not very good at speaking. Ma Xiaokun understood that this urgently needed their opinion, and he could only express his opinion on behalf of *** and them!
"Captain Shen!" Ma Xiaokun stood up, "Captain Shen, thank you very much for avenging our old regiment leader. I, Ma Xiaokun, am not a thing. I don't know good and bad. At that time, I always felt that I was number one in the world, but the truth is What is in front of us is that we are in front of the cabinet, and we are not vulnerable at all. You may know that we fought a battle and killed a hundred brothers. I think ten of the hundred brothers should wake him up .

How we are, this has been tested, we are not good, really not good, the level of our commanders and fighters is not good, especially Zhao Junjie and I, the two of us used to be members of the student union at school, this is how the **** gave us face , Let the two of us be the battalion commander. We have never even been a squad leader or a platoon leader. We understand what happened this time. We can't aim too high. We should be down-to-earth and understand the cause and effect of this matter , want to understand why we lost, want to understand why we won? "

Ma Xiaokun looked at Shen Wanxi, "I know, you should hate us. We don't really have anything to do. In the past, we relied on the support of the old regiment leader and the guard of the warlord Yang, so we all got carried away, but now, we There is nothing, there is really nothing, Yang Du is gone, the old regiment leader is gone, in fact we are not strong at all, if we want to pretend to be strong, we are also humiliated by the devils! So , We want to be strong, so your Eighth Route Army is very strong. For so many years, you are like sparks, you can always endure, endure, and finally accumulate strength! We need to learn, learn from you!"

Hearing what Ma Xiaokun said, Li Jiguang couldn't help feeling a little emotional, "Okay, Captain Shen, what do you think?"

Shen Wanxi looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, this..."

"Okay, you can go, let me tell you the truth, I think it's just right for Ma Xiaokun to deal with you!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at Ma Xiaokun, "By the way, Commander Ma, I think, can we now How to do this? That is, one-on-one teaching. Commander Shen is your master. He specializes in teaching you. Commander Hu is the master of Battalion Commander Zhao. He also teaches one-on-one. I think this will be better ?”

Ma Xiaokun was very excited about this temporary idea, "Okay!"

Indeed, in fact, the last time Shen Wanxi killed Dong Yun with a single shot, Ma Xiaokun had already admired him enough, so what's wrong with making him a master?
Seeing that Ma Xiaokun agreed, how could Zhao Junjie not agree, "Okay, I agree too!"

"In this way, the two of you can learn combat experience, and can also help you train soldiers and improve your morale. In this battle, I believe that our combination will soon be able to reunite and deal with the devils together!" Li Jiguang said.

As the sky gradually darkened, Wang Wei came in and said, "Brigadier, why don't you stay and have dinner with them?"

"Okay!" Li Jiguang agreed, and then looked at the two of them, "Let's stay tonight, and you can start tomorrow!"


The dinner was very simple, not much different from lunch, it was still sauerkraut soup with little water in it, and the golden corn bread. This was already the best thing they could bring out to entertain the two of them.

After dinner, Ma Xiaokun kept pestering Shen Wanxi, asking all kinds of questions, like a child who broke the casserole and asked the bottom line. Shen Wanxi also knew everything. After all, even Li Jiguang opened his mouth, and he couldn't refuse it. A good thing, a way to integrate *** into their Eighth Route Army, right?
"Head Shen, I thank you. We don't know when we will be able to repay the favor we owe you, but don't worry, what we can do now is to cooperate with you!" Ma Xiaokun said .

"I hope what you say is what you think in your heart, I don't want you to be a duplicitous person!" Shen Wanxi said.

He spoke directly, and Ma Xiaokun also vowed, "We guarantee that as long as we can cooperate, we will succeed in fighting devils!"

"Okay, you should rest early and start tomorrow!" Shen Wanxi said.

Ma Xiaokun went back with some reluctance. In the Eighth Route Army, Ma Xiaokun actually slept very soundly, as if in a safe harbor.

There is wind and snow here, but someone will always cover you, and there will always be an undercurrent here, but someone will keep you in the way.

The next day, the weather suddenly became better. The sun came out, and the people of Xiaoshuipo Village took out their quilts and dried them under the sun. The sun was finally seen, and they had to enjoy the long-lost warmth.

Chen Heng went out, and Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie didn't come back all night, so he was unavoidably worried.

The wind blew over, not as biting as yesterday, but still a little cold.

When Chen Heng arrived at the entrance of the village, he looked northeast. Logically speaking, they should have arrived yesterday?Why haven't you come back yet?
I have a bad idea, did the Eighth Route Army detain them?Could it be that they encountered bandits on the way?Could it be that they encountered wild wolves?

No matter how he thought about it, uneasy thoughts emerged in his heart all at once.

"Go, bring my horse here!" Chen Heng decided to go and see where the two of them had gone!
As soon as a soldier brought the horse over, he saw a black figure not far away, and it was coming towards them!

Chen Heng gave the reins to the soldier, "Go, pull all the people over here, it seems that the comers are not good!"

After speaking, the soldier hurriedly led the horse and left.

After a while, more than 100 soldiers ambushed on both sides of the road, and fired artillery at the entrance of the village.

The sound of horseshoes in the distance "da da da" stepped on the frozen snow and came galloping.

They passed through the cold air, baking the surroundings extremely hot with scorching gas flames.

"Bandits?" Chen Heng tugged at his collar and frowned, "There are still bandits in this place?"

"Load all of them for me. I want to see if these bandits are passing by or are here specially!" Chen Heng immediately took out his pistol after finishing speaking.

The air was stagnant again. With Chen Heng's worry, Chen Cheng couldn't help being a little excited when he saw those bandits coming towards them. There were at least a hundred of these bandits. Did you come here all this way?
Thinking of this, Chen Heng felt that this time, the bandits must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise, wouldn't they be able to bully anyone?

As soon as he thought of this, a bullet hit him in front of him. Suddenly, the bullet made a hole in the ground, and there was a burst of heat.

At the entrance of the village, the men on horseback came down, and Chen Cheng didn't dare to let the soldiers shoot. He could only say, "No shooting without my order!"

It is not allowed to shoot, but the bandits are all here, and the leader of the bandits is wearing a suede wool hat, holding a rifle in one hand, and walking towards the village majestically!

The bandits behind were like this, they swaggered like they had arrived at their own home.

Chen Henglian stood up and walked towards the bandits!

"Your Mightiness……"

Just after Chen Heng finished speaking, Lin Zhonghu glanced at him and went straight into the village.

Their aura instantly killed their two hundred troops.

Chen Heng didn't understand why, "Brother..."

At this moment, Lin Zhonghu looked at him, "Where's my elder brother?"

"Ah?" Chen Heng didn't understand, he had never seen who Lin Zhonghu was looking for!
"Where's my elder brother?" Lin Zhonghu asked again.

"Your elder brother?" Chen Heng didn't understand!

"Lin Jianhua, Lin Jianhua, my elder brother!" This time, Chen Heng finally got his name.

"Are you..." Chen Heng asked.

Just after asking a question, Chen Heng was punched with a fist!

Even if you didn't answer your question, if you hit someone casually, Chen Heng wouldn't let you go, I saw Chen Heng dodged, and kicked him sideways!

Lin Zhonghu narrowed his eyes slightly, and hit him with another fist!

This fist was powerful, and it forced Chen Heng back a few steps!
"I said, I'm looking for my elder brother!" Lin Zhonghu stared at Chen Heng, Chen Heng could understand that he might not be able to beat him, "Head, the leader is on the mountain!"

"On the mountain?" Lin Zhonghu asked, "What are you doing on the mountain?"

"The leader, he..."

"Say!" How could Lin Zhonghu not know that his elder brother Lin Jianhua had died?How can you not understand?But, if you ask me this way, maybe there is some miracle?Maybe the information he got was false?

"Head... a few days ago... was killed by devils!" Chen Heng said slowly.

"Killed? What did you eat?" Lin Zhonghu asked angrily, and then slapped Chen Heng on the face.

It stands to reason that Chen Heng's kung fu should not be weak, why hasn't he even beaten him?

The answer is of course very simple, the strong have their own strong hands!
Chen Heng was slapped by Lin Zhonghu, blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

"Lead the way ahead!" Lin Zhonghu ordered coldly.

Chen Heng couldn't say anything, walked ahead, and then went up the mountain!

The remaining soldiers didn't know what happened, so they could only stand by.

Chen Heng was in front, he frowned, he didn't understand why such a thing happened?

Who is this person here?
His name is Brother Lin Jianhua... All of a sudden, Chen Heng seemed to understand that when he joined them, wasn't he also a bandit?Could it be...

On the top of the mountain, he found Lin Jianhua's cemetery. Chen Heng pulled the snow in front of the cemetery with his hands, revealing a tombstone.

Lin Zhonghu looked at the tombstone, hot tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, he took two steps forward tremblingly, and gently placed a rough hand on the tombstone, "What did I tell you, let you stay with me Black water talk, but you..."

Speaking of choking, Lin Zhonghu wiped his tears with his cuff, and shouted to the people behind him, "Dai!"

One order, only one word.

Then Chen Heng saw these bandits take out a piece of white cloth from their pockets in unison, and wrapped it around their heads!


After Lin Zhonghu shouted, he knelt down and took out a jug of wine from his pocket.

"Last time I asked you to drink, but you didn't drink, so I brought you a little. That little wine is not enough for you, is it?" Lin Zhonghu said to himself.

"I brought you another jug ​​today. This jug belongs to you alone. No one will grab it from you. You don't need to keep it for others to drink!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu sprinkled it on the cemetery. Some.

"Don't worry, drink slowly. After you finish drinking, I'll pour you some more!" As he spoke, Lin Zhonghu smiled, "I said, I will protect you, but you don't, I know you are good to me, my You gave me my life. If you are gone, I will keep this life, so I will be wild. This time, I will not listen to you! Wherever the devils are, I will be there until I kill all the devils in Beihai Revenge for you!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu sprinkled some more on the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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