Chapter 2579 Conversation at the dinner table
"Not the time?" Chen Heng was a little surprised.

"Why is it not the right time? Right now, we and the others are scattered, just waiting for a qualified leader!" Chen Heng was a little confused.

"Commander Chen, it's not that I haven't thought about this matter. Regarding the merger, I don't think it's the right time. First, our Eighth Route Army is not strong enough to merge your more than 300 soldiers. Second, we It is the Eighth Route Army. There is also a clear difference between the Eighth Route Army and the National Army. In the end, it is what we most want to see, that is, no matter what, as long as we are willing to fight devils together, we will fight together! Regarding the above three answers, I I think Captain Chen should also understand why I said that!"

What Li Jiguang said is not wrong, but, as Zhao Junjie said, they are now a plate of Chinese food. Lin Jianhua said before his death that whoever kills Dongyun will be the head of the regiment. If the Eighth Route Army kills him, then join them, they No other words!Why did the Eighth Route Army not agree with such a difficult situation?
Chen Heng didn't understand, this is a good thing, for the Eighth Route Army, this is a good thing!
Chen Heng looked at Yang Fei, and he understood that since the Eighth Route Army was so honest, they must also talk about their views!
"Combatant Yang, now, tell us about our meeting with Brigadier Li!" Chen Heng said.

"Okay, then I'll talk about it!" Just when Yang Fei was about to speak.

Wang Wei came in, "Come on, everyone, wait a moment, this meal is ready, and it will be delivered right away, let's eat from this big table!" After finishing speaking, Wang Wei went to take the map and other things away from the table After a while, several soldiers came in.

They held the food in their hands and put it on the table.

Chen Heng looked at the dishes on the table, only there was a sauerkraut soup, a pot of corn bread, and another dish was added for the first time, including a few eggs!
After several people sat down, Li Jiguang looked at the food on the table with a smile, "Today's food is good, and there are eggs to eat!" He smiled.

Wang Wei also smiled, "I went to the kitchen to have a look, and I just bought a few eggs from a few fellow villagers today, and I just happened to use them today!"

"Well, that's right, today is the festive atmosphere!" Li Jiguang finished speaking and looked at Chen Heng, "Head Chen, are you a local?"

"Yes, I am indeed a local!" Chen Heng said.

"Well, I only found out today that we are going to celebrate the Spring Festival here. Is there such a festival?" Li Jiguang said.

"Yeah, if you didn't tell me, I almost forgot. The Spring Festival is almost over. After the Spring Festival, it's the New Year. After the New Year, it's the Spring Festival!" Chen Heng said.

"It seems that I'm still ignorant. I haven't heard of this festival before. I didn't expect that there is such a tradition in Beihai!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he pointed to the food on the table, "Come, let's eat!" said After that, Li Jiguang brought a Wotou to Chen Heng, and then another to Yang Fei. Wang Wei, who was beside him, smiled, "Okay, let's have dinner, didn't we talk about it? Let's talk about everything at the dinner table." Already!"

Yang Fei took a bite of the cornbread bluntly, not to mention how wonderful this feeling is.

Chen Heng ate such a meal. The meal was simple but very delicious. The sauerkraut soup was the only dish they dared to eat. As for the egg pancake, no one picked up a chopstick.

Li Jiguang tore off a piece of egg with chopsticks, "Chief Chen, eat the egg!"

Chen Heng smiled, "No, it's enough to eat cornbread and sauerkraut soup. I'm allergic to eggs!"

Then Li Jiguang turned to look at Yang Fei, and Yang Fei quickly said, "I'm also allergic to eggs!"

"Hahaha!" Wang Wei laughed, "I didn't even find out what everyone likes, my negligence!"

Actually, who can be allergic to eggs?However, in this day and age, how luxurious is it to eat a few eggs?

These eggs are yellow and orange, and the smell is enough!
"Let's talk, Commissar Yang Du, tell Brigadier Li and Commissar Wang what you want to say!" Chen Heng put down his chopsticks and said.

Yang Fei nodded, and then looked at them, "Brigade Commander Li, Political Commissar Wang, we had a meeting with them, and this meeting is about our merger!"

"Oh?" Li Jiguang waited for Yang Fei to say.

"The result of our final discussion is that we agree to merge with you. However, as for merging the location of our resident, there are other aspects that we need to discuss carefully!" Yang Fei said directly.

After hearing this, Wang Wei laughed, "So, you agree to the merger?"

Chen Heng looked at Wang Wei, "Yes, this is the result of our discussion!"

Wang Wei shook his head, "No, no, no, this is absolutely impossible!" Wang Wei said, "You have more than 300 people, and we have more than 100 people. There are excellent commanders and fighters like you, Commander Chen, and Supervisor Yang, so it is not impossible to have qualified leaders. Third, it is also true that you and our Eighth Route Army have not had too much contact. I really understand. So, the merger is not a good thing at least for now! But, I think, we can cooperate in other aspects, for example, as before, we send our regiment leader to pass on our experience of fighting devils to you, Also, we can cooperate with each other in various tactics!"

What Wang Wei said is very clear. Even if they want to cooperate now, they feel that it is not the time and they cannot do this.

This surprised Chen Heng a little.

Wang Wei looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander Li, what do you think?"

Li Jiguang also nodded, "Political Commissar, you are right. I think the same as you. They are troops fighting devils, and we are also troops fighting devils. Our goals are the same, and our actions are the same. We can fight here We will strengthen cooperation on the one hand, and on the other, we will talk about it later!"

Yang Fei thought he should also know that the Eighth Route Army would not agree, they are the teachers of justice, and they would not do anything that would add insult to injury, but they, at this moment, seem to be treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Chen Heng looked at them, "That means it is impossible for us to merge?"

Wang Wei shook his head, "This merger must be based on mutual trust. Of course, I am not saying that there is no mutual trust between us, but now I think it is not the time. Maybe, next month, or maybe, We merge tomorrow!"

What Wang Wei said was not wrong, and what Wang Wei said was honest enough!
Chen Heng knelt on the ground, not daring to move. He looked at these more than 100 people with solemn faces. He knew that these people were all Lin Jianhua's younger brothers. However, he didn't have any psychological burden. It was reasonable to kneel down for their leader !

Lin Zhonghu kept talking about their brotherhood, "From now on, the Lin Zhonghu you know is no longer the Lin Zhonghu who hides in the mountains. Let me tell you, brother, I have decided. I will personally go out and deal with the devils. I have plenty." The method, I dare not say in other places, in Beihai, I want the devil to die, he will never survive the next day, and we have enough food and ammunition now, I decided to send them a county first!"

As he spoke, Lin Zhonghu sprinkled some wine on the ground, "It's just a pity that it's you, how can these boys protect you? Without me, they are just a piece of grass, how can they be reliable?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu stood up by himself, then glanced at Chen Heng, "You, come here!"

Chen Cheng stood up and walked over.

"Are you the boss here now?" Lin Zhonghu glared at him.

"Yes, I am the team leader!" Chen Heng said.

"I don't care if you are the head of the regiment or what, I decided to fight the devils, do you have anything to say here?" Lin Zhonghu said this without looking at him.

"Since you are Lin Jianhualin's brother, let me call you big brother. We and the others live in poverty and have no extra food and ammunition. A few days ago, we fought against the devils and suffered heavy losses!" Chen said. Heng said.

"I don't care so much, even if it's stick noodles, you have to prepare it for me!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu called people down the mountain.

The soldiers down the mountain are all waiting there, they are still in the fog.

Chen Heng really had no choice but to say quickly, "How much food do we have left?"

"Regimental Commander, there is not much left. Our food is at most enough for a week!" A soldier came over and said.

"One week?" Chen Heng frowned. He looked at Lin Zhonghu, but Lin Zhonghu ignored him.

He walked up to Lin Zhonghu, "Brother Lin, you heard it just now, there is really not much food!"

At this time, Lin Zhonghu turned his head, "You can't beat devils, what are you doing eating so much? Hmm? Take out two days' worth of food, and I'll give you five days' worth of food!"

"This..." Chen Heng was really embarrassed.

"What? You don't agree? How about you go to the county where the devil was taken away, let's talk about it?" Lin Zhonghu's threat finally made Chen Heng give in.

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Chen Heng said, "Go, take out the ten-generation stick noodles and bring them to Brother Lin!"


After half an hour, ten bags of stick noodles were placed in front of Lin Zhonghu, and Lin Zhonghu had a smile on his face, "Where's the ammunition? Get me some ammunition!"

"There is even less ammunition!" Chen Heng said.

Lin Zhonghu clapped his hands angrily, and the guns of more than 100 people behind him aimed at Chen Heng.

"This idea is not easy for anyone. Do you think I don't know that you don't have much ammunition? Since you can't eliminate the devils, why don't I eliminate them for you? Take out the ammunition. This feat is half of yours!" Lin Zhonghu threatened in disguise. .

"Brother Lin, don't force me!" Chen Heng was a little angry now!

"So what if I force you? Your name is Chen Heng, right? I have someone investigate you. You used to be a bandit. I know what kind of virtue you have. If you bring me this ammunition within 10 minutes, we can talk about it." , if you don’t take it, be careful and I will have your weapons handed over!” Lin Zhonghu shouted.

"No!" Chen Heng also has a bottom line, food can be given to you, but you always need guns and ammunition to fight devils. Without ammunition, how can they fight devils?
After talking about this, Lin Zhonghu laughed loudly, "It's a waste of you to take guns and ammunition!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu waved his hand, and a hundred or so people rushed over, and took those guns away. The soldiers took all of them!
Chen Heng wanted to fight back, but suddenly, a person behind Lin Zhonghu rushed over and started a fight with Chen Heng!
The two people are like water and fire, and they will not give in to each other!

"Mingzi, weigh yourself and see if you can beat it!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, no one is my opponent yet!" Mingzi smiled slyly, and then came with a punch, which seemed to be accompanied by his whole body.

When Chen Heng saw it, he wanted to dodge it, but was hooked by Ming Zi's right foot, and hit him hard on the chest!This is so fast!

Chen Heng's chest was like a volcanic eruption, and a hot current flowed out all of a sudden.

"What a powerful boxing technique!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he clenched his fists tightly. This is a battle of honor. As the team leader, he has to protect the entire team. Who can you trust?

"Boy, don't hide and hide, come here, let's fight for a while! I believe you can beat me!" Mingzi said provocatively.

"Okay, I want to see how many tricks you haven't used yet!" Chen Heng looked at Mingzi.He obviously felt relaxed!
I saw that Chen Heng's fist was thrown back, and then he smashed it hard. It seemed like the sky was falling apart!
"The strength is enough, but the speed is a bit slow!" Just after saying this, Mingzi dodged sideways, then grabbed Chen Heng's arm with one hand, stumbled, and tripped Chen Heng to the ground .

The soldiers couldn't believe it at all. Chen Heng's kung fu was amazing. Everyone admitted this, but the person I met today was even better than Chen Heng. This is simply a miracle!
The soldiers wanted to cheer for Chen Heng, but they didn't have the ability at all. Those bandits surrounded them, and no one dared to say anything.

Chen Heng got up from the ground, "There are two tricks!"

"If you want to try this third stroke, I can let you try it!" The name said with a smile.

"I promise, the third one is for you to taste!" After finishing speaking, Chen Heng slapped his legs on the ground very quickly. With this sweep, snowflakes splashed everywhere, but Mingzi wanted to vomit. , "The speed is there, but the strength is gone!" After finishing speaking, Chen Heng's leg kicked Ming Zi's leg, and Ming Zi remained motionless.

"What am I talking about? I'm not strong enough!" Mingzi grabbed Chen Heng's head with both hands, and when he was about to twist it hard, Lin Zhonghu yelled, "Stop!"

Akiko slowly let go of her hand.

He looked at Chen Heng on the ground, "You are considered a hero, but the great heroes have to give way in front of my Lin Zhonghu!" Forgive me, he looked back at the bandits, "Unload all their bullets for me!" Now, the guns can be left to them!"

(End of this chapter)

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