Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2580 The transferred commander

Chapter 2580 The transferred commander



A gun fell to the ground!
Looks like a broken heart!
Watching those bandits walk away, Chen Heng got up from the ground, clutching his chest.

"Captain, are you okay?"

The soldiers quickly surrounded the past.

Chen Heng shook his head, then sat there, "I'm fine, what can I do?"

He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Lin Zhonghu, he remembered this name, this humiliating name, he will firmly remember it in his heart.

However, this bandit is stronger than them now, for the sake of future development, they can't force it, otherwise, they will lose more, absolutely can't do that, they can only take it slowly!
The faces of the soldiers were like eggplants beaten by frost, and they all lowered their heads.

After a while, Ma Xiaokun and others came.

Those who came with them were Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai.

Seeing Ma Xiaokun, the soldiers surrounded him one after another!
Seeing something strange, Ma Xiaokun quickly asked them what was wrong.

Knowing the situation, he was also very helpless!

In a room, several of them gathered together.

Ma Xiaokun said first, "Commander, this is Commander Shen, and this is Commander Hu. This time, the Eighth Route Army sent them two to teach us!"

"Good!" Chen Heng said.

"This time, the Eighth Route Army suggested that the two of them talk to us one-on-one about tactics. I think it will be helpful for us to fight devils in the future!" Ma Xiaokun continued.

"Okay, since the Eighth Route Army is willing to send people over, then you should study hard! Fight, let's wash away the shame!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he stood up in a very uncomfortable mood and went out alone.

Face is a trivial matter, an absolute trivial matter, but what about the ammunition?Now, they are fighting with all their strength, if there are only two hundred rounds, and each soldier has only one bullet in the hands of each soldier, how can they fight?If the real devil comes, he can only use the bayonet!
Seeing this situation, Shen Wanxi said to Ma Xiaokun, "Don't be discouraged. This is only temporary. We have seen those bandits before. They are the brothers of Captain Lin Jianhua. They must be very sad to hear that their elder brother passed away. They said It’s a good thing for us to fight devils, and it will allow us to develop with peace of mind.”

"Well, I see!" Ma Xiaokun also said.

In the next few days, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie seemed to be very hungry and thirsty. They always wanted to know why the Eighth Route Army was so ruthless when fighting bayonets?Why is the Eighth Route Army's combat effectiveness stronger than them because of its small number?
When they knew that the justice of the Eighth Route Army was for the common people and for the people's democracy, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie suddenly realized that their worldview was too small to make the soldiers condense to a degree of obsession.

In those few days, under the mobilization of Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai, the soldiers trained extraordinarily hard. Ten drops of sweat in normal times and one drop of blood in wartime. Extreme!


Jiangning County.

It is one of the few relatively wealthy counties in Beihai. The county has about 10 people, and the number of businessmen is about 1000 to [-] households.

Yoshikawa Junyi sat in the command post and read the newspaper. After a while, a person came in, holding some materials in his hand, bent over, not daring to look at Yoshikawa Junyi in front of him.

"Sato-san, I want you to check what happened, how did your check go?" Yoshikawa Junyi asked as he put down the newspaper in his hand.

Sato took two steps forward at this time, "Your Excellency, I have already found out that this group of people had a relationship with me before, but I did not expect that they moved from the east of Beihai to the Jinfeng Mountain area in the west. I am very familiar with these people !"

"Familiar? Then tell me, what are these people called?" Yoshikawa Junyi asked.

"The leader said it was their regiment leader, whose name was Lin Jianhua, the deputy commander was Chen Heng, and a supervisor named Yang Fei. Other than that, those people didn't need to be mentioned at all!" Sato said.

"Needless to mention?" Yoshikawa Junyi stood up, he walked out of the table, then looked at him and asked, "Sato-san, in your eyes, how is their combat power like this?"

"The combat strength is not worth mentioning, but the skill of the supervisor inside is not to be underestimated." Sato said.

"Since it's not worth mentioning, why can't your people have anything to do with him?" Yoshikawa Junyi asked.

"This... they are too cunning! I didn't find out where they were at all. Moreover, when I finally found out, they also moved. Later, I found out that they went to the north of Yanling Mountain. There is no one inhabited there. Going there is equivalent to entering I didn't expect them to come out alive!" Saga trembled when she spoke.

"It's useless to say this, Sato-san, look at this!" Said, Yoshikawa Junyi gave a report to Sato.

Sato took it over and looked carefully. When he finished reading it, he was stunned, "What? They don't have people like them at all?"

"This report is absolutely true. They are not what they are. In my opinion, they look like the Eighth Route Army! But the report said that some of them are bandits and some are students. If these people become obstacles to the Great Empire , Really hit you Captain Sato in the face!" Said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Your Excellency, Commander, this is my dereliction of duty. I will arrange for people to exterminate them now!" Sato said quickly.

"Okay, I also want to tell you another news. Their leader, Lin Jianhua, has been killed by my students. Although he has died for the country, I am still proud of him!" Junyi Yoshikawa thought of Dongyun His eyes were full of resentment.

"Your student?" Sato asked puzzled.

"You don't know? Dong Yunsang is my student. He is one of the most proud students I have been teaching for so many years. He can analyze the ever-changing situation on the battlefield thoroughly, and he is also a warrior of the empire. His death is mine. I will definitely avenge him!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

Speaking of Dongyun, Sato didn't have any impression at all. In his impression, he knew all the captains, squadron leaders and even some small captains, but he had never heard of Dongyun!

He couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, "My condolences!"

"In addition, my vanguard troops fought a battle with them. Although the opponent had the upper hand in this battle, they won a miserable victory. Without Lin Jianhua's troops, it seems that they are in a mess! They want to fight against our empire. There are too many!" Yoshikawa Junyi said, "The rest is up to you!"

"Good sir, I will not let you down!" Sato said.

"Go ahead. Their number should be around 200 now. If there is no accident, they will suffer a devastating blow. What I want is that you get Chen Heng's head and Yang Fei's head!" Yoshikawa After Junyi finished speaking, he sat back in his seat.

"Hai!" Said, Sato took two steps back and went out the door!
After he left, Junyi Yoshikawa felt a little lost. This time, he was transferred from the far south, and he heard the news of his student's death on the way. He was really shocked!

Junyi Yoshikawa had heard about his frustration, but Dongyun had never told him as a teacher, and he never even thought of raising his position through his relationship.

The reason why he was transferred here was because a gold mine was discovered in Beihai. The empire wanted to fully control the gold mine. The importance of gold mines!

He was sitting there, smoking a cigarette. To be honest, he was very dissatisfied with Sato's management in Beihai. Here, the Eighth Route Army and the bandits ran rampant, so he didn't perform his duties at all.If Dong Yun was here, he would definitely promote him to be the captain, but before he came, Dong Yun had already sacrificed himself.

After Sato went out, he immediately looked at Honda, "Honda-kun, have you heard of Dongyun?"

"Dongyun? That Dongyun?" Honda asked.

"Your Excellency Commander's student, it can be seen that he cared most about the student who died for the empire some time ago in Beihai!" Sato said.

"I really don't know that!" Honda said.

"By the way, where is Saga? Can Mr. Saga come out of the mountain?" Sato asked.

"Yeah, Saga has been recuperating for a long time. Last time I went to see him, his injury has healed!" Honda said.

"Exactly, find him for me, we have a task for a while!" After Sato finished speaking, he got into the car, and the car drove towards the mine with a beeping beep.

This time, in order to eliminate Chen Heng's team, Junyi Yoshikawa specially assigned him a squadron to cooperate with him.This time, he really couldn't miss again. If he missed, it meant that the mission would be difficult to complete.

When he arrived at the mine, there was an endless stream of vehicles waiting to pull the ore. To be on the safe side, he deliberately left behind a small team to be responsible for the safety of the mine. This time, he would personally take someone to Xiaoshuipo Village.According to Junyi Yoshikawa's instructions, they have already noticed something strange in Xiaoshuipo Village, which is definitely where Chen Heng and the others are located!

"Last time, Dongyun died for the empire. This time we have to prepare for such a mentality. In addition, Chen Heng led people to fight with our vanguard and suffered heavy losses! This time, we will go all out to destroy Xiaoshuipo Village. Take it!" Sato said.

"Your Excellency Sato, as for Xiaoshuipo Village, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. How should we attack it?" Honda asked.

"Xiaoshuipo Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides and a road on one side. This road is still condescending. They have taken advantage of the geographical advantage. However, this time, when our large army attacks from the road, they will not be able to resist for long. They will go to the village. Running up the mountain, at this time, Mr. Honda, you and Mr. Saga will take people to the mountain to ambush, and we can catch them all!" Honda has studied the terrain of Xiaoshuipo early on, and he has already done a lot of research on how to attack Xiaoshuipo Village. The new is also called the Lord.

"I've already prepared the artillery. As for a few shells, Chen Heng and the others will definitely go to heaven!" Honda was proud.

"This is a good idea!" Honda said with a smile, "In this way, it will be easy to wipe out the culprits in Xiaoshuipo!"

"Exactly, so, this mission must be done without anyone noticing. Our artillery unit at night must first reach the range, and then the infantry must reach the entrance of the village. When the artillery bombards a round, the infantry will catch up and catch them by surprise. !” said Honda.

"Ha Yi, follow the instructions of Your Excellency the Colonel!" After saying that, Honda left.

This time, it's his chance to show off, he must take this matter down, and he can't let others laugh at him!

An unknown snow house.

While Wang Zhifei and Yang Fei were talking, Han Qing came over, "Sir!"

"Oh? Han Qing, what did you find out?" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, great news!" Han Qing sat down and took a sip of water, "I see you, Lin Zhonghu appeared!"

"Lin Zhonghu? Even Lin Jianhua's Brother Lin's brother?" Yang Fei asked curiously, "What happened to him?"

"Lin Zhonghu went to Xiaoshuipo Village and cleaned up Chen Heng!" Han Qing said.

"Hit him?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yeah, I beat him up, not to mention that Lin Zhonghu really had a few brushes, and he knocked Chen Heng down easily! I went up the mountain to pay homage to Lin Jianhua, and then went down the mountain to blackmail them A sum." Han Qing said.

"Blackmail? What can Chen Heng do to blackmail?" Yang Fei asked.

"As far as I know, when Lin Zhonghu arrived at Xiaoshuipo, he asked people to disarm all of Chen Heng and the others, took out all the bullets, and left the guns to them. In addition, there was no less blackmail from Stick Noodles!" Han Qing wanted to laugh, "Now, Chen Heng doesn't have the capital to be proud!"

"Han Qing, what are you laughing at?" Yang Fei asked, "Anyway, Chen Heng is also an anti-Japanese team. Without bullets, how can they fight devils?"

"Yeah, although I hate him, but what will they do if they don't have bullets?" Wang Zhifei also asked.

"These are not things we worry about. The Eighth Route Army sent Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai to Xiaoshuipo Village to guide them. Ma Xiaokun and the others personally invited them here! I think the Eighth Route Army really wants to recruit them this time. They!" Han Qing said.

"Now, there is nothing Chen Heng can do if he doesn't want to be honest! I wonder why Lin Zhonghu went to Chen Heng's bullets?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing and asked.

"It's simple. Lin Zhonghu said that since Chen Heng's ability is limited, he wants to fight the devils himself. I think that within a short time, Lin Zhonghu will fight the devils. At that time, we will have a chance! " Han Qing said.

"It would be good for Lin Zhonghu to beat devils, but by doing so, he created too many difficulties for Chen Heng.

"Sir, don't worry about it so much. Let's watch the show. Since they kicked us out, let's not feel sorry for them. This is what they deserved!" Han Qing said.

(End of this chapter)

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