Chapter 2581

"It can't be said that, Chen Heng and the others didn't drive us out, I wanted to come out!" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing and said, "They are having a hard time, should we just watch?"

"Sir, don't be so kind, they may not be able to accept you!" Han Qing was a little bit upset for Yang Fei, anyway, he didn't want to do this, but Yang Fei said, what he can do is to persuade him.

Yang Fei didn't want to discuss this topic any more. He suddenly asked, "Han Qing, I've heard you talk a lot about this devil recently. What did you find out?"

"Don't tell me, forget it!" Han Qing became serious at this time, "Recently, I heard that a division was transferred from the south, and I don't know what this division is going to do."

"A division?" Yang Fei questioned, "It stands to reason that Beihai should not be a place heavily defended by devils. Why did they bring so many people?"

"I dare to guess, this devil must be for gold!" Han Qing said, "They didn't open a new road, they called it the Golden Road, but this Golden Road has always existed. This Golden Road runs from the west to the east. It is necessary to guard the various traffic arteries, and it is obvious that the devil's current force is far from enough, I can't think of a few days, this division will be dispersed, and then sent to various traffic arteries!"

"The guess is reasonable. If the devils come like this, it means that the gold must have entered the right track. We can't just watch the gold go out. What's the matter, we have to fight guerrilla with the devils. Where are they? We will fight wherever we go!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, I also heard that the devil recently sent a commander. If there is no accident, it is also for this gold!" Han Qing said.

"The devil will not change his mind. It seems that he will not be safe again recently!" Yang Fei rubbed his hands, "Han Qing, then I will trouble you again and pay more attention to the devil's movements. Once there is any news, come and tell me !"

"There is no problem with this, sir. Our place is relatively close to Anning County, a county where the devils live. How can we go to the county?" Han Qing asked.

"Anning County?" Yang Fei thought about it, and then said, "That's okay, we've arrived in Anning County, and we'll find a place where we don't have to sleep in the open air like this! Let's go tomorrow, what's the situation in Anning County now?"

"There is not much movement in Anning County, but what is more exciting is that the commander of the devil is in Anning County. If we get there, we may have a chance to kill the commander!" Han Qing said.

"That's just right!" Yang Fei said.


Many things are going on quietly, and no one knows who is going to do what!
Li Jiguang looked at the map and frowned, "It's not a short distance from here to the devil's mine, and the mine is not a safe place. Come to think of it, we have to find a way to enter the mine and rescue our comrades!"

Wang Wei on the side took a thin cloth and put it on his body, "Brigade Commander, there are a few tough bones from the devils in the past, I'm afraid it's not easy to get close to the mine!"

"Who says it is not! With our current level and strength, there is no way to get close. If we want to get close, we must destroy the devil's bunker group!" Li Jiguang felt very regretful.

"Brigade Commander, don't think too much about this matter. I always feel that we are developing towards what is most beneficial to us, so we should make good use of the advantages around us!" Wang Wei said .

"Advantage?" Li Jiguang looked at him.

"Yes! Brigadier, think about it. Although we always feel that our strength is weak, our armed anti-Japanese forces here are strong. Think about it, they, bandits, they are all fighting devils. How can we use them to fight against the Japanese? Get up and fight the devils, that's the key!" Wang Wei said.

"You're right. I still think we should fight the devils now. After all, our numbers and strength are relatively weak!" Li Jiguang said.

"Yes!" Wang Wei said, "But, for guerrilla warfare, I think we still have to go outside, farther away from here. It's best to leave when we can win. If the situation is not good, we don't retreat. We hate mosquitoes, but we are now You must be like a mosquito, buzzing in front of the devils all the time to disturb them!" Wang Wei said with a smile.

"Haha, yes, that should be the case, political commissar. In the past, I always thought that it was time for a decisive battle, but this battle has exposed our problems. There are insufficient personnel, backward weapons and equipment, and various problems follow one after another. Now, we are back to the time of guerrilla warfare, we also need to cheer up, who is not in a difficult time?" Li Jiguang nodded, "Starting tomorrow, I will rearrange and let Li Jiguang bring people and start fighting in pieces. Guerrilla, I just looked at the map. There is a golden road for the devils in the south of us. This road is also the only way they must pass through to transport gold mines. There, I think, we will cut this road in half and make travel notes. Even, laying mines and other traps on this road!"

"Yes, we have no way to fight the devils head-on, and this is the only way to go, Brigadier Commander, I believe that our Eighth Route Army soldiers can completely defeat the devils!"

The optimism of the Eighth Route Army was fully displayed at this time. We have suffered all the hardships, so are we afraid of suffering more?Could it be that the future is worse than the present?Anyway, the current Eighth Route Army is poor and white, and the others are not afraid, but I am afraid that they will not have that kind of courage, the kind of courage that the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road!
The Eighth Route Army at this time is actively responding to the party's call and calling on everyone to face the difficulties!

Perhaps in the near future, there will be red flags everywhere, and happy people everywhere. I hope that people will no longer be hungry, endure the wind and cold, and no longer be afraid that someone will come to harass someone and someone will come back to fight. This will soon be a democratic society. , a civilized society that responds to the Three People's Principles!
It is snowing heavily, and no one seems to be able to stop the blizzard here, and only in winter will the heavy snow favor this place. Beihai, where there are few people, is particularly eye-catching in winter.

Early the next morning, Li Jiguang issued an order, ordering Li Mobai to take a company to fight guerrillas, and it would be beneficial to take people out. At least their station was not discovered or exposed. Take them out People in this country mean self-reliance, and all they eat have to rely on captured devils, including ammunition, including guns, including everything they don't have.

Li Mobai led the people and slowly disappeared into the heavy snow. Slowly, they disappeared. The heavy snow blurred their vision, and the heavy snow filled everyone's footsteps.

After all, it is something that people can't remember, and it will slowly become a vague memory.

Not long after Li Mobai left, Wang Wei happily came to find Li Jiguang.

Seeing Wang Wei so happy, Li Jiguang looked at him, "Commissar, what's wrong with you?"

"Brigade Commander, good news, do you know? We have made a major discovery!" Judging from Wang Wei's demeanor, this has exceeded Li Jiguang's expectations.

Li Jiguang immediately put down his pen, "Commissar, what did you find?"

Wang Wei quickly sat down, "Brigade Commander, we discovered a saltpeter mine!"

After hearing this sentence, Li Jiguang widened his eyes, "What? Is there such a good thing?"

You know, with their current technology, if they can develop explosives by themselves, it will be more realistic than snatching them from devils all the time.Wang Wei said with a smile, "It's really endless!" Wang Wei's joy was beyond words, "With this saltpeter mine, we don't have to worry about making some mines and other things! It's great!"

"Are there any talents in this field?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Yes!" Wang Wei said, "Brigade Commander, have you forgotten that there is another person like this under Daguang's hands. According to him, his ancestors have been making explosives for generations, but they are firecrackers!"

"No matter what it is, let that kid experiment first. If he can make a bomb, I will give him first-class credit!" Li Jiguang put on his coat behind him.

"Haha, that's easy to say!" Wang Wei said.

"I'll take care of it. It's a good thing after all. If it's a good thing, give him enough time!" Wang Wei said.

"After such a difficult day, don't be afraid of this little time, just let him make it for me. If he really wakes up, let the soldiers create some trouble for the little devil on the golden road! Aren't they stealing our country's gold? This kid is fine, I want to let him see if it works!" Li Jiguang regained his energy at this time, "No, let that kid come here first, and I will have a few words with her!"

"It's easy, I'll go right away!" After speaking, Wang Wei left!
After a while, a thin man came in. He looked at Li Jiguang and immediately gave a military salute, "Hello, Brigadier!"

"Good boy, what's your name?" Li Jiguang asked.

"They call me Zhong Datou!" Zhong Datou stood upright and said!
"Okay, I like you boy, I heard you can make firecrackers?" Li Jiguang looked at him and asked.

"I learned from my father at home, making firecrackers is easy!" Zhong Datou said.

"If I want you to make black explosives, can you do it?" Li Jiguang was still a little worried.

"Brigade Commander, all you need is a recipe to make black explosives!" Zhong Datou seemed to understand a little bit!

"Oh? Then tell me, what do I need to prepare for you?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Just prepare a room for me, it's better to be far away from us, I'm afraid of any danger during the experiment!" Zhong Datou said.

"This is simple, what else do you need?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It is necessary to make black explosives. This is all there is, and there is no need for anything! Brigadier, give me a room!" Zhong Datou said.

"Okay, no problem, it seems that you are my lucky general, haha, okay, okay!" Li Jiguang finished speaking and looked at Wang Wei, "Political commissar, prepare a room for Zhong Datou!"

"Brigade Commander, don't worry about this matter, I promise to prepare it for him!" Wang Wei smiled, "Zhong Datou, let's go, come with me!"


After finishing speaking, Zhong Datou gave Li Jiguang and Wang Wei another military salute!
I can't help it!

Li Jiguang was very happy, imagining that there would be such a good thing soon, so he was naturally very happy!

Jiangning County!

At this time, a division has been assigned. Yoshikawa Junyi sat on a chair and called a devil in, "Do you know what that Sato is doing now?"

"Report to your Excellency, Commander, Sato Dazuo is currently dispatching troops, planning to surround Xiaoshuipo Village, and wants to take Xiaoshuipo in one fell swoop!" said the devil.

"Okay, give him a call now and ask if there are enough people. If not, I can assign some more people to him!" Yoshikawa Junyi said.

"Okay Commander, I'll call him now!" After saying that, the devil went out.

After a while, the devil came in, "Report!"

"Well, come in!"

Yoshikawa Junyi put down the newspaper in his hand, "Tell me, what did he say?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, Mr. Sato said that the personnel are ready, and we are ready to go now, please give instructions!"

"It's not a good time to start now. We must wait until night. Wouldn't it be better to take Xiaoshuipo down at night?" Junyi Yoshikawa said.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to Your Excellency Sato!"

Yoshikawa Junyi picked up the newspaper again, and read it!
Seeing the wonderful place, he suddenly realized, "What an iron wall encirclement!"

He clapped his hands, "Sure enough, if this method of warfare is followed, wouldn't the Eighth Route Army have nothing to hide?" Thinking of this, he began to take out the map, and then looked at it. Called in and started asking questions.

"How many forces resist us in Beihai?" asked Junyi Yoshikawa.

"Report to Your Excellency, Commander. So far, there are the Eighth Route Army, them, and bandits. Among these forces, the bandits are still relatively strong. The Eighth Route Army and their strength are even worse!"

Junyi Yoshikawa frowned. He didn't quite believe the report, "The Eighth Route Army's combat effectiveness is poor? Are you kidding me?" He understood that if the Eighth Route Army's combat effectiveness was poor, North China would never be encircled by an iron wall. In the final analysis, they still don't know much about the Eighth Route Army. As long as they divide and encircle the Eighth Route Army, then even if they have great courage, they dare not touch the stone.

"The Eighth Route Army, I think they are all the Eighth Route Army. Now let's wait to see if His Excellency Sato can win tonight. If we can take Xiaoshuipo in one fell swoop, we can have peace of mind!" said Junyi Yoshikawa.


"Okay, let's quickly see if this iron wall encirclement strategy can be applied to our Beihai. If so, you should quickly designate a plan. Remember, what I want is an invincible force in Beihai, it must be like this! "

(End of this chapter)

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