Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2582 Became a Puppet Army

Chapter 2582 Became a Puppet Army

Yoshikawa Junyi smiled, "It seems that when he first came to Beihai, he was able to reap a lot. After cleaning them up, gold can be effectively produced, and a steady stream of gold ore will be pulled to Kyoto!

At this time, at the gate of the county seat, more than a dozen men begging came!

They held an empty bowl in their tattered clothes, and when they reached the gate of the city, three or two puppet soldiers surrounded them, "Smelly beggars, where is this place, you want to go in too?"

"Mr. Jun, please do me a favor! If there is nothing we can do, I have a relative in the city. I will borrow some money and leave!"

The man who spoke was none other than Wang Zhifei.

"Rescue you so poor, how can you have any rich relatives in the city? Hurry up, otherwise, I will not be polite!" The puppet soldier shouted loudly!

At this time, a ghost came over, asked about the situation, and then began to look at them.


The devil said something, and then said to the puppet army, "It just so happens that these people are just hungry, you go get them something to eat, and then report to the police station like you! They just happen to be able to serve our empire! "

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, the puppet army was shocked!

After the devil left, the puppet army looked at Yang Fei and the others unceremoniously, and even looked at Yang Fei and the others with disgust, "It's dirty, what do you think? Hmm? What are you doing here in the city? But it's okay, if you want to come, I also have a little brother like you!" After speaking, he took Yang Fei and others into the city.

"Sir, do you want us to be puppet soldiers?" Han Qing was a little surprised.

"Yeah, but I think it's good to be a puppet army. Tell the brothers, if there is food, you can eat it vigorously, not our own!" Yang Fei said.

"They will do this without you reminding them, sir, we will be controlled by others when we come to the city!" Han Qing said.

"Constrained by others? I, Yang Fei, have never been controlled by others. I am afraid that neither devils nor puppet soldiers will let me be controlled!" Yang Fei laughed a few times.

Wang Zhifei came over, "Supervisor, what should we do?"

"It's okay, didn't they just let us be the puppet army? Let's just push the boat along the way and become the puppet army. Think about it, there is food, drink, and warm comfort for me. Why not do it? Done!" Yang Fei said.

"Listen to you!" Wang Zhifei said.

After taking them to eat a few steamed buns, the puppet army took them to the police station.

When the puppet sergeant of the police station heard that the devils had brought them, he thought they were Japanese devils, but he didn't expect that there were a dozen or so disheveled or even tattered people in one room.

"You?" The pseudo-sheriff looked at them strangely, "Are you here to serve as soldiers?"

"We want to make a living!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right, you can have a meal here, and there is a meal for you here, but there is only one condition, you must listen to me in the future!" said the false police chief.

"This is indifferent, of course!" Wang Zhifei said quickly.

"Come on, register a name, and then follow him! You won't be allowed to train today, and start tomorrow, and follow the devil to train!" said the false police chief.

"Yes!" Han Qing said.

Taking them back to the dormitory, Yang Fei looked at the house. He has been living in the snow house these days. Not to mention the cold, he can't sleep well, and he is still a little dizzy, but now it's better, it's very warm when he comes in here, and , and free food and drink!

Several people gathered together, and waited for Yang Fei to say something.

"Brothers, how can it be an expedient measure now, I, Yang Fei, can let you become a puppet army, but this weakens the puppet army, it's okay, we can eat here, live here, and wait until we find a suitable one. If the timing is right, let's kill Yoshikawa and fly away!" Yang Fei said.

"Good supervisor!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Don't call me a war supervisor anymore, call me big brother!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, big brother!"

The eldest brother is kind, and Yang Fei is also confident that he will take these brothers out safely in the end. It is still impossible for a county to trap Yang Fei!
After resting for a while, someone brought them towels and other things.

There is also a set of yellow leather puppet army clothes for each person.

After wearing it, everyone becomes a puppet army.

What Yang Fei and the others didn't know was that they were not only in this city, they were just pawns of the devil.

In the afternoon, Yang Fei received an order to go to the county town to collect rent.

As a source of tax revenue, rent is also a means for the devils to exploit the people, and their current task is to go to the Great South Gate to collect rent!

The Great South Gate is to the south of Jiangning County, where it is more prosperous. Usually, this kind of drudgery is done by other people, but now that there are newcomers, they must be honed.Business here is prosperous and there is a lot of traffic, and there is no intention of the devils occupying it.

People should do business or do business, should go shopping, or go shopping!

From east to west, there are a total of more than 20 shops, and what they are doing now is to collect rent for more than 20 commodities.

Whether it's a stall or a hotel, you have to collect rent.

Fengxianglou, that is the best restaurant in Jiangning County. I heard that they relied on the Japanese people and did a lot of outrageous things.

When it was dark in the afternoon, they guessed Fengxiang Tower.

Already in Fengxiang Building, the shop waiter immediately took a few steps back, and then called their shop boss out.

The boss is a short and fat man with a scar on his face. The scar is very obvious. It is said that he was naughty when he was a child and fell on the stove.

However, these speculations are impossible, Yang Fei understands that it is a scar, not a bump.

Wei Saner hurriedly cupped his hands and came out, "Military masters, what are you doing here?"

Wang Zhifei looked like a ruffian, "Are you the boss here?"


"Since you are the boss, quickly take out the renter, so we can go up and explain it!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Master, you don't know, we paid the rent yesterday!" Wei Saner said.

"Pay it? Why didn't we receive it?" Wang Zhifei deliberately found fault. He knew that the boss had connections with devils, so of course he had to make things difficult for him.

"It wasn't you who came here yesterday!" Wei Saner said.

"Hurry up and hand it over, don't make me angry, you know, I'm very scared when I get angry!" Wang Zhifei smiled and sat down.

Wei Saner asked the waiter to prepare a pot of good tea to treat them well.

"Master Jun, how can you pay the rent again and again?" Wei Saner asked.

"Ask me? How do I know? This is a task from above. You'd better not embarrass me!" Wang Zhifei said.

Wei San'er's face was a bit ugly, he frowned, "Master Jun, if you really don't know, we can find someone, and the neighbors in the neighborhood can testify to me!"

"If I take your rent, the higher-ups won't stop talking about it!" Wang Zhifei said, stepping on the stool with one foot, "Wei Saner, otherwise, I really brought the devil, and you are fine too. have a look?"

Then Wei Saner smacked his mouth, "Mr. Jun, to be honest, I really don't want to bother them. Otherwise, you can go to other places to collect it first. As for me, I will go and ask myself!"

Wang Zhifei put his legs down, "Okay, but we'll be over in a while!"

With that said, Yang Fei and others went out.

That Wei Saner smiled slyly, "Damn, where did the recruits come to collect my rent, hum!" After finishing speaking, he did not forget to say to the people behind him, "If they dare to come again, they will open the door!" It’s closed, we won’t open the shop when we see them coming, I want to see if they can accept my rent!”

"Shopkeeper, okay!" The waiter in the shop smiled, and Wei Saner turned his head and left.

No one knows what is going to happen behind this, but Wei Saner doesn't seem to be afraid, as rumors outside, he has something to do with a devil.

Yang Fei and the others went to a teahouse and sat drinking tea together.

Wang Zhifei looked at Yang Fei, and then asked, "Brother, Wei Saner doesn't look like a good person at first glance, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, he looks like a villain at first glance. In my opinion, it's just a dream that we can rent a house with him! "

"No matter what, we have to take it with him! Otherwise, it's not just that the devil can't explain it, I'm afraid we won't be able to get along here in the future!" Yang Fei said.

Han Qing threw the hat on the table, "You've become a puppet soldier!"

Wang Zhifei smiled, then stopped talking, took a sip of tea, "Brother, what should we do after you say this?"

"Don't worry, I see that there are not many devils in the city. If we can go to the devil's headquarters and have a chance, we will be able to find out who their commander is. At that time, killing their commander will not be a problem. !"

Yang Fei said.

"Well, then I'll think of a way to go to the devil's headquarters. I don't think it will be difficult!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Why isn't it difficult?" Han Qing looked at him and asked, you know, if Han Qing wanted to go to the devil headquarters quietly, he would have to worry about it, let alone Wang Zhifei who was not as good as him!
Wang Zhifei was not worried, he said with a smile, "Brother Han, I always feel that the devil's headquarters is not a ghost gate, even if it is, it can't stop me!"

"Okay, stop bragging, or let's make a bet and see who gets in?" Han Qing looked at him with some contempt and said.

"Okay!" Wang Zhifei didn't want to think about it. This matter is very likely to succeed for him, why not give it a try?

It was precisely because of this that he didn't want to make a fool of himself.

After hearing what they said, Yang Fei knew that they were angry, but he didn't say anything. It would be even better for them if they could really enter the devil's headquarters!

It's getting late for tea.

Yang Fei asked everyone to go to Fengxiang Tower together, but when his mother arrived at Fengxiang Tower, he found that the gate of Fengxiang Tower was closed.

Wang Zhifei went to knock on the door, but found that no one paid any attention.

Yang Fei frowned, and suddenly became angry, "No one opened the door? Where did the people go in broad daylight?"

"I don't know, brother, smash it?" Wang Zhifei asked.

Yang Fei pinched his waist with both hands, and shouted loudly, "Smash it! Smash it for me, if it breaks, I'll be the one!"

With Yang Fei's order, these people seemed to have aroused their potential, and each of them smashed towards the door with a gun butt in their hands!
Han Qing became even more angry, picked up a brick from the ground, threw it towards the window, and shouted loudly, "Listen to the people inside, and open the door quickly, otherwise, I will go in." , I want your dog's life!"

Wang Zhifei also shouted loudly, "You dog, hand over the rent, if you don't hand it over, after you go in, what is there, I will grab it!"

This is definitely not a threat. Since Yang Fei did this, he must have thought about what will happen after this.

It can't be that he collects the rent, but let Yang Fei take the blame, right?
"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of knocking on the door seemed to be similar to the sound of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year. Suddenly, many people gathered around, and all of them pointed and said, "It's good to be a policeman. Look now, they are actually looting and smashing other people's stores in broad daylight!"

"That's right! Tell me, in broad daylight, there really is no kingly law!"

"These people are just waiting for the Eighth Route Army to come and liberate our Jiangning County, haha, let's see what they do then!"

"You're right, it's time for a new day in Jiangning County!"

Despite other people's miscellaneous remarks, Yang Fei still didn't change his face and heartbeat, the sound of "dongdongdong" was mixed with Yang Fei's fucking anger!
"Dog! I really don't want to mess around!" Yang Fei shouted, and then shouted loudly, "Get out of the way!"

Wang Zhifei and the others quickly moved out of the way, Yang Feifei ran over, then jumped up, kicked the door frame with his big foot, with a "click", the door frame broke!
Then Yang Fei slammed his fist at the wooden door, only to hear a "boom", the door was like paper, and a big hole suddenly appeared!

"Smash it! Come on, smash it for me!" Yang Fei shouted.

Wang Zhifei also followed Yang Fei's example, holding the door with one foot and one foot.

There was a "crash". ,

The door fell to the ground all of a sudden, stirring up all the dust on the ground.

The waiter inside the door looked at Yang Fei and the others nervously!How could he have imagined that Yang Fei and others could make such a move?

Wang Zhifei rushed in and grabbed the waiter by the collar, "Dog, why did you lock the door?"

"We're closing the shop!" The shopkeeper said tremblingly.

"Closing the door in broad daylight, I think you closed the door on purpose, since you want to close the door so much, I will grant it to you!" After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei grabbed the waiter and lifted him from the ground, about to throw him on the ground At that time, the waiter in the shop suddenly burst into tears, "Gentlemen, don't blame me, it's our shopkeeper who wants me to close the door!"

Yang Fei walked over slowly, "Where is your shopkeeper now?"

"He...he..." The waiter stammered at Yang Fei.

"Speak, don't speak, do you believe that I will kill you?" Wang Zhifei roared.

"I said I said! Our shopkeeper was here just now, but he ran away just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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