Chapter 2585
The sound of guns and guns became more and more intense, and beads of sweat began to appear on Chen Heng's head. He wiped the beads of sweat with his sleeve, and then hurriedly told people, "If you can hide, hide quickly!" Get up, if you can break out, break out quickly, according to what I just said, as long as you go out, go to the Eighth Route Army!"

The soldiers couldn't care so much now, and they all dispersed like birds and beasts.

Several people were unwilling to leave Chen Heng, so they followed Chen Heng.

They kept climbing towards the west hillside, and when they reached the top of the hill, Chen Heng said, "I don't know if there are devils ahead, our success or failure depends on it!" After he finished speaking, he ran towards the top of the hill.

Several soldiers hurriedly followed, "Leader, wait!"

Chen Heng stopped, and then said, "What's wrong?"

A thin soldier came over, "Commander, don't go, let me go and have a look first, in case there are devils, you can find another way out!"

"No!" Chen Heng shouted immediately.

But before he could speak any more, the soldier ran towards the top of the mountain, "We can't die together, leave a few alive, and we still have to fight devils!"

After speaking, he rushed to the top of the mountain. The wind on the top of the mountain was so strong that his hat was blown away.

The soldier blocked the wind with his hands, and looked around carefully in the dark night. There was no movement around, as if the devil hadn't touched this place yet, he let go of his entangled heart, and waved his arms towards the hillside, but, At this time, he suddenly discovered irregular marks on the snow, these marks...

He was in a daze for a moment, and suddenly understood, these are all footprints, the devils are around here, they can't come here!

However, when he saw the soldiers on the hillside coming towards this side, he shouted, "Don't come up, commander, there are devils!"

Just as the sound stopped, there was a gunshot behind him, and it hit him with a "bang", and he was immediately pierced by the bullet!
"Regimental Commander!" Blood flowed from the corner of the soldier's mouth all of a sudden, and then he fell heavily to the ground!

Chen Heng was stunned for a moment, "You..." All of a sudden, he burst into tears.

"Damn it, I'm going to fight for you!"

Chen Heng yelled and was about to rush up, but several soldiers immediately stopped him, "Leader, let's go, let's go!"

Dragging Chen Heng, they slowly descended the mountain. How many devils are there?How many are here?When did they lie in ambush on this mountain?
Thinking of this, Chen Heng felt ashamed all of a sudden, he couldn't survive, but God favored the devil!

The sound of gunfire from far to near resembled the enthusiasm of the New Year's Eve, but they would rather not be far away from such enthusiasm!
The northeast wind blows, and the snowflakes all over the sky cover the mountain road tightly, and no one can tell where is the correct way to go up the mountain.

It is impossible to go down the mountain, the devils at the bottom of the mountain are surrounding the mountain, several soldiers dragged Chen Heng and walked along the foot of the mountain, where is it safe?They don't know, they can only rely on their initial impressions and walk slowly!
How slow and how to go?To be able to avoid the devil?

A very small road appeared in front of his eyes, "Kill the tiger's mouth!"

A soldier blurted out, "Commander, this is the entrance to kill the tiger. If you pass here, you will climb over the mountain!"

He has been here before, and he has seen the terrain here. Chen Heng looked at it, "Let's go, this is the last road. If we can pass, we will continue to be brothers. If we can't get out, in the next life, I, Chen Heng, will give the road to you." You guys are little brothers!"

After speaking, they headed in the direction of killing the tiger.

This name is indeed a bit unlucky, but this is also a goal. They are already far away from Xiaoshuipo Village below. It is not easy for the devils to reach the tiger's mouth!

When he reached the Shahukou, Chen Heng slowed down. He carefully looked at the terrain here. The surrounding trees were towering, and the heavy snow seemed to block the intersection.

"Let's go!
After finishing speaking, Chen Heng walked forward!

I don't know how many devils are ahead, and I don't know if the front is where they live, but they can't just die here, can they?
As soon as they entered the tiger's mouth, a gust of wind blew over, and several soldiers looked around vigilantly, "Commander, I'm going forward, you come here last!"

After speaking, a soldier rushed to the forefront.

Then the remaining fighters pointed their guns ahead and stood by at any time!
This road was not easy to walk, Chen Heng took out his pistol, and watched all directions, but even so, they still entered the encirclement of devils.

When they walked to the center of the tiger's mouth, they heard a burst of laughter, "Hahahahaha!"

Several people stopped quickly, and then surrounded Chen Heng.

At this time, a person came out. This person looked like a monk. There was no doubt that this was Saga. This guy was seriously injured last time, and he managed to recover. grasped in hand.

"You can't leave!" Saga said coldly.

A soldier fired immediately, but when the bullet passed, Saga didn't even dodge it, and the bullet passed slightly past his ear.

Saga laughed, then took out a gun, and shot at several soldiers around Chen Heng, "Bang bang bang..."

Several soldiers fell down at once.

Chen Heng frowned, "It seems that you don't want to kill me yet!"

"Of course I won't kill you when I meet someone interesting! Are you the commander of the Eighth Route Army?" Saga asked.

"Ask knowingly, what exactly do you want?" Chen Heng looked at Saga and asked.

"Hehe, it doesn't take much effort to get here. I'm looking for you, and we're killing you. If you're in my hands, it's destiny!" Saga finished speaking, and slowly approached Chen Heng.

Chen Heng didn't back down, he still had his pistol on the ground, and he also knew that it would be very difficult to kill him with a gun!

"Come on, I know, you want to play tricks with me!" Chen Heng rolled up his sleeves a little.

"Haha, it's rare = you also have a sense of elegance, well, if I lose, I'll let you go!" Saying that, Saga was not willing to give Chen Heng a chance at all. For him to come, he has many opportunities, but this is also To be successful the first time.

He had to do it, he had to take a life!
Chen Heng stepped into a half-squat, and then unfolded his posture.

Saga smiled, "Chinese Kung Fu is flashy, look at the tricks!

Saying that, Saga made three steps in parallel, and rushed towards Chen Heng as if flying on the snow.

And Chen Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and with his fists stacked together, a wave of heat broke out unexpectedly!This heat wave is all about competing at the top!
No matter it is, at this time, if you want to survive, you must go all out. Chen Heng is not afraid of death. For him, death is the same thing. There are many people in the country who are not afraid of death. A padded back is also excellent!

The combination of two people's boxing skills, the facial kung fu is inferior to any one of them, Chen Heng swept one leg towards the ground, and Saga jumped, and just as his feet touched the ground, he punched him!

This strength seems to concentrate all the strength on this arm.

The momentum is as big as a rainbow.

Chen Heng waved his arm casually, and hit his arm with a fist. With a muffled "creak", Chen Heng's arm was broken like it was made of paper!

Yes, it is broken!
Chen Heng himself could clearly feel the power of Saga.

"Boy, you lost!" Saga looked at Chen Heng and said.

"I didn't fall down, so I didn't lose!" Chen Heng frowned and looked at Saga!

"Doesn't count as a loss? Okay, then I'll fight until you admit defeat!" Finished.Saga waved his fist again!

Chen Heng gritted his teeth. He can't back down. If he takes a step back, his morale will be lost. If he takes a step back, he will compromise with the devil. He doesn't want to mention his situation, and then he roars, "Little devil, grandpa!" Here, kill me!"

After shouting, Chen Heng used his chest to punch Saga's fist.




The ribs were broken and shattered one by one. It seemed that Chen Heng's body was a watermelon, and Saga could easily kill someone with his hands.

With this fist, Saga exhausted all his strength. Under the huge impact, Chen Heng's body, like an iron ball, drew a parabola in the air, and then brushed the snow on the snow, which was also covered by him. Make a mark.

"Hehe, I thought you were so strong and wanted to compete with me in strength, but I'm afraid you are far behind!" Saga shouted.

Chen Heng stood up slowly in the snow pit, his chest seemed to be burned by a raging fire, and it seemed that there was a large car accident.

His arms trembled, and his legs seemed unable to support his weight.

"Hard bone, okay, give me another punch!" Saga roared loudly!
How could Chen Heng receive another punch from Saga?I saw that Saga was like a fierce tiger in the forest, unceremoniously smashing his flaming fist on Chen Heng's chest!
This punch was enough to crush Chen Heng to pieces!
Chen Heng only felt that his body was vacated in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground!
All of a sudden, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, "cough cough cough..."

Chen Heng forced himself to stand up from the ground again, and then tremblingly supported a small tree beside him!
He grinned at this moment, "I haven't fallen, I haven't lost yet!"

"It's not up to you whether you lose or not, boy, then I'll let you punch me again!" Saga's fist came up from below, and the uppercut pointed directly at Chen Heng's chin!

Before the fist came, the bitter wind came first, but just as the fist reached Chen Heng's chin, Saga stopped.

Chen Heng in front of him drooped his head, as if he was already dead!
Saga snorted coldly, "He's dead, I still need to kill him?" After he finished speaking, he put his hand in front of Chen Heng's nose, and sure enough, he was no longer breathing.Just to be on the safe side, Saga put her hand on Chen Heng's wrist again, her pulse was still there!

Saga turned around and left, "It's a pity for you, you are a hero, but it is an honor for you to die at the hands of me, Saga!"

Chen Heng died with regrets and everyone's expectations. If he was at fault, where was the fault?Could it be that it was the fault of not keeping Yang Fei?Perhaps, what happened at that time, in the eyes of Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie, it was not a big deal to admit a mistake, but in front of Chen Heng, it became a small problem of his face!
However, Chen Heng should be satisfied. He can't remember how many devils he killed, but his spirit of fighting devils has continued.

Who can know how fierce the battle in Xiaoshuipo was?I'm afraid only the devil himself knows.

None of the soldiers who died on the road raised their hands to surrender. They are all great heroes with strong bones!
On the second day, the unexpected sun appeared.

This battle seemed to be a very small battle. Almost the entire army of Chen Heng's regiment was wiped out. More than 200 of the more than 50 soldiers escaped, and the remaining more than 100 soldiers died together with Chen Heng.

The corpse had already frozen to death on the snow, and the small water slope became an empty village.

It was not until the next day that soldiers found the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army that Li Jiguang and the others knew that such a thing happened last night!

He put one hand on the table, "Damn it, the little devil is too bullying!"

Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie frowned, and asked them one by one, "Have you met the leader?"

However, no one saw it.

Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai were also very angry, "Brigade Commander, what should we do now? Their people are all dead, we can't just sit like this!"

Li Jiguang looked at Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai, "I know that too, but we don't have the strength now!"

"Brigade Commander Li, I'm going to ask you, can you take someone to find our regiment leader first? It stands to reason that he broke through last night, and by now, he should have found here!" Ma Xiaokun begged.

"This is not a problem," he said to Shen Wanxi after finishing speaking, "Commander Shen, take someone with you now, and go find Commander Chen, and you must find him! I want to see people, and I want to see them corpse!"

"Yes!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie went out.

Of the more than 50 people who returned, more than a dozen were injured, and Li Jiguang hurriedly sent them to be treated.

"This is not easy!" Wang Wei said.

"I also know that Chen Heng and the others were hit hard last night, and our anti-Japanese strength has weakened a lot. We must put this account on the little devil's head!" Li Jiguang said.

"That's right, it's time for the little devil to repay the blood debt, but we still have to wait, and we don't know when it will end!" Wang Wei turned his back angrily.

"Find Chen Heng, we must find it!" Li Jiguang's hands were trembling. He never thought about what would happen to Chen Heng, but he had a bad premonition.

"Brigade Commander, these people from over there..."

Wang Wei asked tentatively.

"Take good care of their emotions first. As for beating devils, they also have a share!" Li Jiguang said.

Jiangning County.

The sun was still high, but the temperature didn't change much at all.

There were not many people on the street in the morning, and a few scattered people dared not walk on the main road, and everyone walked close to the wall.Han Qing came back, he hurried to find Yang Fei, and told Yang Fei what he saw.

Yang Fei's expression suddenly changed!

He didn't say anything for a long time.

Wang Zhifei sneered, "This is Chen Heng's own fault. At the beginning they drove us away, but at this moment, they have tasted a bad taste!"

Han Qing glanced at him, then looked at Yang Fei.

After a long time, Yang Fei said, "They are finished. According to the devil's character, there will be no survivors. These devils really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"That's right, brother, Chen Heng escaped death this time. I found out that the soldiers who broke out all went to the Eighth Route Army, but only more than 50 people went out." Han Qing said. ,
"There are more than 50 people. They have accumulated experience on the battlefield. They should be prepared when encountering such a thing in the future. The devils will be dispatched in the middle of the night. I also thought of it, but what I didn't expect was that they would He sent people to the mountain early, and this fellow Honda thought he was a sheep driver, and dared to take them all up the mountain!" Yang Fei said fiercely.

"Sir, what about us? What should we do?" Han Qing asked.

"If the enemy does not move, I will not move! In the afternoon, we will go to Seto. As long as we enter the devil's headquarters, all orders will be obeyed by me. Find an opportunity to kill their death orders, and we will also lose Chen Heng and the others. Revenge!" Yang Fei said.


"Brother, I entered the devil's headquarters. I think it's Han Qing and I who sneaked in. After all, the two of us are quite skilled. I'm afraid it's easy to kill them with a death order." Wang Zhifei said.

"Really?" Yang Fei said, "It's good if he can be killed, but if he can't be killed, then he will be spared! We have walked all the way, but we are not afraid of devils, no matter where we go, don't Forget the blood debt that the devils gave us, blood debt, blood debt, I want to let them know what pain is like!"

In a blink of an eye, in the afternoon, Yang Fei brought Han Qing and Wang Zhifei to Fengxiang Tower again. Wei Saner prepared the money early and handed it to Yang Fei himself.

And said, "Officer, you are tired! You must teach him to Major Seto!"

"Don't worry, I won't embezzle a penny of your money!" Yang Fei said.

"No, no, sir, how dare I doubt you!" Wei San'er smiled wryly, "Master Jun, please speak kindly for me?"

"Don't worry about this!" Yang Fei took the people away after speaking.

Wei Saner looked at Yang Fei's back and spit out thick phlegm towards the corner.

There was not a lot of money, a thick pile, and Yang Fei carried it on his chest. He and Wang Zhifei and Han Qing arrived at the gate of the headquarters. There was a burst of sirens, and then many soldiers sat on motorcycles, ready to go.

Yang Fei was stunned, what is going on?
Before Wang Zhifei could speak, Seto arrived at the door in a car, "Yang Fei, get in the car!"

Yang Fei froze for a moment, glanced at the headquarters, and several people quickly got into the car.

When he got in the car, Seto said, "Last night, the Eighth Route Army was finished, and there is nothing to fear. Now, I will take you to the Golden Road. This road is a road that our Great Japanese Empire spent a lot of money to repair!"

"What are you going there for?" Yang Fei asked.

"You will know when you arrive!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, "You..."

Yang Fei understood immediately, and quickly took out the money, "Major Seto, look, it was given by Wei Saner!"

"Well, that's right!" Seto took the money over with satisfaction, "You will be my man from now on, you can be trusted!"

"Of course, Major Seto, of course I can be trusted. The Great Japanese Empire is majestic and invincible. Who will not give you face?" Yang Fei complimented deliberately.

The car walked for about an hour, and the bumpy road was not smooth.

When they arrived at a stronghold, they got out of the car, and a small team of devils followed.

"We're going to stay here for a week!" Seto said, looking at the stronghold.

"One week? What are you doing here?" Yang Fei asked.

"To be honest, there are more than a dozen truckloads of gold ore to be shipped out tonight, so in order to ensure safety, we have to watch it in person. As long as we pass through our defense zone, we don't care about our business!" Seto Hu said.

Hearing that it was gold, Wang Zhifei got a little angry, but since Yang Fei was in the lead, he didn't dare to act wildly. Besides, there were too many devils here, so he couldn't do anything.

Yang Fei laughed, "Congratulations, Major Seto. Yesterday, Mr. Honda took care of the Eighth Route Army. Today, we should go well here!"

"Of course!" After Seto finished speaking, he went to the stronghold, made a phone call in person, confirmed the time, and then beckoned Yang Fei to go over.

After Yang Fei passed by, he sat down in the small stronghold.

"Yang Fei, have you seen that this Beihai is already ours, no, it's ours. I don't know how long the commander can stay here. So, once he leaves, this is our territory. Don't think I'm just the team leader, but I'm not afraid of Sato, so Sato can't control me!"

Seto poured himself a cup of hot water, "Tonight, you and I will just watch carefully, watch the truck transport the ore out, and we will complete the task!"

"Okay Major Seto, do you want me to take someone to see it in person?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's not necessary!" Seto said, "By the way, thank you very much for giving me the money, and of course I won't treat you badly!"

"In any case, serving the imperial army is what we should do!" Yang Fei smiled obsequiously.

"Haha, at eight o'clock in the evening, the car will be here on time, let's wait here!" Seto poured a cup of hot tea for Yang Fei, "It's delicious. I heard that this is Longjing in the south. The tea is fragrant. But it is more fragrant than the tea of ​​our Great Japanese Empire, but as long as it is where our Great Japanese Empire is, it is the territory of our Great Japanese Empire, what do you think?"

"Of course, the empire on which the sun never sets should belong to our Great Japanese Empire!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

When Yang Fei said this, he also felt a little disgusted, so disgusting that he wanted to knock himself to death with a brick!

However, tonight, he can re-plan some things, such as robbing these golden cars along the way!
(End of this chapter)

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