Chapter 2586
In an unknown field, accompanied by the sound of hoofbeats and neighing of horses, the originally quiet Jiangning county town became lively all of a sudden!

Lin Zhonghu looked at Jiangning County, and pointed with one hand, "The last team here is gone. Just in time, we entered Jiangning County at the fastest speed. Remember, those who break into it will snatch the devils for me, and those devils who dare to resist , kill me all!"

"Brother, I got it!"

"It's not enough to just know, you have to listen to me. The devil killed my elder brother, which means killing your elder brother. For such a thing, killing all the devils is not enough to calm my inner anger." Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, then let's go in and kill Gou Ri's devils directly, won't it be enough?"

"Okay, I'm afraid you don't dare to kill devils!" Lin Zhonghu shouted looking at the younger brother just now.

"What's the matter, now I see that the brothers of the sect are well-equipped with elite soldiers and food, and they just obey your orders. As long as you give the order, we will attack immediately."

Lin Zhonghu raised his arms and looked at the time, "At 06:30 in the evening, the city gate will be closed. We have to enter when the city gate is closed. After entering, call me directly to the devil's headquarters. See you Devil, just kill it, the devil's headquarters has plenty of weapons! When the time comes, move them all away!"

After all, Lin Zhonghu is a bandit. He doesn't care about his politics or purpose at all. As long as he kills devils, he can do anything. As long as he accomplishes his goal of killing devils, Lin Zhonghu has achieved his goal.

The sun set as early as four o'clock, and I occasionally saw a few unknown birds flying over in the sky, and then I didn't know where they were.

Lin Zhonghu looked at the time, then put his hands down, sat on the horse, and turned to look at his brothers, "Brothers, follow me!"

After finishing speaking, "drive"!The horse galloped quickly, and the snow mist covered under the horse's hooves, at this moment, turned out to be like rising wild clouds.

When the puppet soldiers at the city gate saw that the time was up, they immediately laughed, "Brothers, how about we go have a few drinks after closing the city gate?"

"That's exactly what I meant. Yesterday, I met a girl. Hey, that watery girl. Let the brothers see it!" After finishing speaking, the puppet soldier still showed a wretched expression.

At this moment, there was a sound of "da da da" horseshoes, and the puppet army who was about to close the door looked not far away, and dozens of horses ran over, aggressively, exactly the same as the devil's virtue!
"Imperial army?" A puppet army asked.

"Who knows!" After finishing speaking, a puppet soldier ran forward a few steps, and then raised a hand to question, but the bandits who came did not give the puppet soldier any chance, and the horseshoe stepped on the puppet soldier's chest He jumped up and jumped five or six meters in the air.

Seeing this situation, the rest of the puppet army dared to do it again, and immediately stood on both sides of the city gate, watching so many bandits enter the city!

The whistle in the mouth was blown by the puppet army, and the whole city suddenly became alert.

However, no matter how vigilant they are, they can't beat so many bandits. They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Brothers, go directly to the devil's headquarters and kill me!" Lin Zhonghu rode on the horse, like a great and majestic general, despite the northwest wind, his figure was also like a giant, standing in the strong wind. Stand firm.

A few devils ran out, trying to stop them, but Lin Zhonghu's pistol had been waiting for them to appear, "Bang, bang, bang..." Suddenly, all the devils fell down, before they had time to return Passers-by at home, quickly hide, no one wants to be involved in this dispute, in the war years, whose life is like a mustard, to survive, how much humiliation and humiliation have they endured?

The horseshoe broke through the tranquility, tore up the quiet night, and then always stepped out of a different space.

The bandits on horseshoes ran on the streets of Jiangning County. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they arrived at the devil's headquarters as if they had entered no man's land.

The entrance of the headquarters was quickly blocked with tall horse-rejecting posts. Even so, it did not stop Lin Zhonghu's pace. The horse leaped high, and the moment it fell, it had already entered the headquarters. kill!"

No one knows who is coming?

None of them knew why they dared to come here unscrupulously!

Junyi Yoshikawa of the headquarters had been escorted out of the headquarters by a few devils, and left Ximen'er in Jiangning County in a military vehicle.

There was a fight, no, it was a fight against devils. After a while, dozens of devils died in the guns of the bandits.

"What you deserve!" Lin Zhonghu ordered without hesitation immediately, "Find the devil's arsenal and take away all that can be taken away! Take it all away! Don't leave a single shot for the devil!"

"Okay brother!" After saying that, they began to rummage in the devil's headquarters.

From time to time, curious people looked at the door, but no one dared to approach it. Approaching it meant that life would be lost.

For about an hour or so, sitting in Lin Zhonghu in the devil's headquarters, drinking tea, he asked the headquarters to pack up all the things that the headquarters found useful, including maps, and some unknown documents. At this time, the bandits all came, Everyone carried at least five or six guns on their backs, and no one had no fewer than ten grenades pinned to their waists.

Seeing that they were finished, Lin Zhonghu stood up, "What? How much is left?"

"Brother, you can't take away the rest!" said a bandit.

"Oh? What?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"There is a cannon, a cannon, and some heavy machine guns, and there are some inconspicuous gadgets!" said the bandit.

"Well, but I have to find a way to get the cannon away, and those inconspicuous ones can't be kept. Get it out for me, blow me up with a grenade, and definitely can't be left by the devil, understand?" Lin Zhonghu said.


"That cannon, find a way to get rid of it!" Lin Zhonghu repeated.

"Brother, just blow up here, how can there be so many things!" A bandit said bluntly.

"No, here it is said to be the headquarters of the devils. In fact, the homes of the common people were confiscated by the devils! We can't do this, you know? Follow my orders and blow things up for me, and then we can be fair and aboveboard Do these things!" Lin Zhonghu said.

He sighed, how many years he has been beating devils, if he had known today, Lin Zhonghu would not have let Lin Jianhua go, at least, a month would count as a month.

Saburo Seto crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette. Watching the sky gradually darken, a very pleasant feeling came out.

Among the people brought out were forty devils and twenty or so puppet soldiers. These people were watching from both sides of the Golden Road.

At this time, the phone rang.

Seto picked up the phone directly, "Well, tell me!" Seto said disapprovingly, he thought, this call must be about the arrival of gold, but he was not worried.

Yang Fei watched Seto's expression change, but wondered if something happened.

Seeing Seto put his legs down all of a sudden, he immediately stood up, "Kayi, Kama! Kama!"

When he put down the phone, Seto looked up at Yang Fei, and Yang Fei quickly asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

"A bad thing happened!" Seto said.

"What's the matter? Is the gold not coming?" Yang Fei asked.

"A group of unidentified guys from Jiangning County have come down!" Seto said.

"Have you been defeated?" Yang Fei was taken aback, thinking in his heart that only the Eighth Route Army could take down a county town. However, it is unrealistic for the Eighth Route Army to come to Jiangning County from afar. This... Is the news reliable?

Although Yang Fei was skeptical, Saburo Seto looked at Yang Fei and said, "Yang Fei, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Shao Zuo, tell me!" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"I'm going to take people to Jiangning County, you take your people to guard here for me, you must guard it well! Do you understand?" Seto asked.

Hearing that this was the case, Yang Fei was of course very happy, and even agreed, "Okay, there is no problem with this! I promise to complete the task!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then I'll take the people away!" After finishing speaking, Seto formed a team and drove away!
All the devils left, only a dozen of Yang Fei's men and twenty other puppet soldiers remained.

Wang Zhifei hurried to Yang Fei, "The devil is gone? Brother, do we have anything to do?"

Yang Fei nodded and said, "This is a good opportunity. As soon as the devil leaves, only our people are left. Let me stop the car transporting gold, and then kill them!"

, "Haha, big brother, that's what I think! We must not take advantage of the devil!" Wang Zhifei said.

"The only difficulty now is the twenty puppet troops. What about these puppet troops?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's simple, I just kill him!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, since they follow the devil wholeheartedly, then kill them directly!" Yang Fei's eyes showed a sharp meaning, and at this time, he had to do so.

Looking at the time, the golden car came over immediately, Han Qing was talking in front of Yang Fei, and Wang Zhifei was going to kill those puppet soldiers.

However, at this moment, the puppet army of more than 20 people rushed over and pointed their guns at Yang Fei and others who were in the stronghold.

Yang Fei laughed, these puppet soldiers did it before they did it, it's ridiculous.

"Damn it, traitor, I've seen you upset all day, what's the matter? Is it comfortable to be with the little devil?" said one of the leading puppet soldiers.

"Believe it or not, when you say the next sentence, your life is gone!" Wang Zhifei said, staring at the man.

"Hehe, if you have the ability to flatter the devils and kill me, I can understand what's going on! Traitors! Now, the country urgently needs us to save, but you are willing to be subjugated slaves. Well, it's up to now, but you I don't think it matters, but think about it carefully, when will the country be able to recover the country?" The puppet army headed by the puppet army held their heads high and spoke confidently.

As soon as Yang Fei heard this, he felt relieved, as long as he still had a trace of patriotism, he would be fine, and he would be a person who could unite.

"What's your name?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Okay, I'll change my name and surname if I'm willing to sit down. My name is Deng Qi. But, don't think about Huo Ming, you traitor!" After finishing speaking, Deng Qi waved his hand, and the twenty puppet troops immediately surrounded the place. up!

"I'm sorry, if you want to take revenge, then wait until 18 years later, when you become a hero, I will pay you back!" Deng Qi just pulled out his pistol after saying this, but unexpectedly, his own head stuck He was held at the muzzle of a gun.

He wanted to turn around subconsciously, but suddenly realized that the twenty or so people were surrounded by a dozen people behind them!And he was taken down.

"You..." Deng Qi never imagined that they could win over so many people!

As expected of a dog traitor!Deng Qi has always had this thought in his mind, "What is it if you are not a traitor? Well, kill me. After 18 years, I will become a good man, and I will take your dog's life again!"

With a wave of Yang Fei, Han Qing took off the muzzle of the gun that was on Deng Qi's head, "Come here!"

Deng Qi was not afraid of anything at this moment, he would die at worst. However, he was a little wronged that he did not die on the battlefield, but died at the hands of a traitor. He walked up to Yang Fei with his head held high, and then Said, "If you want to kill, kill it, why bother to be hypocritical!"

"Deng Qi, I really doubt it. Your life is serious, because before you came, I wanted someone to chop you up!" Yang Fei laughed, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Sit down, I want to discuss something with you!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he asked Deng Qi to sit down.

Deng Qi heard something in Yang Fei's words, and then asked, "What do you mean?"

"Because we brothers are going to do a big thing, and you successfully hindered us, we will kill you!" Yang Fei said.

"The dog traitor has done such a great thing, of course we can't keep us!" Deng Qi said.

Yang Fei was not angry, but just smiled, "Hehe, you can say whatever you want! We plan to rob the devil's golden car tonight, because this is our Huaxia's thing, not the devil's!"

Hearing this, Deng Qi's expression suddenly changed, because he also thought the same way, "You..."

"Hehe, did you think that you just have a passion for it? A dozen or so of us brothers are not? Enlai, today we wanted to sneak into the devil's headquarters and kill Yoshikawa directly, but this kid was so fateful that he was taken to Here, but no one gave way, someone from the Devil Command has already served it today!" Yang Fei said.

"So no matter what, you and I think the same!" Deng Qi felt that it was incredible, and he smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Deng Qi, you have the guts. I don't think you can die here. If you die, you have to contribute to the country!"

"Tell me, what do you want to do?" Deng Qi asked.

Yang Fei said directly, "According to our thinking, we robbed the devil's golden car, killed people, and hid the gold ore, but there are more golden cars coming, but few of us can drive! "

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to ask me!" Deng Qi said.

"What do you mean?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Our twenty or so brothers can drive! However, have you selected the place where the gold ore is hidden?" Deng Qi asked.

"Not yet!" Yang Fei said.

"In this case, then listen to me. The gold ore is poured in one place. This place is more difficult to find. It is a natural pit. No matter when it is poured in, it is the property of our country. You can't move either!" Deng Qi said.

"Okay, as long as the place is safe!" Yang Fei said.

But Wang Zhifei on the side disagreed, "No, big brother, how can we trust this kid, what a big natural pit, in case, when the time comes, they steal the gold ore quietly, isn't this the ruin of the country?" secret!"

"Don't worry, I won't act like a villain!" Deng Qi said.

"I believe in Deng Qi!" Yang Fei said, "Since it's cooperation, as long as we hit the devil and accomplish our goal, that's enough! As for the others, this is a matter of conscience!"

"Brother..." Wang Zhifei frowned.

"Okay, don't say anything!" Yang Fei said.

He raised his arms and looked at the time, "It's getting late, let's make arrangements now, or it will be too late!"

"What do you think?" Deng Qi asked.

"Isn't there a bomb here? It's on the road, then blow up these bastards!" Wang Zhifei said directly.

"No!" Deng Qi directly objected, "The devil is dead, and the car was blown up! We can't do this!"

"Yes, what Deng Qi said is not wrong!" Yang Fei said, "In my opinion, we should let them stop, accept interrogation, and then kill them directly! What do you think?"

"Yes, it should be like this. However, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, we need to find some quick-witted people!" Deng Qi said.

"Don't worry about this, my brothers are all agile, and nothing will happen!" Yang Fei said.

"That's just right!" Deng Qi glanced back at his brothers, "My brothers are the same, they are not afraid of devils, and their hands and feet are also agile!"

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at the time, "It's almost time, let the brothers wait on the road, when the devil comes, each of us will have a car, get in the car and look at the gold, and then go In the car, kill people!"

After speaking, more than 30 people started to act.

As soon as the time came, he saw the high beams of the car coming from not far away. Seeing the car coming, Yang Fei said, "The fish is here, brothers, all are ready!"

More than 30 people hurriedly stood on both sides of the road. When the car came, Yang Fei stood in front of the car and stopped it, "Wait a minute!"

The driver of the first car poked his head out, "Baga, what are you doing? Knowing that we missed our important event, can you Chinese people bear the consequences?"

Yang Fei hurried over, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shang, I have to check every car after receiving Shangfeng's order. The recent limelight is too much, please forgive me!" After speaking, Yang Fei waved his hand, and more than 30 people began to check the cars. Conduct an inventory.

Yang Fei got into the car, looked at the ore on the car, and even felt that the ore was still warm.Then he got on the co-pilot, "Come on, Taijun, smoke a cigarette!" Just as the guy was about to get a cigarette, Yang Fei hit the devil on the head with his fist, and the devil passed out all of a sudden!
All of a sudden, I heard gunshots of "bang bang bang".

After dozens of gunshots, those devils had already ended their lives!

It turned out that this is such a simple matter!

Yang Fei got out of the car and dragged the devil's driver out of the car.Then hit him twice on the head.Make sure it's dead, and watch all of their descendants get off.

Yes, all the devils have been killed!
Deng Qi came over, "Successful, let's quickly get the brothers into the car, and then go to the natural pothole!"

"Deng Qi, just go!" Yang Fei said.

"No, we all have to go, otherwise, if the ore is lost, we can't blame us!" Deng Qi got into the car after finishing speaking.

Yang Fei directs, "Everyone get in the car!"]

Everyone got into the car and rode on the golden road. The golden road was relatively hard and it was easy to drive. Cycling was like a giant dragon spouting a flame, wandering on the golden road.

In the car, Deng Qi asked, "Yang Fei, who are you?"

"Then tell me first, who are you?" Yang Fei asked.

"We are the national army, you are the Eighth Route Army, right?" Deng Qi was also very accurate in seeing people.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be able to see it!" Yang Fei said.

"I have been fighting for a long time, and I have a sense of everything. I heard that your Eighth Route Army's stronghold here was destroyed by the devils!" Deng Qi asked.

"There are these rumors, but they are not enough to be believed!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei asked, "What do you plan to do after finishing this ticket?"

"Twenty people, we have to find a backer!" Deng Qi finished speaking, looking at Yang Fei, "We were captured during the Great Wall Defense War, and then became puppet troops!"

"There were too many dead and injured brothers at that time, but this did not affect our killing devils. I have killed thirty devils in the past few years as a puppet army!" Deng Qi smiled.

"Now that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are cooperating, are you interested in joining the Eighth Route Army?" Yang Fei asked tentatively.

"Yes, but if the national army comes at that time, we will follow the national army!" Deng Qi said vaguely.

"As long as it's fighting devils, it's not okay. I see you, do you dislike the bad environment of the Eighth Route Army? How about the hardship of life?" Yang Fei asked.

"I am marching and fighting outside, what are these hardships? In fact, I think I have different political views from the Eighth Route Army, and I am afraid that there will be conflicts and misunderstandings!" Deng Qi said.

"I believe that the Eighth Route Army will not do this. You can rest assured to fight devils here. When the time comes, you want to leave or stay. This is your business!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took out a cigarette and handed it to Deng Qi. , Deng Qi lit a cigarette, "It's been a long time since I've been so happy, I'm free, hehe, I'm free!"

Yes, free, no one has time to be free!

(End of this chapter)

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