Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2587 Lin Zhonghu's Worry

Chapter 2587 Lin Zhonghu's Worry
The north wind was carrying heavy snow, and it was blowing ragingly on the land of Beihai. Against the wind, people couldn't open their eyes.

After pouring out the ore, they drove as far as possible towards the territory of the Eighth Route Army, but the wheels got stuck in the heavy snow one by one, making it impossible for them to reach the Eighth Route Army station so easily.

They had no choice but to get off the car and head towards the holy place in their hearts.

The edge of Deng Qi's mouth was wet by frost, and then thick ice formed. He didn't know how long it had been there.


Lin Zhonghu evacuated Jiangning County with his people, and now they have arrived in a forest. With many years of experience in the rivers and lakes, they have a wooden house in the forest.

Looking at Feng Xue outside, Lin Zhonghu felt a little sentimental. It wasn't anyone else who was sentimental, but he felt inexplicably distressed when he thought of Lin Jianhua.

At this time, a tall bandit came in, "Brother, I heard that Chen Heng is dead!"

"Dead?" Lin Zhonghu was a little surprised, "How could he be dead?"

"It should be the devils. These days, as long as you provoke the devils, you probably won't be able to escape!" said the bandit.

"Oh? You mean, we can't run away either?" Lin Zhonghu spoke angrily.

"No, no, what I mean is that Chen Heng was just a little unlucky. The news about them in Xiaoshuipo was known by the devils for some reason. As long as the devils knew about it, would it still be good? " said the bandit.

"Chen Heng's death has something to do with us, but it's a bit useless to die at the hands of the devil!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, what shall we do next?" the bandit asked.

"Keep beating the devils, as long as the devils don't leave, as long as I don't die, I will keep beating! Keep beating!" At this point, Lin Zhonghu said ruthlessly.

"Brother, to be honest, we are running out of food!" the bandit said worriedly.

"You don't need to worry about this. The things seized from Jiangning County, I know, we brothers can eat enough for a week. I promise everyone that after a week, there will still be food!" Lin Zhonghu said calmly. Said lightly.

"Yes!" The bandit just left after saying that.

Then another bandit came in. This bandit was ugly, and his words were not sharp. When he saw Lin Zhonghu, he stammered, "Brother...Big Brother, the, last...night, The devil's...that...that...the car that transported gold...was...was...was..."

Before he could finish his stammer, Lin Zhonghu understood, "Do you know who robbed you?"

"It's very strange... now... there are no... traces of a fight at all, only... the corpses of dozens of devils..." he stammered.

"Looks like it's going to be a good show again!" Lin Zhonghu was thinking. At this moment, he suddenly thought that the last time Lin Jianhua brought people to him to ask for weapons, they were for the Eighth Route Army. Could it be that these were done by the Eighth Route Army?Even though he thought so, he was still a little worried, looked at Stutter and said, "Stutter, now you hurry up and find out where the Eighth Route Army is now!"

"Okay... okay... big brother!" After finishing speaking, he stuttered and turned around and walked away!

This is strange, they took Jiangning County in the front foot, and someone robbed the devil's golden car in the back foot. This front and back thing seems normal, but it seems to have been premeditated. Could it be that someone is secretly watching with them?Thinking of this, Lin Zhonghu's back felt cold. During the period when they came out, they would beat the devils when they saw them, and the devils would not easily find them. Now those who still have the strength to fight the devils are the Eighth Route Army. Could it be that the Eighth Route Army picked them up? This is cheap?
So, where is all that gold now?
Ming Zi came in at this time, "Brother, brother!"

"Mingzi, how are you doing?" Lin Zhonghu hurriedly asked.

"Brother, last night, someone robbed the devil's golden car. This is a big deal!" Ming Zi said.

"I already know about this, but who did it?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"According to my deduction, it should be done by someone inside the devil!" Ming Zi sat down after speaking, and took a sip of hot water.

"An insider? The devil stole his gold?" Lin Zhonghu couldn't figure it out.

"No, we were not the county where the devils were taken yesterday? Then the nearest Seto team went to support. The puppet army is responsible for road safety. There are about 50 puppet troops. I think it should be these puppet troops. , because there is no corpse of a puppet soldier at the scene, they are all devils, it is obvious that these puppet soldiers robbed the gold!" Ming Zi said.

"In this way, the inside of the devil can also be disintegrated!" Lin Zhonghu thought.

"I don't know about the others, but we can be sure of this point. There is a high probability that the puppet army did it. It's just that why the puppet army rebelled and where the gold went is unknown!" Ming Zi said.

"This matter must be investigated clearly. Where are those puppet soldiers going after they robbed the gold? Is there a mastermind behind this?" Lin Zhonghu asked suspiciously.

"Brother, I'll go back and find out, give me two days!" Ming Zi said.

"Don't worry about it, I think, if they are really interested in gold, they will definitely not rob this carload of ore. These puppet troops have no way to refine gold. There is a possibility that this gold ore is still in Beihai. If you can’t get out, don’t worry about checking, they won’t be far away!” Lin Zhonghu said. ,

"Okay brother, I'll go right away!" Ming Zi left after saying that.

Lin Zhonghu was alone in a wooden house. He thought about the cause and effect of these things carefully. How could he do it?He shook his head, "It seems that in Beihai, a small province, there are indeed quite a few hidden powers!"

He doesn't think about these powers for the time being, it's useless to think so much, he will always know what he should know, and what he shouldn't know, no matter what, it's impossible to let him know.

The north wind rolled up the snow on the ground and the sky, mixed with the roar of the north wind, rampaging unscrupulously in the North Sea, where there is no life, there are so many things going on!
Shoot the headshots, so, do the devils know about them?You should know, right?
Thinking of this, Lin Zhonghu couldn't hold back his emotions, he held a teacup tightly with his hand, he closed his eyes, pondering how many things he hadn't discovered?

There shouldn't be many. In Beihai, he has never been afraid of anyone. His life was given by the northwest wind. As long as the northwest wind is there, the tiger in the forest will be a living tiger!


An explosion sounded.

Li Jiguang hurried out of the door, and then Wang Wei also hurried over, "Political Commissar, what's the matter?"

Wang Wei also shook his head, "I don't know, that voice came from that place! Could it be that the devil found this place?"

"No, we shouldn't be discovered by the devils here, and the devils probably don't even know we have this team!" Li Jiguang shook his head, "Hurry up and get someone to see what happened!"

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Wang Wei was about to leave.

But at this time, Li Mobai ran over.

Excitedly, he ran from the entrance of the village to the gate of the command post, panting, looked at Li Jiguang and Wang Wei, and then shouted with a smile, "Brigade Commander, political commissar, great news! Great news!"

"Teacher Li, tell me, what's the matter?" Li Mobai knew it, but Li Jiguang and Wang Wei were still in the dark!

"Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander, don't you remember asking the boy from Shen Wanxi's regiment to study landmines?" Li Mobai said excitedly.

"You mean, it was successful?" Li Jiguang's eyes widened. In just a few days, he has succeeded!
"Yes! It succeeded!" Li Mobai shouted excitedly, "I was at the test site at the time, and that kid was testing not far away. I saw the mine explode with my own eyes, and then I hurried over to tell you the good news!"

"Okay, hurry up, go and have a look with me!" Li Jiguang said excitedly.

A few of them headed towards the testing ground all the way.

However, when they got there, they found that many people surrounded them, and Shen Wanxi was among them.

Li Jiguang didn't understand, but Li Mobai shouted, "Old Shen, old Shen!

Shen Wanxi turned around and saw that it was Li Jiguang and the others, and hurried over,|"Brigade Commander!"

"What's the matter? So many people surrounded me, but I heard that the landmine research was successful?" Li Jiguang asked.

" was a success!" Shen Wanxi nodded, but there was something unspeakable on his face.

"The research has been successful. This is a great thing. You have a bitter face. What's going on?" Li Jiguang asked, and went into the crowd without caring about anything else.

Shen Wanxi hurried to catch up, "Brigade Commander!"

Li Jiguang stopped, and then looked at him, "Well, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Brigade Commander, that kid... that kid... is dead!" Shen Wanxi lowered her head after finishing speaking.

"What? Who died?" After so many years, it's normal for someone to die, but from Shen Wanxi's expression, it's definitely not such a simple matter.

"Brigade Commander, the boy who studies...the landmine and the grenade, is in bad luck! Just after he succeeded in researching this landmine, he... just gave..." Shen Wanxi was a little speechless.

"Why did he die? Isn't this landmine research successful?" Li Jiguang was a little confused.

"Brigade Commander, this landmine has been successfully researched, but doesn't the landmine need an introduction? In order to save the introduction, the boy made the introduction very short to test, and when he retreated after lighting it, he fell into a snow pit and was... ..." Shen Wanxi explained.

Hearing this, Li Jiguang's head buzzed suddenly.


"Brigade Commander, but don't worry, there were a lot of people researching together at that time. Regarding the formula of landmine gunpowder, every experiment has been recorded. I think we can continue..." Before Shen Wanxi could finish speaking.

Li Jiguang scolded his head and face, "I said Commander Shen, what do you mean? To put it bluntly, this is a firecracker. To put it bluntly, this is a great hero of the nation. A few words hastily dealt with it. It's not the style of our Eighth Route Army!" After speaking, Li Jiguang walked towards the crowd.

There were puddles of blood on the ground, especially conspicuous on the snow-white ground.

No one knew exactly what happened at that time to cause this bloody accident, but Li Jiguang immediately said, "Come on, give me a lavish burial for this martyr! We are all Eighth Route Army, his blood will not be shed in vain. Let's cheer up and let him see that the mines he developed with his own hands can kill devils on the battlefield, and under the nine springs, he should be satisfied!"

Several soldiers carried him, and then went outside.Under everyone's gaze, his brilliance is rising.

Wang Wei went over in person and covered the soldier's face with a white sheet.

Then, each of them gave a final salute to the great hero!

No one knows who will come first in tomorrow and the end of the day, and no one knows whether it is the most painful or the most fast, maybe, every day is new, or maybe every day is repeating yesterday's scene, the pain still.

But, dear warriors, no one should firmly believe that even if the sun will not appear early tomorrow, the sun will still be there, but it is blocked by the dark clouds that are too hostile. The sun that cannot be seen today will be seen tomorrow , If you can’t see the sun tomorrow, you will see it the day after tomorrow. One day, light and warmth will come as promised. Faith must be in your mind.

Struggling in pain is just to sharpen your edges and corners. I am afraid that if they are rounded, you will not feel pain.

The development of landmines is still going on. Li Jiguang personally ordered that if we do experiments, the introduction must be long, don't be afraid of waste, the most precious thing is not the gunpowder, but his own life!
Later, a memorial service was held, and the soldier was named the Hero of the Proletarian Revolution. Although such a title came to an end, he would not be absent in the end.

Everything you do is the result of talent, hard work and sweat.

Wang Wei found some fragments of the blown mine. When the fragments were delivered to Li Jiguang, Li Jiguang's hands were still trembling slightly.

"Old Li, don't be sad, his spirit will last forever, and we should also understand that the era of heroes will come!" Wang Wei said.

They sat down and listened to the sound of the north wind whistling outside the window, hoping that spring would come quickly and dissipate the cold here.

Slowly, the north wind stopped, and on the way not far away, dozens of people dared to come here.

Yang Fei looked at the sky and said to Deng Qi, "Hurry up, we should be here tonight!"

Deng Qi looked at the direction Yang Fei was looking at. In Yang Fei's eyes, he seemed to see hope for the future. As long as there is hope, the future should come back.

The footprints are solid and powerful. When you look back, you may feel surprised by such a long journey. It turns out that even if you push yourself, you can be moved by yourself.

Wang Zhifei and Han Qing talked about the mysteries of kung fu along the way, tirelessly, and even taught them hand in hand.

The good times have come.It's finally here!

Going down to the village at night is extremely lonely. It is like an oasis in the busy snow field, exuding unknown secrets. No one can tell about his loneliness, so he can only curl up and look at the people here.

Li Jiguang was looking at the map at the headquarters. He thought of all the possibilities. If the devils really came, what would they do?
At this time, there was a sudden excitement outside the supplies, Li Jiguang put down the map, and then walked out of the house, the guard came over, "Brigade Commander!"

"What's going on outside? Why is it so lively?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, I'm going to ask!" With that said, the guard went out.

But Li Jiguang didn't want to wait, he went out of the yard directly, and then saw the bright lights.

Hu Dahai ran over at this time, "Brigade Commander! Brigadier Commander!"

"What's the matter?" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"Brigade Commander, who do you think is here?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Who's here? Who is it?" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"It's Yang Fei, Yang Fei is here!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, Li Jiguang suddenly became excited, "Quick, take me to see!"

Hu Dahai took Li Jiguang outside, and when he saw his head that had been frozen white by the wind and snow, he hurried over, wiped Yang Fei with his hand, and then grabbed his hand, "Yang Fei, You finally came!"

"Brigade Commander Li!" Yang Fei said lightly.

"Let's go, let's go to the house!" After saying that, Li Jiguang took Yang Fei's hand and walked to the house.

He thought, if Yang Fei came this time, he wouldn't leave, would he?However, no matter what, as long as Yang Fei came, he would feel much more at ease!

When he arrived at the headquarters, Li Jiguang quickly poured water for him, and when he saw Deng Qi behind him, Li Jiguang gave him another bowl.

"Brigade Commander Li, we are here this time, and I hope you can take us in!" Yang Fei said.

"What are you talking about, whether you can take it or not, as long as you come, I, Li Jiguang, will make room for you. You can come here if you want, and I won't force you to stay if you want to leave!" Li Jiguang said excitedly.

"Thank you, Brigadier Li, for your love. Let me introduce you, this is Deng Qi, battalion commander of the national army!" Yang Fei introduced.

Li Jiguang stretched out his hand and shook hands with Deng Qi, "You are welcome to come to our place!"

"This time Battalion Commander Deng is here, and he also wants to temporarily join us to fight devils. Brigadier Li, I think I can do it?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course, of course! We are still cooperating with the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. As long as we can fight devils, if we want to fight devils, I, Li Jiguang, have nothing to say!" Li Jiguang looked at Deng Qi and said.

"Since this is the case, then I will say that this time Battalion Commander Deng brought No. 30 people, all of whom were from the former national army. They were ambushed by devils in the Great Wall defense battle and made prisoners of war. Later, they became puppet soldiers in Jiangning County. , However, he wanted to fight devils with passion, so he came with me!" Yang Fei said.

Li Jiguang shook his head, "I don't care about his previous experience, I just want to see if he has the enthusiasm to fight devils!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at Deng Qi, "Commander Deng, since you are willing to fight devils, well, I The Eighth Route Army gave you this condition, if you want to stay in the future, it is up to your wish!"

"Brigade Commander Li, thank you for taking in those of us who were former puppet soldiers, we thank you very much!" Deng Qi said.

"Don't say those words, I'm very happy today." Li Jiguang finished speaking, and then looked at Wang Wei, "Commissioner, do you have any wine? Come, heat up a pot of wine, pour it for the brothers, and warm up!"

"It's hot, it's hot, Brigadier, as soon as they come, I'll send someone to heat it up!" Wang Wei said.

At this moment, noisy footsteps were heard at the door, and then they saw Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie rushing in. When they saw Yang Fei, they didn't believe their eyes at all, but after confirming, Ma Xiaokun excitedly Cried out, "Mr. Yang Du! Comrade Yang!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun ran up to Yang Fei.

Zhao Junjie also wiped his tears, and then walked up to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei looked at them, "Who are you?"

"Mr. Yang Du, now... Regimental Commander Chen is dead, gone! There are only about fifty brothers who escaped, and we are all here!" Ma Xiaokun cried.

"Xiaokun, don't cry, what are you crying for? A man, you can't cry casually!" Yang Fei said, and asked Ma Xiaokun to sit down, "I've heard about this, if you want to blame it, blame me, I know the devil will When I went to fight Xiaoshuipo, I hurriedly asked Han Qing to notify, but it was still a step too late!"

"Guardian Yang, you must avenge Commander Chen!" Ma Xiaokun cried.

"I'm not human if I don't avenge this revenge, Xiaokun, don't cry, the devil has a lot of blood debts on us, what we can do is to live well until all the devils die!" Yang Fei comforted he.

At this time, a soldier came in with a pot of hot wine, and Wang Wei poured them a bowl himself. Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie couldn't drink, so they could only stand beside them.

In such an exciting scene, Deng Qi could see that the Eighth Route Army was more humane.

He picked it up and drank it down, "Brigadier Li, thank you very much!"

"Commander Deng, I want to thank you, thank you for being able to come to the Eighth Route Army to take a look around, and then beat a few devils by the way!" Li Jiguang said.

"There is a long way to go, Brigadier Li, I will tell you with my actual actions, as long as you are a Chinese, you should do your part to fight devils!" Deng Qi said.

Wang Wei asked people to tidy up a few rooms, enough for Deng Qi and others to live in.

However, Li Jiguang was reluctant to let Yang Fei go, so he grabbed his hand, and Li Jiguang asked, "Do you still want to go?"

Yang Fei smiled, "Brigade Commander Li, let's fight the devils first. When the devils are gone, I will leave!"

Li Jiguang nodded, "OK, OK!"

"Yang Fei, are you willing to be a team leader here?" Li Jiguang asked.

"As long as you can afford it, I am willing!" Yang Fei's simple words made Li Jiguang understand in his heart that their power has become more relaxed with so many people joining.Perhaps in Beihai, no one can stop them from now on!

The lonely light was on in the command room.

Wang Wei and Li Jiguang were sitting on chairs, and Li Jiguang was smoking a cigarette, "Commissar, there are so many people, I think it's time to reorganize the team!"

"I also have the same idea! However, brigade commander, how do you think the reorganization is appropriate? We don't have many soldiers, but we have a lot of regimental commanders and battalion commanders!" Wang Wei asked.

(End of this chapter)

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