Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2588 New appointments

Chapter 2588 New appointments
What Wang Wei said was right, he had to think about these things clearly, but now they only have so few people, he and Wang Wei can completely discuss it.

That night, they talked for a long time. On the second day, a guard came to Yang Fei and said that there was a meeting. Yang Fei asked what kind of meeting it was, but the other party didn't say anything.

In the command room, the meeting table is made of two square tables, and then five benches are placed.

In this meeting, all cadres above the brigade and battalion level will participate!The meeting also included Yang Fei, Ma Xiaokun, Zhao Junjie, and Deng Qi.

At nine o'clock in the morning, everyone entered the command room against the wind and snow, and then sat down. The guards poured them a bowl of water for each of them.

There are also rare two carbon stoves in the house.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei came in, sat down, saw everyone had arrived, and then Wang Wei said, "Okay, everyone, be quiet. In fact, the brigade commander and I have decided to hold this meeting a long time ago, but due to various reasons, There was no time, but last night, I discussed with the brigade commander all night, and then decided to hold a meeting!"

Shen Wanxi looked at Wang Wei, "Political Commissar, what kind of meeting are you having? Are you going to beat devils?"

Yes, they haven't beaten the devils for a long time. Daguang led people to harass the devils for a while, but the effect was not great, and then he gave up.

Wang Wei shook his head, "No, it's not, but it's a preparation for beating devils!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Wei looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, how about we start?"

Li Jiguang nodded, and then began to say, "Okay, then let's start. Before the meeting, I want to say that everyone should be mentally prepared. Today's meeting is about the fate of commanders and fighters!"

As soon as he said this, everyone present began to whisper!
"Everyone knows that our Eighth Route Army is commanded by the Party, and all orders must follow the Party's command. Now, we are a little far away from the Party Central Committee, and many of our orders cannot receive the Party's instructions. However, in special During this period, we must also adhere to the party’s principle of fairness and the principle of meritocracy, and I discussed with the political commissar, since everyone is here, let’s get straight to the point!” Li Jiguang said.

"Now we have about 300 people, including those from our brothers and brothers, and those brought by Comrades Yang Fei and Deng Qi. These 300 people are all the belongings of our brigade and the backbone of our fight against devils, so , I discussed with the political commissar, we [-] people, divided into three regiments, one regiment, with Shen Wanxi as the regiment leader, and Hu Dahai as the first battalion commander!"

As soon as these words came out, Hu Dahai was hit in the head, he stared at Li Jiguang with wide eyes, "Brigade Commander, I..."

"Head Hu, this is a special period, and we have to re-arrange. The arrangement of commanders and fighters this time was also decided after research by the party organization. I hope you can understand and implement it well!" Li Jiguang said.

Hu Dahai had no choice but to nod and said, "Okay, I understand, I support the party organization's decision!"

"Then the second regiment, the party organization decided that Li Mobai would be in charge, and the first battalion commander would be Daguang!" Li Jiguang continued.

Daguang said, "Brigade Commander, I hope to give up this position to other comrades. I know my level. Send me to the company!"

"Comrade Daguang, you have withstood all difficulties for such a long time, so it is very suitable for you to be the deputy head of the regiment. I hope you will obey the decision of the party organization!" Li Jiguang said.

"Yes!" Daguang said.

"As for the third regiment, the party organization decided to let Yang Fei be the commander of the first battalion!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, and Yang Fei was a little stunned. He just came to the Eighth Route Army, although he didn't come early. Li Jiguang wanted him to be the head of the regiment, so he must think highly of him, but Yang Fei still felt that the burden was a bit heavy.

"Brigade Commander, I..."

Before Yang Fei finished speaking, Li Jiguang said, "Yang Fei, you should understand the situation here. I hope you can fully follow the decision of our party organization!"

"Okay!" Yang Fei had nothing to say, and if he continued, he would lose face.

"Comrade Deng Qi, then you will be the battalion commander. As for the company commander, we have decided that Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie will be the company commanders of the first company and the second company respectively in the third regiment." Li Jiguang said.

"Yes!" Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie had nothing to say. Here, their qualifications are the lowest, and their combat skills are not high, so they must implement this decision.

"As for some other positions, you three regiment leaders can arrange them yourself when you go down, but I have a request, that is, in the shortest possible time, you three regiments will work together to solve all the difficulties!" Li Jiguang Said, "What we want is an army that can beat the devils. We were forced to transfer here. Everything here has to start again. There are difficulties, but we have to customer service. You should understand that we came here to see What? What is our main purpose!"

"Brigade Commander, aren't we just fighting devils?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Yes, we are going to fight devils, but we must also be clear that what we have to do now is to protect our country's gold mines and ensure that the country's gold mines are not stolen by devils, and to save us Comrades in the mine! They are still waiting for us!" When he mentioned this, Li Jiguang choked up a little. It has been a long time since he came to Beihai, and those comrades who have been captured have no idea what is going on now.

Gold mines, the lifeblood of the country!

In front of the gold mine and his comrades, Li Jiguang has no other choice!

Not only him, as long as it is a Chinese, one can imagine the turmoil in his heart when he sees the gold mine being mined by devils.

Starting today, it seems that everything is stopping, and after the stop, a long journey begins.

Li Jiguang took out a map, "Our station, in the past, we used the whole brigade to guard the brigade headquarters. Now, since there are three regiments, I want you to guard in different places. Do you have any good suggestions?" ?"

Regarding this matter, no one has ever thought about it. Eggs cannot be put in one basket, and no one knows. Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai, everyone has thought about this problem!

Shen Wanxi said at this time, "Brigade Commander, I have thought about this issue. Since we are divided into three regiments, these three regiments must have their own responsibilities. According to the marks on the map, our base area is currently safe. However, in order to Just in case. I decided that we can guard in Yangcheng and Qinshui!"

"These two places, Yangcheng, are the only way to pass through our place. We didn't have the strength before, but now, a regiment of people guards there, and they can guard the gate. Wanfu is not open! As for Qinshui, this place has a wide terrain, but it is of great benefit to the defensive base. As long as you ambush in the woods, you can cause fatal damage to the devils!" Shen Wanxi said, "To sum up, I think that in this Two places, that is absolutely correct!"

Li Jiguang nodded, "Well, it seems to make sense, who has other ideas?"

Yang Fei didn't speak. It's not that he hasn't thought about how to do this, but it's not easy for him to comment now.

Li Mobai looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, I think what Commander Shen said makes sense!" But when the painting style changed, he said, "However, this matter is still to be discussed!"

Shen Wanxi frowned, "Captain Li, what do you mean?"

"Although I don't know how to do it, I don't think it is foolproof. Think about it. Although there is a possibility of defense in Yangcheng and Qinshui, the possibility of the devil's attack Are these two places?" Li Mobai said, "I think that once the devils know the situation in our base area, they will definitely not rush to attack Yangcheng and Qinshui. First, Yangcheng Mountain is relatively high, so many people can be stationed, but However, Yangcheng is far away from the base area. Besides, Qinshui is full of mountains and forests. How can you station a regiment there? How can you solve the problem of food and lodging? Although there is a temporary benefit, why are you waiting in Qinshui Mountain Forest? Devil?" What Li Mobai said is indeed correct, except for these two places, there is a huge hollow between Yangcheng and Qinshui, this place is a mountain range with dense forests, high mountains and shallow waters, not suitable for climbing.

It seems to be two excellent places, but the devils don't necessarily have to attack all the time!

Shen Wanxi's face was a little red when he was told, he looked at Li Mobai, "Leader Li, tell me, what is the most suitable place?"

Li Mobai looked at the map and shook his head, "When we chose this place as our base, it wasn't an excellent place. As for the defense, there are certain difficulties. If possible, we will move the brigade headquarters!"

"Haha!" Shen Wanxi laughed, "Moving away? It's easy to say!"

Li Mobai stopped talking, and he really couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Li Jiguang said, "Let's discuss, don't be angry, what Li Mobai said is correct, and what Shen Wanxi said is also reasonable! But, who has any suggestions?"

When he asked this question, he looked at Yang Fei. The two regiment leaders had expressed their opinions, and Yang Fei was the only one left.

However, Yang Fei still didn't speak, Li Jiguang could only say, "Teacher Yang, tell me!"

Yang Fei said slowly at this time, "Shen Wanxi is right, but it is indeed difficult to do it, and Li Mobai is also right, but if we move away, we will hurt our muscles and bones, and we are afraid that the loss outweighs the gain. We already have a base here We have established a certain mass base!"

"Well, tell me, what should we do?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, when we fight, we can't blindly defend. Shen Wanxi's strategy is correct, but blindly defending is to indulge the devils. I think we can fully advance in the Yangcheng area, and we can be the frontier in Licheng! As for Qinshui Mountain Forest, I think we can go to Lu Village!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Shen Wanxi was surprised.

"Yang Fei, are you crazy? Think about it, how many people do you have in Licheng and Lucun?" Shen Wanxi shook his head, "No, you can't take risks!"

Yang Fei smiled at this time, "Commander Shen, you also know that this is a risk. The so-called war means to effectively attack the devils when the interests are maximized. You set up the defense in Yangcheng, which seems to be foolproof. However, the terrain there is relatively high, and the devil's artillery can blow you up with a few shots. In the ambush in the Qinshui Mountain Forest, do you think the devil is stupid and wants to wait for you to fight?" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said, "This Things, I think, we can do it from two aspects, and if we do it, we can do it without any mistakes!"

Shen Wanxi was taught a lesson by Yang Fei, and then looked at him, "Okay, then tell me, I'd like to hear what you can do!"

Yang Fei stood up and pointed to the map, "I think you all know how many devils there are. It is definitely not a wise choice to fight separately. What we have to do is to seriously injure the enemy. Well said, it is better to cut off his ten fingers than to cut them off." One finger!"

Then, Yang Fei said, "In the south of Yangcheng, there is a hillside. If I remember correctly, it should be called Delingpo, and to the west is Qimapo. The two places are like a sharp shovel. It can keep all the devils out!"

"Yang Fei, there are two slopes where the wind and snow are even stronger. How do you live there?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Listen to me, my regiment can completely defend the brigade headquarters, and you two regiments can go wherever you want!" Yang Fei said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" Shen Wanxi sneered, "Hehe, Yang Fei, do you really think you are the God of War? Tell you, it is absolutely impossible to garrison troops in Qimapo and Delingpo!"

"It's up to you whether you can garrison troops or not. If I say you can garrison troops, then you will definitely be able to garrison troops. Commander Shen, how about we make a bet? You can attract some devils to come over, and I can completely wipe them out for you!" Yang Yang Fei has this confidence.

Shen Wanxi stopped talking. When Yang Fei spoke, he had a feeling of confidence, and he was not able to refute at all.

"Okay! Don't talk about those useless things, just do it!" Shen Wanxi said.

After listening to Yang Fei, Li Jiguang didn't say how to garrison troops, but he had no doubts about Yang Fei.

"Commander Yang, since you said that you can defend as a regiment, then I will let you guard, how about it?" Li Jiguang asked.

Shen Wanxi hurriedly said, "Brigade Commander, you can't take risks, Yang Fei is just joking, how could he hold it? Although the two slopes are said to be high, they are not enough to withstand the devil's attack. According to me Look, we should set up ambushes at Yangcheng Pass and Qinshui Mountain Forest, so that we can be safe!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "Head Shen, since you are so confident, well, you can go and guard it, but I advise you, don't cry people come to me when the time comes!"

Yang Fei's words sounded like curse words, Shen Wanxi looked at Yang Fei angrily.

Whoever can occupy a dominant position in this matter can have a chance of making meritorious service. Yang Fei doesn't care. If he can't guard the brigade headquarters, then he has other things to do, for example, to rob the devil's stronghold, or Being able to get some supplies, guns and ammunition is such a good thing, he likes to do it!

Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei, "Commissar, can we discuss it?"

Wang Wei nodded and looked at Yang Fei, "Head Yang, can you tell me about your specific plan?"

"Okay!" Yang Fei said, "I don't care if I'm going to defend this matter, but it's good for everyone if I say it!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said, "You all know that the importance of Delingpo and Qimapo outside the village to the village is self-evident. Can we do something on the two slopes to make the village It is more secure, this is what we have to do. My initial idea is to establish a complete defense system on the hillside. strike!"

"Just kidding!" Shen Wanxi was a little dismissive.

But Yang Fei was always influenced by him.

"The two hillsides can form a whole and cooperate with each other. The method is very simple, just dig a tunnel!" Yang Fei said.

"It's simple to think about. It's freezing cold, how do you dig? En?" Shen Wanxi said repellingly.

"Head Shen, listen to Yang Fei first!" Li Jiguang was also a little angry.

"Digging a tunnel, do you think it's digging soil? The snow in Beihai is very heavy. With such a heavy snowfall, the deepest snow should be one meter thick, and the deeper snow may be 1.5 meters. The snow is so deep , is God’s greatest gift to us. Tunnels are dug from the north of the hillside along the mountain to the south of the mountain, and then lookouts are used to effectively observe the enemy. The benefits of doing this are naturally shelter from the wind and cold, and can quickly Identify the movement of the enemy! In addition, this way, the maneuverability is also very good, and the weather is cold now, digging a tunnel, the snow will not collapse!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, everyone realized that when he came from Yanling, Yang Fei had already had someone dig a tunnel, it wasn't his tunnel, I'm afraid they will have to work hard when they come here!
After hearing the news, Li Jiguang felt that it was completely feasible, so he said, "Yang Fei, can you supervise it yourself?"

"I can supervise, but I don't want to stay there!" Yang Fei said.

Li Mobai said at this time, "If Yang Fei is willing, let our regiment guard there! Our regiment can work together with Yang Fei's regiment to dig this tunnel!"

"Okay, I think it will work!" Yang Fei said directly.

"Okay, since this is the case, we have to implement it quickly. Fighting devils is important, but our defense is also very important. But, besides that, Yang Fei, what are you going to do?" Li Jiguang understood that Yang Fei must still hide with something.

However, Yang Fei didn't hide anything anymore. He said directly, "Brigade Commander, so many people open their mouths to eat, so there must be something to eat. I'll find something for everyone!"

"Okay! But, what do you need? Ask the organization!" Li Jiguang said.

"As long as the organization brings me some guns," Yang Fei was not polite!

"Okay!" Li Jiguang agreed on the spot.

After the meeting, Hu Dahai said to Shen Wanxi, "I think what Yang Fei said makes sense!"

"Makes sense? I want to see if Yang Fei's tunnel can be built well. Isn't it whimsical to want to dig a tunnel with a depth of one meter?" Shen Wanxi muttered and left.

At noon that day, the forces of the two regiments were concentrated in front of the two hills, separated by a narrow road, which was the road leading to the outside world.

Li Mobai discussed it carefully with Yang Fei, and then started digging. The snow was easy to dig, and everyone was very enthusiastic about digging. After digging a passage, Yang Fei went in and instructed them how to do it!

It's actually simple, Li Mobai understood what Yang Fei meant, and then started digging.

It was probably in the afternoon that a long section of road had been dug in Qimapo.

In order to facilitate everyone to rest, there is also a lounge in the passage that can accommodate three to four people.

The general headquarters is on the north side of the hillside and made a snow house.

Seeing that Li Mobai's people were so active, Yang Fei asked Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie to stay, and he left with twenty people.

Because, he still has very important things to do, and this thing is to solve the problem of everyone's rations.

In fact, when he came here, Yang Fei had already discovered several places, and these places were enough for Yang Fei to remember. The first place was a village occupied by devils. Yang Fei wanted to take it away when he came here, but, At that time, everyone was exhausted and didn't have the physical strength at all, so they gave up. The second place was a security team of the devils.

While it was still early, they wanted to go to the village occupied by the devils to see how good the devils' living conditions were!

When they were about to reach the village, it was already dark.

When they approached the village, they found a bonfire lit in the middle of the village. The three devils kept dancing around the bonfire, humming songs they didn't understand.

Deng Qi looked at the situation, and then asked, "There are only three devils. It seems that these three devils will not die today!"

"It's still with hands. I will go out myself, and I will definitely be able to catch it with my hands!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Don't worry, let's see what that devil is doing?" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, promise me that these three devils will be handed over to me. I want to see if these devils are resistant to beating!" Wang Zhifei said with a smile.

"It's okay to kill two, but you have to keep one alive. From that alive, you have to inquire about something!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, what do you want to know about this devil?" Wang Zhifei asked puzzled.

"What if it's useful?" Yang Fei smiled.

"Okay!" Wang Zhifei was eager to try.

Han Qing stopped him, "I also like this devil, leave it to me!"

"No, I told my brother!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, let's see, whoever gets to the devil first between the two of us will kill the two devils first!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing disappeared as soon as he turned around. Knowing when he arrived in front of the devils, Deng Qi found that the two devils had fallen to the ground before his friends had time to recover!
"Is... still a human?" Deng Qi shook his head in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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