Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 259 1 Knife 2 Half

Chapter 259
At this moment, in the cab of the truck, Major Zuo Kigento, who had just climbed out, was completely confused when he saw the situation in front of him, and great fear began to rise in his heart.

His soldiers have been completely wiped out by the Chinese army, so one can imagine what will happen to him.

He knew very well in his heart how much the Chinese hated their little devils.


Seeing this, Major Devil crawled out of the cab, Lei Zhan snorted coldly, turned his head and glanced at the seventy or eighty little devils who had been completely shrouded in fear, and gave the order to kill.

"Kill it!"


Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers surrounding him pulled the bolt of the gun and pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.


"Da da da da..."


After a burst of rapid gunshots, a thick bloody aura wafted in all directions.

On the ground, blood like flowing water began to flow on the ground.

At this time, the little devils surrounded by the soldiers of the special warfare battalion had all died.

Their bodies were full of bullet holes, and some even had their heads exploded.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the tragic death of tens of thousands of compatriots immediately appeared in Lei Zhan's mind.

Especially in the Nanjing Massacre, under the gunpoint of the little devil, tens of thousands of compatriots fell in pieces like harvesting wheat.

The blood flowing out was like a river.

Even the water source in Nanjing was tainted with blood at that time.


Shao Zuo Muxunto, who was already terrified in his heart, saw the scene of the imperial warrior being shot and killed in front of him.

He couldn't hold back the fear in his heart anymore, and started to scream.

He didn't expect that this time going out of the city would be the last time he went out of the city, and his life would end here.


Seeing the frightened and screaming Devil Major, Lei Zhan snorted coldly, took a big knife in the hands of one of the soldiers, and walked towards the Devil Major.


No one would have thought that this devil, Shao Zuo, would be so unbearable after seeing Lei Zhan walking towards him with a big knife in his hand.

The devil, Shao Zuo, turned his head and ran away.

At this moment, Shao Zuo Mu Xunhuye had only one thought in his mind, that is to live, to escape, to live.

As for face, go to hell.

He ran forward vigorously.

But, will Lei Zhan agree? Can a weak lamb outrun the tiger?

In the blink of an eye, Lei Zhan caught up with Shao Zuo Mu Xunhuye who was running away.

"Those who offend China will die!"

Lei Zhan let out a loud roar, and immediately jumped up high. The big knife in his hand slashed down on the stunned Mu Xunhuye Shaozuo in front of him.


In an instant, Shao Zuo Mu Xunhuye was slashed in half by Lei Zhan in fear.


At this moment, blood splattered everywhere, Mu Xunhuye's internal organs, and everything in his stomach, mixed with blood, splashed all over the ground.

And the two halves of the body that were split apart were extremely shocking. The bloody pieces of meat looked like livestock that had just been slaughtered without bloodletting.

"My compatriots, don't worry, as long as Lei Zhan lives, I will kill all the little devils, and, I promise, I will kill all the little devils in the Chinese battlefield.

My troops will absolutely not accept the surrender of these beasts. When they see the little devils, they will kill them, kill them!

eye for eye! "

Lei Zhan was bathed in fresh blood, holding up the bloody sword, his voice was extremely loud, and his fighting spirit soared to the sky.




"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"


At this moment, Lei Zhan's words, as well as Lei Zhan's tall figure, directly ignited the blood and fighting spirit in the soldiers' hearts.

Their voices with strong fighting intent reached into the sky.

At this time, the soldiers standing in the sea of ​​corpses and blood seemed like Gods of War who had returned from hell.

If there is a little devil here now, he will be scared to the point of shit.

From the first day of the establishment of the Wolf Warriors, all the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors have only one belief in their hearts, and that is:
Devils on the battlefield, be punished!

Devils with bloody hands must be killed!

For this belief, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of all the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, and it will never change.

Looking at the soldiers who were so imposing and full of fighting spirit, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

He came from later generations, watching history, he understands the wildness of little devils.

Especially the right wing of the little devils, they have never stopped, they have been plotting underground.

It is Lei Zhan's belief to kill the little devils in the Chinese battlefield.

In his previous life, Lei Zhan learned that the mastermind of the Nanjing Massacre was not Iwane Matsui, but the uncle of Emperor Kishi, King Hatohiko Asakamiya.

King Hatohiko Asakamiya, this damned old devil, after succeeding Iwane Matsui as the commander of the SH dispatched army, during the Battle of Nanjing, he directly issued a "cruel order to kill all captives!"

It was because of this order that the tragic Nanjing Massacre was brought about, resulting in the tragic death of 30 soldiers and civilians in Nanjing, China!

And this naughty old devil was promoted to general of the army because of this incident.

Because he is a royal family, he finally escaped the trial of war.

Regarding this matter, Lei Zhan in his previous life was extremely angry.

The mastermind is not dead, and has spent his whole life in RB. What's even more damning is that this old devil has lived to be more than 90 years old.

Since Lei Zhan came to this period of the Anti-Japanese War, Lei Zhan silently swore in his heart that in this life, he would never let any little devil go.

For all the participants in the Nanjing Massacre, Lei Zhan must kill them all on the land of China. Only in this way can the tens of thousands of compatriots who died in China rest in peace!
Lei Zhan will do his best to kill all the little devils who invaded China, and put them all on the battlefield in China.

The captivity and surrender of the little devil will never be accepted.

For the little devils in the Chinese battlefield, there is only lore to the end, leaving no one behind!

Suddenly, Yang Fei broke the silence. He came to Lei Zhan's side and began to report.

"Regimental Commander, in my car, there is a captured Devil Major. This guy seems to know something. All along the way, he has been clamoring to see you."

Yang Fei came to Lei Zhan's side and directly reported Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang's situation and requirements to Lei Zhan.

"Well, bring him here, I want to see what he does when he sees me?"

After Lei Zhan heard about it, he frowned and ordered Yang Fei.

"Bring it up!"

Afterwards, Yang Fei waved his hand at the special forces team members.

The two special forces members who received the order immediately ran towards the truck.

At this time, the cold-faced Yang Hu also came to Lei Zhan's side, his face was still the same, still expressionless.

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(End of this chapter)

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