Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 260 News from the Bacteria Research Institute

Chapter 260 News from the Bacteria Research Institute

At this time, the eyes of all the soldiers on the battlefield were all focused on the two soldiers heading to the truck.

At the same time, the more than 400 soldiers, under the leadership of their respective captains, left the bloody place.

All of a sudden, the bloody scene on the ground was completely exposed.

Don't look at the bloody scene, I believe that as long as you are Chinese and know that the corpses here are all little devils, then no matter how bloody it is, the Chinese people will definitely applaud.

Their hearts will definitely be full of pleasure, after all, in the hearts of the common people, the little devil is a beast devil, killing such a beast, the hearts of the common people are absolutely extremely happy.

"hurry up!"

At this time, the urging voice from the truck immediately attracted the attention of all the soldiers.

On the truck, under the escort of two soldiers, a dirty and embarrassed officer was taken off the truck by two soldiers.


As expected by the soldiers, the devil Major, after getting off the truck, saw the bloody scene in front of him, and immediately urinated.

At this time, Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang was completely horrified in his heart, he never thought that there would be such a tragic scene in front of him.

Moreover, the people who fell in a pool of blood on the ground turned out to be all warriors of their empire.

They all died here, all at the hands of Chinese soldiers.

Moreover, the scene in front of him reminded him of the Nanjing Massacre, how ironic the scene in front of him was.

Back then, his squadron killed a large number of Chinese soldiers and civilians in Nanjing, but now, things seem to have a causal cycle, and their imperial warriors have died here tragically.

He remembered the ancient Chinese proverb: karma recurs, retribution is not good!
At this moment, Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang was already trembling, his legs were weak, and he no longer listened to his command.

If it wasn't for the soldiers on both sides supporting him, Hu Jisanlang would have collapsed to the ground at this time.

Next, the two warriors brought Hu Jisanlang to Lei Zhan.

For a moment, all the soldiers' eyes with murderous intent focused on Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang.

The cold-faced Yang Hu and Yang Fei also looked at the little devil officer in front of them with scrutiny.

"This is our head, if you have anything to say, just say it, hum!"

Yang Fei showed Lei Zhan's identity with a look of disdain to talk to the little devil.

And some of the soldiers next to them raised their guns and pointed their guns at Hu Jisanlang.


Hu Jisanlang let out a cry of fear at first, and then looked at Lei Zhan with fearful eyes.

The moment he saw Lei Zhan, Hu Jisanlang's fearful eyes suddenly burst into hope.

"Forgive me, I'll trade intelligence for my life, please, please!"

While talking, Hu Jisanlang struggled to free the arms of the two soldiers, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

While telling his own conditions, he began to beg for mercy. He wanted to live, but he didn't want to die.

Seeing the little devil in front of him begging for mercy, smiles appeared on the faces of all the soldiers, and at the same time, their hearts were also very happy.

The little devil knelt down and begged for mercy, which made people feel very happy.


Hearing Hu Jisanlang's words, Lei Zhan, Yang Fei and Yang Hu looked at each other.

Yang Fei and Yang Hu didn't feel that the information about a devil, a major officer, was very important.

However, Lei Zhan was different. He knew that some devil officers, even low-level officers, knew some very confidential information.

"That depends on whether your information is important or not?"

Lei Zhan looked at the little devil Major in front of him, and gave a reply.

At the same time, Lei Zhan brought the big knife still dripping with blood in front of him, and stared at the blood-stained and dry big knife in his hand.

"My information is absolutely important, don't worry!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Hu Jisaburo seemed to have grasped at straws, and immediately made a promise.

"Okay, as long as your information is accurate, I promise to spare you!"

Lei Zhan nodded, and at the same time blew on the big knife, agreeing to Hu Jisanlang.


Hearing that Lei Zhan agreed to let the little devil go, Yang Fei immediately lost his composure and wanted to stop Lei Zhan.

However, after Lei Zhan glared at him, Yang Fei didn't dare to say anything.

Yang Hu next to him didn't have any complaints. He fell into deep thought when he heard Lei Zhan's words.

The soldiers at the side raised their guns secretly. They decided to shoot the little devil the moment he let go. After all, the regiment leader agreed, but they didn't.

For little devils, they will not keep their promises, because little devils are animals, animals that have lost their conscience, animals.

Hearing that Lei Zhan agreed to let him go, Hu Jisanlang laughed immediately, and the fear in his eyes also dissipated a lot.

"In the Anlong area, there is an Imperial Institute of Bacteria, and in this institute, a large number of Chinese are needed for in vivo experiments.

Moreover, in my defense area, there are still a large number of Chinese waiting to be sent to Gaoping.

I don't know this information, can it change my life? "

After telling the information, Hu Jisanlang immediately looked at Lei Zhan expectantly. He himself felt that his information could definitely save his life.

As expected by Hu Jisanlang, after hearing the information, the head of the Chinese delegation immediately changed his face, and his face became extremely serious.

Not only Lei Zhan, but all the soldiers present, after hearing this information, their hearts sank and their faces became serious at the same time.

There was the matter of the research institute destroying a county before, now after Lei Zhan and others heard the news, their hearts sank suddenly.

Especially Lei Zhan, he knows very well about the study of living bacteria. This kind of research is horrific, even worse than the massacre.

"Tell me your defense zone and the specific location of the research institute, and you can leave."

Looking at the hopeful little devil in front of him, Lei Zhan immediately said the words Hu Jisanlang most wanted to hear.


The rest of the soldiers all looked at the little devil in front of them with murderous looks, and snorted coldly at the same time.

In vivo experiments, this is what their compatriots are regarded as.

The little devil in front of you, damn it!
"The research institute is within the county seat of An L, and my defense area is in Gaoping Wuyuan."

After saying these words, Hu Jisaburo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lei Zhan, who was in deep thought, and the rest of the soldiers who did not move.

He can survive now, and he wants to go back, sneak back to RB and never come again. In his heart, China at this time has become a restricted area that cannot be entered.

Then, after Hu Jisanlang stood up, he turned and walked to the side, he was about to leave.

At this time, Lei Zhan had already fallen into deep thought when he heard Hu Jisanlang's words.

But Yang Fei and the soldiers pointed their guns at Hu Jisanlang!

(End of this chapter)

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