Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 261 Chapter City

Chapter 261
Hearing the information from Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang, Lei Zhan was indeed lost in thought.

However, this contemplation was just a moment of stupefaction, and Lei Zhan came back to his senses.

At this time, Yang Fei and several special forces members had already pointed their guns at Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang who was about to move forward.

"Haha, stupid China!"

Hu Jisanlang thought in his heart, in his heart, he really looked down on these Chinese people, and he didn't expect that his life was actually saved by his humiliation just now.

Most of all, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Turning around, Hu Jisanlang, who took two steps forward, now had a smile on his face.


Suddenly, the light of the knife flashed, and Hu Jisanlang's head, which was full of smiles, suddenly fell off.

And behind him, it was Lei Zhan who slashed with a knife, and Lei Zhan's face at this time was extremely serious.

Hu Jisanlang's dropped head and face still maintained a smile at this moment.


The moment Shao Zuo Hu Jisanlang's head fell, there was a puff, and a column of blood more than one meter high shot out directly from his headless corpse.

The blood was like a column, this scene was very shocking.


The headless corpse spraying blood spurted two steps forward before falling to the ground.

Because of the shock of falling to the ground, Hu Jisanlang's headless corpse sprayed out again.

Blood spattered, staining the ground red.


At the same time, the head of the smiling Hu Jisanlang also fell to the ground.

Yang Fei and the special forces members saw that Hu Jisanlang's eyes were full of longing for life.

At the moment of death, Hu Jisanlang's brain nerves had not yet been transmitted to his face.

Therefore, Hu Jisanlang still kept a smile on his face.

Yang Hu with a cold face, saw Lei Zhan chop off the head of Hu Jisanlang, the little devil, and nodded with a look of understanding on his face.

He understood that it was impossible for Lei Zhan to let this little devil go.

At this time, all the team members had even stronger admiration for Lei Zhan in their hearts.

"I let you go, how can I be sorry, tens of thousands of compatriots who died tragically in the Nanjing Massacre, don't forget, you are the Eagle Forest United!"

Lei Zhan's face was extremely serious, and his tone was full of killing intent.

Colonel Takashi Takamori's Takamori United Squad was the devil's unit that really participated in the Nanjing Massacre.

As for the people in this army, how could Lei Zhan let any one go!
"it is good!"

"The commander is mighty!"

"The devil should be killed!"


At this moment, all the team members reacted and began to cheer loudly.

Lei Zhan's knife really hit their hearts.

Happy, happy people!
At this time, Yang Fei, who was on the side, had guilt in his eyes. He shouldn't doubt Lei Zhan.

"Yang Fei, you take your team members to clean up the battlefield, dispose of all the corpses of the little devils, and bring back all the scrapped trucks on the battlefield. We will definitely use these things in the future."

Looking at Yang Fei with guilt in his eyes, Lei Zhan smiled slightly and gave the order directly.

For Yang Fei, Lei Zhan knew very well, he was just too young now.


Hearing Lei Zhan's order and seeing the smile on Lei Zhan's face, Yang Fei shouted, and at the same time, his face was immediately filled with determination.

Afterwards, Yang Fei set off with his soldiers to Yingzuikou to clean up the battlefield.

For those abandoned trucks, Lei Zhan will be of great use in the future.

"Yang Hu, lead the team back to the city!"

After Lei Zhan gave the order, he turned and walked towards the first truck.

Then, led by Yang Hu, the team gathered quickly.

Five minutes later, Lei Zhan's convoy headed towards the county seat.

After Lei Zhan's convoy left, the place immediately became quiet.

Only the corpses were left on the ground, bloody everywhere, and the dark red blood stained a lot of ground.

These little devils, just like this, were sacrificed by Lei Zhan to the tens of thousands of compatriots who died tragically in the war.

In this battle, except for the little devils who were wiped out when they pulled out their strongholds, the devils came from the county to help three squadrons, and more than [-] devils were also wiped out here.

Blood debt must be paid with blood!

On the first leading truck, Lei Zhan looked at the map in front of him and fell into deep thought.

The special forces members in the car all remained silent when they saw the pensive Lei Zhan.

Yang Hu with a cold face was sitting aside, looking at the pensive Lei Zhan, he knew in his heart what Lei Zhan was thinking, it was nothing more than a problem with the Institute of Bacteria.

Lei Zhan was not the only one worried about in vivo experiments, he and his team members were also worried.

Because of the living body experiment, the result is really too cruel and inhumane.

Two and 10 minutes later, the truck stopped outside the county seat.


Lei Zhan led the team to the gate of the county seat, and the guards at the gate immediately saluted Lei Zhan.

These guards looked at Lei Zhan and the special forces team members with envious expressions.


After Lei Zhan smiled and saluted, he led the team into the county town.

The people along the way saw the Eighth Route Army soldiers returning in triumph, all of them were filled with smiles on their faces.

The victorious return of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army means that they have killed a large number of devils again.

This is an exciting thing.

After more than ten minutes, Lei Zhan returned to the headquarters.

Yang Hu led the soldiers, and after a brief rest and adjustment, he had other tasks. After all, the affairs in the county still needed them.

At this time, Su Yunuan in the county had returned to the recruiting office. She was a little happy in her heart, but after seeing the soldiers returning in triumph, her heart was suddenly filled with uneasiness.

The Chinese troops returned safely, what about their big RB Empire warriors?
Thinking of this, Su Yunuan immediately got up and walked towards the soldiers. She planned to ask, otherwise, her heart would not be at peace.

After all, she was the one who passed on the information this time.

Holding the teacup, Su Yunuan came to a helping soldier and handed over the teacup in his hand.

"Thank you for your hard work, this time we must win again!"

Su Yunuan started a routine.

"Thank you!"

The soldier took the teacup Su Yunuan handed over, drank it all in one gulp, and then handed the cup to Su Yunuan. The soldier's face flushed for a while, and he was a little embarrassed.

After all, it was a female soldier who handed her water, our soldier was a little shy.

However, afterward, the soldier's face was filled with pride, and he looked at Su Yunuan firmly, and said:

"This time we won a big victory, destroying a large number of little devils' strongholds, and on the way back, we wiped out the three squadrons that the devils came to support, a big victory!"


Hearing what the soldier said, an extremely ugly smile appeared on Su Yunuan's face.

Her heart is aching and bleeding!

(End of this chapter)

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