Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 262 Zhang Jibing's Anger

Chapter 262 Zhang Jibing's Anger
Su Yunuan, who heard the news, was really like five thunderbolts.

She felt as if a heavy stone had hit his heart fiercely.

"Thank you, I'll go to work first."

The soldier looked at Su Yunuan who was in a daze before him, smiled slightly, and started to work on other things.

He believed that Su Yunuan should have been shocked by this huge victory.

After all, Su Yunuan is a new soldier who just joined the Eighth Route Army.


Su Yunuan hummed, turned and walked towards her seat.

She is very confused now, she did not expect that things would turn out like this, and she did not expect that after killing an Eighth Route Warrior, it would cause such serious consequences.

How much did they lose to the warriors of the RB Empire after killing an Eighth Route Warrior?

A large number of strongholds were destroyed, and the three squadrons that went to support were all wiped out. The price was too great.

The current Gaoping war zone is almost unbearable.

In Su Yunuan's heart at this time, she felt extremely remorse for causing losses to the empire because of herself.

At the same time, she felt that she had failed her father's expectations and his cultivation of him.

If this matter gets out, presumably, his father's face as a general of the empire will be lost as well.

The more she thought about it, the more confused Su Yunuan became.



After Lei Zhan returned to the headquarters, he found that the political commissar Zhang Jibing was waiting for him here.

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Zhang Jibing saw Lei Zhan entering the office, he burst out laughing happily.

"How is it? You have won a complete victory! How many enemies have been wiped out!"

Zhang Jibing came to Lei Zhan, gave Lei Zhan a big bear hug, and asked excitedly.

"Well, the total number of Japanese and puppets wiped out is almost [-]. The most important thing is that on the way back, the plan was successful and the strength of the three squadrons of devils was wiped out again."

Lei Zhan looked at the smiling Zhang Jibing, and immediately told Zhang Jibing the battle report.

"Haha! Okay, happy, he. Damn, that's what he should do, kill these beasts, let them understand that we Chinese are not easy to mess with, let alone let them be slaughtered. "

Zhang Jibing was smiling all over his face, and said loudly and excitedly.

Hearing this battle report, he felt extremely excited. This battle was already considered a great victory.

"In a while, I will report this great victory to the two bosses, so that the bosses will be happy too!"

Zhang Jibing continued to smile, such a battle report must be reported, and the boss will be very happy when he hears it.

In this way, the soldiers on the front line can be better motivated. The little devils are also made of flesh and blood. As long as they fight the enemy bravely, they can all be killed.

"Well, by the way, I also got an important piece of information this time, and this piece of information is related to the entire war situation in North China.

Seriously speaking, it may affect the entire Chinese anti-Japanese battlefield!
So, you have to report this matter to the boss. "

With a serious face, Lei Zhan said what he had obtained important information this time.

After all, this matter is too involved, Lei Zhan must tell Zhang Jibing about this matter, and ask Zhang Jibing to report this matter to the two bosses, so that the two bosses can also give their opinions.

"Whatever makes you feel so troublesome!"

Seeing Lei Zhan's face became extremely serious, Zhang Jibing asked.

After all, he has been in contact with Lei Zhan for so long, and he has never met Lei Zhan before, so he takes one thing to heart.

"Bacterial weapons!"

In response to Zhang Jibing's question, Lei Zhan said these four words with a serious face.


After hearing these four words, Zhang Jibing, who had already sat down, immediately stood up, and his tone also increased several decibels.

Bacterial weapons, upon hearing these four words, cold sweat broke out on Zhang Jibing's back instantly.

He understood in his heart what the meaning behind these four words was, it was utterly tragic, and the lives were devastated!
Under the release of bacterial weapons, the lives of the common people are really worthless.

Just like last time, when they went to support the brother army, the people in the entire county died because of a problem with a small bacteria research institute.

This bacteriological weapon is a killer against the sky, and it seriously threatens the lives of Chinese soldiers and civilians.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jibing began to walk back and forth in the room, and the word "bacterial weapon" kept echoing in his mind.

"The research institute is located in the Anlong area, and, in this research institute, a large number of 'living test items' are needed.

And the devils in the Gaoping area are arresting our people and sending them to the Anlong Bacteria Research Institute as living test subjects! "

Lei Zhan looked at Zhang Jibing who was walking back and forth with hatred on his face, and said a blockbuster again.

"What! This group of dogs, mothers, bastards, do they have any humanity, you little devil of the dog day, I, grass, your eighteen generations of ancestors!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words again, especially the words 'living experimental product', Zhang Jibing completely exploded.

He slapped the table loudly while yelling at the little devil.

'Living test product', how many innocent Chinese people will die under cruel torture!

Little devils, they no longer have any humanity. They have completely wiped out their two consciences, and they have completely become a group of animals.

"No, this matter must be reported to the two bosses immediately, and the two bosses must make up their minds. After all, this matter is too involved."

After Zhang Jibing finished speaking, he ran towards the confidential room without looking back.

Zhang Jibing was worried, and Lei Zhan was even more worried.

One is worrying about the things in the county, which has not been fully understood.

The other is that if the Bacteriological Research Institute in the Anlong area is not destroyed in time, a large number of people will be brutally tortured to death during the experiment.


Thinking of this, Lei Zhan snorted coldly, and made a decision in his heart. At this time, it's time to cut the mess quickly.


Gaoping Devil Command.

At this time, Colonel Takamori Takamori, who was in the headquarters, was in a very good mood.

Because I just got a report from my subordinates, a large number of Chinese people have been captured and are about to be sent to the Anlong Institute of Bacteria.

Hearing this news, Colonel Takamori Takako, who was originally very depressed in his anger, suddenly became happy.

With a large number of living test products, the research on the TZ-002 bacterial bomb will definitely be accelerated. By then, it will be time for their big RB empire to rule the roost.

The more he thought about it, the happier Colonel Takamori became, especially the anti-Japanese elements in Lingchuan. As long as the research on the bacterial bomb was completed, his first step was to throw the bacterial bomb into Lingchuan.

He wanted to kill all the anti-Japanese elements in Lingchuan, as well as the Chinese people.

Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be relieved!
"Jingle Bell……"

Just then, the phone on the table rang.

Colonel Takamori smiled slightly. He believed that it must be the imperial warriors who went to support Shuijiang. At this time, the eight routes that came to attack had already been wiped out, so I asked him for credit.

(End of this chapter)

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