Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 263 Commands

Chapter 263 Commands
Colonel Takamori Takamori of Gaoping Headquarters came to the table with a smile on his face, and picked up the phone on the table.

"Moses Moses!"

Because he was happy in his heart, Colonel Takamori's tone was very kind.

"Your Majesty, it's broken!"

Colonel Takashi Takamori did not expect that the first sentence on the other side of the phone directly shocked him deafeningly.

Because the other side was shouting too loudly, Colonel Takamori frowned, and took the phone away from his ear.

"It's broken, what's broken?"

Doubts arose in Takamori Takao's heart, he was a little dumbfounded now, he didn't understand what it meant when he said it was broken on the other side of the phone.


Colonel Takamori put the phone to his ear again, and started to ask.

"Your Excellency, it's over, go and attack the three squadrons of the Chinese army, it's all over, the whole army is wiped out!"

The voice that came over the phone again, like thunder from the sky, directly hit the depths of Takamori Takashi's soul.

Upon hearing the news, Colonel Takamori Takashi froze on the spot with a dazed expression and didn't say a word.

"Your Excellency, are you listening? In this battle, our Shuijiang suffered heavy losses, and a large number of strongholds in the Shuijiang area were destroyed.

And all the imperial warriors stationed in our stronghold are broken.

Including the three squadrons we lost, Your Excellency, our Yingsen United lost a total of nearly two brigades and more than 2000 troops this time.

Your Excellency, our Takamori United, this time is over! "

On the opposite side, the left-behind commander in the county town of Shuijiang reported all the incidents like a cannonball.


At this time, Colonel Takamori Takashi, who heard the news, blushed and kept humming.

He was hit, and his mood, which had recovered just now, was completely broken.

A large haze enveloped him completely again.


"Bagaya Road!"

Takashi Takamori roared wildly angrily, and without waiting for Commander Shuijiang on the opposite side to finish speaking, he threw the phone in his hand.


The phone that fell on the wall suddenly became shattered.


Colonel Takashi Takamori blushed and yelled frantically.

This time it was a big blow to him. When his Yingsen United team first came to station in Gaoping area.

But a full regiment with more than 4000 imperial warriors, this is still not the Gaoping area, where the imperial army was stationed before.

But now, tens of thousands of imperial warriors, how many are left now.

Takamori Xiaohen, he can't wait to drink Lei Zhan's blood and eat Lei Zhan's flesh now.

They were all Lei Zhan, and they were all Wolf Warriors. If it wasn't for Lei Zhan's Wolf Warriors, their Yingsen United would never have suffered such a big loss.


After receiving such a blow, Colonel Takamori Takashi's face was a little dull, and he sat down on the ground.

At this time, he was extremely embarrassed, and, in his heart, he was already tired.

He thought about it, when they first entered the China-China battlefield, at that time, they, the imperial army, were devastated wherever they went.

As for the Chinese Chinese army, they had no choice but to flee or be wiped out.

Until the Nanjing Massacre, their Yingsen United team had unlimited glory and achieved the highest glory.

Even His Majesty's personal coronation glory.

However, all of this, as they came to Gaoping to be stationed, as the troops entered Lingchuan.

All of this has changed. The imperial warriors retreated steadily on the Lingchuan battlefield, and even the imperial warriors lost a lot of jade.

Thinking of this, Colonel Takamori felt extremely uncomfortable. He thought of the plan of the generals at that time, the bold words of taking China in three months and bringing China into the territory.

But, thinking about it now, what the generals said was just a joke.

China, the sleeping dragon, has begun to wake up slowly.

And now, the small RB who is like a projectile has slowly become a joke.


Thinking of this, Grand Master Takamori lay down on the icy floor of the office and started laughing wildly at himself.

Now, he seems to have predicted the final fate of their big RB empire, the final ending.

"Your Majesty!"


At this time, the staff officers and personal guards who heard Takamori Takako Takamori screaming and laughing crazily ran into the office.

When they saw Takamori Takaya who was lying on the ground laughing wildly, they ran over worriedly.


"Oh shit!"

"These little sons of bitches."


At this time, the North China Theater was full of shouts and curses.

There was a huge murderous intent in their tone.

These superior leaders received the news reported by Zhang Jibing.

I saw two big bloody characters on the telegram, "Bacteria Research Institute" and "Live Test Products".

In their hearts, they understood more clearly what the two big characters contained.

This is naked, naked, tragic and devoid of conscience.

Using the fresh lives of their compatriots as test subjects for little devils is even more tragic than the Nanjing Massacre.

The Nanjing Massacre killed 30 Canadian compatriots.

However, once the germ bomb research is successful, the number of dead Chinese soldiers and civilians will not be as simple as 30.

Very likely, it will be 300 million, 3000 million!

What's more, germ bombs, this is a thing that kills children and grandchildren.

This is something even more terrifying than plague and cholera. If it is serious, it can even exterminate the human race. For thousands of miles, not a single blade of grass will grow.

Soon, the staff officer issued the telegram to the telegram soldier.


Similarly, Zhang Jibing, who was in the headquarters of LC County, received a telegram in the confidential room.

Seeing the content on the telegram, Zhang Jibing quickly ran towards the headquarters, Lei Zhan's office.

(End of this chapter)

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