Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2590 Go, have a drink

Chapter 2590 Go, have a drink

When she said this, the old lady's eyes welled up with tears, "I don't want him to fight a war, and people will die in a war!" When she spoke, she whispered to Yang Fei, he was afraid that others would hear her and say she was selfish.

However, her son and daughter-in-law have already gone to participate in the revolution, and they may have died, and she wants to leave a queen for the family.It's not selfish, it's absolutely not selfish.

"Aunt, don't worry, our troops are here to protect everyone's safety, don't worry!" Yang Fei said.

The old lady pointed at herself, "I don't even know how long I can live, you see!" As he spoke, he pointed at Dongdong, "It's only this young, what will he do if I die?"

The old lady spoke in a very low voice, and the corners of Yang Fei's eyes became moist when she heard it.

"I know that revolutions and wars are for our safety and for us to live a good life. However, after fighting for so many years, when will it end? Can I still see it?" the old man said. The wife is holding Dongdong.

Dongdong nestled obediently in the arms of the old lady.

"The winter here is not good. It's too cold. My body is getting worse year after year. Last year I was able to dive and cook, but this year I'm not able to do what I want!" said the old lady. "I really don't want him to go to war!"

Dongdong still didn't speak, and Yang Fei couldn't say anything either.

"Aunt, don't worry, if you want, our Eighth Route Army will take good care of Dongdong!" Yang Fei said.

"That's too troublesome! I'm worried that he will cause trouble for you!" The old lady said, wiping the corners of her eyes, "I haven't talked to anyone for a long time, and it's great to find you today!"

"If you want, I'll come and talk to you as soon as I'm free, what do you think?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course that's good!" said the old lady.

Leaving Dongdong's family, Yang Fei has been in a bad mood. What happened to Dongdong's family is just a microcosm of families across the country. Thousands of families have been displaced and homeless!
This is undoubtedly sad!
Everyone wants peace and reunion, but there is no way. Before peace and reunion, there will definitely be blood and fighting.

In the afternoon, Yang Fei suddenly heard the sound of an airplane, and the whole brigade fell into panic.If the devil finds this place, he must come!

Li Jiguang was smoking a cigarette, thinking about how to break the situation. Yang Fei was right. The natural phenomenon of avalanche can solve temporary difficulties, but what if the devil comes again?What should they do?
Thinking of this, Li Jiguang has been groping, trying to find a way to break the situation.

Wang Wei came in, took off his hat, and put it on the table, "Old Li, the devils sent several planes over just now. Even if everyone hides well, the devils will definitely find out here!"

"I understand, but we have no way to retreat now!" Li Jiguang said.

"Let's discuss it with everyone!" Wang Wei asked.

"I have to discuss this matter with everyone. Three hundred people, we can't make any mistakes!" Li Jiguang said.

The meeting was very dull, and everyone had nothing to do for a while. If there were [-] people, it would be a bit difficult to deal with a large group of devils, so there is no need to talk about other things!
Shen Wanxi's silence at this time seemed to be still brooding over what happened yesterday, and Hu Dahai was even more silent.Li Mobai came to the meeting, still thinking about the progress of the tunnel outside.

Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "Yang Fei, tell me!"

"Brigade Commander, I don't have any good solution. If we fight, we can't fight, but the main problem now is that we don't have enough manpower!" Yang Fei said.

"Then let's talk about it first, how should we fight?" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"Brigade Commander, the current situation is obvious. We can defend the tunnels in Qimapo and Delingpo for a while, but once the devils gather their troops again, their route will only be east and west. To the east is the wide plain. The devils probably won't come from there, but the tiger-killing mouth in the west is the closest place the devils are to us. Once the devils come from there, we must send a large force to defend. It's okay if the defense is successful, but if it fails , we have no way to retreat!" Yang Fei said.

Li Jiguang also understood what Yang Fei said, and he also thought of the worst plan.

But, how can this not be done?If the devils come over, they will be forced to retreat, and they can only go back the same way from here. If the devils obstruct the way back, they will definitely be wiped out!
At the end of the road, they don't want to die so quickly, no matter what, they have to have a vigorous fight.

The whole venue fell into dead silence, Li Jiguang waved his hand, "Okay, everyone withdraw first, let me think about it!"

When Yang Fei was going out after the meeting, he bumped into Shen Wanxi.

Shen Wanxi blocked Yang Fei's way, "Yang Fei, let's have a chat!"

Following Shen Wanxi to a room, Shen Wanxi directly took out a catty of wine and placed a plate of peanuts.

Poured Yang Fei a glass of wine, and then Shen Wanxi asked, "Yang Fei, don't lie to me, boy, I can tell that you are the old Yang Fei. It can be said that you are exactly the same as the old Yang Fei. Even Your tone of voice against me is exactly the same."

"Head Shen, I'm afraid you really have the wrong person!" Yang Fei said.

"Fart, how can I admit the wrong person? Do you dare to take out your hand now? Daguang said that there is an obvious mole on your left arm. If you are not the former Yang Fei, then count me in." Look away!" Shen Wanxi took a sip of the wine and stared straight at Yang Fei.

"And then?" Yang Fei asked.

"That means, your kid is Yang Fei, there is no such thing as the previous Yang Fei and the current Yang Fei! Do you dare?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Dare or dare, you have no conditions and no reason to look at my arm, right? I advise you, think about how to defeat the enemy, don't keep thinking who I am not the former Yang Fei, so what if I am? No How about it?" Yang Fei took a sip from his wine glass, "Think hard about it!"

Seeing that Yang Fei was about to leave, Shen Wanxi went directly to drag her, but Yang Fei turned around and interrupted Shen Wanxi heavily, "You still don't understand what is important and what is secondary. You have been fighting for so many years. You still don't understand why you are worse than me, Shen Wanxi, you need to use your brains in war, not all your passion!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei left directly.

Shen Wanxi froze in place, sitting on the kang, he kept thinking, what did Yang Fei mean just now?
He seemed to understand, and then looked at the door, "This is shit!"

After cursing, Shen Wanxi took a sip of his wine.

Hu Dahai came in and asked, "What did you just say?"

Shen Wanxi glanced at Hu Dahai, ignored him, and continued drinking.

Hu Dahai went out bored, without looking back.

It is completely impossible to fight wars based on imagination alone. Yang Fei understands this truth, but you have to figure out what method to use. To fight devils, you must know where the devils are most vulnerable. Hit snakes to hit seven inches, shoot people Shoot the horse first.This rationale always seems sensible.

Yang Fei looked at the sand table at the headquarters. He knew the surrounding terrain and other things by heart, but he suffered from the fact that he only had [-] people. How should these [-] people fight the devils? What is the specific task?
At this time, he suddenly thought, there is a small mountain in the west, I don't know the name of that small mountain, but, according to the mountain, it is indeed the most important mountain, if they can lock it, they will become inviolable!

However, that is just a small mountain col, and the devil's artillery fire will definitely blow it up!

But what else?What else can they do?
Killing the tiger's mouth seems to be the most ideal place, Jinfeng Mountain, Jinfeng Mountain, where is there a Jinfeng?
Yang Fei wondered, no matter how he deduces, their number [-] is always not enough. If there are more than [-] people, as long as there are [-] people, he can repel the devils, and even let the devils slow down Come on!

He put down the pen, and then sighed, all the drills didn't seem real, I hope, I hope the devils only come to attack, and their two hillsides can be defended.

In the evening, Li Jiguang came to the door.

Yang Fei saw Li Jiguang and asked, "Brigade Commander, it's so late..."

"Yang Fei, I have a question to ask you for advice!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he took off his clothes and put them aside.

"Brigade Commander, tell me!" Yang Fei asked.

"I always feel that if the devils really come, are we really going to have a decisive battle?" Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"We must take the initiative to attack snakes and seven inches. Now it seems that our guerrilla warfare is not painful to the devils. Although it can solve the temporary food and clothing problems, but in the long run, we will suffer. When the devils are fully deployed, it is absolutely impossible for us to go out!" Yang Fei said.

"You are so right. I was thinking about this question when I came here. I thought, what is the main purpose of our coming here?" Li Jiguang took out the map.

Then just point on it. "We are here. Once the devils come, first of all, Qimapo and Delingpo can block the devils' attack, then the rest of the devils must either retreat or find other places to come! You are right, kill the tiger's mouth It is their most ideal place, we have to deploy heavy troops at Shahukou!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, "We can't win!"

Yang Fei nodded, "That's right, we can't win!"

"I remember you said that we are short of people now, right?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Yes," Yang Fei looked at him and said.

"This is my plan. Since the devils want to encircle us, we will do everything we can to send heavy troops to defend. In this way, the devils will have to fight. Then, we will send a series of surprise soldiers to attack Huanglong!" After finishing these words , Li Jiguang slammed the pen in his hand on the table!
"Brigade Commander, you mean... the devil's gold mine?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, hit the snake and hit the seven inches. The seven inches of the devils are actually in the gold mine. The gold mine is their lifeblood. I think that even if the devils send their brigade, and then two brigades come over, our soldiers can still defend it." ! At that time, the defense of the gold mine must be neutral. We will occupy the treasury for you and rescue our captured soldiers. Our purpose is also very clear, that is, to rescue our soldiers and give the gold mine to you. Blow up." Li Jiguang said.

Yang Fei looked at Li Jiguang, this is a dead end, and at that time, these soldiers defending are likely to be the biggest sacrifices!Is this trick really good?Even if a team of 50 people goes to the gold mine, there are only 250 people left. How long can 250 people withstand the devil's attack?
Yang Fei was silent at this time, he even said it was not worth it for these fighters now, it was really not worth it!

Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, and he also understood what the result was, that is, he lost a big watermelon and changed his clothes to a small sesame.

"Yang Fei, I thought, let you be the captain of this army, you must not disappoint my hope!"

Everyone knew that this gave Yang Fei hope to live, Yang Fei shook his head, "No, no, I can't go, it's best for you to go, I'm afraid that if I go, I don't even know who is the prisoner! "

Yang Fei shook his head and refused the seemingly dangerous order, Li Jiguang then asked softly, " tell me, how about my decision?"

Yang Fei was silent, he couldn't make a sound, because such an important order could not be decided by a small group leader like him.

Li Jiguang seemed very lonely at this time, and he couldn't even find anyone to talk to him.

Yang Fei's silence seemed to be resisting, resisting why so many people had to be sacrificed?

Slowly, the two people looked at each other. Such a decision seemed to be correct, and they had to do it. Who can understand, who can figure it out?

"Brigade Commander, it's more appropriate for you to go. You are the Brigadier Commander and you have the right to decide." Yang Fei said.

"Our strength is very small. If we can do a big thing, it seems to be worth it. At that time, the people of the whole country will look at us. Even if we die, even if the devil comes again, we will not be afraid. Yang Fei, can you understand my difficulties?" Li Jiguang wanted Yang Fei to agree.

"I understand, brigade commander, if I were in your position, I would do the same, but how long can we last?" Yang Fei asked.

"As long as you can last, you can last as long as you can!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, I assure you, I will last until you can bring the captured soldiers to show them that the Eighth Route Army has no cowards, they are all brothers who fought with them!" For this reason, Yang Fei couldn't refuse, he had to accept such an order, defend, defend again.

Li Jiguang put his hand on Yang Fei's shoulder, "Yang Fei, after I leave, you will be fully responsible for the defense work!"

Yang Fei nodded.


Ming Zi rushed over suddenly, Lin Zhonghu woke up from his sleep, "Ming Zi?"

"Brother, it's me!" Ming Zi said quickly.

"Oh, Mingzi, how's it going?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Brother, as you said, I worked hard and finally found the Eighth Route Army's garrison! The Eighth Route Army has really made things difficult for them these days, and they dare not fight. After Chen Heng's team dispersed, more than 50 people fled. They all joined the Eighth Route Army!" Ming Zi said.

"Sure enough, how long can the Eighth Route Army survive? Hehe..." Lin Zhonghu smiled.

"Brother, don't underestimate the Eighth Route Army. The reason why I was able to find the Eighth Route Army this time is because the Eighth Route Army did two things!" Ming Zi said.

"Oh? What can make you so excited?" Lin Zhonghu asked a little strangely.

"Brother, one night, the Eighth Route Army, in addition to taking the devils a stronghold, also messed up all the supplies of a security team, including their clothes! Cotton coats and hats. Needless to say, they must have robbed them of all food. Let's go!" The name capital oh ah oh.

"How many people did it?" Lin Zhonghu thought, such a thing is actually simple, isn't it just doing two things in one night!
Ming Zi said, "No more than five people!"

Lin Zhonghu was silent for a while, and then asked, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, when they left in the end, they still left in a carriage. I found them by looking at the ruts!" Ming Zi finished speaking, looking at Lin Zhonghu.

"It seems that we underestimated the Eighth Route Army!" Lin Zhonghu pinched his other hand. "I heard that when my eldest brother died, he said that whoever killed Dongyun would be the boss. Do you know the result?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"I don't know!" Ming Zi was honest.

"In the end, he was killed by the Eighth Route Army! Tell me, is this God's will?" Lin Zhonghu said, "But no matter what, my elder brother is dead, and I have to take revenge for this revenge. What do you think?"

"Brother, we must avenge your elder brother's revenge. This is a matter of principle!" Ming Zi said.

"As long as you understand, but I also know, we bandits shoot one shot for another, when will we be able to finish fighting the devils?" Lin Zhonghu slowly became a little worried.

"Brother, what are you thinking about? Aren't we beating devils now?" Mingzi said.

"That's right, forget it, don't think so much, by the way, is there anything else?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Brother, according to reliable sources, the devils seem to be planning to attack the Eighth Route Army!" Ming Zi said quietly.

"The devils discovered the Eighth Route Army?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Yes, the devils have already discovered the Eighth Route Army. If a few devils gather a team to fight the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army will definitely not be able to bear it. The result is also tragic. The Eighth Route Army is completely wiped out!" Mingzi said.

"That's not good!" Lin Zhonghu shook his head, "I'm sorry for Chen Heng, but he is also responsible for his death. The Eighth Route Army must not be wiped out!"

"Brother, why are we in charge of the Eighth Route Army?" Ming Zi asked in confusion.

"Mingzi, think about it, how many of us bandits are fighting devils?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"More than 300 people!" Ming Zi replied without thinking.

"The Eighth Route Army also has more than 300 people. Let's add up to 600 people. 600 people are fighting the devils. Do you think it hurts if 300 people fight the devils or 300 people fight the devils?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Brother, do you mean to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army?" Ming Zi asked.

"It will take two days for the devils to gather troops to reach the place you mentioned. You will ask the brothers to give the cannon we seized to the Eighth Route Army tomorrow. In addition, the extra guns will also be given to the Eighth Route Army. With this little support from us, can we There is as much support as there is, and I hope that the Eighth Route Army can survive the devil's attack," Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, in this case, why don't we send troops directly to help the Eighth Route Army?" Ming Zi asked.

"I want to see how the Eighth Route Army is doing. At the critical moment, we will send troops again. Don't worry now!" Lin Zhonghu said cunningly.

"That's right, let's not help a worthless person, let us join in when the time comes!" Ming Zi shook his head and said, "Then I will set off tomorrow, and by tomorrow afternoon, I should be able to arrive!"

"Okay, remember, don't let the devil find out, the devil has a very keen sense of smell!" Lin Zhonghu instructed.

"Don't worry, brother, I've always been careful in doing things!" After finishing speaking, Ming Zi asked, "Brother, what are we going to do? Should we hit Jiangning County again while the devil is not paying attention?"

"No, don't expose yourself for the time being. I think the current devils haven't noticed us yet, only the Eighth Route Army. Therefore, we are safe now. Let's see how the follow-up develops before making a decision!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Okay, brother, get some rest early!" After finishing speaking, Ming Zi left.

Lin Zhonghu couldn't fall asleep for a long time, he hoped that the Eighth Route Army could defeat the devils, at least, be able to draw a tie with the devils, in this way, if they go out again, they can quickly solve many problems and eliminate the devils, just around the corner!

I hope so, I hope there will be no twists and turns.

At this time in Jiangning County, Yoshikawa Junyi was making the final deployment. This time, he decided that Sato would lead a brigade to attack the Eighth Route Army's garrison.

Listening to Yoshikawa Junyi's lecture, Honda lowered his head and kept saying "Kayi, Kama!"

"Satou-kun, you should understand that as long as the Eighth Route Army is wiped out, we can mine gold mines with peace of mind. This time, you must complete the task, and the honor and disgrace of the imperial soldiers will be up to you!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Ha Yi, Commander Yoshikawa, please rest assured that I will fulfill my mission. This time, the Eighth Route Army has a maximum of [-] people. With our perfect firepower coordination, our brigade can definitely win easily!" Sato was very confident.

"Okay, Sato-kun, I hope to hear from you the day after tomorrow. When you go back today, you must be prepared to fight against the Eighth Route Army on time the day after tomorrow. If you have any problems, please report to me in time!" Yoshikawa Junyi said.

"Please rest assured, Commander Yoshikawa, I will definitely fulfill my mission. I don't pay attention to the Eighth Route Army at all. Last time, didn't we perfectly kill an Eighth Route Army team? This time, we will definitely repeat the mistake of deleting words The Eighth Route Army will definitely die under the saber of our Great Japanese Empire! Please rest assured, Commander, I guarantee my life, I will definitely succeed!" Sato said.

(End of this chapter)

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