Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2591 I'm Afraid You'll Die

Chapter 2591 I'm Afraid You'll Die
The next day, under the leadership of Li Mobai, the tunnels in Qimapo and Delingpo were almost dug. One of his regiments was familiar with the conditions of the tunnels. They didn't know when the devils would come. However, they had to catch up with the devils. Prepare everything before you arrive.

When the sunset was approaching, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie rushed over, "Leader, it's not good, that... that... the bandits are here!"

"Bandits?" Yang Fei frowned, "The bandits are here? How many are there?"

"Fifty! I saw they were carrying cannons!" Ma Xiaokun said quickly.

"You saw fifty or so people. It doesn't look like there is any special situation! Go tell the brigade commander first, and see what the brigade commander means!" After speaking, they went to find Li Jiguang.

Li Jiguang heard Yang Fei's words, agreed with Yang Fei's thoughts, and then said directly, "Since they are here, let's see what they are going to do. Remember, don't offend them without my order!"

"I know the brigade commander!" After speaking, Yang Fei went out with Ma Xiaokun and others.

At the entrance of the village, Ming Zi ran over with the people and the gate, and they didn't notice anything unusual when they passed Qimapo and Delingpo.

Yang Fei was waiting for them there, and Ming Zi waved his hand, and a few minions behind him immediately came to Yang Fei, "Call out the highest officer of your Eighth Route Army!"

"Hi, if you have anything to say to me, I can pass it on to our brigade commander!" Yang Fei said.

"Then go teach your brigade commander!" Xiao Luo didn't pay attention to Yang Fei's intention at all.

Ma Xiaokun shouted a little angrily, "What do I mean by you? How did you talk to our regiment leader?"

"If you want to call, hurry up and call, I can't talk to you, let alone your regiment commander, even if the king of heaven is here, I am also looking for your brigade commander! Hurry up! Don't ink!" Very arrogant.

Zhao Junjie was about to draw his gun as he said that, but Yang Fei quickly stopped him, "What do you two want to do? This is a distinguished guest, hurry up and find the brigade commander, the brigade commander can arrange it freely!"

Ma Xiaokun put the gun on his waist angrily, then turned around and left.

"You're the head of the regiment, right? Don't worry, after a few years, you'll be the commander!" Xiao Luo said.

Ming Zi smiled at the back, originally, Ming Zi looked down on the Eighth Route Army, there were some people in the sky, but these people didn't look like that at all, just relying on these sallow and emaciated Eighth Route Army to beat the devils, I'm afraid the devils didn't run away .They all fell down.

Mingzi leaned on the cannon, put his hands in his pockets and looked at Yang Fei.

At this time, he always felt that this Yang Fei was different. Just looking at this temperament, he felt that he was a bit difficult to provoke. However, Mingzi was confident that if he really fought with Yang Fei, he had no possibility of losing. On the contrary, Yang Fei would He was beaten badly.

After a while, Li Jiguang came out and stretched out his hands, "Hello!"

Xiao Luo ignored Li Jiguang and asked directly. "You are their brigade commander?"

"Yes, it's me. I don't know what to do with me?" Li Jiguang looked at the other party and asked.

Xiao Luo turned his head to look at Ming Zi at this time, "Brother Ming Zi, this is their brigade commander!"

At this time, Ming Zi slowly walked up to Li Jiguang, "Our eldest brother has an order, let us give you this cannon!"

After finishing speaking, Ming Zi waved his hand, and the boys behind pushed the cannon inside.

"Ah? I don't know your elder brother Gao's last name?" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"Your memory is really bad. In the past, our eldest brother robbed all of your weapons, and you didn't have any farts. If my eldest brother's eldest brother didn't come forward, I'm afraid it would be even more difficult for you now?"

How could Li Jiguang not remember what Mingzi said?Doesn't this mean Lin Zhonghu?
Li Jiguang quickly cupped his hands, "Brother, go back and tell your masters, I, Li Jiguang, will remember his kindness!"

Mingzi pursed his lips slightly, and then said, "You still have a conscience, in addition to this gun, we all sent you some guns, including a few crooked handles, and a few machine guns with bullets. Ready for you!" After speaking, Ming Zi waved his hand again, and the bandits behind pushed several cars over!

Li Jiguang was a little dull. It stands to reason that he had no interaction with the bandits. The only time they met was with Lin Jianhua. This time, why did the bandit give him weapons and ammunition so kindly?
He looked at Akiko, "This..."

Ming Zi waved his hand, "Don't thank me, I don't need you to thank me, our eldest brother said that you are the army to fight devils, we robbed Jiangning County last time, so there are a lot of weapons and ammunition, we also put our unseen I give you what you want to use!"

It was originally a good thing, but after Ming Zi said so, no one wanted to thank him.

Immediately afterwards, Mingzi looked at Li Jiguang, "You still want to beat devils in this place?"

"What advice do you have?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Don't dare, how dare I teach you!" Mingzi smiled, "By the way, our eldest brother asked me to tell you one more thing, that is, the devil is coming soon, you should be prepared! How are you going to this place? Is it to give up, or to stick to it? We don't care, we only care about how many devils you can kill?"

"In this case, why don't you help us?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Why? Why? Fighting kills people! We sent you weapons, just to say that we won't come here, so you can do it yourself, you are really insidious!" Mingzi said.

"Brother, I appreciate your kindness. As for these weapons, I thank you again! Thank you for sending these things. If I, Li, are still alive, I will repay you!" What Li Jiguang said was actually Very polite.

Ming Zi waved his hand, "Let's see if you can survive!"

After finishing speaking, Ming Zi turned around and shouted, "Let's go!"

They are gone.

Ma Xiaokun muttered, "What kind of bullshit is it? No matter how awesome it is, it's still a bandit?"

Li Jiguang asked, "Yang Fei, what do you mean by this bandit?"

Yang Fei guessed, "In my opinion, the devil really plans to destroy me this time, what about us!"

"I'm asking what Lin Zhonghu means?" Li Jiguang asked again.

"As I said, the devil seems to be playing for real this time. Brigadier, prepare for the worst. In my opinion, you should take people away tonight!" Yang Fei said.

How can Li Jiguang not understand what this means? It seems that Lin Zhonghu knows something. He nodded, "Then call everyone for a meeting!"

At night, occasionally stars and stars appear, with a cold light.

In the headquarters, Li Jiguang looked at these people sitting there, and then said, "Listen up, everyone!"

Everyone looked at Li Jiguang and held a meeting at night. It seemed that they were really in danger this time. "Brigade Commander, what's the matter? Why are you so serious?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Everyone listen to me, the devil will probably come to us in a day or two. You all know what to do when the time comes. Now, I will make the final deployment!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang stood up, "As we all know, our Eighth Route Army is an army that fights devils. We have few people, but there are many devils, and fewer people beat more people. There is no way to win a complete victory. However, even if we lose, we must fight." To achieve our strategic goal, what is the purpose of our coming here? At the beginning, you may know that we just want to rescue our comrades, but in this place in the North Sea, the devils are now mining all of us gold mines, the country The resources are slowly being lost, although we have fought a few waves of devils and snatched some gold ore back, but this is not a long-term solution!"

The seriousness of what Li Jiguang said made everyone silently feel a sense of tension. ,
"But, the devils have discovered us. Our guerrilla warfare can't accomplish anything. Instead of being beaten passively, it's better for us to take the initiative!" Li Jiguang glanced at Wang Wei, "I discussed it with the political commissar to achieve our strategic goals. , then we must attack the devil's gold mine, blow up the gold mine, and rescue our comrades. This is the last straw. As long as we grasp this, even if we lose the battle, we can defeat the devil's seven inches! "

"Brigade Commander, I think there are many devils guarding the gold mine, and we only have 300 people in total. How can we fight? It's not easy to fight!" Shen Wanxi asked.

"No, this time the devils are dispatched by the Sato Alliance. They will concentrate their forces to destroy us, so the gold mine will be exposed. We will lead people to surprise the devil's gold mine and catch him by surprise. This is what we should do Yes!" Li Jiguang hammered the table.

"I'll do this. Listen up, everyone. During the time I'm away, follow Yang Fei's orders for all operations here. In addition, Comrade Wang Wei, the political commissar, will assist Yang Fei in this matter. Listen up, everyone." Do you understand?" Li Jiguang asked.

Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai opened their mouths wide, "Brigade Commander, leave it to Yang Fei?" They were incredulous.

"Yes, if this task is fast, I will be back within three days. If it is not smooth, I will be back in a week. These few days are the most critical days. Comrade Yang Fei has excellent He has excellent combat commanding ability, everyone listens to him, there must be nothing wrong! Only by uniting and cooperating can we win the final victory!" Li Jiguang said.

"Let's listen to the brigade commander. In fact, everyone should understand that the most difficult task is whether we can drag the devil for a day or two. If we can, we can wait for the brigade commander to come back. If we can't, we can only kill ourselves! Brigade The task of the commander is also relatively difficult, everyone must have confidence, have confidence in the brigade commander, and have confidence in Yang Fei!" Wang Wei said.


No one dares to take it lightly at the last moment, and no one dares to take responsibility for the final battle.

"Yang Fei, come and tell everyone!" Li Jiguang said.

Yang Fei stood up, and then said, "I think everyone should know how to fight a war! I don't need to be burdensome. However, everyone must understand one truth, how can we use the strength of two hundred people to deal with devils?" How many people can a regiment and a commander bring in? I think you all understand, and it is very clear that as long as the Sato regiment can be contained, the brigade commander will be able to go smoothly. Next, I will briefly talk about it, Li Mobai , your regiment will be responsible for the left and right hillsides, and detonate the landmines at critical moments!"

"Yes!" Li Mobai agreed.

"Shen Wanxi, your regiment is in charge of killing the tiger's mouth. Take the cannons that Lin Zhonghu sent today. Remember, no matter what the battle here is, you will stick to the killing tiger's mouth. Devils will definitely come from there!" Yang Fei Said.

"Yes!" Shen Wanxi also shouted.

"Deng Qi, your people will be responsible for the defense of the village for me. If the devils charge over, they will hit me hard! Remember?" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, let me go to the front line to fight!" Deng Qi said.

"Revolutionary work is all the same. They are all on the front line. You obey orders!" Yang Fei shouted.


Deng Qi had no choice, he wanted to fight the devils with real swords and guns, but he also understood that the safety of the village was also very important!
No one cares more about the safety of the village than Li Jiguang.

"My words are finished, let the brigade commander add a few words!" Yang Fei sat down after finishing speaking.

"Since Yang Fei has already deployed, I think he is right. You all must obey Yang Fei's orders. I believe that he can lead us all to the final victory!" Li Jiguang said.

The meeting was a bit dull, and after the meeting, Li Jiguang set off with about fifty people.

Starting tonight, everyone began to get nervous at their posts. Just like Li Jiguang said, no one knows when the devils will come back. Just in case, in order to prevent mistakes like Chen Heng and the others, they had to put the guard post If you do enough, you have to keep improving and persist in your post.

The stars were blown down by the strong wind, and there was no light in the gray sky.

Yang Fei smoked a cigarette, and Wang Wei slowly appeared behind him, "Yang Fei, are you nervous?"

Yang Fei looked back at Wang Wei, "To be honest, I'm very nervous!"

"Don't be nervous, do you still remember what happened in the Salt Lake area? You weren't so nervous at that time!" Wang Wei patted him on the shoulder, "We are all on the same rope now, we must persevere, who Whoever can persist until the end is the final winner, I hope you are, because I am optimistic about you!"

Looking back on the bits and pieces of the past, it seems that I can really add some pen and ink to all the memories, so that so many things in the past have become stories with flesh and blood.

"Let the devils come. When they come, let's fight. Fight the devils. I have never been soft-hearted. Even in the final hand-to-hand fight, I am not afraid of them!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right, the brigade commander is right. Yang Fei, you are the lucky general. According to our deployment, the devil will definitely fall into our hands in the end!" Wang Wei said.

The night was uneventful.

This is the greatest luck, and it also made everyone feel relieved. During the day, a strong wind suddenly blew up. The soldiers in the tunnel carefully watched the road ahead, but the devils did not notice anything.

Yang Fei personally inspected the work, but at this time, Dongdong suddenly ran over.

"Dongdong, it's quite chaotic outside now, you'd better not run around and go home quickly!" Yang Fei said.

"Grandma said, can we help?" Dongdong asked shyly.

"Go back and tell grandma that it's fine for everyone to hide at home. With us here, everyone is safe!" Yang Fei patted Dongdong's head.

Dongdong nodded and went back.

After patrolling around, Yang Fei didn't find any omissions. After all, they are the Eighth Route Army, after all, they are still doing detailed work.

Han Qing asked, "Sir, why bother? As long as there are devils coming over, I will go forward and kill them!"

Yang Fei looked at Han Qing, and then asked lightly, "Han Qing, let me ask you, tell me, can your kung fu withstand bullets?"

Han Qing shook his head, "How is it possible? Impossible!"

"That's right, even if you and Wang Zhifei are skilled, you are still fighting devils at close range. If a sniper is aiming at you from a distance, can you survive?" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, I can't take care of the rest, I just want to take care of your life!" Han Qing said.

"Yes, but I think protecting the common people can reflect your value!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Protect you, and then protect the people, this is not a conflict!" Han Qing argued hard.

"Okay, okay, I don't care what you do, but the devil is here, you can kill two for me, don't be polite and just kill one!" Yang Fei said.

"Of course!" Han Qing said.

Not long after, I saw Dongdong coming again.

"Dongdong, what's the matter?" Yang Fei asked again.

"I thought, what can I do for you?" Dongdong lowered her head and felt embarrassed.

Yang Fei patted his head, "If you want to help me with something, then go home, if I have time, how about going to you?" Yang Fei said.

"Okay!" Saying that, Dongdong left.

Yang Fei watched him run to a piece of snow with his own eyes, and then he lay down on the ground all of a sudden, and then shouted in his mouth, "Kill, hit the devil!"

Yang Fei smiled, this little guy is quite interesting.

After a while, Wang Zhifei came over. When he found Yang Fei, he asked, "Brother, there are still more than [-] landmines. You ask me what the mines are for?"

"There are more than 50 landmines, okay, then quickly bring the mines. I suddenly discovered that there is a small open space in front of Deling Slope. The small open space can be directly bypassed. In order to let the devils take the path between the two slopes , we have to create some trouble for them!" Yang Fei said.

"So that's what happened, I'll do it!" After speaking, Wang Zhifei left.

Han Qing hurriedly asked, "Sir, how do you know that the devil will definitely come from the path?"

"When they beat Chen Heng, they set off at night. Besides, when they set off at night, what he worried most about was getting lost. They knew the path, so they would definitely come by it. But, just in case, then A bomb must be planted in a small open space. If the devil wants to come, he must come by that small road. If he is forced like this, he will definitely panic when the bomb rings. Their purpose, therefore, Xiaolu became the best choice!" Yang Fei said with reason and evidence, and I am afraid that the devils have already figured it out.

Han Qing could only admire silently.

In order to make the best strategic choice in the most accurate way, Yang Fei let out many eyeliners. If there is any news about devils, Yang Fei must know!

He has waited for a long time for this battle, he has also waited for a long time for fighting devils!At this moment, Yang Fei's hands trembled a little, he understood, and he did it all at once.

The sky gradually darkened.

Yang Fei sat at the door, letting the strong wind blow him, he seemed to keep calm, he had to be calm, everyone was already watching him!

Suddenly, a soldier ran over, "Commander Yang, Commander Yang, the devil is here!"

Yang Fei stood up abruptly, "Where are you?"

"They...they're going to Yangcheng Pass soon!" the soldier said in a panic.

Yang Fei threw the cigarette butt on the ground, "Okay, I understand, you hurry back to your company and prepare to fight!"


The soldier saluted and ran away quickly.

Yang Fei hurriedly asked Han Qing to notify Li Mobai, and let Li Mobai fight well.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the devils to come.


When Sato personally led the people to see the Yangcheng Pass ahead, he asked people to stop the car, "Go and see the Yangcheng Pass ahead, and see if the Eighth Route Army is defending there!"

Honda said at this time, "Your Majesty, I have sent someone to find out. The Eighth Route Army doesn't seem to care about the defense of this area. I'm afraid they are all sleeping at home now!"

Sato paused for a moment, then looked at Honda, "Mr. Honda, you really don't understand the Eighth Route Army. They are insidious and cunning, and there is no one guarding Yangcheng Pass. That means they don't care about this place. They don't care about this place. What do they care about?"

"You mean Qinshui Mountain Forest?" Honda asked again.

"Yes, that's the place, Mr. Honda, isn't that place a bit abnormal?" Sato asked.

"I also sent people there, but there was no one there. Could it be that the Eighth Route Army has moved?" Honda said strangely.

"Transfer? Impossible. If they go east, there will be endless snowfields. If they go west, it will be all mountainous. They can't get out at all. Besides, if they move, how could we not get a tip!" Sato said.

"Since there is no one, let's go and have a look. If there is really no one, we have other plans!" Honda said.

"Ha Yi, I'll take people to have a look right now!" After saying that, Honda took people to Qinshui Mountain Forest in a hurry.

The Qinshui Mountain Forest is densely forested and snowy, and there are no footprints. It seems that no one comes here often. From here to the Eighth Route Army camp, motor vehicles cannot pass. There is only one small road left, and the small road looks like there is no way It was opened to traffic, and Honda quickly sent someone to tell Sato.

After Sato heard this information, he immediately ordered everyone to get out of the car and reach the Eighth Route Army's station as quickly as possible.

Sato got out of the car, and the guards protected Sato and went straight to the Eighth Route Army garrison.

What should be, and what should not be, all come, and what is greeted is the final result!

(End of this chapter)

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