Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2592 Ambush Circle

Chapter 2592 Ambush Circle

Walking on this road, it was surprisingly quiet, and Sato felt a little uneasy. Could there be an ambush by the Eighth Route Army?

Even if he thinks this way, as a gambler, he must be sure that the Eighth Route Army didn't even know they were coming here!
Honda's team came to report from the front, saying that they hadn't found the troops of the Eighth Route Army!

After receiving such news, Sato immediately asked, "Are you sure there is no one?"

"Report to His Excellency Sato, there is absolutely no one on this path ahead, and there is no sign of anyone!" A devil soldier saluted.

"Your Excellency, there are people in the village, but there is absolutely no one on this road. I saw with my own eyes that there are soldiers of the Eighth Route Army on duty in the village!"

Saying this, Sato is relieved!
However, he was very suspicious. He found Honda and said, "Mr. Honda, you take the people forward and enter the village along the path. Here, I also know a path. We will encircle the two roads. When the time comes See!"

"Your Majesty, we haven't sent anyone to the small road you mentioned, I'm worried..." Before Honda finished speaking, Sato said immediately, "Don't worry, since there will be no Eighth Route Army personnel on this big road, It is even more impossible to have small roads, I only need to bring 500 people there!”

"Your Excellency, how about I take people there? I'm worried..." Honda was not without worry, this was a situation that related to the entire battle situation!

But Sato seems to be more concerned about the final victory, taking surprises, this is what he has always wanted to do, including eliminating Chen Heng's entire regiment!
Honda, who couldn't hold back Sato, could only take the brigade to the Eighth Route Army garrison.

Sato led [-] people and left with Honda. They walked on the snow that was one or two feet deep. The marching speed was very slow. When Sato saw this, he immediately expressed his dissatisfaction, "Everyone, hurry up. If this speed, we It won’t come tomorrow either!”

As soon as his order came out, everyone began to speed through.

Sure enough, Yang Fei was right. The place he ignored was fortunately repaired early. Seeing that the devil was about to enter the ambush circle, Wang Zhifei hurriedly told everyone to retreat slowly. The master who explodes when touched, there is no need for them to guard here!

Abandoned horse slope, this slope is very steep, in front of him is this open space, slowly extending from this open space, there is even a small road.

When Sato saw this road, he clapped his hands happily, "Souga, it is indeed here. From this point of view, the Eighth Route Army is finished today!"

After speaking, he immediately ordered, "Go there quickly, don't stay!"

After speaking, the devils began to run forward quickly.

There is a thread of hair on the white ground, as long as one bomb is touched, four or five bombs will be blown up immediately.

Sato, who had always wanted to pass the path quickly, forgot to check the terrain and the ground at this time. If he had been more careful, he might have been able to see everything here, but it was too late.

Just when a devil accidentally touched the lead wire, there was a "boom", and immediately after that, four or five mines around it began to explode randomly!

The devil was blown up and down.

Seeing that he had entered the minefield, Sato immediately ordered, "Don't move!"

Just when they want to get down, those hidden leads don't touch again.


All of a sudden, a big hole was blasted into the ground!

The splattered iron filings instantly entered the devil's chest, head, legs, and arms!

"Don't move!" Sato yelled loudly!
Looking at the path ahead, Sato began to feel cold.

At this time, a ghost came over, "Your Excellency, there is a minefield ahead!"

"Baga, I know, clear the mine now!"

Sato scolded loudly.

"Your Excellency Sato, if we start demining now, I don't know how many mines there are here. I suggest that we give up this approach and join Mr. Honda as soon as possible. The bomb has already gone off. The Eighth Route Army must have noticed it. We should use the last Go quickly!"

What the devil said was not unreasonable, Sato clenched his fists tightly, "Baga, the Eighth Route Army, I want you to taste my strength!" After speaking, he ordered, "Go back the same way!"

Honda, who heard the explosion of the bomb, immediately ordered, "Everyone, squat down quickly and check if there is anyone nearby!"

All the devils looked around vigilantly. It was so dark that there was only a piece of white in front of them. "Mr. Honda, there are no footprints ahead!"

"Honda-kun, there is none here!"

"Honda-kun, there is no one in the east!"

Listening to everyone's report, Honda quickly called Saga and asked Saga to help Honda.

And he quickly ordered, "Everyone, move forward at full speed! Destroy the Eighth Route Army in the fastest time!"

Everyone, regardless of 21, just ran to the narrow intersection!
Yang Fei heard the explosion, and he understood that his idea was correct. It seemed that the devil had really followed his route, but it didn't matter, as long as the devil dared to come, he would let the devil die in the sea of ​​snow.

Wang Zhifei ran over, "Big brother! Big brother!"

He panted happily, "Brother, you are really amazing. This little devil actually planned to come from the south of Qimapo on that road that is almost non-existent, but he was completely blown away."

"The devil will definitely come over now, but he will definitely give up there and rush over from the middle of the two slopes! We can't be in a hurry!" Li Mobai came over just after Yang Fei finished speaking.

He looked at flying like this and asked nervously, "Yang Fei, the devil is here!"

"The devils are coming, not all the devils, Commander Li, you send a company of troops to block between the two hillsides, as long as the devils dare to come, let everyone block it!"

"Yang Fei, the devil's army has already arrived, and a company's troops can't stop it!" Li Mobai said.

"10 minutes, just give me 10 minutes, all the devils should come over, I don't believe, the devils will easily let us go, they will definitely all come!" Yang Fei said.

Li Mobai clenched his fists, "Praise, then 10 minutes, I'll call you 10 minutes! But, Yang Fei, you have to give the order to blow up the mountains on both sides as soon as possible!" After finishing speaking, Li Mobai quickly Get out of here.

Seeing Li Mobai like this, Han Qing asked, "Sir, why didn't you let Shen Wanxi come over? If he was here, maybe he could resist for a while longer!"

Yang Fei shook his head, "Han Qing, Shen Wanxi's responsibility is even greater. Even if he comes here today, he won't be able to do too much. Even if the devils don't come now, they will definitely come next time. I will never see us living so easily! Two ten minutes, I believe that the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army can give me these two ten minutes, as long as the two ten minutes are up, the devils will definitely be wiped out!"

Hearing what Yang Fei said was well-founded, Han Qing hurriedly said, "I'll go see it too, and I'll go beat some devils too!"

"You go ahead, if there is any situation, tell me right away!" Yang Fei said.

Han Qing left immediately after getting the order.

Wang Zhifei looked at Yang Fei, "Brother, what about me? What should I do?"

"You can hear clearly now, you go to the tunnel quickly, if you see the devils coming from behind, as long as you enter the valley, you will quickly detonate the mines on both sides!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't worry, brother, leave this matter to me, and you can stop the news!" Said, Wang Zhifei followed.

That burst of explosion, like restlessness in tranquility, made Deng Qi feel itchy in his heart, why has the battle already been opened?He hasn't heard from him yet?

He couldn't bear it any longer, so he found Yang Fei, who was standing in the yard smoking a cigarette.

Seeing Deng Qi coming, Yang Fei knew that this guy must have smelled something bloody. Sure enough, Deng Qi asked as soon as he opened his mouth, "I said the leader, are you starting to fight now?"

"It's estimated that there are still a few minutes!" Yang Fei said lightly.

"A few more minutes? You let us have a group of soldiers guarding the village? There are so many people who can't use it. How about you let me fight at the entrance of the village?" Sure enough, it was just as Yang Fei thought.

"How do you plan to arrange the security work of the village?" Yang Fei asked again.

"I just need to bring thirty people to the entrance of the village! The group leader, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie guard the east and west sides of the village respectively. It's unnecessary, I want to fight!" Deng Qi said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei agreed very readily, "Since you have already arranged for the two of them, let me tell you the truth, now, you hurry up and take people to the two valleys outside the village to fight with the devils." In one battle, there are probably too many devils, and Li Mobai's company is also the opponent of the devils, if you go there, kill as many devils as you can!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Deng Qi hurried out after finishing speaking.

Cold air blew over from the valley, Li Mobai prostrated on the ground, carefully watching the situation ahead, more than 30 people from Deng Qi joined them, Li Mobai did not have full confidence to beat the devils.But, no matter what, Li Mobai really didn't believe it. Could it be that the devil really couldn't be killed?
The soldiers were all lying on the ground, and the guns were placed on the snow, and they were frozen together with the ground in a short while.

The barrel of the gun was very cold, and it seemed to have aggravated a lot.

Deng Qi and Li Mobai crawled together, "Commander Li, I heard from Commander Yang that you are very good at fighting!"

"It's not up to me whether it's good or not. For a while, it's up to you to beat the devil!" Li Mobai said.

"Haha, I just love to hear this sentence. I have waited a long time to fight the devils head-on. Today, I want to throw off my arms and fight the devils!" After Deng Qi finished speaking, he aimed Front.


Li Mobai saw the meaning light in front of him, and thought to himself, the devil must have come!Between these two valleys, there is only a width of two to three meters, and the widest part is no more than five meters!

However, this also happened to give Li Mobai a good opportunity to perform. They would definitely reduce the number of bullets they received from the devil head-on, but if the devil rushed out, it would be hard to say!

"Captain Li, I have to kill at least fifty devils today! What about you?" Deng Qi asked.

"I don't need to kill too many, just 51!" Li Mobai said.

"Okay, then count each of them!" After finishing speaking, Deng Qi climbed a few steps forward, and then began to aim.

When the devil came out like a spring, Li Mobai immediately ordered, "Hit me!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Gunshots rang out, and the devils who ran out first encountered the Eighth Route Army.

The bullets of the Eighth Route Army shot out, knocking all the devils in front to the ground.

However, the devils seemed to be an endless kind of demon, falling down one level and coming up another level, but this time they fired a few innocuous shots at them.

When the army at the front line encountered the devils, Honda frowned, "Sure enough, the Eighth Route Army was alarmed!" Even so, Honda still ordered, "We must pay all the price and rush out of the canyon!"

With such an order, the devil rushed forward one by one, and Deng Qi shouted to himself, "One..."



After beating more than a dozen devils, I suddenly discovered that the devils no longer appeared.

He glanced back at Li Mobai, but Li Mobai didn't know what tricks this devil was playing!
However, the next scene surprised all of them, because the devils who came out picked up the bodies of the dead devils and used them as meat shields, and the devils behind them also spewed out!

"Bastard!" Li Mobai frowned, "Grenade, hit me!"



The sound of the explosion slowly echoed in the valley, and the snow on the mountain slowly squirmed down!

Deng Qi saw that this was not the solution, not to mention wasting the grenade, it might not be able to withstand the devil's attack!

He immediately said, "Leader Li, I'll take my people to the mountain pass, and hit the devils when I see them! You better stop throwing grenades, aren't you worried about landslides and avalanches?"

Upon hearing this, Li Mobai immediately stopped the soldiers from using grenades!
"Yes, Battalion Commander Deng, then go ahead carefully, I'll cover you here!" Li Mobai said.

The devils still used the corpses of those dead devils to resist from the ground like meat shields. They fought very well. They fell on the ground as soon as they got out of the mountain pass. Slowly, more devils came out of the canyon!

no!We can't let the devils come out. If the devils do come out, we will be sinners!Be sure to keep them inside!
Li Mobai shouted, "Brothers, Commander Yang asked us to stand here for 10 minutes. We will hold it to the death. For the final victory, brothers, aim and hit me!"


At this time, Deng Qi led the people slowly rounding back to the edge of the mountain pass from the right side, and then asked everyone to calm down, and started shooting at the devil lying on the ground!

With a gunshot, the devils suddenly felt that they were ambushed by their flanks, and immediately turned around to block the dead bodies on their bodies.

Like a spring, the devils are about to rush out. How many bullets does a company have?
Soon, their bullets were almost used up, and there were only some grenades left, but at this time, how dare they use grenades?If they encounter an avalanche and they fail to achieve their combat objectives, they will lose!
Yang Fei is an idealist and cannot tolerate any deviations in his tactics. Li Mobai firmly believes in this!
"Use the bayonet!" Li Mobai shouted.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." The bayonets were all inserted into the muzzle of the gun.

He looked at the time, more than ten minutes had passed, and in a few minutes, Yang Fei should give the order to detonate the bomb, right?

"Brothers, hold on for another 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, all the devils will be wiped out. Now, everyone, if you charge me, you will block the devils in the canyon!" Li Mobai roared.

The soldiers stood up and rushed towards the mouth of the canyon.

The bright knife is as cold as the snow-white ground, making it hard to breathe.

Deng Qi, who said he wanted to kill fifty devils, was also faced with the sense of urgency that he had no ammunition at this time. Seeing Li Mobai's men put on bayonets and wanted to fight the devils, he also shouted, "Get the bayonets and prepare to fight the devils with bayonets!" !"

The thirty or so people who "swish..." mounted their bayonets and were ready to charge!

The strength of a company that Li Mobai is in is about three or four people, not many people, but they must have this attitude, that is the brave and fearless style of the Eighth Route Army.

Like a tiger descending the mountain, Li Mobai led his people to the mountain pass. As long as the devils dare to show their heads, they will fight for their lives!
Deng Qi also ordered everyone to rush!
No. 70 people gathered at the mouth of the canyon, and the devils were also terrified!
Honda was at the mouth of the canyon, frowning, "The fact that the Eighth Route Army showed their bayonets here can only explain one problem, that is, they have run out of ammunition, but this is also good news!"

He took out two pistols, "Brave warriors of the empire, today's battle must be won by us, the big guys must be brave and desperate, for His Majesty the Emperor, for the sake of ***, go!"

For Honda, what is there not to dare to use the bayonet?
First, they have a lot of people, and second, they have ammunition!

All of a sudden, the canyon seemed to explode like a big explosion, and three or four people could be squeezed out of the narrow intersection at once. They used their bodies as shields, and began to fight with the Eighth Route Army.

When a devil came out, he was stabbed with four or five bayonets!
Two devils came out, and they stabbed them with five or six bayonets!
After 10 minutes, there is still no way to get out!
Honda gritted his teeth, "Grenade, throw me a grenade!"

This is indeed a good way!

You dare not throw grenades, they devils are not afraid!
As long as they can rush out, they can't overdo it!


A grenade was thrown out, and all the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army fell down!
Li Mobai frowned, "If this continues, you will die!"

"Captain Li, we can't let the strike jobs get together here!" Deng Qi shouted.

Li Mobai glanced at his watch, "It's been more than 10 minutes, why is there no news from Yang Fei?"

Just after saying this, a grenade was thrown out again.

"Boom!" Another soldier fell into a pool of blood!

"Spread out, disperse!"

Li Mobai quickly ordered!
This battle is so difficult to fight, should we kill the devils together, or release the devils to fight?

What exactly is Yang Fei thinking? What is their combat purpose?

With Saga's support, Sato barely regained his sanity.

"Eighth Route Army, Baga!"

Sato scolded.

"Your Excellency, it's time for Mr. Honda to fight the Eighth Route Army at the mouth of the canyon. Shall we rush there now?" Saga asked.

"Go, I must go, I want to see how capable the Eighth Route Army is!" Sato said, standing up.

"Let's go!"

More than 30 people started to walk into the canyon!
The wind in the canyon blew over with a bloody smell, and this smell was so familiar that Sato was even a little excited now.

He rubbed his hands and took a command knife in his hand, "Saga-kun, I think we must get there quickly and cheer on our soldiers! Morale is the most important thing now!"

"Yes, Lord Saga!"

However, when they actually reached the valley, some snow slid down the hillside.

Looking up, the snow is deadly!
If all the snow falls, they will all become Xuexia's wronged souls!
Sato quickly stopped, "Wait!"

Saga stopped and looked at Sato, "Your Excellency, what's the matter?"

"No, no!" Sato shook his head, "Look!"

Some snow slowly fell, the scale is not large, but it is indeed so scary!

"It's really ruthless. There is a battle ahead, and the noise is loud. It's normal for the snow to slide down. Your Excellency, I think it's important for us to hurry out!" Saga said.

"No, pass on my order to get everyone to evacuate quickly. We will attack from the direction of Killing Tiger's Mouth. This is not a good place!" Sato said.

Saga had no choice but to say, "Your Excellency, if there is an avalanche here, unless there is a larger-scale explosion, otherwise, there is no possibility that we will be buried. As a top student of the empire, Honda is also a geologist. We said that."

"Saga-kun, I'm not scaremongering. How do you know that the sound of the explosion won't increase?" Sato asked.

"As far as I know, unless the Eighth Route Army has cannons, the avalanche will only appear after shaking in the valley for a long time, but how could the Eighth Route Army have it?" Saga did not believe that there would be an avalanche here.

"Anyway, I'm Chief, you go and get all the people out for me now!" After Sato finished speaking, he looked at the devil soldiers beside him, "Go, Comrade Honda-kun, let him bring all the people out! We have to fight , I still want to kill Hukou, it's too dangerous here!"

"Hayi!" After saying that, the devil soldier ran in!
"Sato-kun, by now, our people should be almost victorious, we can't give up all our previous efforts! If there was an avalanche, it would have been avalanche long ago, why wait until now?" Saga said.

Sato didn't want an avalanche, but he always had a bad premonition in his heart. Even if they rushed out of the canyon, how much could they go out?Saga didn't believe it, and he, Sato, would rather not believe it, but the price was very high!
(End of this chapter)

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