Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2594 Northern Lights

Chapter 2594 Northern Lights

Beihai Province, which lies in the north of the motherland, is experiencing the most severe cold. A team of dozens of people is slowly moving south in a long snake formation.

The strong wind was blowing them, and they moved their steps with difficulty. Every step they took seemed to have experienced a test of life and death.

Li Jiguang looked back slowly, the team of dozens of people had no strength, and the guns on their backs seemed to have become the biggest burden.

When a soldier beside him fell down, Li Jiguang quickly squatted down and patted his face lightly, "Wake up, don't dare to sleep, don't dare to sleep!"

Slowly, many people gathered around and looked at the fallen warrior.

"Brigade Commander, it's too cold, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive!" Another soldier said.

"No, we have to go five miles ahead. As long as we go there, we will have something to eat and we will be able to complete our task! Hold on!" Li Jiguang said hastily.

The icicles on the beard had almost frozen the entire mouth. Li Jiguang wiped it vigorously, the icicles were removed, and then the icy bits began to appear again.

Wulidi, why does it sound so far away?The soldiers really couldn't move anymore, but if they stopped, there was a risk. Even Li Jiguang didn't dare to take such a risk. If the soldiers were alive, if they were brought out, they would not be allowed to die on the road.

"Everyone calm down, you must calm down, come to the front, I promise, I will feed you well, dress well, everyone persevere!" Obviously, Li Jiguang's desire to quench his thirst did not play a key role.

Everyone is so tired, too cold, and too hungry!
A soldier sat on the ground, and then many soldiers also sat on the ground.

The wind of the night never seems to take care of these tired people, they are blowing hard on the soldiers who have not had much strength.

Li Jiguang hurriedly shouted, "Everyone, don't sit down, if you keep doing it, you won't be able to stand up again!"

However, as Li Jiguang said, the soldiers who sat down could no longer stand up.

"Comrades, comrades, you only need to walk another five miles, five miles is enough!" Li Jiguang still talked about the concept of five miles, but everyone couldn't get interested.

At this time, several streaks of blue-purple light suddenly appeared in the night sky. They changed unpredictablely in the sky, from a long strip to gradually becoming a curtain, and then turning into an arc.

Li Jiguang looked at the sky, this the legendary Northern Lights?
It's not easy to see the Northern Lights here, and it's amazing!
The Northern Lights seemed to come out from the North Pole and shine brilliantly in the sky. When the soldiers saw the Northern Lights, they were also stunned. They quickly stood up, "Brigade Commander, what are you talking about?"

Li Jiguang looked at the sky and said slowly, "The motherland is about to win, we need to persevere a little longer, soldiers, it is God's will, we should go forward, wipe out the devils, blow up the gold mines, and rescue us Our soldiers, our comrades, Beihai will soon no longer be a place where devils have the final say!"

What Li Jiguang said was impassioned, the soldiers felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, the sky was so beautiful, blue, red, purple, these colors seemed to be like guiding lights, they stood up and went to the cold wind went forward.

Watching the soldiers stand up and walk again generously, Li Jiguang slowly raised his head and saluted the Northern Lights in the sky.

"My God, thank you!"

They walked in the wilderness until it was close to sunrise, and found a village!
The soldiers jumped up happily, "Brigade Commander,; Brigadier Commander, look!"

It is a village, and now the smoke is rising!Li Jiguang looked at it, and then said, "Comrades, let's go to that village first, everyone must observe discipline, and we will ask the local people for a drink of water!"


The team arrived at the village in a mighty way. The soldiers rubbed their hands happily. Seeing the village meant that they could sleep, have a meal, and drink a few sips of boiling hot soup.

Li Jiguang asked the soldiers to stand still in the village, and then he went to a house to negotiate with the villagers.

When we arrived in a house, an old man was burning, Li Jiguang said immediately. "Master, hello!"

The old man turned his head and glanced at Yang Fei, then stood up quickly in fright, and took a few steps back, "What do you think?"

Before Li Jiguang finished speaking, he hurriedly said again, "Our family has no more food! Nothing left!"

When Li Jiguang heard the misunderstanding, he quickly said, "Master, don't get me wrong. We are the Eighth Route Army, and we specialize in fighting devils. We came from the north just to fight devils. We passed by our village. I think, let our soldiers fight against devils." Take a sip of water, I wonder if it is convenient for you here?"

"A sip of water?" The old man looked at him, "Are you really asking for a sip of water?"

"Really!" Li Jiguang said.

The old man walked to the edge of the kang, and lifted the lid of the pot, "This is freshly boiled water, you can drink it!"

"Thank you, sir!" With that, Li Jiguang went out the door, "Comrades, come here in line and order!"

The soldiers lined up and slowly entered the room. The room was not big, and at most seven or eight people could stand there. Even so, the warm room made the soldiers feel a new vitality.

Seeing so many people, the old man felt scared and went out quietly.

There are only three bowls in the house, and there are not many containers that can hold water. Li Jiguang looked at the soldiers and felt a lot of comfort in his heart.

Suddenly, a soldier came in from the door, "Brigadier, it's not good!"

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Huh? What's the matter?"

"I just saw that old man go away. I don't know where he went. I'm worried about some danger!" The soldier said vigilantly.

"Gone? Where can he go?" Li Jiguang asked suspiciously.

"I don't know about this, but I think this old man is unusual. Maybe there is a security team or devils here. This old man has gone to report!" the soldier said without hesitation.

Li Jiguang shook his head, "Probably not. We didn't do anything excessive to them. Everyone line up and drink water slowly. I'll go out and see what happened!"

With that said, Li Jiguang went out.

Now is this time, and it is also the most critical time for Li Jiguang. They cannot tolerate any mistakes, gold mines, captured soldiers, and many, many tasks that they have not completed are waiting for them, so they cannot make mistakes!
Even so, everyone still understood in their hearts that they stopped drinking water, and then everyone followed Li Jiguang out,

When he just arrived at the gate, he saw the old man leading the villagers around him.

Those villagers looked at these Eighth Route Army soldiers up and down, and an older man led by them came over, "Who are you?"?
Li Jiguang walked in front, "Hello, old man, we are the Eighth Route Army, we came from the Jinfeng Mountain area in the north, we went to fight devils this time, we passed by here, just want to ask for a drink, if you bother us, we will leave now! "

"This is our village chief, you'd better be honest, the soldiers are not like you!" said the old man just now.

When Li Jiguang heard this, he quickly asked, "Aren't we the soldiers?"

"In the past, when soldiers came here, they would grab everything they saw without saying a word. You behaved well, what evil intentions are you hiding?" the old man asked.

The village head interrupted the old man with a wave of his hand. He looked at Li Jiguang and asked slowly, "The Eighth Route Army? We haven't heard of it, but we don't know that you said you beat devils. Here It's very peaceful, you can find here, I don't know what's going on!"

"We came from Jinfeng Mountain, and I was shocked to see you all. Folks, we are really fighting devils!" How could Li Jiguang tell them?
"Water, you can drink, but after drinking, you have to go, okay?" the village chief asked.

"Of course! Then thank you, the village chief!" Li Jiguang continued to direct everyone to drink water together.

The village chief said, "Whoever has hot water, let these Qiuba masters go to drink water quickly! After drinking, this place will be peaceful!" In this day and age, no one dares to cause trouble, no one dares to take the risk of going To provoke soldiers.

The soldiers were taken to different homes, and the steaming water made everyone laugh happily.

I haven't drank hot water for several days, and the snow water has made my stomach unacceptable.

At this time, many people surrounded the village chief's house, "Village chief, I heard that the security team will come today, and they will come once every three or five days, saying that they want to deliver food to the imperial army. Now at this moment, how can there be food? Tell me, these soldiers are from the security team?"

The village head took a puff from the pipe, "I don't look like it!"

"Not like? I'm worried about these soldiers. I just want to find out who has food. Don't come over in a while, they will just go and grab it. The village chief, there are still more than ten days before the Chinese New Year. Everyone is here I want to wait for the New Year with peace of mind, last year's autumn harvest was good, but... I can't bear the fact that the security team comes to beg for food every three to five days, right?"

The village head knocked the cigarette bag on the ground, and then continued to light it, "What are you afraid of? They are here, let them search. Now no one has much rice, and two porridge a day can bear it. By the way, Have you stored your food well? I told you to hide it far away and bury it in the snow. Have you told everyone about this?" The villager looked at them and asked.

"Hide a little bit, just wait for the New Year to eat, village chief, when will these imperial troops leave? How many years has it been? We have been afraid, I am worried, before we do anything! They will come directly to search, I've heard that a distant relative's house of mine was set on fire by devils. It's freezing cold, and I'm afraid it's frozen to death now. Here we..."

"Okay, don't worry about it. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, we can't avoid it. Let's be honest. They want it, but we can't give it to them. I think they can understand it!" said the village chief.

"I'm afraid, these people drank the so-called hot water, and then sternly refused to leave, and wanted to eat, we... what can we do? Give it or not, they have guns behind their backs!"

"How about a gun? They didn't see the grain!" said the village chief. "It's okay. I'll go and negotiate with their chief later!"

In the room, many people surrounded the village head. The village head is the oldest and most reasonable person in the village. Naturally, he is highly respected.

The smoke was lingering, and a strong wind suddenly blew outside. The village chief ordered the curtains to be closed, and then asked, "In a moment, you take the women and children away first, women and children are not allowed to have accidents here!"

"Yes Yes!"

Just after saying this, a person ran in from outside the house, "Village Chief!"

"In a hurry, what are you doing?" The village head glanced at a young man who came in with his glasses.

"Village Chief, those Eighth Route Army soldiers have finished drinking their water!"

"Sixizi, you'll finish drinking as soon as you finish, what are you in a hurry for?" the village head asked.

"Village chief, I'm worried about them..." Sixizi would definitely be worried. The last time the security team came, they first searched the house, found some food, and then took it away.

There is definitely not much food in their family, besides, there are two strong young men, this little food was saved by their old mother through the teeth.

"Okay, let's go, let's go and have a look!" After finishing speaking, the village head stood up, followed by many people.

When I went out, I saw Li Jiguang coming with his people.

Seeing the village chief, Li Jiguang cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, village chief. Dozens of us drank water, and now we are even warm. Thank you all!"

"Sir, after drinking the water, you..." Li Jiguang naturally knew what the village chief wanted to say.

He smiled, "Village Chief, as I said, our village has been harassed by devils and security forces, but we are neither devils nor security forces, we will do what we say, now, let's go!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang turned his head, looked at his soldiers and shouted, "Everyone listen to my password, and collectively thank all the folks!"

"Say!" Li Jiguang yelled, and then everyone collectively said, "Thank you, fathers and folks!"

After speaking, Li Jiguang looked at the village chief, "Let's leave the village chief!"

Seeing that they were about to leave, Sixizi hurried forward and said, "You can't leave now!"

As soon as the words came out, the village head directly grabbed his clothes, "Sixizi, what are you doing?"

"Village Chief, they are leaving, but we have to wait until we go to the house to see if there is anything missing!"

"You are crazy, go back to me!" The village chief yelled loudly.

Hearing this, Li Jiguang immediately stopped the team again, looked at Sixizi, and said, "Brother, don't worry about watching!"

"Let's go!" After finishing speaking, Sixizi was about to go!

This is on the tip of the knife, and the village head naturally knows what the consequences of this matter are?Even if something is lost at home, it is not surprising!These days, who doesn't want to be greedy and occupy more?
However, with your blatant words, if the Eighth Route Army gets angry and raises its gun, just because of a young man's recklessness, everyone loses their lives. This is not worth the candle!

The villagers hurriedly surrounded Sixizi, they all knew that this was no joke!
Li Jiguang went on to say, "Fathers and folks, our Eighth Route Army has our principles. It is our bottom line not to take ordinary people's stitches and threads. We are not afraid of you going to your home to see. Nothing is missing, we still have to hurry!"

"Not lost! Not lost!"

The common people said quickly.

The village chief also hurried up to Li Jiguang, "Sir, young man, you can't speak, you, let's go, who has anything valuable at home now? I'm afraid there is nothing there? You should hurry to call Devil, don't take the words of young people to heart!"

"Village chief, it's okay. Our Eighth Route Army doesn't use needles and threads from the masses. Of course, we also accept everyone's supervision. You can go and see it!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he looked at Sixizi, "Little brother, go and see Look! If something is really missing, our Eighth Route Army soldiers will be responsible to the end! I will also give you an explanation!"

Sixizi glanced at Li Jiguang, then turned around and left in the crowd.

Everyone panicked, after all, how could they beat someone with a gun.

However, from the beginning to the end, the soldiers in front of them stood straight and formed a line. They did have rules.

Since Sixizi is gone, she must take a closer look at their home.

"Village Chief! Village Chief!" At this time, a person ran over from the entrance of the village, and he shouted in panic, "Village Chief, the black skin ghost is here!"

The village chief frowned, then sighed, "Don't be afraid, everyone go back to their homes!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Jiguang, "Sir, get out of here now!"

"Village chief, what happened?" Li Jiguang asked.

"The black skin ghosts are coming, you should hide first!" The village chief thought clearly, he didn't want them to have a conflict, after all, if there was a fight, it would be their village that would lose in the end.

"Black skin ghost?" Li Jiguang didn't quite understand.

"The people from the security team are here, you should hide!" the village chief said.

"Hide away, we're going to beat them, village head, don't worry, I won't let the door run amok!" Li Jiguang said.

"No need, they came, they walked around and left, as long as you leave the village, you can fight as you want! Anyway, don't let us villagers have anything to do!" The village chief issued an order to evict guests, and Li Jiguang could only take The person hurried away.

However, Li Jiguang didn't think about leaving like this. He asked the soldiers to hide and see what the security team was going to do!
The village head took everyone and told them, "Don't say people have been here, you know?"


At this time, a security team with more than a dozen people on horseback came over.

The captain of the security guard is a ruffian from a neighboring village. When the devils came, he took the initiative to join the devils and became the captain of the area. How many bloody things happened behind the seemingly majestic scene?
"Oh!" The security captain Wang Shi'an smiled. "Why? So many people came out to greet me?"

He dismounted, and a man behind him led the horse.

"Captain Wang, are you here?" the village head said respectfully.

"It's difficult, you still know me. I told your village last time that I want to deliver food to the imperial army. Are you ready?" Wang Shi'an asked arrogantly.

"Hey, Captain Wang, you should know, whose family still has extra grain? Hmm? It's about to start spring. After the spring, everyone will plant grain again, and we'll make up for the autumn harvest. How about it?" Village Chief Gong Asked leaning forward.

"Make it up next year?" Wang Zhian looked at the village head, "Why don't we do this!"

Wang Shian put his hands behind his back and smiled, "Don't eat this year's grain, you can eat it after next year's autumn harvest!" After finishing speaking, he laughed loudly, "It's ridiculous, I'm asking you for grain today, But you said that you will give it to me next year? Do you want to give it to me next year? You are an old man!"

He cursed, then pointed at the villagers and shouted, "Listen to me, all of you, now, there are twelve households in your village, and there are NO. Go first, I'm still waiting to go to the next village, if I don't pay, I won't leave, I want to see, who of you will be hungry!" After Wang Shi'an finished speaking, a dog leg behind him moved away without knowing when. A chair came, and Wang Shian sat on it, crossing his legs.

This picture is really chilling to see.

"I'll give you 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, my brothers will search next to each other. If you can't find them, I'll let you go around without food!" Wang Shi'an roared.

Everyone began to discuss, but no one dared to go to the house to get it. Besides, how could it be possible to give them all the food at home?
Everyone whispered, the village head stood at the front, he didn't move, no one dared to move.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but no one moved.

This also happened to make Wang Shi'an happy, it was just right not to move, and the food was searched out in a while, and it was all taken away, leaving no room for it!
He was thinking about it!
Suddenly, a shout was heard, "Village Chief, Village Chief!"

The village head frowned, thinking, it's broken!
Sure enough, Sixizi shouted happily, "Village Chief, my two catties of millet are still there! I haven't lost them!"

He happily rushed to the front of the team, and his expression changed all of a sudden!
Wang Shi'an stood up happily, and walked up to Sixizi with his hands behind his back, and snatched the two catties of millet from his hand, "Hehe, you, Sixizi, are the ones who know the fun!"

"Give it back to me!" Sixizi roared.

"Give it back to you?" Wang Shi'an gave a "bah" and spit a mouthful of phlegm on Sixizi's face.

"Return it to you? You gave the grain to the imperial army. I won't ask you for a single grain of rice. The first three people in your family paid three catties of millet, and now they are still one catty short!" After finishing speaking, he said to Looking at the people behind him, he said, "Write it to Sixizi. The first person to hand over food to the imperial army can get one catty off. The two catties are just right. The last one to pay, then pay an extra catty for Sixizi!"

"Give it back to me!" Sixizi still roared.

(End of this chapter)

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