Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2595 Annihilating the Security Team

Chapter 2595 Annihilating the Security Team

Wang Shi'an's expression suddenly changed, "Si Xizi, I've done my best to save you a catty. If you don't know what's good and what's wrong, don't blame me for being rude!"

Sixizi's eyes were wide open, and he gasped, "You son of a bitch, give me back Xiaomi!"

Wang Shi'an is a puppet army and also a member of the security regiment, but even so, he does not allow people to say bad things about him, especially this dog leg, what is this?Didn't it make Wang Shi'an angry?
I saw Wang Shi'an kicked angrily, and put his foot on Sixizi's lower abdomen, and that Sixizi was kicked to the ground all at once!

The villagers rushed to help Sixizi.

Wang Shi'an roared, "Leave him alone!"

This sound made the villagers dare not go forward.

"I've given him a lot of face today, blowing his beard and staring, who is he showing? To the imperial army? Hehe, I didn't shoot him. The ancestral graves are already covered with smoke!" After finishing speaking, Wang Shi'an looked at the village chief, "You, how do you explain? Isn't there something superfluous about extinction?"

"There is indeed nothing left!" The village head continued.

"I don't believe what you say, a bad old man," then he turned and said to the people behind him. "Ten minutes are up, you should be clear about what you should do!"


After speaking, a dozen people headed to their homes in the village!
If he had known about such a thing earlier, the village chief felt that this was the right thing to do!

The villagers suddenly became nervous, who could have nothing in their house?They all said to the village chief, "Village chief, what should we do?"

"Village chief, if this continues, we will be finished, and we will not be able to celebrate the new year!" The villagers said.

The village chief still didn't speak, even if he said something, Wang Shi'an would not stop taking their things!

Things have come to this point, they can only bear it all in silence.

Si Xizi, who was crouched down, couldn't wake up from the pain for a long time, his eyes were bloodshot, and he really wanted to stand up and fight this Wang Shi'an!
In fact, Wang Shian and Sixizi were the same age, and they played together when they were young, but later, due to various reasons, Wang Shian became a ruffian, and Sixizi stopped interacting with him. Sixizi joined their gang, but Sixizi just didn't agree, and the conflict started at that time!

Not long after, those who searched the house came out, holding everything in their hands, including stick noodles, rice, and two eggs. Anyway, as long as they were edible, they were all taken away. Take it out!
The eyes of the villagers gleamed. Although they couldn't eat a few meals of these things, they slowly saved them through their teeth during the year. They only saved so much electricity in a year, but they took them all. out!
Looking at these "trophies", Wang Shi'an seemed to be angered. He looked at the village chief and pointed at him, "Didn't you say that there are no extras? Isn't this extra?"

"These are everyone's food for the past two days!" said the village chief.

"Old man, I have endured you for a long time, there are so many villages, counting your villages does not cooperate with the actions of the imperial army!" Wang Shi'an grabbed the village chief's hair, "You think you are old, I Don't dare to provoke you?"

"No, everyone is the same!" said the village chief.

"Hehe, old man, don't think that I dare not beat you because you are old. With your attitude, I will kill you for the imperial army, and I will not commit a crime!" Wang Shi'an roared.

The village head did not speak.

"It seems that the people in your village live too comfortably!" After Wang Shi'an finished speaking, he threw the village chief to the ground.

The villagers quickly helped him up.

"You live comfortably, and I will make you feel uneasy!" Wang Shi'an said, "The imperial army is going to build a gun tower recently, I think you are just right!"

Excuse me, those dogs behind him immediately pointed their guns at the villagers.

"Take all Zhuang Laoli away!" Wang Shi'an roared.

"No!" The village chief said at this time, "I can't take them away! Spring is coming soon, and crops need to be planted. Without them, the village can't grow crops at all! I ask you to let them go!"

The words of the village chief did not impress Wang Shi'an, on the contrary, they made Wang Shi'an feel superior.

"Ask me?" Wang Shi'an repeated.

The village chief cupped his hands and bowed, "Please!"

"Hehehe!" Wang Shi'an was satisfied, but how could he let them go, he kicked the village chief on the ground, and then stepped on the village chief's face, "I've seen Shameless, I have never seen you so shameless! Immortal, can I forgive you just by talking to me a few words?"

"Please!" the village head continued.

"Don't forget that the Imperial Army has long wanted to build the gun towers. It wasn't for me, the villagers in your village would have been requisitioned long ago. Instead of treating me as a lifesaver, you don't support my work. You ungrateful people! "As he said, he pointed to the grain he collected and said, "These grains are far from enough. I will come back tomorrow. If there is no grain, I will take care of all of you!" Wang Shian turned around and left.

At this time, Sixizi who got up from the ground rushed over, "Give me back my millet!"

He went over and hugged Wang Shian's waist, trying to grab something.

Wang Shi'an frowned, and hit Sixizi's head hard with his elbow, "Go away!"

He opened Sixizi, then kicked Sixizi to the ground, then drew a gun from his body and pointed it at Sixizi.

The villagers were stunned, and no one dared to rush forward to stop them. They all knew that it was not easy to survive in this troubled world!

The village head slowly got up from the ground, "Captain Wang, come tomorrow, we will give you all the food!"

"Hehe!" Wang Shi'an sneered, "Okay, tomorrow, everyone will pay ten catties of food!"

"Ah?" The villagers didn't dare to say anything, but they kept resisting in their hearts!
It was one catty per person just now, but now it has become ten catties. How could they have so much food.

"Good!" said the village chief.

"Okay?" Wang Shi'an became interested at this time, "So, each of your households has so much food? It seems that you are all dishonest people!"

"We paid enough for the remaining food by selling everything!" The village head said, "If there is no food, just take out all the valuable things in the house. What do you think, Captain Wang?"

"Not honest!" Wang Shi'an said.

Sixizi on the ground was furious, "Bastard, you bastard, I will fight you!"

After finishing speaking, Sixizi got up and rushed towards them!
The gun had been aimed at Sixizi a long time ago, and perhaps Sixizi was also in a momentary rage, but all this seemed to be outside all the rules.

Nobody plays by the rules!

Everyone watched helplessly as Wang Shian pulled the trigger, and the bullets from the muzzle were ready to come out!


All of a sudden, the bullet came out of the chamber, and Sixizi froze in place, not daring to move again.

The sound of gunfire frightened the silent village so that it dared not tremble.

"Si Xizi!"

"Si Xizi!"

The villagers screamed, and then rushed over!
They hugged Sixizi, and then patted his face, "Sixizi, how are you?"

"Si Xizi!"

The village chief walked around tremblingly.


All of a sudden, Wang Shian's body fell to the ground.

Everyone was so frightened that they quickly curled up and dared not move anymore!

"Da da da"


The bullets shuttled in the cold air, no surprise, these bullets were fired by the Eighth Route Army, just now, Li Jiguang witnessed everything here, he understood that any dog ​​leg will not reason with the common people, the only thing you let What they are convinced is the bullets in the gun!
Fifty people really surrounded them quickly. How could those members of the security team be the opponents of the Eighth Route Army?
Li Jiguang hurried over and glanced at Sixizi on the ground. His eyes widened and his body began to twitch!
The village chief looked at Li Jiguang, he didn't know what it was like, he originally wanted to settle everything here peacefully, but it seems that the emergence of the Eighth Route Army has broken such rules!
But the villagers were very moved. If it wasn't for the help of the Eighth Route Army, Sixizi might have died!

The members of the security team could not be left alive, because they came from Jinfeng Mountain and belonged to the hidden army. Li Jiguang ordered cruelly, "All of them should be executed!"

Those members of the security team who surrendered died in the blood of the soldiers.

The food was taken back.

No human life was threatened.

This is a blessing in misfortune!

After a while, Sixizi got up from the ground. He looked at Li Jiguang, and then Li Jiguang asked someone to bring over his two catties of millet, "Sixizi, this is yours!"

Sixizi took the things, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, "Shall I fight devils with you?"

Li Jiguang smiled, "Sixizi, if you really want to fight, just wait a bit. Our army is at the most critical time now, and we can't guarantee the safety of everyone. When the time comes, there will be no more devils in Beihai. You should be one." Militia, defend the village! Wouldn't it be better?"

"No, I'm with you, let's go now!" Sixizi said.

The village chief understood that Sixizi definitely didn't say such words on a whim. Just now, when he came back from the gate of hell, he should have understood the will of heaven.

"Sir, let him follow you!" After finishing speaking, the village head said, "You take the food with you, you should need it along the way!"

"No, no, no, our Eighth Route Army has its own discipline, if you can't take it, you can't take it!" Li Jiguang said.

However, the folks should have their own opinions. To fight devils, you must rely on the barrel of a gun. It is not a problem to blindly choose to endure.

Since Sixizi was going to join the Eighth Route Army, the folks gave all things to Sixizi!

Sixizi was moved to tears, and then knelt down to the villagers, "For uncle, grandpa and aunt, I, Sixizi, have nothing to repay. Today, I will follow the Eighth Route Army to fight devils. I can only kill a few devils to repay everyone." Love it!"

After finishing speaking, Sixizi kowtowed several times on the ground.

This kind of picture is actually not perfect, but if there is a way out, you must move forward. The villagers don't ask for anything in return, because they are all from the villagers.

Li Jiguang, also known as Bai, said that these things and food were given to Sixizi, but in fact they were used by the Eighth Route Army.

Li Jiguang saluted them, then walked up to the village chief, held out his hand and said, "Village chief, thank you!"

When the village chief came to his senses, he found that he had some banknotes in his hand.


The village head shouted.

Li Jiguang smiled, "Thank you guys! We will thank you again when we come back from fighting the devils!"

The Eighth Route Army left like this.

Sixizi followed the Eighth Route Army in the middle of the team.

During this period, he looked at Li Jiguang and asked, "Why do you want to give money?"

Li Jiguang smiled, "We have no reason to take things from the villagers for nothing, it's their sweat for a year."

"You are different, really different!" Sixizi shook her head, feeling like she was dreaming.

"It's not the same, the whole world is different, we are not bandits, but we really beat devils for the common people!" Li Jiguang patted Sixizi's head, "You don't know how to beat devils, follow us, don't show your head, Just watch us fight!"

Sixizi smiled, "I will! I used to go hunting in the mountains, and I used earth guns!"

Wanting to get to the gold mine from the village, Sixizi said that he knew a shortcut, which could save them half the time.

After hearing this, Li Jiguang asked everyone to follow Sixizi.

Gold mine, here we come!
Li Jiguang has long been shouting in his heart, he wants Shouhou and Liu Ji to hear that the organization has not forgotten them, they are here to save people!

The wind and snow are ruthless, but people are affectionate.

This kind of friendship has become a booster for their growth no matter what time it is.

"Tonight, we must be here, brigade commander, how do you plan to fight?" Sixizi asked.

"Go and see the situation first, I think it should be easy to fight!" Li Jiguang thought.


Jiangning County.

Yoshikawa Toshiichi threw a teacup on the ground, and the debris flew.

Saburo Seto lowered his head to listen to Yoshikawa's lecture.

"This Honda is simply a pig's brain!" Yoshikawa roared, "A regiment was completely annihilated. He is ashamed of His Majesty's good intentions!"

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Seto, and then sighed, "And you, you let a few Chinese people play tricks, so many cars of gold ore were all stolen!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, I admit my mistake! It was indeed my mistake. I trusted a few Chinese people. I don't know where these Chinese people have gone now, but if I find them, I will never show mercy!" Seto said .

"You haven't investigated clearly?" Yoshikawa looked at Seto in shock, "You don't know the whereabouts of these Chinese people?" Captain Seto, I have to doubt your ability! "

Seto dared not say a word.

"I have already received information that these Chinese people must have gone to the Eighth Route Army. Moreover, many of these people ambushing in Jiangning are members of the Eighth Route Army. Now, we have reached the most critical time. Captain Seto, I must Make a statement, your dereliction of duty is a butterfly effect, let us lose our troops!" Yoshikawa Junyi roared. ,

"Yes, I admit it!" Seto said.

"I don't want to hold you accountable now, but if the Eighth Route Army is in Beihai, our Golden Road will not be peaceful for a day. Sato is a pig brain. They took the path and used bombs. It will definitely lead to an avalanche, and then the entire army will be wiped out. He didn't think of this! We must make up for this mistake now!" said Yoshikawa.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I think we must strike while the iron is hot and mobilize all our troops to encircle the Eighth Route Army. Now, the Eighth Route Army is short of troops. If we mobilize troops to encircle them, they will die!" Seto said.

"Major Seto, one thing you don't understand is that the Eighth Route Army's power in North China and Northwest China cannot be ignored. Now that they have arrived in Beihai, their combat effectiveness cannot be ignored. We dare not do it anymore. Now, we We must concentrate our strength and fight a regular battle, and in this battle, I do not recommend using crowd tactics!" Yoshikawa said.

"Your Excellency, Commander, how can we fight without people? I'm afraid, if our people don't go in, they are still alive like moths!" Saburo Seto looked at Junyi Yoshikawa in surprise.

"Now, the only way to enter the Eighth Route Army's garrison is the Killing Tiger's Gate in the west, and the Killing Tiger's Gate must have assembled the Eighth Route Army to look at it now. We will go there, and they will be guarded by one man. We will definitely suffer heavy losses! As far as I know, most of their food and grass needs to be exchanged with nearby villagers, as long as we take down the Shahukou, the Eighth Route Army will collapse within a month," said Ji Chuan.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" Saburo Seto didn't understand yet.

"Since the avalanche can bury one of my regiments, then the avalanche can also bury the Eighth Route Army. Our planes and cannons will focus on bombing the Killing Tiger's Pass, turning the Killing Tiger's Pass into a dead end. Then, the Eighth Route Army will have no way out, and there will be no supply of food and grass. , and then encircle but not fight, it can become a classic battle!" Yoshikawa said, "Also, our planes have to bomb the Eighth Route Army garrisons from time to time, I want to see if these so-called empire moths can survive go down!"

"In this way, we can wipe out these Eighth Route Army quickly!" Seto thought, this is really good news and a good way of war!

"That's right, the only road left for the Eighth Route Army is to the west. To the west is a vast wasteland. Without villages, they are isolated together. The bad news of death will eventually be brought to them! It will be brought to us too!" Ji Chuan After speaking, sit down.

Seto slowly walked to the front, "Your Excellency, in this way, we will win quickly!"

"I dare not say victory, but Beihai, since there is no Eighth Route Army, we can concentrate on mining gold mines!" Junyi Yoshikawa opened a newspaper.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I dare to bomb the Killing Tiger's Mouth!" Seto said.

"I think so too. If you bring artillery to bomb, we are not afraid to spend more ammunition. We can kill as many as we can!" Yoshikawa said.

"Then the follow-up battle..." Seto asked.

"Let's talk about the follow-up battle. Let's bomb the Eighth Route Army's garrison first, focusing on bombing Shahukou, and don't let the Eighth Route Army infiltrate!" Ji Chuan said.

"Hai!" Seto said and left.

The tactics of encircling North China with strong walls will not work in Beihai, because the Eighth Route Army here is too weak, and the devil's troops are obviously insufficient.

Even if there are puppet troops and security forces, they are not large enough to encircle every place.


On the mountain.

Mingzi gave Lin Zhonghu the information about the battle of the Eighth Route Army. After hearing this, Lin Zhonghu was astonished, "The Eighth Route Army won?"

"Brother, I really won. I didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army still had two weapons. However, if it weren't for the avalanche, the final victory would be unpredictable!" Mingzi said.

"Since the Eighth Route Army can win, it explains everything. The Eighth Route Army's combat effectiveness is not underestimated. Mingzi, what is the trend of the devils now?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"It's not clear, because the devils haven't dispatched their troops yet!" Ming Zi said.

"Don't be afraid, what we have to do now is to wait for the devil's movements, if they don't move, we don't move!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, do you mean that we want to help the Eighth Route Army?" Mingzi asked strangely, "We have already given them ammunition and a cannon, that's enough, don't we want real swordsmen and devils?" Do it?"

"Mingzi, you don't know what it is. If the Eighth Route Army is finished, we will not be strong enough to fight the devils. Since the Eighth Route Army fought the devils without fear of death, and even wiped out one of the devil's regiments, explain, They still have enough strength! You must be told that the avalanche was accidental. In my opinion, this avalanche was definitely detonated by the Eighth Route Army. Their combat goal has been achieved! That's how it should be!" Lin Zhong still watched relatively complete.

"Brother, do you mean that Xue Beng was detonated by the Eighth Route Army? They have already seen it?" Ming Zi asked.

"That's right, if I'm not wrong, the Eighth Route Army has already planted bombs at the foot of the mountain. These bombs are enough to cause an avalanche!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"However, I still have doubts. Since the bomb was planted, there must be someone there. However, how could the Eighth Route Army go there to detonate the bomb in such a narrow canyon? It's a bit unrealistic!" Ming Zi still couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, there are too many things you don't understand. In fact, I don't understand either. If you have a chance, you can ask the Eighth Route Army for advice. Now, carefully investigate the movements of the devils and see what they will do next." Lin Zhonghu instructed.

"Yes, I'll go right away!" With that, Ming Zi turned around and left.

Lin Zhonghu looked outside, "Brother, it seems that what you said before you died was correct. I know that you want to let Yang Fei hold up half the sky, but the Eighth Route Army has finally become a solid force. Rest in peace, Eighth Route Army , and brothers, I will definitely give you an explanation, kill a few more devils, you are under Jiuquan, go with peace of mind!" Lin Zhonghu sighed, and put his hands behind his back, "The Eighth Route Army is really not easy! "

(End of this chapter)

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