Chapter 2596

An early morning stall in Anning County.

In fact, few people came to eat at all, and the old lady was a nice person. Wang Zhifei, who was watching the meal, kept asking, "Young man, a foreigner?"

Wang Zhifei didn't speak. After finishing a bowl of tofu nao, he wanted to pay. The old lady went over and said, "Young man, I see you, like my son, this tofu nao, don't want your money!"

Wang Zhifei is not stupid, he understands what he is talking about, he doesn’t need to scold people, so Wang Zhifei wiped his mouth, and put the money on the table, "Old lady, I am not your son, I am a businessman, why not?" Can you not charge money!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei was about to get up and leave.

Anning County is not very peaceful, especially after the entire army of Sato United was annihilated, the city has stepped up its security.

However, Wang Zhifei never saw what the little devil was doing, which was no different from usual.

The old lady chased after her, "Young man..."

Before the old lady finished speaking, Wang Zhifei said directly, "Old lady, I am not your son!"

This sentence made the old lady embarrassed, she turned her head and started to clean up the dishes.

There were only devils on the street and few pedestrians. At this time, two devils came over and grabbed Wang Zhifei's arm, "Who are you?"

Wang Zhifei was taken aback for a moment, seeing that there was no one around, and wanted to knock them out and leave quickly, but the old lady behind him came over directly, "Taijun, this is my son!"

"Your son?" The Japanese soldier looked at Wang Zhifei strangely. He didn't look like an ordinary person. One of the devils looked at the old lady and asked, "Your son? Are you sure it's your son?"

"Yes, it's my son!" The old lady insisted that it was his son.

"What's your son's name?" the devil asked.

"Da Mao, this is my son Da Mao!" After the old lady finished speaking, she walked up to Wang Zhifei and took his arm.

"Your name is Da Mao?" the devil asked.

Wang Zhifei was also afraid of implicating the old lady, so he hurriedly said, "Yes, my name is Da Mao!"

"Whether you are a big hair or not, your appearance is very unreasonable!" The devil's Xiao Jiujiu was exposed, "Come with me, go earn money!"

The old lady hurried over to stop him, "Don't, my son is sick and can't leave!"

"Fuck you!" The little devil pushed the old lady, who staggered and fell to the ground.

Wang Zhifei hurried over, helped the old lady up, and looked at the devil, "Where are you going?"

"Mining!" The little devil pointed a gun at Wang Zhifei, and Wang Zhifei had to follow them. He looked back at the old lady, "Mom, you go home first, I'll be fine!"

After saying that, the two devils pressed Wang Zhifei and left.

There is no doubt that if you go to mine, it must be a gold mine, and the so-called making money is simply non-existent.

Wang Zhifei knew that he had to get rid of them before he could go back. However, the streets were full of devils, so it would be very difficult for him to get out.

He was locked in a room with a dozen men.

Those men are all sallow and thin, and there are even a few who look like old men.

There is no life in their eyes, and they have no idea about their future life at all.

Wang Zhifei kicked the door angrily, and the people behind him smiled.

Wang Zhifei looked at them angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

"New here, hehe, you want to get out after being locked in?" a skinny man asked.

"What do you care?" Wang Zhifei said.

"I have a bad temper, hehe!" said the little skinny man, "Don't you know that we are going to mine? It was because some people died a while ago and the labor force was insufficient, so we were allowed to go. Urinating, I was caught by the little devil, I am not wronged!"

"I was going to get medicine for my old lady, but I was caught by a little devil on the way!" An old man shook his head after finishing speaking.

"Don't talk about those useless things. If we go this time, I'm afraid it will be a narrow escape. I haven't married a wife yet! I haven't tasted this woman yet!" The little thin man was lying on the ground with a stick in his mouth. I don't know how many years ago the straw had become moldy.

The room became silent, and this kind of silence caused Wang Zhifei to have a strong resistance in his heart.

The little devil is outside. If he stays here, he doesn't know when he will be able to go out!
"I heard that we are going to leave today!" The old man said, "No matter how the family trusts the relationship, it will not work. In the past, they would be released if they were given some money. Now, it is not easy to give money!" The old man shook Nodding his head, "I've gone, I probably won't come back with my life!"

Wang Zhifei ignored them and had nothing to talk to them about.

"No matter what, as long as you can go back, you are lucky. If you really can't come back, this poor life is better than dying early!" The little thin man got up, "We people have to take care of each other when we go, I think, Everyone still elects a leader, so we can be regarded as a small group, what do you think?"

The little skinny man's proposal suddenly made the lifeless prison come alive.

This proposal is good, but if you want to be convincing, it may not be so simple.

The reason why the little skinny man proposed this is that his purpose is simple and clear, that is to let him be the leader. He has experience in working outside. If he is the leader, he can work less or even not work!
"How about I reluctantly support you?" the little skinny man asked.

There was really no suitable candidate, and since the little skinny man had said it, everyone had nothing to say.

However, Wang Zhifei snorted coldly, "Only by you?"

The little thin man was a little annoyed by the cold water. He stood up and wanted to compete with Wang Zhifei, but his figure and physique were no match for Wang Zhifei at all. With such a strong strength, he might be a good hand at work!

"What do you mean?" asked the little thin man.

"You want to survive, recognize me as the eldest brother, and I will take you out!" Wang Zhifei glanced outside the door, and then said to them.

"Go out?" The little skinny man never thought he could go out.

This is a hope, this is a luxury!
The old man looked at Wang Zhifei, "Young man, are you up to it?"

"Whether it will work or not, you will know if you try it. It's better than working for the devil. If you die, you won't work as hard for the devil. If it succeeds, you all go back to your respective homes and find your mothers!" Wang Zhifei Holding the wooden fence with one hand, he looked at them and said.

Everyone looked at each other, and the little thin man suddenly asked, "If you want to escape, can you escape the devil's gun? Think about it!"

"If you can escape, just run away. If you can't escape, you will die. Do you want to die from exhaustion, or do you want to die with hope? You can decide!" Wang Zhifei said.

It's normal to want to live. At this time, a man who looked more gentle began to say, "Your words reminded me of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. Do princes and generals have any kindness? If I work with you, maybe I can make a difference. world!"

"Okay!" Wang Zhifei agreed directly.

"Everyone calls me Xiucai, but everyone can call me Xiucai!" Xiucai introduced himself directly.

"Scholar! Looks like you are educated!" Wang Zhifei smiled.

"I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be, I just can read and write!" The scholar smiled shyly.

For this frail scholar, it was somewhat surprising that he made such a step.

What else?The big guy said directly, "Okay, follow you!"

The little skinny man had to agree, even if he was a little dissatisfied in his heart!

In the afternoon, sure enough, the devil opened the door and let them all go out!

When I got out of the cell, I saw a car!

"Go all up, you Chinese people!"

cried the little devil.

In the car, everyone fell silent.

The car started to rumble, and the three little devils were sitting in the car, watching them vigilantly, with their guns pointed at them all the time, in case Wang Zhifei and others would rebel.

The road was long and bumpy, but there was no problem with the car.

The scholar kept staring at Wang Zhifei, but Wang Zhifei had no intention of running away.

Xiucai thought, this is a good opportunity, but Wang Zhifei glared at him, and Xiucai dared not look at him anymore.

At this moment, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooo" sounded from the sky, and Wang Zhifei wanted to take a look, but was pushed back by the devil with a gun.

"What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a plane?" the little devil roared.


Thinking of this, Wang Zhifei thought, could it be that they want to bomb with planes?
No matter what, he had to tell Yang Fei about this information, what will happen in the future?


At the same time, Han Qing watched the direction of the plane and realized in his heart that as long as he followed the direction of the devil's plane, he could almost know the location of the devil's airport!
As long as you know the location and blow up their airport, wouldn't that be enough?

He smiled, and then quickly ran towards the southeast!

Five kilometers southeast of Jiangning County, here is the devil's airport. In order for the plane to land normally, the little devil asked people to remove all the snow on the ground and reserved several runways for the plane.

Hearing that a few more planes were coming, the little devil sent more people to build a few more runways.

There were three planes parked at the airport at this time.

Seto came by in a car.

After getting out of the car, the ground personnel immediately saluted.

"Captain Gong Qi, how is the airstrip now?" Saburo Seto asked.

Gong Qi hurriedly reported, "Captain Seto, according to your instructions, three runways have been cleared, which should be enough for our planes to take off and land!"

"Yaoxi, you are doing a great job, Captain Gong Qi, I think you should know what our combat purpose is. As a ground commander, you have the right and the obligation to complete the instructions of your Excellency Commander. Killing the tiger is a very obvious task. The battle site, your plane bombs must blow up there exactly!" Said Saburo Seto.

"Captain Seto, I understand, our plane has already taken off, let's take a look there first, I think, after returning, all the planes will take off, and it's only a matter of time before we blow up the Shahukou!" Gong Qi said.

"In addition, you have to blow up the village where the Eighth Route Army headquarters is located, and cut off the Eighth Route Army's food and grass supply. This is our strategic goal!" Saburo Seto ordered.

"Ha Yi, we understand!" Gong Qi said. ,

"Okay, I think you are doing well here, His Majesty's brave fighters are invincible!" After finishing speaking, Seto got into the car and left.

From a distance, this place is different from other places. Han Qing was on a hill and saw the airport. He was very happy in his heart. Unexpectedly, his idea was correct. This is indeed the devil's airport.

However, depending on the situation, there are not many soldiers guarding the airport, and I'm afraid they don't have many troops to guard it at all.

According to Han Qing's kung fu, isn't it a piece of cake to deal with these devils?
He looked around to make sure there was no one there, and then began to sneak into the airport quietly.

However, there were many people standing in front of the three planes at the airport.

He was startled and quickly hid.

"This little devil is quite shrewd. I still don't believe that such a big airport only guards these few planes. You won't leave!" Han Qing hid in the dark and quietly observed these people.

Soon, it was getting dark, and the whining sound of planes in the sky became more and more loud. Several planes landed slowly, gliding on the airstrip for a long time, and then slowly stopped.

When the plane landed, there was a strong gust of wind.

"Hey!" Han Qing smiled. "So there are still planes. I thought there were only these three planes. Unexpectedly, a few more planes came. It's great!" Han Qing thought to himself.

However, to Han Qing's surprise, the planes had just landed, but they began to fly forward slowly.

"What's the situation?" Han Qing didn't understand.

However, what made him even more confused was that after the plane that had just landed, the planes that were originally parked all began to move slowly.

It's almost dark today, where are these devils flying their planes to?
Han Qing didn't understand, but he also knew that even if he bombed the plane now, he couldn't do it.

The plane took off slowly and flew towards the northwest, the same direction as he flew in when he came!
Thinking of this, Han Qing suddenly understood, maybe these planes were flying in the direction of Shahukou, or they were flying towards the base area!

"Oops!" Han Qing was anxious for a while. "If they really go to the base area, and the base area is completely unprepared, then...then..."

The more I think about it, the more anxious I become!
However, Han Qing understood that even if he ran to the base area now, he was afraid that if he did, the base area would already be in ruins!He gritted his teeth, "Okay, since you want me to pay a heavy price, I will make you pay a heavy price too! Is it the plane? See how I blow you up!"

Han Qing clenched his hands tightly.

It was getting dark, and a beam of light was shot from a watchtower, shining on the airport, as a sharp weapon for inspection.

However, it is not easy to blow up the plane, how to blow it up?
He looked at the airport and kept thinking in his mind, if he can't be blown up in the sky, then he has to wait until he flies down, and when he flies down, he will definitely be able to blow him up!
However, it is easy to think, how to fry?
Seeing the airstrip, Han Qing suddenly understood that when the plane is most vulnerable, it is also the best time to do it. As long as it is on the airstrip and loaded with explosives, the plane cannot be blown up!

As long as you have an idea and do it, it is a matter of time.

Han Qing thought, let them have a taste of this before these planes arrive!

He turned back, quietly checked the ammunition depot at the airport, and stole a few explosive packages, it shouldn't be a problem.

Sure enough, there is an ammunition depot at the airport. Most of the ammunition depots are airborne bombs, but there are also some other conventional weapons.

The devils at the door couldn't stop Han Qing, so Han Qing went in, reported a few bundles of explosives, and then started to move on the airstrip.


In the base area at this time, Yang Fei saw the plane coming and turning around and then leaving. He suddenly understood in his heart that the planes that came earlier were probably from scouting. Will patronize here.

So, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Come on! Come on!"

However, for a long time, no one came in here.

He frowned, and then understood that Han Qing and Wang Zhifei were both sent out by him, and there was no one at the door now.

But just when Yang Fei was about to get up and go out by himself, Dongdong ran in, "Did you just look for someone?"

"Dongdong?" Yang Fei yelled, and then hurriedly said, "Dongdong, hurry to the village and inform your grandma and the villagers, now hurry to the air-raid shelter, I'm afraid there will be a plane coming here soon!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, Dongdong saluted Yang Fei.When he turned around and ran out, Li Mobai came in, "Yang Fei, what's wrong?"

"I think the devil's plane will come over in a while, as expected, the devil doesn't want to fight us face to face now, they want the advantage in the sky to deal with us!" Yang Fei said.

"You mean...the devil's plane will come here? I did hear the plane just now!" Li Mobai said.

"Basically yes, but it doesn't matter if it's not, let the soldiers go to the air-raid shelter first!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Li Mobai went to give orders after finishing speaking.

There are about a hundred people left in the base area. The people in charge of Deng Qi have safely entered the air-raid shelter, and the common people have taken out all the valuable things in the house.

In the air-raid shelter, a few kerosene lamps were lit. There were many people and it was extremely lively.

After waiting for a while, someone became impatient, "Is this devil coming? Why is no one coming now?"

"That's right, the devil's plane is not necessarily flying towards us, is it?" Some ordinary people began to get a little impatient.

Yang Fei heard it in his ears, but he didn't say anything.

After a while, several common people came to Yang Fei, "Commander Yang, we don't think the devil's plane will come over tonight, so let's go home and sleep first, everything will be fine. There are so many places, the devil just happens to How about blowing up our house?"

"Uncle, you can't say that. Just in case, the plane won't tell us where the devil is going. I think we have to do it ourselves! Prevent the devil from suddenly attacking!" Yang Fei explained.

"Teacher Yang, I also know that you are doing it for our own good, but look at this day, you are looking at this tunnel, not to mention it's small, and it's still a bit cold, we can't live in the house, come here to play What about it?" An uncle shook his head, "I don't care about others, I'll go back by myself!"

Saying that, the uncle bent over and walked through the narrow tunnel to go home!

Dongdong kept looking at Yang Fei, and Yang Fei smiled.

Seeing the uncle walking towards the village, Yang Fei felt uncomfortable. Who wants to live outside?I'm afraid no one wants to, but once the devil comes, everyone can still survive, right?
At this moment, suddenly the sound of "Woooooooooooo" from the plane came!

Yang Fei thought badly, the sound of the plane was getting closer and closer, and many people didn't even hear it!
Yang Fei hurried to the entrance of the cave, "Uncle, come back, the plane is coming!"

The uncle smiled at Yang Fei, then raised his head, didn't he?The sound of several planes was getting closer and closer, and everyone in the air-raid shelter heard it.

"Come back! The plane is coming!"


"Woooooooooooo..." The voice of the plane was very long, as if it was declaring war.

All of a sudden, a bomb fell and made a sharp sound, and the uncle ran towards the air-raid shelter nervously.

However, there are not so many choices in this world. Now that you have gone out, you have to bear the consequences of all this.

The bomb exploded in front of the uncle's eyes, and the steaming flames seemed to engulf everyone. "ah!"

Who doesn't shout loudly?

Yang Fei didn't care how dangerous it was outside, and hurried towards the uncle.


Another bomb fell, blasting the ground into a big crater, and the loud sound made many people cover their mouths. This was a sound they had never heard before.

The flames ignited the villagers' houses in an instant, and a raging fire was ignited. Yang Fei rushed over and saw the uncle on the ground. He clasped his legs tightly with his hands and screamed.

"Uncle, bear with me, I will carry you away!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he picked up the uncle and ran towards the air-raid shelter.


Huge energy hit the ground, and the smell of mud mixed with the melted ice and snow entered Yang Fei's mouth. Behind him and in front of him, there were all figures of bombs!

"Captain Yang, be careful!"

Li Mobai shouted, and then hurried to the entrance of the cave.

The bomb illuminated everything in front of them. In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that everything was too late now!

The uncle closed his eyes, sweat was pouring from his head, his legs were drooping, and he was unconscious now.

The bomb blasted a hole in the place where the uncle was lying just now, making people shudder when they saw it.

When Yang Fei carried the uncle into the air-raid shelter, Yang Fei quickly tore off the clothes on his body, and then he wrapped him up to stop the bleeding.

"Uncle, bear with it!" Yang Fei shouted with concern.

"Ah!" The uncle burst into tears, "I regret not listening to you!"

"Uncle, don't say that!" Yang Fei frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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