Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2597 Anning Airport Explosion

Chapter 2597 Anning Airport Explosion
The devil's bomber hovered overhead for a long time, and the bombs fell one after another in the base area, as if they wanted to turn this place into a purgatory on earth.

The fire is pervasive, and whose eyes are full of tears. What should we do about the future life?
Ten minutes later, those planes turned back.

At this time, explosions began to be heard not far away from Shahukou, and Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai ran out of Shahukou in a hurry, "Dog, this devil's plane has come twice, what is he going to do?" Shen Wanxi was a little asked angrily.

"Captain, something big is about to happen!" Hu Dahai said hastily.

"Just say what you have to say, don't keep farting, I despise you!" Shen Wanxi roared.

"This devil's bomber is obviously going to kill us, should we hide in the tiger's mouth?" Hu Dahai asked.

This is indeed a difficult problem. When people are outside, the bomb can explode, but if they go inside, they may fall into the devil's trick.Seeing the bomb approaching from far to near, Shen Wanxi quickly ordered, "Hide in the tiger's mouth first, hide in first!"

About a hundred people are hiding in the mouth of the killing tiger, the mouth of the killing tiger, and there is only a line in the sky above their heads.In this position here, it is simply that one man is in charge of the other.

Shen Wanxi sweated a little, and then asked, "Are you injured?"

Fortunately, no one was injured. In the past few days, Shen Wanxi has built a fortification here. In his eyes, everything here is like his child.

According to Shen Wanxi, the defensive posture at Shahukou starts from here, with a total of three machine guns blocking it, and then it is the direction of the base of Shahukou. Here, he dug trenches with heavy troops. I believe that he can kill 200 people. People's devils!
There is no doubt that the fortifications built by Shen Wanxi are really great. Yang Fei looked at it again and was amazed.

It's just that today's killing of the tiger is probably the same as the basis!

Shen Wanxi looked at the artillery fire outside, and his heart began to ache.

"Could it be that the devils just want to blow up these fortifications?" But after thinking about it carefully, "Is the price a bit high?"

However, just after he finished thinking about this, he suddenly heard a "boom" above his head, and the broken stones rolled down. The soldiers immediately panicked and rushed to the edge of the tiger's mouth.

"Boom!" There was another explosion, and the stone rolled down the steep mountain wall, blocking the narrow road in the middle.

Shen Wanxi quickly ordered, "Everyone, hurry up and hide in the fortifications, it's dangerous here!" After Shen Wanxi shouted, she led people to the fortifications in a hurry.

This time, they clearly saw that the bomb on the plane exploded only above the mouth of the tiger. The sound of the explosion and the sound of rolling stones falling was huge. Hu Dahai wiped the sweat from his brow, "My dear, this guy I want to blow up the mouth of the killing tiger!"

"This little devil has a bad mind, but if you blow up the tiger's mouth, they won't be able to get in, but we won't be able to get out either!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Old Shen, this little devil blows up the mouth of the tiger, I'm afraid he has other evil intentions!" Hu Dahai said.

"What bad intentions can there be!" Shen Wanxi said disapprovingly.

"Old Shen, think about it. They didn't have any other bad intentions. They came to blow up the tiger's mouth? The devils can't afford it early, not to mention, it's late at night!" Hu Dahai said.

"You mean that the purpose of the devil is not to kill the tiger in the end, but somewhere else?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Yeah, think about it, the devils are very spirited, they are not here now, maybe they will appear somewhere tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you should have heard it just now, there was also an explosion in the base area, this explosion It was also bombed by the devil's plane, the little devil, he wants to lock us up in the north of Jinfeng Mountain, and then suffocate us to death!" Hu Dahai managed to wake up for a while.

"Old Hu, you are right. After the bombing by the devils is over, I will go to the base area and ask Yang Fei what to do next! This matter cannot be dragged on, we must find a breakthrough!" Shen Wanxi said .

"Yes, we must ask Yang Fei clearly, we are now passive!" Hu Dahai said.

The devil's bomber seemed to have poured enough, and finally returned.

Only then did Shen Wanxi get out of the fortification, and then took off his hat, "Damn it, come again!"

Hu Dahai watched the plane fly away, and calmed down in his heart, "Old Shen, hurry up and take a look, go to the base area, and see how Yang Fei and the others are doing now!"

"Okay, Lao Hu, I'll leave it to you now. I'm afraid these fortifications are useless. Hurry up and find a place for the soldiers to hide. The wind and cold are relatively strong!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Don't worry, you can go!" Hu Dahai said.


Jiangning Airport.

Han Qing seized the arsenal, came back with a few bombs, threw them on the ground, thinking of blowing them up when the plane came back.

However, Han Qing thought about it, will the plane come back at the same time?What if one plane is blown up first, and the rest of the planes know the situation and run away?
Thinking of this, Han Qing took back the explosives and estimated where the plane would stop.

Got it!

Han Qing saw that there were no eyes around, then hurried to the estimated place, found a shovel and threw it, and buried the explosive bag in it!

Just as he was running to the second road, the searchlight suddenly shone on Han Qing's body.

The loudspeaker at the airport immediately yelled, "Who is it? Put your hands up!"

Han Qing smiled and ran away!
In fact, it's not that he can't beat them, but he doesn't want to startle the snake.

Hiding in a dark place, I heard the footsteps of a dozen people approaching.

In desperation, Han Qing let out a "roar".

The devils stopped and said to each other, "I thought someone was coming, but it turned out to be a bear!"

"Is it really a bear?"

"Of course, you didn't hear the cry just now? It was the barking of a bear!"

"Since it's a bear, let's go back, don't be hurt by a bear!"

"Go, go back!"

They were gone, but the searchlights were still here, waiting to be carefully identified as a bear.

Han Qing sighed, "You bastard, you're really cunning!"

At this time, I suddenly heard a plane flying from the sky!

time is limited!
Han Qing just buried a pack of explosives, which was far from enough.

The Devils have at least six planes, what should we do?
Seeing the whining sound of the plane getting closer, Han Qing thought, no matter what, even if the plane flies down, he will blow up the devil's plane, the plane is too lethal!

The searchlight never left the runway, and not far away, a pair of devil soldiers pointed their guns at the place.

Han Qing thought to himself, "At least, wait until the devil's pilots get off the plane, and blow up the plane!"

"Hiss..." The plane glided and flew down slowly, the lights were shining here, and a huge wind wave blew over, a plane!

Two planes!

Slowly all three planes landed!
Only three planes?

Han Qing was puzzled.

However, at this moment, a military vehicle was seen approaching!
"Hurry up, put the ammunition on the plane, it will be bombed at least three times tonight!"


"Three times?" Han Qing's heart skipped a beat, "Three bombings, wouldn't the base no longer exist?"

No, no matter what, the devil's plot cannot be allowed to succeed!
Han Qing took out a gun from his body and looked at the military vehicle in front of him!
Several soldiers carried the bomb to the plane and at this moment, at some point, Han Qing came over!

He first threw a pack of explosives into the plane, and then "bang bang bang" several shots, hitting those devils.

"Baga, there are enemies!"

With a shout, many devils came towards the plane!
Han Qing fired a shot at the explosive pack in the plane cabin, and then quickly dodged!


The sound of the explosion shook the heavens and the earth, and the ghosts and gods were weeping, and the flames shot up more than ten meters!

The plane was blown up casually like snowflakes, floating on the ground!


How could the devil let Han Qing go, Han Qing went directly to the second plane, but what was waiting for him was the muzzle of the gun, and the black muzzle of the gun was pointing at him, Han Qing couldn't help feeling goose bumps all over his body.

"Put your hands up!"

The devil shouted!

Han Qing raised his hands and shouted, "Look behind!"

The devils turned their heads, and Han Qing arrived in front of the devils in an instant, and broke their necks forcefully, "I want me to surrender, so I don't want to see how many catties you have!" Han Qing laughed One shot, and then threw an explosive bag into the cabin of the plane, and hit the explosive bag again with one shot!

For Han Qing, everything is calm, this is normal, and it is very necessary!
The three planes were blown up by Han Qing, but Han Qing was about to be surrounded!

There were small explosions one after another on the airport, and the area of ​​the fire spread bigger and bigger. Just when Han Qing wanted to evacuate, he found that all the devil's troops at the airport had been dispatched.

At this time, the road behind him was blocked by the devil with a gun, and it was already impossible to get out.

A car drove up from the observation deck at the airport.

Gong Qi got out of the car, pulled out the command knife, "Listen up, you must catch him!"

The encirclement gradually narrowed, and in Han Qing's only position, he didn't make any moves!
Can he escape?Two fists can't beat four hands, but Han Qing is a first-class master, so he has to be a little afraid when he encounters this gun-wielding man.

When the devils surrounded him, Han Qing had already tied two explosive bags to his body.

When the devil saw it, he couldn't do anything to him.

Gong Qi frowned, "Who are you?"

"I'm in a bad mood, so I won't tell you!" Han Qing scolded.

"Don't say it? I also know that you are the Eighth Route Army!" Gong Qi smiled, "You can't get out, this place is all my people!"

"So what if it's yours? They're all a bunch of wine bags and rice bags, or you come and catch me!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing took a few steps towards Gong Qi.

Na Gong Qi took a few steps back subconsciously, only to realize that she had a command knife in her hand, "Okay, since you want to fight, I will teach you a few tricks!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Qi held the command saber in both hands, and slashed at Han Qing in small steps.

"If all the devils were like you, I'm afraid we would have won long ago!" After Han Qing finished speaking, he stretched out a hand and grabbed his wrist directly, "Save you? Not yet!"

Gong Qi's face is not good-looking, he never imagined that the guy in front of him is so strong, he can't break free no matter how hard he tries!
"Do you still fight? I'm afraid you can't do it?" Yang Fei pushed and shoved Gong Qi heavily, and that Gong Qi fell heavily to the ground.

No way, Gong Qi also feels that he can't take Han Qing down now, but he has explosives on him, if he fails, everyone here will have to pay for it!

"You'd better surrender, before I get angry!" Gong Qi said.

"It's just you? I'm afraid it won't work!" After saying that, Han Qing came to Gong Qi's side again, and Gong Qi took a few steps back on the ground.

"Don't you want me to pay the price? Don't you want me to surrender? How can I surrender when you are on the ground?" Han Qing asked.

The ghost soldiers around were eager to try, but none of them had the courage.

Even their squad leaders can't do it, can they do it?
Gong Qi got up from the ground, and then picked up the command knife on the ground, "At worst, we will die together!"

"Okay, let's die together!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing's eyes lit up, as if he was about to eat someone.

He is not afraid?This was beyond Gong Qi's expectation.

"Okay, let's fight again!" After Gong Qi finished speaking, he raised his command saber with both hands. This time, he slashed at him directly. However, in Han Qing's eyes, his little Jiujiu looked so mentally retarded!
Han Qing dodged sideways and hid directly behind him, "Do you still want to hit him?" After finishing speaking, he hooked his neck with his hands!
He pinched hard, and Gong Qi couldn't breathe.

"Let them all hide, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Han Qing still wanted to live, and no one wanted to die.

Gong Qi grabbed Han Qing's hand with both hands, trying to break free but felt a little impossible.

"I said, let all your people leave. I'll be fine, and you will be safe and sound. You can decide now if you want to do it or not!" Han Qing said.

"Okay, I promise you!" The devil said slowly.

I saw that with a wave of Gong Qi's hand, those devil soldiers made way for a passage.

Yang Fei hooked his neck and went out slowly.He was very steady on his feet, and he carefully watched whether the devil soldier in front of him really gave way to this path.

After finally getting out, at this time, a few cars came not far away.

It's Seto.

When Seto arrived here, he saw Han Qing hooking Gong Qi's neck and frowning, "Who are you? How dare you make such an insulting gesture to soldiers of our empire!"

"You deserve it!" Han Qing said, "Get out of the way too, otherwise, I'll kill him!"

To Seto's ears, this kind of threat seemed out of place.

How could Seto let Han Qing go?Even if one Gong Qi dies, more Gong Qi will appear!

"Then I'll see if you dare to kill him!" Seto said, then glanced up and down at Han Qing, "I know you!"

"There are so many people who know me, I specialize in killing devils!" Han Qing said.

"No, you are... Yang Fei's person!" Seto finally figured it out.

"Haha, I'm a little perceptive, but if you let me go, I can spare him and you too!" Han Qing said calmly.

"It's ridiculous for you to say this, it's too ridiculous, or you will kill him! Let me see if you dare!" Seto refused to accept the threat.

On the contrary, Gong Qi was a little cold, "Major Seto!"

"Captain Gong Qi, you have to understand that we are now at a critical moment and we cannot make any mistakes. Look at this airport, all three planes have been blown up. It is far from completing our mission! You have to Pay for it!" Seto said.

"But Major Seto, I didn't sit idly by! It's just that I can't beat him!" Gong Qi reasoned, how could Seto listen to his great truth, Seto has a sense of proportion for mistakes in work, and he himself Although the commander forgave his mistakes, he would never forgive him for the second time. If he didn't come up with a perfect explanation and emergency plan, it would be even more difficult for Yoshikawa to explain.

"I..." Gong Qi was a little disheartened.

"Did you hear that, you are a piece of shit when you are there, and they will not take care of your life at all, and you still expect him to save you?" Han Qing smiled.

"Don't say anything, you'd better raise your hands and surrender!" Seto Saburo roared.

"You say you, if you ask me to surrender, I will surrender. Why don't you threaten me?" Han Qing paused, "For example, if you let all the devils here surround you and point a gun at me, it is best Head shot, don't give me a chance to breathe, if you give me a chance to breathe, it means that all of you will die, see the explosives on my body? Including you, you will all die, "

Seto understood that it might be difficult to get him to surrender, so he could only laugh, "Hahahaha, what did I think you would say? What are you doing alive? Yang Fei has been killed by us, and you still Want to go out? Don't you want to reincarnate under the Nine Springs with your eldest brother?"

Seto caught Han Qing's weakness, but this weakness is really ridiculous to Han Qing, and Yang Fei's talking about it can only make him stronger.

"You'd better..." Before Seto finished speaking, his throat seemed to be choked, and when he took a closer look, Han Qing who was beside Gong Qi didn't know where he was going!

"You..." Seto suddenly understood that Han Qing was already behind him.

"What did you say? Yang Fei was killed by you!" Han Qing asked.

"Of course, no one will be spared. There is also Shahukou, where all the Eighth Route Army was killed!" Although Seto wanted to speak at this time, he couldn't make it clear. He still wanted to speak, just to let Han Qing is a little slack, he has a chance!
"Fart, my husband is so lucky, how could he be killed by the bomb!" Han Qing roared.

"Well, I promise you, I won't kill you, I'll let you go, you can go and see if Yang Fei is dead, not only him, but not many people in your Eighth Route Army base area are alive!" Seto Hu said.

Han Qing panted, let go of Seto, and then ran away!

Gong Qi hurriedly ordered, "Come on, chase after me!"

However, Seto stopped him, "You don't have to chase!"

Gong Qi hurriedly said, "Major Seto, this guy is the culprit who blew up these three planes. We have to take him back and let him understand what he has to pay for what he did. How can we let them go?" :?"

"Okay, don't talk about it! He can't leave!" Seto said.

"Master..." Just as Gong Qi was about to say something, he heard an angry shout from the front, "Ah!"

Gong Qi hurriedly took the people there.

I saw that Han Qing was locked up by a huge mask, and then some ambushing devils pointed guns at him!

Seto walked over slowly, "Still stubborn? Didn't you get caught by me?"

Han Qing glared at Seto, "Okay, kill or cut, you can do whatever you want! If I make a noise, I'm worthless!"

"Tough mouth!" Seto smiled, "Captain Gong Qi, tie him up for me, tie him up firmly, this guy is very strong!"

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Qi turned around and asked someone to bring a very thick rope, and tied it tightly to Han Qing three times inside and three times outside.

Han Qing struggled a bit, but it had no effect, "This little devil really thinks of himself as a big brother!"

"Take the car and go to the headquarters!" Seto shouted.

At this time, a loud voice was heard in the distance.

The sound of horseshoes can be heard very clearly in the dark night!
"What's the matter?" Seto asked quickly.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I'll take someone to have a look!"

Saying that, Gong Qi called a few people and walked forward.

"Someone is coming on horseback!"

"There are probably more than 30 people!"


More than 30 people?
Seto was stunned. These are all horsemen. It is impossible for their imperial army to have a horse-riding unit?

Thinking of this, Seto seemed to understand, "Stop it quickly, this should be a bandit!"

He quickly got into the car, and then shouted at the driver, "Hurry up and drive to the headquarters!"

"Hayi!" After finishing speaking, the driver stepped on the gas pedal!

The devils who went out to see the situation were all beaten to death by Lin Zhonghu's men who rushed over.

Gong Qi took a few steps back, and hurriedly said, "Cover Major Seto to leave, and hold them all against me"!
At this time, the plane in the sky came over.

Seeing the situation, Gong Qi felt a little powerless, and hurriedly ordered a devil soldier, "Go, tell the observation tower to stop the plane from landing for the time being, and let them land elsewhere!"

"Hayi!" After saying that, the ghost soldier ran away.

"Swish, swish..." The bullet hit Gong Qi's side, and it really felt like being resurrected from the dead.


Gong Qi directed the devils to start shooting at the bandits on horseback.

However, the maneuverability of the horse was so good that when the shot was fired, the bandits had already come over.

Change to a big knife, and kill one with one knife!
Gong Qi retreated in surprise, but how could you retreat so easily?
Ming Zi was riding a horse, and the gun jumped up, aiming at Gong Qi who was about to escape!
"Escape? No way!" said something in his mouth, and then only heard a "bang".

A bullet hole was left on Gong Qi's back!
(End of this chapter)

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