Chapter 2598
After killing Gong Qi, Akiko rode a fast horse to chase Seto's car.

Originally, Lin Zhonghu wanted to see the devil's movements, but in the end, he found the airport, and Han Qing was also found at the airport. Although he had nothing to do with Han Qing, he understood that Han Qing wanted to Blow up the airport, but if one person wants to blow up the airport, it's a bit whimsical.

He hurried back to find people, and twenty or thirty people rushed here on fast horses, but they still heard the sound of the airport explosion long ago.

He thought to himself, can Han Qing do it alone, which is a good business that can be remembered in history for killing devils!Their bandits are also bandits with a conscience, and they can get the fun they deserve from killing a few devils.

The car was driving on a slippery ground. Due to the relatively high speed, the car skidded several times before it was adjusted to the right track.

Ming Zi pointed the gun at the car in front of him, but he couldn't aim it properly, and he couldn't hit it!
Seto poked his head out, and then took a look, "These bandits still dare to chase me! They really want to die!"

At this time, he yelled at the driver, "speed up, don't let him get away!"

"Hayi!" After the driver finished speaking, he stepped on the gas pedal again and rushed away.

Han Qing, who was lying in the back, laughed, "Seto, Seto, you are really a bit lazy, can your car run faster than a horse?"

"You better shut up, I'm in a good mood now, I don't want to kill you yet, when I kill you, you will know that you regret saying such things!"

"Okay, then you kill me! I don't want to fall into the hands of bandits!" Han Qing said.

"Shut up!" After speaking, Seto pointed the muzzle of the gun at the back, and then fired with a "bang".

"You don't poke your head out, how can you see the bandits? I'm afraid this gun is completely different?" Han Qing's mouth broke, making Seto a little angry.

"I tell you to shut up, so you shut up!" Seto yelled through gritted teeth.

"Okay, okay! I'll shut up, but tell your driver to drive faster, I feel like the bandits are about to overtake the car!" Han Qing lay down, hearing the sound of horseshoes getting closer in his ears!
Looking back, sure enough, Seto yelled at the driver, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Your Majesty, I am at the maximum speed now. The road is very slippery now. If we have nothing to do..." Before the driver finished speaking, Seto shouted, "Do you want to die with the bandits, or do you want to get the Emperor?" His Majesty's reward?"

"Ha Yi, I understand!" After speaking, the driver began to drive intently, and glanced behind him. It was pitch black, but he didn't find anything.

"Where are people?" the driver asked!
Seto panted, and then poked his head out. Sure enough, there was no one behind him, and the bandit who was riding the horse just now was gone!
"It should have been thrown off!" Seto said.

"How is it possible to get rid of it?" Han Qing spoke again.

"What do you mean?" Seto asked.

"After all, you are a car, running on four wheels, but that horse runs according to human thinking, how could it be better than that? Don't believe me, just wait!" Han Qing said calmly in the capital.

"Baga!" Seto was surprisingly angry at Han Qing's words!

"Before I kill that bandit, I'll kill you first!" After finishing speaking, Seto pointed the gun at Han Qing!
However, at this moment, the car skidded and turned 360 degrees on the spot, and it seemed useless to start the car again!

"What's going on? Drive!" Seto shouted.

"Your Excellency, the tire is blown!" the driver shouted.

"How could a tire blow out??" Seto asked in a panic.

"Don't think about it, the bandit behind him shot and exploded!" Han Qing sat up at this moment, "Kill me quickly, otherwise, you won't even have the chance to kill me!"

"Baga!" Seto pointed a gun at Han Qing, "You talk so much, you don't believe that I will kill you with one shot!"

"Yes, then kill, don't talk nonsense!" Han Qing said with his eyes closed.

"I'll help you!" Seto pulled the trigger.

Hearing a "bang", Seto's pistol fell into the car, and his wrist was wounded by a bullet. He suddenly looked out of the car, and found a figure outside!
He subconsciously wanted to open the door to leave, but when he got out of the car, the figure had already arrived in front of him, and then punched Seto in the chest!

"Run so fast, how about going to die?" Ming Zi asked angrily.

"What do you want?" Seto asked with resentment.

"Of course I killed you!" After Akiko finished speaking, she punched Seto in the chest again.

When the driver saw this, he got out of the car and ran away!
However, Akiko would never give him this chance, and quickly raised the pistol, only to hear a "bang".

The driver fell to the ground.

"Stand don't move!" After Mingzi finished speaking, he got into the car and untied Han Qing, and then cursed, "Damn it, it's tied so tightly!"

When Han Qing got out of the car, his whole arm was numb.

"I reminded you, you will regret it if you don't kill me sooner!" Han Qing said.

"Kill it, I am also loyal to His Majesty the Emperor!" Seto said.

"When you're about to die, you're still stubborn! Who gave you the courage to dare to call yourself the emperor?" Akiko kicked Seto in the crotch.

"Ah!" Seto yelled with difficulty.

"That's right, in front of our Huaxia, you are not dogs. Your so-called emperor is at most a king. When I Huaxia is in a bad mood, I am afraid that your king will be frightened!" Ming Zi looked at Han Qing after finishing speaking. , "How are you? Can you go?"

"Yes!" Han Qing said directly.

"If you can go, you should go first. The base area of ​​your Eighth Route Army has been bombed by devils, so hurry up and check the situation!" Mingzi said.

"Thank you!" With that said, Han Qing was about to leave.

"Wait, get on the horse!" After Mingzi finished speaking, Han Qing nodded, got on the horse, and hurried away.

"You guys are bandits, and you actually colluded with the Eighth Route Army!" Seto never thought that there would be such an accident.

"You're wrong, we're not colluding, but cooperating, but fighting against the Japanese together!" Mingzi finished speaking, and then raised his pistol, "I'm afraid your life will end here, die, little devil!"

In the silent night, I heard the life of "boom".

For many people, there is no difference between today's night and yesterday's night, but the biggest difference here is that the devil's airport was severely damaged, and the plane did not dare to fly back. Moreover, a major died!
Ming Zi pinned the gun to his waist, "Hehe, you little devil!"

The car slowly arrived at the gold mine, and then stopped. More than a dozen devils surrounded them and opened the back door of the car. One devil shouted at the car, "Get off all of them, get off all of them!"

Wang Zhifei got out of the car with a group of people, and was led by the devils to the gold mine!

Don't look at the sky at night, but it won't give them a moment to rest.

The scholar followed Wang Zhifei in a panic.

The old man and the skinny man did not dare to stay too far away from Wang Zhifei.

"Listen clearly, since you are here, work hard, His Majesty the Emperor, but you will be rewarded heavily!" said the little devil.

This is a large mine. A dozen of Wang Zhifei and the others were taken to a mine, and after being forced into the mine by the little devil pointing at their backs, Xiucai hurriedly asked, "Brother, this... this... how do you get out here?" ah?"

"That's right, we are following you, just want to get out alive, look, this is going to be mined!" The old man was also a little unhappy.

"If you want to live, follow me. If you don't want to live, go out now!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Hey!" The old man felt like he was on a pirate ship, but if he didn't follow Wang Zhifei, he might not be able to leave alone.

The little skinny man snorted coldly, "What did I say, going out is simply a fantasy!"

"Shut up!" Wang Zhifei roared.

When I got to the working place, I found that there were many people lying there.

Some were out of breath, and the corpses were still lying there.

The scholar crawled behind Wang Zhifei in fear.

Wang Zhifei was more daring, and kicked several corpses in the past. After confirming that they were all dead, he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's really unlucky, I still want to go out, why are they all dead?"

The old man muttered in his mouth.

The little skinny man chuckled, "What are you afraid of? They're all dead!"

As he spoke, he kicked several other corpses a few times to strengthen his courage.

"You fucking kick again!"

This voice directly made the little skinny man quickly hide behind Wang Zhifei.

A man got up from the ground, then leaned against the wall, "Did you kick it?"

Wang Zhifei looked at the person in front of him, and his body was exhausted, "Are you still alive?"

"I'm dying!" the man said slowly.Answer my words, "Did you play just now?"

"Yes, it's me!" Wang Zhifei said, and walked over slowly!
"If I kick it, I have to apologize. Didn't your mother give it to you?" The tone was serious, making Wang Zhifei frown.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, let me apologize, unless I'm convinced!" Wang Zhifei finished speaking, and then shouted to a dozen people behind him, "Listen, we are the bosses here in this mine, who disagrees? , just do it!" Wang Zhifei's words made more than a dozen people express their appreciation as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Who is it?" At this time, two people came from a distance from the mine. The leader of the person gagged his mouth, but he seemed to be in good spirits, with long hair like an ape-man in ancient times.

The clothes on his body were also tattered. With this outfit, Wang Zhifei thought to himself, "I'm not afraid of you!"

After seeing each other, Wang Zhifei asked, "Who are you?"

"Before I answer your question, you answer my question first. Just now, you said that you want to be the boss here?" the visitor asked.

"Hehe, no?" Wang Zhifei stared at the person in front of him, looking a little arrogant.

"No, you have to apologize to our dead brothers first. They are already lying on the ground. Do you think you shouldn't apologize after doing indecent actions to a few corpses?"

"Skinny Monkey, what's the point of talking to him?" Just do it!
The people who came were the Eighth Route Army captured by the devils. The two men were Liu Ji and Shouhou. They were still alive.

"Oh? Do you want to fight?" Wang Zhifei asked.

When the thin monkey was about to speak, another person came up behind the two of them, "I'll fight you!"

Zhao Qifa came over slowly, Liu Ji hurried over, "Old Zhao!"

"It's been a long time since I've fought. It's a kindness to me to let me fight today. Are you the one who wants to fight?" Zhao Qifa looked at Wang Zhifei and asked.

"Yes, it's me, what's the matter? Just rely on you? Still want to fight me?" Wang Zhifei sneered, yes, Zhao Qifa looks like he is malnourished, how can this thin body compare with Wang Zhifei?

Besides, there are more than a dozen people behind Wang Zhifei, not to mention anything else, they all feel stronger than them!
"Okay, let's fight!"

After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he stood in front of Wang Zhifei.

"Brother, beat him up, what kind of green onion are these thirty!" The little thin man now obediently encouraged Wang Zhifei.

"Brother, I am optimistic about you. I think that if they fight together, they may not necessarily be your opponent!" Xiucai also said at this time. ,
"Hehe!" Wang Zhifei told them to step back, looked at Zhao Qifa and said, "I don't think you have much strength, I'll let you have one hand, come on!"

"Don't underestimate people, if you want to fight, just use both hands together, why put on airs like this?" Zhao Qifa said.

"Haha, I've seen people who don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is, but I haven't seen you arrange the Tai'an highlands so thickly. Okay, I will help you!" As he said, Wang Zhifei made a firm stride, and then punched out. It was to hit Zhao Qifa's vitals directly. If he hit like this, Zhao Qifa would be useless.

However, no matter how Zhao Qifa looked for him, he never treated him. He used to be the company commander of the militia company. Now, they have to face a new situation, that is, if they are all Lian's sons!
Besides, Zhao Qifa secretly applauded Wang Zhifei's punch, but since Wang Zhifei's conspiracy can be seen, how could Zhao Qifa be hit by him so easily?

I saw that Zhao Qifa turned around and punched out, and quickly hit Wang Zhifei's creaking hole with moderate strength.

Only a "click" was heard.

There is no doubt that Wang Zhifei's arm was dislocated.

Wang Zhifei never imagined that the man in front of him didn't kill him. If he had increased his strength just a little bit, his arm might not be there anymore, so he secretly admired this man.

However, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky to convince Wang Zhifei.

I saw that Wang Zhifei moved his arm, and then squeezed it hard, and the arm returned to its position again.

"Good trick!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Look at the trick!" After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he strode out, then turned around and kicked. This kick was aimed at Zhao Qifa's face. If there were not a few kicks, the disfigurement would be unavoidable!
I saw that Zhao Qifa moved his body slightly, grabbed Wang Zhifei's ankle, and then pulled it hard. His left leg moved forward slightly to support his other foot. With a sound of "tearing...", Wang Zhifei fell to the ground Here comes a one-word horse.

The crotch was ripped open.

This ugliness is outrageous!
Zhao Qifa stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Zhifei up from the ground.

Wang Zhifei was 1 unconvinced, but the person in front of him was obviously better than him in martial arts!
"I'm willing to bow down!" Wang Zhifei said with his head down.

The faces of the scholar, the old man and the skinny man behind him all turned pale in an instant. They wanted to avoid suffering here with Wang Zhifei, but now they all became prisoners among the prisoners. There is really nothing they can do about it in the days to come. mixed up.

"I appreciate your courage!" Zhao Qifa said.

Liu Ji looked at Wang Zhifei, "Where did you come from outside?"

Wang Zhifei remained silent.

Zhao Qifa said, "Since what you did just now was wrong, you should apologize first!"

Wang Zhifei pulled his face and said to the people behind him, "We were so disrespectful to the people on the ground just now, let's apologize first!" After saying that, Wang Zhifei bowed to the people on the ground.

Then everyone behind him bowed to them.

The working environment here is like this, but they didn't feel disgusted, which surprised Wang Zhifei!

Following Zhao Qifa to the depths of the mine, they sat on the ground.

"Where did you come from outside? How is the situation outside?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"I don't know what situation you are talking about?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"Where is the devil now? Where are we now?" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"You don't even know what this place is?" Wang Zhifei looked at him in surprise.

"Answer my question first!" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Okay, this is Beihai. The place where we are now is the gold mine in Beihai. This gold mine has been occupied by devils and is being mined!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Then... where are the devils fighting now?" In fact, Zhao Qifa didn't care about where they went, even if they were overseas, his heart was always thinking about the Anti-Japanese War!
"As for where to call, I don't know. I don't know a single word, let alone read newspapers!" Wang Zhifei said.

At this time, the scholar behind him hurriedly said, "Brother, I can read books and newspapers!"

"Then you know?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"I also heard from others that the devils are already in the south of the Yangtze River. I heard that they are going to attack the important town in the southwest, and then send planes and cannons to bomb them in turn. They seem to say that they haven't been shot down!" Xiucai finished speaking, and then looked at Zhao Qifa, " This big brother, are you a military master?"

His temptation made Zhao Qifa suddenly understand: "He is still a soldier!"

Moreover, he is still a living soldier!
Seeing Zhao Qifa's expression, Liu Ji quickly interrupted, "Don't ask about everything!"

Xiu Cai retracted his body and looked at them, "How long have you been here?"

"I don't know!" said the thin monkey, "the sun doesn't see here, and the time can't be counted. I always feel that I have been here for several years!"

"Not for several years, less than a year!" Liu Ji said hastily.

"No, we have only been here for three months. In these three months, we have experienced too little, but too many things have happened. We don't know what we should do!" Zhao Qifa said.

"You have only been here for three months?" Wang Zhifei was a little surprised!

"What? Is three months too little?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"No, no, not a lot!" Wang Zhifei said hastily, "I think your image and temperament should all be soldiers. Do you want to go out?"

Zhao Qifa looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"Guys, I don't know if you are the national army or what, but we will definitely go out, it should be just a few days!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Oh?" Zhao Qifa looked at him strangely, "Could it be that the devil surrendered?"

"Hehe, how could it be so fast?" Wang Zhifei said, "I think what we should do now is to discuss a problem!"

"Say it!" Zhao Qifa asked.

Wang Zhifei smiled. Although he lost just now, he understood that these people should be experts. According to their words, they should all be soldiers. Letting them join the Eighth Route Army is a good deal. When you go out when the time comes, you can also let Yang Fei take a look!
"Say!" Shouted the thin monkey!
"Everyone, do you know the Eighth Route Army? How about joining the Eighth Route Army with me after you go out?" Wang Zhifei looked at them, and then said, "The conditions of the Eighth Route Army are hard, but now the Eighth Route Army is still able to fight devils in Beihai If you want to make contributions to the country, you can join anyone, but after going out, follow the Eighth Route Army, and when the time comes, it will be the same if you want to return to the National Army!"

Wang Zhifei's words made Zhao Qifa and others stunned. Looking at this person in front of him, he didn't look like the Eighth Route Army. How could he be so familiar with the Eighth Route Army?
Zhao Qifa squinted his eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

This sentence is threatening.

Wang Zhifei is not stupid, he can tell, "Okay, I don't think you look like bad guys. Besides, whether you can go out here or not is up to you. I can tell you that I am the Eighth Route Army!"

"You are the Eighth Route Army?" Liu Ji seemed to have found the organization, and quickly squatted down to look at him. His mouth wanted to laugh, but tears flowed from his eyes.

"You...what are you doing?" Wang Zhifei looked at Liu Ji, and Zhao Qifa quickly touched Liu Ji's back, "Okay, don't be ashamed!"

"I don't know, is that the Eighth Route Army team outside?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"To be honest, the brigade commander of this Eighth Route Army is called Li Jiguang, and our elder brother is Yang Fei!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Li..." Zhao Qifa couldn't speak, this...he was pinching his thigh as if in a dream, no, this is not a dream!
"Li Jiguang..." Zhao Qifa laughed, just like Liu Ji, tears flowed from his eyes!
"What? You know our brigade commander?" After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei said, "It's not surprising, our brigade commander is very good at fighting. Of course, our eldest brother Yang Fei is even better at fighting!"

"Yang Fei?"

Hearing this name, the three of them frowned. Didn't Yang Fei already... Could it be...

They were waiting for Wang Zhifei, Wang Zhifei felt a little creepy.

"You... what are you going to do?" Wang Zhifei swallowed and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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