Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2599 The Power of Singing

Chapter 2599 The Power of Singing

Wang Zhifei didn't know what he said that made the three of them cry, he still couldn't figure it out.

"What's your name?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"My name is Wang Zhifei! My job is to protect our regiment leader! Yes, it is also Yang Fei, my eldest brother!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Then why did you come in? Could it be that you have met devils?" Zhao Qifa wanted to find out more about the outside world. He wanted to hear, wishing that Wang Zhifei was a phonograph, playing the outside world all the time.

"Hey, don't mention it!" Wang Zhifei sighed, "We got the news that the devils were going to surround our base area, and sent a full regiment! The situation was urgent, and our brigade commander Li Jiguang had to give important instructions. Let my eldest brother Yang Fei take full responsibility for the security of the base area, and he quietly came out with about fifty people, wanting to take over this gold mine in one pot, in order to save their brothers!" Speaking of this, Wang Zhifei didn't think of it at all, Zhao Qifa What are their identities.

"My elder brother, commanding less than 300 people, he just ate up a whole regiment of devils!" Wang Zhifei said with a hint of pride. "But, think about it, won't the devil be angry if this eats up the entire regiment? Then, my elder brother was worried that the devil's plane might come, so he asked Han Qing to go to the devil's airport and wait for the opportunity to blow him up." Yes, let me go to Jiangning County to see what the devils are going to do! But, you have calculated thousands of times, but you didn’t figure it out. When I was eating a bowl of tofu nao, the devils caught me and insisted on letting me come here Mining! Tell me, am I being wronged?"

Wang Zhifei said, "I don't know what's going on outside now, but I hope the brigade commander can come over soon and rescue us!"

"Fifty people, just come to the gold mine?" Zhao Qifa couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Perhaps you don't know, what my elder brother wiped out was Sato. This Sato is the chief in charge of the gold mine. Most of the people he took were from here. So, as long as the soldiers can fight, these fifty fighters will It can eliminate the devils outside, and when I came here just now, I didn't find many devils there!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Besides your brigade commander, who are your commanders?" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"My elder brother, Yang Fei, Shen Wanxi, and Li Mobai!" Wang Zhifei said.

as predicted!

Zhao Qifa's heart finally settled down, and the three elders hugged each other with snot and tears mixed together.

The little thin man and the old man couldn't stand it any longer, and asked Wang Zhifei quietly, "Brother, are they sick?"

Wang Zhifei glanced at them.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, of course I'm happy to be able to go out!" Wang Zhifei said.

After a long time, Zhao Qifa slowly recovered, "Three months, the 23 comrades couldn't survive! They wanted to see the sun outside, but they never had the chance again!"

"Three months, three months of waiting, I finally know the whereabouts of the troops, and I finally have the opportunity to fight with my comrades again!" Liu Ji also said with emotion.

"Comrades, comrades!" Zhao Qifa stood up.

Many miners also stood up.

They looked at Zhao Qifa, and then slowly surrounded him.

"Comrades..." Zhao Qifa's voice became choked! "Everyone insist on three days, and within three days, the brigade commander will come to pick us up!" His voice was very low.

However, it pierced everyone's heart!

"Is the Brigadier here?"

"He said he wouldn't give up on us!"

"The Brigadier is here, it's coming soon, everyone has to get through it, don't be afraid, we will be able to get through it!" Zhao Qifa's mouth trembled with excitement.

Good news, Wang Zhifei's arrival is definitely good news!

Wang Zhifei was stunned, the brigade commander is here, isn't he his brigade commander?

But, all of a sudden, Wang Zhifei seemed to understand something, he hurried over, grabbed Zhao Qifa's hand, ""

Wang Zhifei finally understood, "Are you the person the Brigadier is looking for?"

Zhao Qifa nodded, and Liu Ji and Shouhou also stood up, surrounded by several people, and then Zhao Qifa took the lead, so he was happy, and began to sing, "Get up, slaves suffering from hunger and cold, get up, suffering people all over the world!" ! My blood is boiling... to fight for the truth!..."

The singing is passed in the mine, and every soldier sings loudly!

Xiucai was stunned by the scene in front of him, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Brother, this is..."

"You don't understand, kid. Although I don't understand, I can understand!" Wang Zhifei said.

"This song is also very nice!" Xiucai smiled.

"It sounds good, it sounds good!"

That night, everyone in the mine saw hope, and the soldiers in the mine were full of more illusions in the future. Everyone, in this song, regained their confidence. In this song, they saw The future is bright!

Listening to this song, Wang Zhifei was able to hum a few lines. He never knew that the Eighth Route Army still had this kind of song.

He looked outside, maybe the brigade commander will come tomorrow!

Quickening his horse, Han Qing rode to the mountain, remembering that the path could no longer be walked, and then he rode to the Tiger's Gate again, only to find that the Tiger's Gate was blocked by rolling stones.

"No, I have to go back anyway!" Han Qing jumped on the horse, then went down the hillside, and then he climbed along the steep stone wall.

His hands and feet trembled uncomfortably, but he didn't dare to let go easily. He wanted to go back, see how Yang Fei was really doing, and see if his husband was okay.

After climbing all night, he managed to climb to the top of the mountain. The steep cliff became a fatal scar. He walked along the road to the top of the mountain and found that the mountain was covered with trees. Fortunately, the mountain on the north slope turned out to be It didn't look so steep, he climbed the trees, and every tree became his step, and he went down slowly.

These places have never been a blockade. The devil's blockade is just a blockade of consciousness. As long as you step on the oily road, there will always be a way out.

When he arrived at the base area, he found that the base area had turned into ruins.

With the fire still raging, he yelled, "Sir!"


He has never been so anxious, never, but for a few days, grandma is so anxious, but he can't let go!

"Sir! Where are you?" Han Qing shouted.He ran to the command post, which was already in ruins, and it was impossible to have a complete place!
Han Qing suddenly knelt on the ground, "Sir, I'm sorry!"

Yang Fei came out of the air-raid shelter, saw Han Qing, and laughed!
"This silly boy!" Yang Fei murmured.

Li Mobai roared, "Han Qing, here!"

Hearing Li Mobai's voice, Han Qing quickly stood up and turned around, and saw Yang Fei laughing at him. He quickly ran over to look at Yang Fei, "Sir, are you alright?"

"What can I do?" Yang Fei said unhurriedly.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Han Qing finally felt relieved.

"Tell me, have you found the airport?" Yang Fei asked.
"Well, I found it! I found it!" Han Qing wiped away his tears, "However, I didn't blow up the plane completely!"

"Oh, it's okay, as long as you blow up some!" Yang Fei said.

"This time, I have to thank Lin Zhonghu. It wasn't Lin Zhonghu's people. I was killed by the devil's people!" Han Qing said.

"A man from Lin Zhonghu?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yeah! I blew up their plane, and then I saw Seto Saburo, who said that the plane had blown up our base, and you too... I became worried, and I didn't expect to be plotted by them. Fortunately, Mingzi went in time, otherwise, I..." Han Qing couldn't help feeling a little sad when he said this.

"It's good that you're fine, now it's fine, the devils don't have planes, and now they want to trap us, it's a fantasy!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, when I came, it was not easy to get in. I climbed the cliff to get in. How can I get out?" Han Qing asked.

"Didn't they decide that we wouldn't go to the wasteland to the east? Then let's go directly to the wasteland. Here, peace will be restored after all, but these ordinary people have suffered!" Yang Fei said.

"It will take a long time to walk from the east! If we go out again, how should we fight?" Han Qing couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"As long as you go out, you have a chance to meet devils!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared outside!
He shouted in the flaming village, "Yang Fei, where are you?"

"Yang Fei!"

Hearing his shout, Yang Fei looked at him slowly, "Shen Wanxi?"

"Here!" Yang Fei shouted.

Shen Wanxi ran over, "Lao Yang, you scared me to death!"

"Old Shen, I'm afraid the situation over there is not optimistic?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, the Tiger Killing Pass has been bombed by devils in turn, and now the narrow intersection has been blocked by rolling stones, so it may be very difficult to get out!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Yes, if you want to go out, you have to find Lulu!" Yang Fei said.

"Hu Dahai and I discussed it. This devil blew up the mouth of the tiger. We can't get out, and they can't get in. This is trying to trap us here! Yang Fei, what can you do? If this goes on like this It's not good, our food and grass problem can't be solved at all!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Yes, this is a major problem. Look, people's homes have been bombed by planes! However, there is good news!" Yang Fei said.

"What good news?" Shen Wanxi asked quickly.

"It's just that Han Qing has already blown up the devil's airport. It's impossible for the devil to send a plane these days. Now, we don't have much time, so we have to find a way to get out!" Yang Fei said.

"It's because of this exit that we are worried!" Shen Wanxi said, "The mountains around Jinfeng Mountain are generally steep. Even if we go out, where can we settle down?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"I think it's better to go to the canyon!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Canyon?" Shen Wanxi was stunned.

Even Han Qing was stunned. Just now he clearly said to go to the wasteland to the east, why is it a canyon now?How to get to this canyon?It's all covered by heavy snow, how difficult is it to get out?
"Old Shen, the location of Shahukou is irrelevant. Although the canyon is covered by heavy snow, we need to rely on technology to climb up the two slopes of Qimapo and Delingpo, and then go out along here. Let's go, it's best to go to Yangcheng Pass." Yang Fei said.

"It's easy to say, but it's hard to do!" Shen Wanxi shook her head after finishing speaking, "No, no, I have to go out!"

"That's right, the brigade commander is still outside. I think we have to take care of the brigade commander anyway. If there is something wrong with the brigade commander, I'm afraid it will be our responsibility!" Yang Fei said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's climb up to have a look now, if possible, go up quickly!" Shen Wanxi was more anxious.

Li Mobai came over at this time, "It's not difficult at all. Remember the tunnel we built? Although the avalanche slid the snow down the entire mountain, when we went up, we dug some stairs with a shovel when we made the lookout." , it is convenient for us to go up, this is not difficult!"

"Old Li, you didn't say it earlier! Then I'll go and pull the horse over now!" With that said, Shen Wanxi turned around and left!
As soon as Shen Wanxi left, Han Qing immediately asked, "Sir, you still said to go to the wasteland to the east!"

"Yes!" Yang Fei sat down, and then Li Mobai also sat down.

"I'm worried, if the devils want to retaliate against us again, how will they retaliate? Now that their plane is gone, are they just waiting?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know!" Han Qing said honestly.

"So, there is a hypothesis." Yang Fei looked at Han Qing and Li Mobai, "If the devils want to attack us, it is very likely that they will attack from the wilderness!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, even Li Mobai felt a little unbelievable.

"Wasteland, how do I get there? Besides, the snow is very thick, can devils endure this hardship?" Li Mobai asked.

"Let's go there, it's suffering, but devils can't suffer, they must come here by car!" Yang Fei said firmly.

"Then you let Shen Wanxi's people go to Yangcheng Pass!" Han Qing asked.

"The situation is different. We don't know the devil's attack route, and Yangcheng Pass is the only way to enter our place. If the devil occupies Yangcheng Pass, it is very likely that special forces will be sent to deal with us. Although I have not yet I have seen the special forces, but the devil's warriors are not easy to mess with. They came to us all the way from Yangchengguan. We people have to do something in the wasteland! Even if the devils don't come, we can still play a very strong defensive role!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, sir, you should think more carefully!" Han Qing said with a smile.

Li Mobai nodded, "Lao Yang, you are right!"

"I think it only takes two days for the devil to come here by car. In these two days, we must do a good job of fortification!" Li Mobai said.

"That's right, starting tomorrow, let the soldiers work harder!" Yang Fei said.

"As for where to fight, Yang Fei, have you thought about it yet?" Li Mobai asked.

"I thought about a very good place, but..." Yang Fei shook his head.

"But what?" Li Mobai looked at Yang Fei, as if he could feel his helplessness.

"If only we were near Lannuya!" Yang Fei said.

Li Mobai hurriedly took out the map and looked at it. On the map, he didn't find anything special about Lan Nuya. He looked at Yang Fei, "Yang Fei, tell me exactly!"

"Lannuya is a cliff with a relatively high terrain. It is very good to attack down from the high ground. It is below Lannuya, but fortifications are built. As long as the devils come to fight, both sides will attack together!" Yang Fei explained.

"It's a good idea, but, did you have anything else to say just now?" Li Mobai understood Yang Fei's point, if Yang Fei had confidence, he would not speak like this.

Yang Fei smiled, "There are so few of us!"

"Oh?" Li Mobai asked, "If there are few people, can't it work?"

"Of course not. The devil's chariot is underneath. We originally only had [-] people, half of them were at Shen Wanxi's place, and the other half had only [-] people. If we put it on Lan Nuya, how many soldiers would be placed below? Devil's chariot Come here, I'm afraid you'll just run over it!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right, it's really difficult!" Li Mobai lowered his head, "Then... is there any other good way?"

"I have seen other cliffs a long time ago. Although they are relatively steep, their layout is not good. As for Lanuya, this place is more prominent and suitable for ambushes!"

"But no matter what, we have to arrange it like this!" Li Mobai said, "Lao Yang, don't worry, maybe we can mobilize some people from Shen Wanxi at that time, and then form some mobile forces. If the devil hits Yang Our people will be in charge of Chengguan, and if the devils come from the east, Shen Wanxi's people can also be transferred directly!"

"Yes, but I'm most afraid of devils outflanking from both sides!" Yang Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Why do you think so much? I think, don't we have bombs now? Dig more snow pits and bury the bombs. Anyway, how many devils come over, how many we eliminate, at most it is a heroic sacrifice, I am not afraid of these!" Li Mobai said.

"Old Li, when I fight a war, I never say that I want to exchange for a victory at the cost of the greatest casualties. I like to win by chance, and use some special channels!" Yang Fei explained.

"I know you, don't I know you? How many years have you fought? Do you still remember the gun silencer you gave me?" Li Mobai asked.

"Remember!" Yang Fei felt something was wrong just after saying this.

Then Li Mobai smiled, "Old Yang, I know that you are Yang Fei, can there be another Yang Fei who is exactly the same in this world? You have your difficulties, I understand, but how long can you hide it?"

Yang Fei didn't speak.

"Okay, let's go to bed early. Tomorrow, we have to start construction, and it will take another two days. How much chance does this give us!" After finishing speaking, Li Mobai went into the air-raid shelter.

Han Qing sat there with Yang Fei, smoking a cigarette and looking into the distance.

"Sir, what are you thinking?" Han Qing asked.

"I was thinking, what if the bandits came to help us?" Yang Fei smiled.

"How about I go find the bandits?" Han Qing asked.

"No need, they have already given us cannons, guns and ammunition! By the way, Han Qing, bring some people tomorrow and bring me some ammunition! Next, we will fight a tough battle! "Yang Fei said.

"Okay!" Han Qing said directly.

"Why don't you ask me where I got it from?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hehe, don't ask, I'll just find a way!" Han Qing smiled.

"No, this time, get the ammunition from the devils. How many devils are buried under the canyon? You don't need to dig too much, just enough for their guns and ammunition!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Sir, I see!"


When Mingzi went back, he told Lin Zhonghu about the airport, Lin Zhonghu looked at Mingzi in surprise.

"The Eighth Route Army fought so fiercely?" Lin Zhonghu was a little surprised.

"Brother, the Eighth Route Army sent Han Qing alone, and planned to blow up their airport. However, the three planes were finished. Fortunately, I went there in time. Otherwise, Han Qing's life would have been lost." Already!" Ming Zi said.

"I can't tell, that Yang Fei still has some thoughts!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"You can know it from the last avalanche, but now the devils have blown up their territory and the mouth of the tiger! The Eighth Route Army has been confined to the north of Jinfeng Mountain. It's not comfortable there, but they are short of food. The day is coming soon!" Ming Zi said.

Lin Zhonghu sat for a long time without responding.

"However, I didn't find out where Li Jiguang went. It stands to reason that Li Jiguang should be the commander of the war. However, Li Jiguang has disappeared now, which makes me a little strange. Could it be that Li Jiguang died? Or surrendered Already?" Ming Zi asked again.

"You can't see through Li Jiguang, and you can't see through Yang Fei. The only one who can see through, Chen Heng, has long since died. The Eighth Route Army is in trouble now. How should they come out?" Lin Zhonghu couldn't figure it out for a long time. a little.

"Brother, in my opinion, since the devils can't get in, the Eighth Route Army will give up trying to fight the devils!" Ming Zi said without thinking, "It's impossible to fight at all!"

"What if the devils go to fight the Eighth Route Army?" Lin Zhonghu asked, which made him feel that the Eighth Route Army is not simple, and it definitely does not exist only in this point.

Fighting the devils is a long-term matter. If the devils don't leave, it is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to retreat.

"How do they fight?" Ming Zi shook his head.

"Go and have a look, go to the Eighth Route Army, and ask them too! Let's inquire about the news, we need to inquire comprehensively. Just because the Eighth Route Army has less than 300 people and dares to fight a regiment of devils, I have to admire them. Mingzi, if the Eighth Route Army has difficulties, you can ask them to bring it up. If we can help, we will help. If we can’t, we must help. Devils are our common enemy. I am optimistic about this Yang Fei!” Lin Zhonghu Ming Zi instantly felt that Lin Zhonghu was a truly great person!

(End of this chapter)

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