Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2600 Battle of Honor and Disgrace

Chapter 2600 Battle of Honor and Disgrace
Jiangning County.

Junyi Yoshikawa was stunned at this moment. He couldn't understand why such a big thing happened in one night. He even stationed a team in a good airport, and even the plane could be blown up. What kind of person is he facing?
He couldn't figure out why he couldn't catch this troublemaker. This troublemaker was undoubtedly the Eighth Route Army, but he got information that there were also bandits!What's going on here?
Could it be that the bandits and the Eighth Route Army really became one?

Just such a incident was enough to make Junyi Yoshikawa uneasy. He clenched his fists tightly and slammed it on the table. A major and a captain died just like that!What a loser!
He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, then walked to the map of Beihai, and began to draw with a pen.He marked a point on the map, then walked to the door, "Send my order, the meeting is now!"

At [-]:[-] in the morning, in the devil headquarters, everyone's face is very serious. Everyone knows what happened last night. If things go on like this, it's really true whether the Japanese devils can effectively rule this place. It is difficult!
Seeing that everyone was afraid to say anything, Yoshikawa Junyi began to say, "Okay, if you don't talk, let me say, you should all know what happened last night. If you don't know, you should have heard about it. Jiangning Aircraft The field was destroyed just like that, what should we do next? Can any of you give me a reasonable explanation?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, none of us know about this matter!" A ghost said with his head down.

"One doesn't know, so let's forget about it?" Yoshikawa looked at the other party, "Mr. Pinggu, tell me, what should we do?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, although all of our planes were blown up and the airport was paralyzed, several planes successfully completed their missions. Killing Tiger Pass was blown up, and the base of the Eighth Route Army was also blown up. So, I think we have completed the mission!" That's all Pinggu could say.

Obviously, Yoshikawa didn't want such a tragic victory, not to mention, it wasn't a tragic victory, it was a shame!

Yoshikawa tried his best to hide his anger, he took a deep breath, "You are right, but what the Eighth Route Army did, we have to make them pay back!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, we blew up the Shahukou, and their base area was also blown up. They should all die within a month. The cold and the lack of food and clothing make it impossible for them to survive!" Pinggu said, "So, I suggest, let's not fight and wait for them to mess up themselves!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, I think what Mr. Pinggu said is correct. Sun Tzu's Art of War says, 'The first strategy is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, and the last is to attack the army'. Our strategy has been affirmed, destroying the supplies of the Eighth Route Army, which is equivalent to our Surround them and don't fight like this, they will definitely mess up themselves!" Si Ye said.

"Siye-jun! You're right!" Junyi Yoshikawa smiled, stood up and said, "But you only know how to attack soldiers, but you also know that soldiers are very fast, surprise, and stealth?"

Si Ye glanced at Pinggu, and then at Yoshikawa Junyi, "Your Excellency, Commander, what do you mean, we are going to send troops to attack them?"

"That's right!" After finishing speaking, Junyi Yoshikawa walked to the map behind, "You can see that the base of the Eighth Route Army is here, and the direction of Shahukou has been blown up. They can't get out, and we can't get in. This road is already dead, but if you look at the west side, there is Yimapingchuan, separated by Yanling Mountains, the north is the wasteland, and the south is the town, if we want to fight the Eighth Route Army's base, we can't do without this wasteland!"

"From Jiangning to the base of the Eighth Route Army, it takes at least two days. Your Excellency, Commander, I'm afraid many things will happen in these two days!" Si Ye said worriedly.

"I know, but I plan to send troops this time in secret. In Jiangning County, you can do whatever you want. The honor and disgrace of the empire is here. Only by completely eradicating the Eighth Route Army can the normal mining of gold be guaranteed!" Yoshikawa Junyi picked up a pen, "Out of the west, there is another place that you should pay special attention to, that is Yangcheng Pass!"

"Yangchengguan?" Pinggu asked strangely, "Your Excellency, as far as I know, the avalanches at Qimapo and Delingpo have blocked the road to the canyon. Come here! If there is really an Eighth Route Army at Yangcheng Pass, how did they get out?"

"Mr. Pinggu, if you want to know how they came out, then I will give you an order. You take people to Yangcheng Pass. If you find the Eighth Route Army, come back and report. Our strategy will be changed. In this direction, one group of troops will mainly attack Yangcheng Pass, and the two places will cause the greatest damage to the Eighth Route Army. No matter how powerful the Eighth Route Army is, it may be impossible to divide its troops to resist the two routes."

"Ha Yi!" Pinggu said quickly.

"The direction of the wasteland's attack this time, I will personally lead people there, and it is my honor to kill myself!" Junyi Yoshikawa said.

Si Ye and Ping Gu couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you go out in person?"

"Yes, I want to wash away the shame of the imperial soldiers here!" Yoshikawa looked at Siye, "Siye-jun, you and I will go to the direction of the wasteland, and I will leave this side to Pinggu-jun."


"By the way, we will set off at noon today, and we must leave as soon as possible, Mr. Pinggu, if there is any news over there, please send me a report in time, and follow my orders to attack together!" Yoshikawa Junyi said.

"Hai, Your Excellency Commander, I promise to complete the mission!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, I have one more thing!" Si Ye asked.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Yoshikawa looked at Si Ye.

Si Ye frowned, "After Sato Dazuo died heroically, we all don't know the status of the gold mining. I suggest that we still have to send someone to take over the gold mine. Even if we want to fight, we still need a deposit mine safety."

"Yaoxi, you're right, Mr. Siye, but we don't have enough troops now, and we only have enough people to attack the bases of the Eighth Route Army. I think we can settle these trivial matters when we come back. There will be no accidents. In four or five days at most, the ore from the gold mine will be resent to the empire!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"This..." Si Ye was still a little nervous.

"Okay, Mr. Si Ye, everything is subject to the elimination of the Eighth Route Army. Even if there is something wrong with the gold mine, we have the ability to repair and deal with it, but the Eighth Route Army is here for a day, and there will be no peace here!" Junyi Ji Chuan was still a little headstrong. .


Pinggu and Si Ye glanced at each other. They were indeed not meddling in their own business, but the location of the gold mine was rather awkward, the road was far away, and there were too few troops stationed there. to solve!

However, since Yoshikawa had given the order to die, they didn't say anything more.


In an unknown cave, Sixizi said to Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, I didn't lie to you? The gold mine is right ahead!"

"We don't know the situation of the defense there yet. Someone has to go and have a look. There are fifty of us, and I have to personally direct everyone how to fight!" Li Jiguang said, "Si Xizi, come with me!"

"No problem!" Sixizi agreed.

"Listen to the rest of the people. Without my order, you are not allowed to act without authorization! When I come back, let's make specific arrangements and arrangements!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigadier, don't worry!"

Two people came out of the cave, and then they walked to the gold mine.

The periphery of the gold mine is now surrounded by barbed wire, and it is not easy to get in!

Moreover, the barbed wire is still charged. Li Jiguang has such experience. Even if the charged barbed wire is cut, it is absolutely impossible to go directly to the gold mine, and there may be minefields inside.

Sixizi looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, how do we get in with this stuff around?"

"Sixizi, don't worry, even if you pass through the barbed wire, there will be minefields." Li Jiguang said.

"Then what should we do? We have to go in too!" Sixizi asked.

"It seems that if you want to go in, you have to go through the main entrance!" Li Jiguang walked towards the main entrance after speaking.

"Hey, brigade commander, I'm afraid there are more devils at the main gate?" Sixizi hurriedly followed.

"There are a lot of devils, so we have to find a way to get in. Now, the battle in our base area has already been fought, and there will not be much time left for us. If we don't go in, we will give the devils more opportunities!" Li Jiguang walked away with.

"That's the reason, but how do you get in?" Sixizi asked.

"Don't worry, let's go and have a look!" Then they walked there.

When he got there, Li Jiguang looked at the surrounding environment. There were two devils guarding the door, and there were two sentry boxes on both sides. machine gun.

"Brigade Commander, how do you fight with so many people?" Sixizi asked in a low voice.

"If it's just these few devils, it's not fun if there are more devils among them!" Li Jiguang said.

"It's really difficult to get into such a big gold mine. Brigadier, is there any other way?" Sixizi became a little scared.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jiguang quickly told Sixizi to stop talking. A car came not far away. Just drive in!
"Who is that?" Si Xizi asked.

"It seems that the background is not small, but if we have that certificate, maybe we can get in!" Li Jiguang said.

" can I get it?" Sixizi looked at Li Jiguang and asked.

"If you can't get it, it depends on your ability!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang said, "Sixizi, follow me. After a while, let's rob that car!"

"Aren't you kidding? How did you rob?" However, Sixizi followed Li Jiguang obediently.

About 1000 meters away from the main entrance of the gold mine, Li Jiguang had ambushed there early.

Sixizi was at a loss, "Brigade Commander, what are you doing?"

"Sixizi, hurry up, dig a snow pit for me on this road, hurry up!" Li Jiguang ordered.

Sixizi quickly bent down and started digging a hole in the snow. Although he didn't know what to do, since Li Jiguang asked him to do it, he had to do it quickly.

After digging a [-]-centimeter snow pit, Yang Fei found a few branches to put on the hole, and then covered it with snow.

Sixizi looked at this trick, wasn't this a trap set by him to go hunting with him?Could it be that Li Jiguang wants to hunt?
That's right, Li Jiguang wanted to hunt, but what he caught was this big car.

If the big car is captured, aren't the people on it simple?

The snow pit was intact and the scene was cleaned up. Li Jiguang asked Sixizi and him to hide in the dark and wait for the car to arrive.

"If you can really hunt, Brigadier, I'd like to see what kind of prey you catch!" Sixizi prostrated herself on the ground.

After about ten minutes, I heard the sound of a car engine.

Yang Fei made a shh gesture, and Sixizi didn't dare to speak anymore.

The car passed by at a high speed, and when it reached the snow pit, it suddenly sank, and then the tires slipped, but it couldn't get up!
I only heard the people in the car scolding, "Ba Geya Road, what's going on?"

"Captain Tanabe, our tire fell into a snow pit and slipped, so we can't get up now!" the driver said quickly.

"Baga!" Tian Bian got out of the car, carefully looked at the place where the tire was stuck, and suddenly frowned, "Baga, this road was done by humans. There must be someone near here!"

"Captain Tanabe, where is someone?" The driver was a little unclear.

"Didn't you see these branches at the entrance of this cave? Hurry up! Find a way to get the car out!" Tian Bian said.

"Ha Yi!" As he said that, the driver hurriedly dug some snow and filled it into the snow pit.

Sixizi looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, why not?"

Li Jiguang smiled, "Don't worry, they are filling in the hole for us, I will start after filling it up!"

When the driver had filled the pothole and was about to get in the car, Li Jiguang jumped out suddenly.

The driver only saw a figure, and a cold dagger cut his neck.

Tanabe in the car raised his pistol and was about to shoot, but, who would have imagined, a muzzle was already aimed at his temple.

"It lost!" Li Jiguang smiled.

"Who are you?" Tanabe asked.

"It's okay to tell you, I'm the Eighth Route Army!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he wiped the opponent's neck with a knife!
Sixizi hurried over from the hiding place and found that both of them were dead!

"Brigade Commander!" Sixizi was both surprised and delighted.

"Sixizi, hurry up and take off the devil's clothes. As for the dead body, throw it away!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Sixizi took off the clothes of the two devils, "Brigade Commander, what do you want these clothes for?"

"You will know tomorrow!" Li Jiguang smiled.

Then he searched in their pockets for a long time in the car, and finally found the certificate. He couldn't understand the Wa language written on the certificate, but it doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as it can be used, that's enough. !


The flimsy base burned all the houses that could be burned!

People rummaged through the ruins to see if there was anything they could use.

Dongdong followed Yang Fei all the time, "Uncle, what can I do?"

"Dongdong, you are still young, you can't do many things, so, go play somewhere else!" Yang Fei said.

Dongdong shook her head, "No, I don't play, I think I can do many things, I can run errands!"

running errands?

Yang Fei smiled, then nodded, "Well, there is really an errand job, if you want, have you seen the cliff in front? I have asked someone to put a tree on it, this one The tree is moving, you go up and watch it, if there is a devil coming, or if there is any situation, push the tree away! Do you understand?"

"Well, I got it!" Dongdong said.

"In a while, I'll ask Uncle Han to send you up!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he called Han Qing over, and after talking to Han Qing, Han Qing took Dongdong away.

This is a very small revolutionary soldier, Yang Fei smiled and continued to direct and work.

At this time, Daguang suddenly ran over.


Yang Fei turned his head and saw Da Guang.

Daguang's face looked much better, "Daguang, what's wrong?"

"Head, someone is looking for you!" Da Guang said.

"Is someone looking for me?" Yang Fei followed Da Guang to the village.

"It's a bandit! These bandits fought each other!" Hearing Da Guang's words, Yang Fei immediately understood and quickened his pace.

When he got to the village, he saw Mingzi.

Seeing that Yang Fei and the others were all safe and sound, Ming Zi marveled at how they survived!

"Mingzi, hello!" Yang Fei generously shook hands with the other party.

However, Mingzi didn't seem to give him this face, "Commander Yang, it seems that your troops have not lost anything!"

"Hehehe, no no, you are wrong, this house was blown up by the devil's plane, and I have to find a way to build the house for the common people!" Yang Fei said.

"Building a house?" This matter is really too far away for Ming Zi, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, our elder brother Lin Zhonghu asked me to come over this time, and I will tell you something, He said, I admire you for being able to eliminate the Sato United team. This feat may not have such an awesome record in the whole country. Second, our elder brother said, ask your Eighth Route Army if there is anything that needs our help. We have never forgotten about beating devils, so I want to ask Commander Yang, what can we do for you now?"

"The weapons and ammunition you gave us last time were really timely. I haven't used the cannon yet. This time, I plan to use the cannon!" Yang Fei said.

"So, Commander Yang, do you have another plan?" Ming Zi asked.

"That's right, I'm worried that although the devils bombed our base area and sealed the door to kill tigers, but we bombed their airport, it is impossible for the devils not to vent their anger. It is the devil who can make the devils angry. They think we have offended their dignity, this battle is a battle of dignity!" Yang Fei looked at Mingzi with his hands behind his back.

Mingzi is very strange, he seems to be the roundworm in the devil's heart, why does he know everything about the devil?Or, how could he be able to guess what the devil was thinking?
"With all due respect, Commander Yang, where do you think the devils would choose to attack if they took the initiative to attack? As far as I know, your base is sealed off. If you want to come in, you can only come from the wasteland in the east. It's freezing cold, besides, the snow is so thick, is it possible for devils to come?" Ming Zi looked at Yang Fei, and he really wanted to find Yang Fei's flaws in Yang Fei's words.

However, what Yang Fei said next disappointed him greatly.

"Haha, I guessed it!" Yang Fei smiled, and then waved his hands, "The devils are going to call, that is, from the wasteland in the east. If they really come from there, we will have to be beaten passively!"

"Then you know it yourself, why do you still fight?" Ming Zi was very surprised.

"Because of this!" As he said, Yang Fei pointed to his head. "Our Eighth Route Army, perhaps from the outside world, seems to be useless in fighting, and even won some battles, which is disgraceful, but our belief is to protect the people and destroy the devils. When the devils fight us, they will not fight. It will be too glorious. The battlefield is life. I can’t let my people live. The people suffer. Brother Mingzi, if you go back, you can tell your elder brother Lin Zhonghu that you beat devils. I would like to see it. If you are willing to help, then Give me a hundred or so people to help me fight a war there!" Said, Yang Fei pointed to Lan Nuya and said.

Mingzi looked up, and then looked at Yang Fei, "That place? You mean... you plan to fight the devils there?"

"Looking at the entire area around Jinfeng Mountain, I'm afraid there is no place more suitable than Lannuya. Lannuya has a prominent terrain and excellent vision. Our people are responsible for blocking the attack from below, and your people are responsible for destroying it from above. The Eighth Route Army is also suffering. Ah, there are not many people, and we have to defend two places!" Yang Fei sighed.

"Two places?" Ming Zi frowned, "Then...the other place is..."

"I might as well tell you, the other place is Yangcheng Pass!" Yang Fei looked at Ming Zi's surprised expression, and then said, "Why? You think it's impossible?"

"No, I think, Commander Yang, you really shouldn't be underestimated. Although I don't know why you want to defend Yangcheng Pass, I understand that there should also be a main battlefield!" Ming Zi said. ,
"That's right, it is indeed the main battlefield, but the place where you are most likely to miss is indeed Lanuya! Yangcheng Pass can rely on the advantages of the terrain to launch a defense, but the wasteland is an endless plain. It's hard to beat!" Yang Fei showed a look of embarrassment.

"Okay, I see, Commander Yang, then I'll go back and tell our elder brother, and see what he means!" Ming Zi said goodbye and left.

(End of this chapter)

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