Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2602 The Garrison of Xiaoyinpo

Chapter 2602 The Garrison of Xiaoyinpo
Hearing this, Li Jiguang couldn't help being a little moved, but he still said, "Folks and miners, I know that many of you were forced to come here, now you are free, you can go back to reunite with your wives and children, and fight the war." , Leave it to our soldiers!"

"The family is already dead!"

"If Liu Ji hadn't been here, we would all have starved to death!" a villager shouted.

"Yeah, Zhao Qifa led us to protest, and the devil gave us food!"

"Without them, none of us would be able to live. If we don't follow such people, it's against God's will!"

Seeing them so impassioned, knowing that they are dead, but still guarding their homeland, does Li Jiguang have anything else to say?
He made up his mind, "Okay, since everyone will follow, those with guns in their hands will follow us!"

There was a mighty team, about a hundred people, the gold mine was also blown up, and all the arsenals were taken away.

On the way, Wang Zhifei kept telling Li Jiguang about the base area.

"Brigade Commander, this time, it should be more difficult. Before I came, we successfully wiped out a wing of the devil Sato, and killed all the remaining ones. At this time, the devil's plane should have killed the tiger's mouth If it was bombed, the village should be bombed too, Brigadier, where are we going now?" Wang Zhifei asked.

Li Jiguang thought for a while, "According to Yang Fei's meaning, I can probably understand what he is going to do. If one regiment of devils is eliminated, the rest of the devils will definitely drive over. There will be so few!" Li Jiguang said.

"Yes, but if we can reach the village, we have to cross Jinfeng Mountain again, and Jinfeng Mountain is too high and full of cliffs, we can't pass it!" Wang Zhifei said worriedly.

"Yangcheng Pass!" Li Jiguang said directly, "The place where the war happened should be at Yangcheng Pass!"

"Yangcheng Pass? Brigadier, the avalanche from Qimapo and Delingpo has already flooded the canyon. If we go to Yangcheng Pass at this time, we may not be able to get in!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Yangcheng Pass is the only place closest to the base. Once there, there is a small piece of open land. If a cannon is mounted there, the firepower can completely cover the village. Therefore, Yangcheng Pass must be the first choice for the devils!" Li Jiguang guessed. .

"It's not impossible, but, Brigadier, if we reach Yangcheng Pass, at least we will have tomorrow!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Tomorrow is not scary. When we get there, let's see what the devil is going to do!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, even if the devil is not there, we can go to Yangcheng Pass and see if we can go to the village at Yangcheng Pass!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Yes, that's what I mean!" Li Jiguang said.


To the south of Yangchengguan, Xiaoyinpo has been occupied by devils. Here, the devil's headquarters has been temporarily set up.

Pinggu let people hide first, and sent a small group of people to check the current situation of Yangcheng Pass.

"If you want to cooperate with the commander to fight, it will be tomorrow. As long as he starts fighting, I can let go and take down Yangchengguan first!" Pinggu thought to himself.

Then he asked Bendao, "Mr. Bendao, are the artillery in place now?"

"Your Majesty, the artillery is already in place. As long as I wait for your order, I will definitely smash Yangcheng Pass to pieces!" Ben Dao said.

"Very well, the artillery unit is definitely the main force this time. Mr. Bendao, from today to tomorrow, we must strengthen our defenses. Don't let the Eighth Route Army come to harass at night. The way to deal with their harassment is very simple, that is, ignore them, as long as you don't let them We will not fail!" Pinggu folded his hands behind his back, "Tomorrow, the commander will arrive at the predetermined position, and by then, we will attack from both sides, and the Eighth Route Army will be finished!"

"Hai!" Motoshima said.

At this time, a devil rushed in, "Master Pinggu, just sent a telegram, mine..."

Pinggu frowned, "Gold mine? What happened to the gold mine?"

"Our gold mine was captured by the Eighth Route Army three hours ago!" the devil said.

"Nani?" Pinggu asked incredulously, "Isn't the Eighth Route Army all could someone of them go to attack the gold mine?"

Ben Dao hurriedly said, "Mr. Pinggu, this must be a small group of the Eighth Route Army that went out before our planes bombed. I think the reason why they went to attack there is that they want to use the old way of besieging Wei and saving Zhao!"

"No, this isn't besieging Wei to save Zhao!" Ping Gu said, "If they besiege Wei and save Zhao, they should have a lot of momentum. Now that the gold mine has fallen into the hands of others, it can only show that their goal is the gold mine!"

"That part of the Eighth Route Army in the gold mine, how are we going to deal with it?" Ben Dao asked.

"I talked to the commander about the defense of the gold mine, but the commander didn't listen. Although the gold mine has been taken down now, I dare not deploy troops at will without the commander's order!" Pinggu said.

"Mr. Pinggu, I think it is very necessary for us to send someone to check the movements of the Eighth Route Army in detail to prevent them from copying our rear!" Ben Dao said.

"Well, this is possible!" After Pinggu finished speaking, he asked Bendao to arrange, "Mr. Bendao, you can do this. Once you find the Eighth Route Army, report to me immediately. What we want now is a kind of security. Environment! Prepare for tomorrow's attack!"

"Ha Yi, Mr. Pinggu, don't worry!" After speaking, he turned around and left.

At this time, Pinggu looked at the devil just now, "Does the commander know about this?"

"The telegram should have been sent, and the commander should know it by now!" said the devil.

"Okay, I see, you go down!" Pinggu said.

After the devil left, another devil came in.

He looked at Pinggu, and said, "Master Pinggu, we are back!"

"Quickly tell me what's going on at Yangcheng Pass!" Pinggu asked quickly.

"Mr. Pinggu, sure enough, the Eighth Route Army is now stationed at Yangchengguan, and there are about a hundred people!" said the visitor.

"A hundred or so people? It seems that they were not killed when the plane bombed them!" Pinggu said coldly, "Hehe, it is impossible not to be killed by the bombing. Tomorrow, I will let Mr. Bendao use artillery to try!"

After speaking, he looked at the devil again, "By the way, is it only the Eighth Route Army? Are there other forces?"

"Master Pinggu, we haven't found out so far. Now that we are dealing with the Eighth Route Army, I think no one will dare to fight against our imperial army!"

"What you said makes sense, but it can't be so loose!" Pinggu said. "Now, on the mountain near Yangcheng Pass, check everything for me! Don't make any mistakes!"

"Ha Yi!" Saying that, the devil also ran away.

Pinggu is still worried. After all, he has learned from the past. If there is no unit in Sato, it will be gone. The power of the Eighth Route Army should not be underestimated. Although they have an absolute advantage now, Pinggu is still a little worried. He looks around. The location of Xiaoyinpo is excellent, it is the best place for offense and defense!

The devil was already approaching, and when Yang Fei knew about it, there was no disturbance at all, because these were all expected.

"Han Qing, how many devils are here?" Yang Fei asked.

"As for how many, I don't know, because I can't get close. Besides, the devil is now in Xiaoyinpo, and we have no way to check it clearly, but there are about 500 people!" Han Qing said. "Not only that, the devil also has an artillery unit. When I went to see it, the devil was covering it. I think it is also to cover up people's eyes and ears!"

"The devil's heart is not dead. It seems that Yangcheng Pass is still somewhat difficult to defend. With 100 people, can you defend the devil with 500 people? And the devil's artillery, it seems impossible!" Yang Fei began to feel a little scared in his heart.

"Sir, don't worry so much. Although the Eighth Route Army's equipment is a bit poor, their willpower is the strongest. I dare not say that one is worth ten, and one is worth two!" Han Qing said.

"By the way, did Lin Zhonghu bring anyone here?" Yang Fei asked.

"I haven't heard the news yet. Since Lin Zhonghu dared to send people over, it means that he intends to help us. If this is the case, it means that they will definitely come!" Han Qing said again.

"Also, where did Wang Zhifei go? Why is there no news about him?" Yang Fei rubbed his palms.

"This guy won't join the enemy, right?" Han Qing became suspicious, "Or it's an honor!"

"Han Qing!" Yang Fei's tone was a little heavier.

Han Qing also knew that it was inappropriate for him to say this, so he quickly explained, "Sir, don't wait for him, maybe this guy has made some new discoveries, so he won't be able to come yet. However, since the devils have already come, He hasn't come yet, this..."

"Okay, if there is any new situation, you must tell me in time, the devils have been waiting for this day for a long time! They will not take it lightly, we can't take it lightly at all!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay sir, then I'll go and see what the devil is going to do!" Han Qing left after saying that.

Seeing Han Qing leaving, Li Mobai not far away came over.

He looked at Yang Fei and asked, "Is the devil here?"

"That's right, the devil has reached Xiaoyinpo!" Yang Fei said.

"So, are the devils going to fight? Do we need to mobilize our troops to go there?" Li Mobai asked.

"No, although the devils have reached Xiaoyinpo, they are not ready to fight us now!" Yang Fei said.

"I don't want to fight?" In fact, the last thing Li Mobai wants is to fight here. The wasteland is not an excellent place to fight. If the armored troops of the devils come, they will all have to finish playing.

"The devils are stationed in Xiaoyinpo, just to wait for their troops to show up here, and then fight us on both sides!" Yang Fei said.

"Yang Fei, since this is the case, I think it is very necessary for us to eat the devils in Xiaoyinpo first, otherwise, it is really not a joke to be attacked on both sides!" Li Mobai said.

"Mobai, do you think the devils will be easily eaten by us? There are about 500 devils in Xiaoyinpo now, and we have a total of less than 300 people. With this number, if you go, you will die!" Yang Fei knew very well, easily If you attack, you will definitely suffer a big loss, but you are not old, so waiting for the devils to come, this is a bit unreasonable!

"Yang Fei, when the time comes, what are our chances of winning?" Li Mobai asked.

"Has the trench been dug?" Yang Fei hurriedly changed the subject.

"Dig it!" Li Mobai frowned, "Yang Fei, answer my question!"

"Is the mine buried?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Buried, three hundred landmines, all buried, and now, the mines are still in full swing, Yang Fei, are you nervous?" Li Mobai looked at Yang Fei, Yang Fei smiled, he smiled easily, but , Li Mobai should understand, why is Yang Fei laughing?

He probably didn't quite understand whether he could beat the devils!
"Yang Fei, if there is a real war, I, Li Mobai, am not a wimp. Who knows how many people will come, and I don't have to worry about them. Anyway, I will kill one after another. However, our current ammunition problem is the biggest problem. We can't In such a protracted battle with devils, each soldier only has ten bullets in his hand, how much will the battlefield change after these ten bullets are fired?" Yang Fei also thought about the problem Li Mobai was worried about, but he never thought about it. Can you just surrender like this?Surrendering is not Yang Fei's style.

"Knowing that we are invincible, but we still have to fight the devils. Only when we meet on narrow roads can the brave win! Mobai, I know what you are worried about, but even if we fail, we shouldn't fail so ugly. Even if we fail in the end, even if We don’t have a penny left in the end, and the devils have to be bruised and swollen by us! Let them be seriously injured, Mo Bai, I’m already ready to die heroically!" Yang Fei’s words, let Li Mobai shook his lips.

He didn't speak, just looked at Yang Fei, nodded his head, and then headed towards the trench.

Now, all of them are on the same rope, fighting devils, how they can fight, just afraid of the last poor people, these people!
Yang Fei raised his head to look at the sky, it's really a good day!With the sun, it is very warm!

He looked back and saw that the soldiers were making intensive preparations. Looking up, on Lanuya, Dongdong kept looking to the east, and the tree was still standing among the clouds.

Dongdong supported the tree with one hand, shielded the sun with the other hand, and looked eastward!He looked like a little soldier of the Eighth Route Army.

He doesn't know what will happen tomorrow, but he won't give up on a battle that can be fought, even if there is a [-]% winning rate on this smooth road, so what?Kill, only kill!

Come on a devil, kill a devil!
Daguang hurried over, leaving footprints on the ground, he found Yang Fei, and hurriedly asked, "Head, the devil has arrived at Xiaoyinpo!"

"I know!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, it seems that the devils are still not fighting with us, what should we do next?" Da Guang asked quickly.

"Tell Shen Wanxi to wait and see what happens!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, before I came, what Head Shen meant was that we send someone over to harass me tonight, so that we can benefit from it!" Da Guang looked at Yang Fei, wanting him to agree.

"I know, this is an excellent opportunity, but not all devils are fools. The big battle is coming, will they have no defense at night? Daguang, go back and tell Shen Wanxi that the devils will attack tomorrow at the latest. By then , The devil's artillery fire will bomb Yangcheng Pass, you must be prepared for defense, you must do a good job of defense, and try not to sacrifice yourself in the devil's artillery fire!" Yang Fei said.

Da Guang never expected that Yang Fei would disagree with their approach, but he still needed to fight for it, "Head, I think that if we harass the devils, they will feel like they are waiting for death, and let them not rest well. Tomorrow's war will be greatly reduced!"

Yang Fei laughed, "Da Guang, this is a very funny joke!"

Daguang's face suddenly turned pale, he became embarrassed, and then scratched his head.

"Do you remember, how many people died in the canyon? A whole regiment, why? It's because of the arrogance of the devils. Now that the devils come again, will they repeat the same mistakes? Absolutely not, you go back and tell Shen Wanxi, let the soldiers Let’s have a good night’s rest and get up tomorrow to meet the enemy. It’s been so many days that the soldiers haven’t slept well. This is my negligence. Let everyone sleep tonight!” Yang Fei said.

Da Guang nodded, not daring to say anything.

"I know that you all have the intention to kill devils, but the most serious problem now is how should we fight? Tonight, I don't recommend you to go, really!" Yang Fei said.

"I... got it!" Da Guang blushed, then turned and left.

"Go back and tell Shen Wanxi to prepare for the devil's bombardment tomorrow!" Yang Fei shouted again.

Seeing Daguang go away, Yang Fei was actually a little bit lost in his heart. In the past, Daguang was always by his side, working in front of him. When he went to Tianjin and came back, this person changed and became worried. !

This cry brought Yang Fei back from what happened before.

He turned his head and saw that it was Deng Qi, and Deng Qi asked directly, "Commander, do you have enough ammunition?"

Yang Fei knows that ammunition is life, but now he has no way to get more ammunition.All the soldiers are hurrying to dig trenches and plant landmines. It's not that there is no ammunition, and they are buried under the canyon!
Some were dug up yesterday, and there were only ten bullets in the hands of each soldier on average!

"This, I know!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, all of us are ready to die with the devils, but please give us the faith to live, even if we die with the devils, we still want to die with the devils, and then win back!" Deng Qi said.

"I'll find a way!" Yang Fei said.

Deng Qi also knew that he said this as if he wanted to intimidate Yang Fei. Although he said he was an officer of the national army, he was now in the Eighth Route Army, so he still had to listen to Yang Fei in everything.

He shook his head, and then said, "Leader, then I'll go first!" After saying that, Deng Qi left.

Ammunition, ammunition, in fact, Lin Zhonghu also sent some ammunition, and these ammunition can't solve the urgent need!
At this time, Wang Wei came over.

"Yang Fei!"

Yang Fei turned his head, and then quickly headed towards Wang Wei.

"Oh, political commissar, are you here?" Yang Fei asked.

"You don't think of me as your own at all! I heard what Deng Qi said just now. Isn't it because the ammunition problem can't be solved? I'll solve it for you!" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, you..." Yang Fei wanted to speak, but Wang Wei stopped him. "Yang Fei, you boy have forgotten that I am the political commissar. The political commissar is to mingle with the masses. I know that the soldiers must hurry up to prepare for the battle. Now I will mobilize the masses and let the masses help us remove the bullets from the canyon." take it out!"

Yang Fei suddenly realized that he had completely forgotten the masses, Wang Wei smiled, "I know, you boy haven't seen eye contact these two days, many wars, I I didn’t participate, I’m afraid it will cause you some burden, but you must not regard me as the political commissar of the brigade commander, just treat me as the political commissar of your regiment commander. You have the final say on the war, but life and armaments I'll make the decision for you!" Li Jiguang said.

"If this is the case, then I would like to thank you very much! Political Commissar, tomorrow's battle must be very difficult, and it may last for a few days. Political Commissar, whether we can win or not depends on one aspect, and on the other , It depends on our belief!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't worry, Yang Fei, I won't give you any less ammunition. Tonight, even if I don't rest, I will take out the ammunition for you. The devil has already sent us the ammunition. If we don't go get it, what are we waiting for? "The political commissar patted Yang Fei on the shoulder, "You boy, don't resist everything, just share a little and let me resist for you!"

"Yes, political commissar!" Yang Fei saluted Wang Wei.

Just as Wang Wei was leaving, he turned his head again, "By the way, have you heard a loud explosion?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "No? Political Commissar, where did you hear the explosion?"

"I seem to hear it. It's loud! Although I can't hear it clearly, there is an explosion!" Wang Wei said.

"If there was an explosion, where would it come from?" Yang Fei thought about it.

"You said, could it be that the brigade commander succeeded?" Wang Wei looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"Yes, the brigade commander has been out for a while. During this time, I have been thinking about what the brigade commander is doing now. However, what you said seems to have some truth. Maybe the brigade commander succeeded. He detonated the explosion. Blow up the explosives and blow up the gold mine, I don’t want to leave it to the devils!” Yang Fei smiled, “It must be like this!”

"Yes, it must be like this!" Wang Wei nodded, "Yang Fei, if this is the case, tomorrow, the brigade commander will bring people back. At that time, the outcome is uncertain!" Wang Wei turned around and left up.

"Yeah, the outcome is hard to predict. This time, the devil will be in trouble!" Yang Fei nodded himself.

(End of this chapter)

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