Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2603 Paradox Shen Wanxi

Chapter 2603 Paradox Shen Wanxi
When Daguang went back and told Shen Wanxi about Yang Fei's instructions, Shen Wanxi immediately frowned, "What does Yang Fei mean? If we really wait until tomorrow when the devils will attack in full force and be attacked on both sides, how can we survive? Tonight Not going? Then when will we have to wait?"

"Commander, but Commander Yang said, it's useless to go, the devil must be well-guarded, we can't take advantage!" Da Guang said.

"How do you know you can't take advantage if you don't go? This Yang Fei is too cautious. When will he be able to drive the devils away? We have been fighting devils for so long, don't we know these things?" Shen Wanxi was angry, and he pointed Outside, "Look, how arrogant the devil is now, in Xiaoyinpo, you don't know that place, his muzzle is aimed at us!"

"Regimental Commander Yang also knows that it is not for us to quickly prepare for defense and minimize such sacrifices!" Da Guang said.

Shen Wanxi patted the table, "Da Guang, why are you talking about Commander Yang and Commander Yang! What? He's talking about the imperial decree?"

Hu Dahai watched them quarrel, and then smiled, "I said, old Shen, what? Are you trying to resist the edict?"

"Get out!" Shen Wanxi was so angry that he couldn't vent his anger, Hu Dahai didn't know what to do.

"Well, you kid, I can see it clearly. This war depends on who you are fighting with, and you are fighting with ordinary devils. It's okay to say, you are awesome, but, what time is it now? What's the matter, we have to have one Overall planning and arrangement! Yang Fei is doing this kind of overall planning now, don't you want to hear it?" Hu Dahai questioned.

"Damn it, I just can't swallow this!" Shen Wanxi said, "There are almost [-] devils outside. When these [-] devils come, each of us has to eliminate at least five of them! Not to mention anything else, we have enough ammunition. There is a problem!" Shen Wanxi frowned, he couldn't figure out why Yang Fei wouldn't let him go?

Daguang is not a person right now, yes, he used to belong to Yang Feituan, but now he is here, like a spy.

"Head Shen, the head said that he raised ammunition for us. He also said that the devils are now waiting for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to fight. So, tonight, they will definitely guard it very closely!" Daguang said .

"Okay, don't keep talking about that Yang Fei. If you don't let him go, you won't go. Hurry up, Daguang, go and ask how the tunnels at Yangcheng Pass are doing. You can only use tunnels to deal with shells." It's gone!" Shen Wanxi pointed to the door.

How could Daguang not know that he didn't want him to talk anymore, so he let out a "hey" and went out.

Seeing Da Guang go away, Shen Wanxi pointed out the door, "This guy keeps turning his elbows out. Doesn't he know that he is my battalion commander now?"

"Haha!" Hu Dahai could think about it, "Old Shen, what do you think about this?"

"How can I feel, I always feel that Daguang, the moment Yang Fei appeared, changed, and became out of his mind, this guy, could he be thinking of Yang Fei?" Shen Wanxi asked road.

"It's possible, why is it impossible? After all, Yang Fei is the old team leader, and you are just temporary!" Hu Dahai laughed.

"Whether it's temporary or not, you have to listen to me here!" Shen Wanxi clenched her fists tightly.

"Old Shen, do you know what is the biggest difference between you and Yang Fei?" Hu Dahai looked at Shen Wanxi and asked.

Shen Wanxi looked at Hu Dahai, but this Hu Dahai's face was full of pride, "Don't be tricky, just say what you want, if you don't want to say it!"

"Look at you, this is the biggest difference, but there are still the following points. First, when Yang Fei encounters difficulties, he thinks about how to solve them, while you think about how to save trouble! Second, Yang Fei Employer Fei never doubts, as long as he is beating devils, he, Yang Fei, has nothing to say!"

Shen Wanxi wanted to refute, but Hu Dahai stopped him, "Listen to me first, the most obvious thing here is that his former deputy head Leopard was a big bandit, and he had a feud with Yang Fei, but, still Can be used by him, as well as Da Guang, do you know who he is? Now look again, who is that Han Qing? Where is Wang Zhifei? And the Deng Qi who just brought here, Deng Qi is the national army, this is Yang Fei, he can endure and tolerate others, but you are different, if a bandit who beats devils comes, you have to be on guard against him, not to mention whether it is the national army!"

Hu Dahai's analysis was very precise, and Shen Wanxi couldn't say a word. After a long time, he said slowly, "But, what am I for? I am for the purity of the revolution. This person is not pure, how can others be pure? Hu Dahai, don’t think you see something, just say it, I still stick to my opinion!”

"So, tonight, do you still want to go?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Look at the opportunity. If the devil gives us a chance, I will definitely go. As long as we firmly grasp a gap of the devil at this time, our pressure will be much less tomorrow!" Shen Wanxi said.

"You are the head of the regiment, and all orders are up to you, but I still insist on my opinion. If Yang Fei refuses to let go, he must have his plan, but if you really want to go, I can't say anything!" said the sea.

"What's the plan? Isn't the plan just to eliminate the devils? Hu Dahai, you don't have any worship for Yang Fei, do you?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's not talk about worship or not, let's say that he wiped out a devil's regiment, I think this person is really not simple!" Hu Dahai said.

"What's the bragging about a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse?" Shen Wanxi disagreed, "If it were me, the two alliances would be able to wipe them out!"

"Just slap your face!" Hu Dahai stood up, "I'll go outside and have a look, I won't talk nonsense with you from here!"

"Get out!" Shen Wanxi cursed.

With Yangcheng closed, you can clearly see Xiaoyinpo's movements, he knows what the devil does, if he has a cannon now, just shoot him a few times, isn't that enough?Although Yang Fei had a cannon, the cannon couldn't be transported up. Shen Wanxi clenched his fists, "It seems to eat him! There are so many devils, it really makes people jealous!"

There are mountains on both sides of Yangchengguan, which is the kind of gentle slope, and there are forests on the gentle slope!
There were really not many people. Shen Wanxi felt that if there were really enough people, people would definitely be arranged there in the woods on both sides, and then they would fight and attack from three sides. I don't believe this devil would dare to come.

In the afternoon, when ordinary people came over suddenly, Shen Wanxi felt strange and hurried out. Hu Dahai had already chatted with the villagers there.

Hu Dahai hurriedly beckoned people to move things.

"Hu Dahai, what's the matter?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Old Shen, the political commissar asked fellow villagers to bring us ammunition!" Hu Dahai said.

"Ammunition? The ammunition there?" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, she went over to have a look, right? It's all bullets! "So many bullets, where did they come from?"

At this time, a fellow villager said, "This is in the canyon. We dug a hole, went in and took out all the devil's guns and bullets. Now, we are still digging bullets for everyone!" After finishing speaking, the fellow still did not forget to encourage Shen Wanxi, "Sir, you must guard well and fight more devils. We hate these devils to the bone!"

"My fellow, don't worry, it's our responsibility to fight devils. I promise, as long as I, Shen Wanxi, stay here for a day, I will never let a devil go!" Shen Wanxi said.

"That's good!" the fellow said, and left.

"The political commissar has a solution!" Shen Wanxi said happily.

"Head Yang asked the political commissar to go!" Da Guang said.

Shen Wanxi's face turned pale again!
Is the gap between him and Yang Fei really that big?

He didn't believe it, two shoulders supported one head, who didn't use their heads to fight?

Hu Dahai glanced at Daguang, and Daguang quickly moved the ammunition away.

"Old Shen, don't be unhappy, kid!" Hu Dahai said.

"I'm not unhappy, I'm very happy!" Shen Wanxi said.


Xiaoyinpo temporary headquarters.

Pinggu looked at the map, waiting for a reply.

After a while, a ghost came over, "Report to Major Pinggu, we found that there is no one on the gentle slopes on both sides of Yangcheng Pass, and there is no sign of anyone in the woods!"

"No one? You mean... the Eighth Route Army isn't on either side?" Pinggu grasped the question and asked.

"Yes, Major Pinggu, more than 100 of them are stationed in Yangcheng Pass!"

"Yaoxi!" Pinggu put his hands behind his back, "This is really good news!" After finishing speaking, he let the devil go away.

Ben Dao came in, Pinggu quickly called him over, "Mr. Ben Dao, good news!"

"Good news? Mr. Pinggu, could it be that the commander has arrived at the predetermined location?" Motoshima asked.

"No, I just got the news that there are no people on the mountains on both sides of Yangcheng Pass. This gives us a chance!" Pinggu said looking at Bendao.

"Mr. Pinggu means that we quickly occupy the mountains on both sides?" Ben Dao asked.

"Honjima-kun, today will definitely not be a quiet night!" After Pinggu finished speaking, he took a sip of tea.

"Mr. Pinggu, what exactly do you mean?" Ben Dao was a little confused.

"I've decided that today I'm going to engage the Eighth Route Army at Yangchengguan!" After finishing speaking, Pinggu laughed.

However, Ben Dao was still at a loss, "Mr. Pinggu, I know you are good at using strategies, but I don't know, what will you do this time?"

"It's very simple. From now on, tell the soldiers to relax. There will be a bonfire at night, and everyone will eat meat and drink!" Pinggu said.

"Eat meat and drink alcohol? Tomorrow is Mr. Pinggu who is going to fight, so maybe this is inappropriate?" Ben Dao became puzzled.

"Mr. Bendao, you still don't understand what I mean. What I mean is, show the Eighth Route Army a show, let them fight, and then we take the opportunity to destroy the Eighth Route Army. This is the most interesting way to play. In addition, I will send people to Yangcheng Pass again. On the hillsides on both sides, if there is a chance to capture Yangcheng Pass, it will be a huge profit for us, go, order it, and make the soldiers happy tonight!" Ping Gu waved his hand.

Ben Dao immediately understood, "Mr. Pinggu, you are the best!"

"It's not time to praise me, Mr. Bendao, as for how many Eighth Route Army you can destroy, it depends on how realistic your performance is!" Pinggu smiled.

"Don't worry, Mr. Pinggu, tonight, I will send out the Eighth Route Army!" After speaking, Ben Dao left.


At this time, Lin Zhonghu was already on his way out. I dispatched 100 people to Lanuya, and then he and Mingzi went to Yangcheng Pass.

"Brother, did we go to Yangcheng Pass like this?" Ming Zi asked.

"No, you can't go in directly!" Lin Zhonghu said, "I know that there are gentle slopes at Yangcheng Pass twice, we can go there, and when it's critical, we're leaving to give the devil an unexpected surprise!"

"The brothers who were dispatched came back and said that the Devils have an artillery team. They are afraid that they will bomb Yangcheng Pass at that time, and then they will launch an attack. The Eighth Route Army should be in danger this time!" Ming Zi said.

"Not necessarily!" Lin Zhonghu said, "Mingzi, you got the news. Didn't the Eighth Route Army get the news? Will they watch the devils bombard them with artillery?"

"That's right, I hope the Eighth Route Army will get up and fight the devils again when they charge!" Mingzi said.

"On this point, I believe that the Eighth Route Army, they are all veterans who have experienced many battles, and they don't understand this simple knowledge." Lin Zhonghu said.

At this time, a little bandit came running over on a horse, "Brother!"

Lin Zhonghu stopped and looked at him, "What's wrong?"

"Brother, 100 people have already arrived in Lanuya. If they see devils, they will attack!" said the little bandit.

"Okay, that's good, as long as you give them enough space, the hundred brothers are very accurate in marksmanship, one shot at a time, for them, it couldn't be easier!" Lin Zhonghu said, "Let's go and see what is there There is no news, if there is a situation, please tell me in time!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, the little bandit got on his horse and went to Lannuya again.

"Now, it's up to us. As soon as we arrive, we will give an explanation to the Eighth Route Army!" Ming Zi said.

"Yes, what Ni said is right!" Lin Zhonghu said, "This time it is a real cooperation, we cannot make any mistakes here, as long as there are mistakes, it will ruin the whole trend of the battle, I think, the devil never thought , we will come together with the Eighth Route Army, Ming Zi, how long will it take to reach Yangcheng Pass now?"

"There are still two ways to disappear!" Ming Zi said, "Brother, do you want to take a break?"

"No more rest, two hours will be fine!" Lin Zhonghu said.

At this time, the sky began to darken, and then, a strong wind blew, and the sheepskin jacket in the forest was tightly covered.

They walked on the mountain road, and the big trees blocked a lot of wind. This is not a simple land!

(End of this chapter)

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