Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2604 I find a way to get food

Chapter 2604 I find a way to get food

When he was about to arrive at the scheduled location, a young man suddenly came over, "Brother, it's not good!"

Lin Zhonghu twisted his expression, "What's wrong?"

"Brother, there are ghosts on the mountain!" Xiao Luo said.

"There are devils, how did the devils get to the mountain?" Lin Zhonghu was incredulous, "How many devils are there!"

"Brother, there are about three NO.40 people!" Xiao Luo hurriedly said.

"These three NO.40 devils are on the mountain, what are they going to do?" Lin Zhonghu was a little confused.

Ming Zi hurriedly said, "Brother, it looks like we won't be able to reach Yangcheng Pass. If we force ourselves to go, I'm afraid the devils will find us!"

"No, let's not take the main road, we'll go through the small road on the mountain!" Lin Zhonghu said, "We don't know what the devil is going to do now, so we have to figure it out!"

"Brother, those devils are well hidden in the forest, the Eighth Route Army probably didn't even notice it!" said the young man again.

"Well, no matter what, we have to go, pass my order, give up all the horses, and follow me on foot!"

Everyone got off their horses one after another, letting the horses run wild.

"Brother, if we really want to go, what if the devils find us and exchange fire with us?" Ming Zi asked.

"If he dares to fight, we won't be afraid!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Yes!" Ming Zi didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he hurried up the mountain with Lin Zhonghu.

At a distance of 100 meters from the devils, they all lay in ambush.

"Brother, what are you going to do at such a short distance?" Ming Zi asked in a low voice.

"Mingzi, I'm worried, what special purpose these devils have, we have to figure it out!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, you retreat first, I'll figure out the devil's motives from here alone, it's not safe here!" Mingzi said.

"There is nothing safe or unsafe. As long as you can fight the devils, you can fight early or late. Don't be afraid!" Lin Zhonghu said.

The devil lay in ambush without moving, and even Lin Zhonghu couldn't see the shadow of the devil after watching for a long time.

At this time, the sky began to snow again, and the snow as big as a goose feather fluttered in an instant.


It was snowing, and Yang Fei inspected the trenches and other conditions again, and was quite satisfied. Li Mobai and Deng Qi rushed over, and then Yang Fei asked, "Battle Commander Deng, Commander Li, what else do you two have?" Is there any other request?"

"Hey, Captain, I don't need it anymore. The ammunition has just been sent by my fellow villagers. It is enough. I heard from them that they will send it again! So, I think we can win this battle!" Deng Qi said.

"Head Li, what about you?" Yang Fei asked.

"I have nothing, just wait for the devil!" Li Mobai said directly.

"Tonight, I'm afraid I'll have to work hard again everyone. At the post, everyone must keep their eyes open. Maybe the devil will come here tonight!" Yang Fei said.

"Regimental Commander, isn't this what it should be? Marching and fighting, these hardships are not suffering!" Deng Qi said.

"Commander Deng is right, we soldiers, can't bear this hardship?" Li Mobai said, "I think...'

"What? Tell me!" Yang Fei asked.

"If there are still landmines, we need to bury more. I don't know when this battle will last. It's not just us. Look, the bandits on Lanuya have arrived. At night, I don't know if they can Go on like this, Captain, to be honest, how long do you think this battle will last?" Li Mobai asked.

"I don't know either, let's see the situation! I don't think this battle will be over at once, but the devils will never let us take a breather. They just come, and I'm really not afraid of them!" Yang Fei said.

"What you said is, I hope, I hope we can beat the devils hard, solve the devils in Beihai quickly, and give everyone a peaceful living environment!" Li Mobai said.

"By the way, Captain, is there enough food?" Deng Qi asked.

"This..." Yang Fei naturally didn't know, what he cared about was the war, and food rations for so many people became a serious and urgent issue.

"I'll ask the political commissar and I'll tell you when it's over, but don't worry, I guarantee that every soldier will have food to eat!" Yang Fei said.

"No, no, I'm just asking casually," Deng Qi quickly explained, "Leader, I'm just asking casually, you don't dare to think too much!"

"I didn't think much about it, Battalion Commander Deng, you are right, and you reminded me very well!" Yang Fei said.

"I..." Deng Qi began to feel a little embarrassed now.

However, Yang Fei still patted him on the shoulder, "Battle Commander Deng, you go do your work first, I'll go find the political commissar!"

"it is good!"

Yang Fei turned to leave, and Han Qing hurriedly said, "Leader, someone just came over and said that the political commissar was injured!"

"Is the political commissar injured? How could he be injured?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"It was injured in the canyon, and it was cut by the devil's bayonet!" Han Qing said.

"Scared me, so that's the case!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he hurried to find Wang Wei.

When Wang Wei was found, he was loading bullets with many women at the mouth of the canyon. His hands were wrapped in cloth strips, but he was still very skillful throughout the episode.

"Political commissar!" Yang Fei went over and shouted.

Wang Wei glanced at him, then smiled, "Oh, Yang Fei, are you busy there?"

"Don't be busy, I heard that your hand was injured?" Yang Fei asked.

"Who is this who has already blown this wind to you? What's the big deal? Huh? It's okay, you go about your business, the whole episode will be over soon, I'll send it to you to think about it!" Wang Wei said.

"Enough ammunition, political commissar, I came here to ask you something else!" After speaking, Wang Wei stood up and walked aside with Yang Fei.

"Yang Fei, you can ask, what's the matter?" Wang Wei asked.

"Political commissar, I want to ask, how much food do we have? Is this food enough for us for two days?" Yang Fei asked.

Wang Wei was silent for a while, and then said, "Yang Fei, to tell you the truth, there is really not much food left. In the past few days, there has been more soup and less rice. The soldiers have opinions, and I know, but... now The situation is so hopeless!"

"I remember last time, I brought back a lot of food?" Yang Fei asked.

"You should know these days that the homes of the common people are gone, and all their food is here. Correspondingly, there will be no more food!" Wang Wei said.

Yang Fei nodded, "Blame me for being negligent, that's enough, political commissar, I understand! It's okay, I'll think of a way to see if I can send you some food!"

"Yang Fei, if you can't get out now, you can't get it. When we beat the devils, we won't have to worry about food, will we?" Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, don't worry, I'll find a way!" After speaking, Yang Fei left.

Han Qing chased Yang Fei, "Sir, what can you think of? Now, there are not many security teams outside, who else can I ask for food?"

In fact, this matter is very distressing. For Yang Fei, he should not have thought of a way for such a small matter, but this matter has come to this point, he has to think of a way. Without food, it is easy to lose the morale of the army.

What Wang Wei and Han Qing said made sense, he had no way to find food now.However, this matter cannot be delayed, "If there are grass roots and bark, that would be great!"

"Grass roots?" Han Qing shook his head, "How can there be grass in this snow-covered mountain, but trees, but there really are!"

"Yes, yes, let's get some bark! Mix it in the soup so that everyone won't be hungry!" Yang Fei nodded, "Han Qing, go and tell the political commissar that if the common people are free, let them They suffer!"

"Okay, sir, I'm going now!" Han Qing said, and left.

Gradually, the sky darkened, but the heavy snow would not stop as the sky darkened.

They danced lightly, swaying in the most moving poses in the air, and not far away, they saw flames.

The flames were jumping, meat was still roasting on top of the flames, the smell of meat wafted around, and a group of devils began to dance around the campfire.There are songs that people can't understand.

The bonfire is actually very big, but it looks a bit small when viewed from a distance.

It snowed at night, but there was little wind.

Those devils sang and danced, so that people in Yangchengguan not far away could see clearly.

"These devils, what are you celebrating?"

"Who knows, it's not a good thing at first glance, but I smell meat!"

"Me too, I haven't eaten meat for a long time! These devils really have everything, and the mountains are covered by heavy snow, and they can still eat barbecue!"

"If you can get it back, that would be great!"

"Take it back? I've heard that, Commander Yang won't let us go out!"

"Hey, it's a pity, the meat is gone!"

Da Guang heard it clearly, he really didn't expect that the devil could sing and dance.

Some fighters with sharp noses immediately smelled it, "This little devil is still drinking!"

But no matter what, it was impossible for Da Guang to let them go out!

"Okay, you need to have a stand on guard. When you win the battle tomorrow, are you afraid that you won't have barbecue? What does the devil not belong to us? Just grab it when the time comes!" Da Guang roared.

At this time, Hu Dahai came here suddenly, and then shouted at Daguang, "Daguang, come, the leader is looking for you!"

When Da Guang found Shen Wanxi, he found that Shen Wanxi's eyes were shining, as if he was going to eat him.

"Head, are you looking for me?" Da Guang looked at Shen Wanxi and asked.

"Haha, Daguang, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" Daguang asked.

"Can't you see that the devils are grilling meat at the bonfire, and how dare you say their defenses are tight?" Shen Wanxi said frivolously, "I think this is the devil that God gave us a chance to take down Xiaoyinpo in one fell swoop! As long as we are here If it succeeds, then we will be able to move to the east and fight with Yang Fei, don't you think?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Commander Shen, but Commander Yang said we can't go out!" Da Guang still insisted on this bottom line.

Shen Wanxi went over, holding Daguang's arm with both hands, "Daguang, people move to live, trees move to death, the living can't be suffocated to death by urine, right? Listen to me, you're right! Call the brothers up immediately, let's fight in one fell swoop!" Take down all the devils!"

"Head Shen, you plan to get all the brothers there?" Da Guang looked at him in surprise.

"We only have 100 people in total. How many devils are there? 500 people. To tell you the truth, it is difficult for 100 of us to defeat the 500 devils. But look, the devils are singing and dancing now. Their defense must be very lax, and it shouldn't be a problem for one person to beat five of them! Daguang, are you going or not?" Shen Wanxi's words were like an ultimatum.Let Daguang not be able to resist.

"No, you can't take all the soldiers away, you can harass them, but it's a bit difficult to eat 500 devils!" Da Guang frowned, with a determined look on his face.

Shen Wanxi saw Daguang being so stubborn, and felt a little emotional towards him.

"Da Guang, think about it carefully, is this an opportunity?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Captain, it's both an opportunity and a risk. If you see the devils singing and dancing on the surface, aren't you afraid that the devils are actually luring us out? If we all go out, the devils take the opportunity to surround and kill us. It doesn't matter if we lose our lives, but , Yangchengguan has been in the hands of the devils since then, and it will be very unfavorable to our battle situation tomorrow!" Daguang said, "Commander, I hope you can face up to the question, in this case, I will take people to harass, if there is danger , we will retreat, if the devils are really lax in defense, we will harass them and let them see the capabilities of our Eighth Route Army! What do you think?"

In fact, what Daguang said is not unreasonable, and Shen Wanxi can't act arbitrarily. It's very risky, as you know, we don't have many people, only 100 people, it's still unknown whether we can hold the Yangcheng Pass tomorrow, if we take another risk, something really happens, Yang Fei Bian Ke is passive!"

" this case..." Shen Wanxi still felt that it was necessary to give it a try, but Hu Dahai and Daguang disagreed, and he didn't dare to insist on his idea, so he could only say, "Okay, then go and harass me." one time!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Da Guang, "Then you take twenty brothers over there to take a look, and if there is any danger, come back quickly, we can't make mistakes!"

"Leader, don't worry, if there is any danger, I will bring someone back, I will spare my life!" After finishing speaking, Da Guang left.

Hu Dahai sighed, "Old Shen, if something happened just now if I listened to you, how would you explain it to everyone?"

Shen Wanxi still didn't take it seriously, "Hehe, something went wrong? You just expect something to happen? Fortune depends on misfortune, and misfortune depends on blessing. We might be able to take over the devil's headquarters, and the devils in Xiaoyinpo will be there from now on. Eliminated, isn't that good?"

"Old Shen, why did you become so self-willed?" Hu Dahai shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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