Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2605 Head, I'm going!

Chapter 2605 Head, I'm going!
The gate of Yangcheng Pass was opened, Daguang led twenty people out of the pass, and then quietly went to Xiaoyinpo.

The devils naturally noticed their every move, after all, they also had plans.

"Eat meat!"

"Drink! Come, drink!"

"Dance, keep dancing!" The devil danced, drank, and ate wantonly.

Da Guang led the people forward for a mile, and some soldiers asked, "Battle Commander, we are going to harass, but why do I feel that this place is so gloomy!"

"Yes, Battalion Commander, didn't Commander Yang specifically tell us not to let us go?"

"I know!" Daguang said, "But, this is also an opportunity, if we can kill a few devils, we will not be in vain!"

"Battalion Commander, we listen to you!"

"Yes, we listen to you!"

"Since you listen to me, then follow me! Don't be afraid, we are not at the end of the mountain, if we are really in danger, you all listen to me, and retreat directly to Yangcheng Pass!"

Daguang instructed.

When they slowly approached the small shady slope and the huge bonfire appeared in front of them, Daguang was surprised. He had never encountered such a bonfire.

"Did you see the devil?" Daguang asked.

"Yes!" replied the soldiers.

"Okay, since you saw it, do it for me! Everyone kill at least one devil for me!" Da Guang said.

"Commander, can you use a grenade?" A soldier asked.

"It works, why can't it work?" Daguang said.

"Okay, then I'm going to blow up the bonfire for him to make them happy!" After finishing speaking, the soldier took out a grenade and threw it towards the bonfire!

The fuse ignited at once.

"Be careful, there are eight ways!"

After speaking, the devils began to disperse.

"Boom!" An explosion blew up the bonfire and fell to the ground, each burning its last value.

"Hit, hit me!" Da Guang shouted, took a pistol and shot at a devil.

"Bang bang bang!"

Soon, Daguang received the devil's counterattack here!

You come and go for a while, Daguang felt that enough, and quickly shouted, "Brothers, listen to me, now start to retreat in an orderly manner!"

The soldiers bent over and slowly retreated.

Xiaoyinpo howled and screamed, as if he had been greatly attacked.

Yang Fei always felt a little strange when he heard this voice.

"Battalion Commander, did you hear that? We should have beaten the devil just now, but I think we can still beat him!"

"Yes, Battalion Commander, I think I can still fight!"

"Fart, let me go back, do you think the devil is easy to beat? If you shoot each of you, the devil will die?" Da Guang shouted.

Everyone has no choice but to retreat.

The more you feel that the attack is promising, the more careful you must be.

Daguang noticed.

No one came after me, which was lucky.

Looking at Xiao Yinpo behind him, Da Guang was relieved that the devils did not come after him.

At the gate, Shen Wanxi was a little disappointed. He pointed to Xiao Yinpo and said to Hu Dahai, "Look, the devils don't dare to fight back at all. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Should I tell you? Hu Dahai, we went to attack them at night, but they didn't dare to chase after them because... they were afraid of an ambush!" Shen Wanxi shouted.

"Old Shen, Da Guang is back, we have already scared the snake, so there is no need to go again, besides, didn't they also kill several devils?" Hu Dahai said.

"It's abominable to waste my thoughts!" Shen Wanxi clenched her fist and slammed it on the city wall.

"Old Shen, tell me, what should I do?" Hu Dahai asked.

"It doesn't matter if you fight, or if you don't fight, come back when you come back!" Shen Wanxi was a little unhappy.

Just as he was about to leave the pass, he suddenly heard a burst of gunfire, which was very close.

Hu Dahai immediately shouted, "Old Shen, look!"

Shen Wanxi hurriedly grabbed the crenel, the scene in front of him was something he would never forget!

I saw four No. 50 devils rushing down from the west slope, and they beat Da Guang's twenty or so people!
Because Daguang didn't know, four or five soldiers around him immediately fell down!

"Lie down!" Da Guang yelled, and seeing so many devils rushing down, he really felt that this was a joke made by God.

Seeing this, Shen Wanxi didn't dare to be in a daze anymore, and hurriedly said, "Hu Dahai, hurry up and take someone to rescue Daguang!"

"Yes!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he rushed out of the customs with four or fifty people.

Most of the devils who rushed down had small machine guns in their hands, and they kept shooting Da Guang in front of him.

Daguang didn't dare to look up.

"Damn it, how could the devil come down from here?" Although he didn't want to believe it, the devil really came down from there, and it gave him a lot of pressure!
At this moment, gunshots were heard not far away, "Bang bang bang..."

Seeing Hu Dahai and his men coming, Da Guang hurriedly said, "Comrades, just shoot me when you see the devil!"

"Boom bang bang..."

Bullet after bullet, you come and go, even if Hu Dahai brings people, it is also a rifle, and the devil's small machine gun has played a major role at this time!

Soon, Hu Dahai found that the soldiers around him fell down one by one.

He hurriedly found a cover, and then got down, "Get down, get down, and hit the devils when you see them!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da……"

The bullets sprayed out tongues of flame in the night.

Hu Dahai held a pistol and shot it with his instincts.

I thought, after getting so anxious, the devil would retreat.

However, what Hu Dahai never expected was that a swarm of devils rushed down from Dongpo at this time!
They started shooting at the backs of Hu Dahai's four No. 50 people.

"Da da da……"

All of a sudden, many soldiers didn't even have time to see Dongpo's devils, they had already died!
Shen Wanxi, who was closing the gate, never expected that more than 100 devils had already arrived!
He hurriedly prepared the rest of the soldiers for defense in the city.

He looked outside the city, and the devils on both sides kept approaching Hu Haihai and Da Guang.

What kind of threat is this?

Shen Wanxi was stunned, he felt cheated at the moment, he regretted not following Yang Fei's suggestion!
His mouth was trembling, and the gun he was holding didn't dare to fire a single bullet!
"Dog thing, little devil, old man... old man..."

Shen Wanxi shed tears, watching the devil approach Daguang and the others, and also watching the devil slowly approach Hu Dahai and the others!
Rifle against machine gun, there is no room for play!

Especially this kind of small machine gun is very suitable for close combat. This person is holding a small machine gun, and he is not afraid of anyone at all!

Seeing the devil approaching him, Daguang shouted loudly, "Come on, get the bayonet!"

The soldiers quickly mounted the bayonets, and rushed over with the devils!
Hu Dahai also met the devils coming, and hurriedly shouted, "Comrades, put on the bayonets, don't let the devils succeed!"

The bayonet was good, and the soldiers began to stab at the devil as if they were possessed by gods.

"Da da da……"

A shuttle bullet came over, and a group of soldiers fell down.

Hu Dahai gritted his teeth, "You little devil, I'll kill you!"

Hu Dahai brandished a machete, and based on his experience, he chopped down devils one by one.

However, the devil's machine gun "da da da" sprayed bullets, and these bullets were as free as money.

Daguang was fighting, and the soldiers surrounded Daguang in a circle, fighting the devils with bayonets everywhere.

"Why? Huh? Get out of the way, let me fight the devil!" Da Guang shouted.

He rushed out and fought with the devils!
The "da da da" bullets ejected from the chamber, and most of the bullets connected in a line hit the ground, but even if a few bullets hit the body, it would be fatal!


Only a cry was heard.

Daguang put his hands on his chest.

The soldiers hurried over, "Battle Commander, Battalion Commander, are you okay?"

"Comrades, hurry up and withdraw to the pass, every one can be withdrawn!" Daguang said.

"Battalion Commander, we will take you back!" the soldier shouted.

"No, no!" Da Guang shook his head and pushed the soldiers, "You obey my order, get out!"

After finishing speaking, Da Guang rushed towards those devils again!

"Da da da..." This time, all the bullets hit Daguang's body, and blood splashed everywhere, staining Daguang's clothes red, and the blood scattered on the snow, forming plum blossoms !

Plum blossoms are good, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold!

"Little devil!" Blood flowed from the corner of Daguang's mouth, "Grandpa, I was killed today, and in the next life, I will make you die!"

After finishing speaking, Daguang didn't know where the strength came from, and dragged his heavy body towards those devils again!

The bayonet in his hand stabbed a devil at once!
However, countless bullets "da da da" shot towards Daguang's body!

Daguang stood upright, the bullet pierced through his body, and the clothes on his chest were bloody.

The devil came over and kicked Daguang's body. With a "boom", Daguang still fell down!

"battalion commander!'

"battalion commander!"

The rest of the soldiers ran towards Yangcheng Pass!
Hu Dahai's four No. 50 people are very few left!
Right at this juncture.

Suddenly, bullets were fired from the mountain "bang bang bang".

The bullets pierced through the icy air and hit the devils who were breathing flames.

Accurate, fast and powerful!

Lin Zhonghu on the mountain ordered, "If you see a devil, hit me, and don't accidentally injure the Eighth Route Army!"

Ming Zi said, "Brother, don't worry!"

Go ahead, aim and launch, and with a "bang", it hit the devil again.

"This little devil, it turned out that he was fooled by the Eighth Route Army after waiting for a long time, hehe! The Eighth Route Army, it seems that this time is over!" Lin Zhong said with a sigh.

"Brother, if this is the case, why do we still help them?" Ming Zi fired a shot and then asked.

"You don't understand, even if the Eighth Route Army loses, you can't take advantage of the little devil. There is no contradiction between beating devils and making friends!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, shall we retreat after beating this devil?" Ming Zi asked.

"Withdraw? Don't withdraw. Since I promised the Eighth Route Army, I will fight for them. I don't want to be that dishonest person!" Lin Zhonghu looked at the situation at the foot of the mountain, and the devils began to retreat slowly.

"They are retreating, but they still have to fight, Ming Zi, aim for me, let the brothers aim, beat me to death!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm a bullet and an enemy! The little devil will cry when he sees me!" Mingzi smiled and continued to hit the devil.

Hu Dahai, who had been beaten for a long time, was still covered in blood. Just when he was about to die heroically, he found that the devils were retreating!
Watching the devils retreat, Hu Dahai fell to the ground with a wow, surrounded by their comrades, so many had died before the decisive battle!

Shen Wanxi was also stunned for a long time, he was speechless, he wanted to shoot himself to pieces!

The returning warriors cried out about Daguang's sacrifice!
This incident made Shen Wanxi blame herself even more!

All because of him!
It's all because of his arbitrariness, it's all because of his self-willedness!

"Commander, Commander, our Battalion Commander is dead!"

The soldiers cried out!
"Sacrificed?" Shen Wanxi's eyes went blank, and she fell to the ground.

The war that can't be forgotten for a long time is so cruel, and the things you can't think of are just like this. The ground is full of corpses of Eighth Route Army soldiers. Hu Dahai looked at them, his eyes blurred again.

He looked at the mountain not far away, and he should be able to guess that there are bandits on the mountain!

By the time Hu Dahai returned, his clothes had long been buried in blood, and his face and hands were all wounds!

His eyes were dull, and when he saw Shen Wanxi fell to the ground, he kicked him hard, "Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

He bent down and tore at his neckline with both hands, "Why? Why didn't you listen to Daguang, why didn't you listen to Yang Fei?"

When the soldiers found Daguang's body and carried it back, the soldiers couldn't believe it. It was Daguang's body in front of them, because they couldn't recognize it for a long time. It was still a person, it was just a puddle of meat up!

This is major trauma!
This is something no one wants to see!

Hu Dahai looked dull, "Go, tell Yang Fei that we have lost the battle!"

A soldier cried and ran out!

This night, they have experienced life and death in advance.

When Shen Wanxi opened his eyes and saw Hu Dahai in front of him, he got up quickly, "Old Hu, are you okay?"

Hu Dahai slowly moved his eyes to him, and punched him straight in the face, "It's all right? You said it's all right? Let's see if you can still find Da Guang !"

"Da Guang..." Shen Wanxi's nose was bleeding, and he got up quickly, "Look for a doctor, look for a doctor!"

Hu Dahai grabbed him by the collar, "He's dead! He's dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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